Exhibit A

0238-EX-ST-2002 Text Documents

Globalstar, L.P.


Globalstar, L.P.
Exhibit A


       Pursuant to Section 5.61 of the Commission’s Rules (47 C.F.R. § 5.61),
Globalstar, L.P. (“GLP”), manager of the Globalstar™ 1.6/2.4 Mobile-Satellite
Service (“MSS”) system (Call Sign S2115), requests special temporary authority
(‘STA”) to conduct a demonstration of the experimental terrestrial mobile
equipment described in Experimental License Application File No. 0104-EX-PL-
2002, filed on May 17, 2002 (“ATC Application”), currently pending at OET.


       As explained in the ATC Application, GLP has sought an experimental
license to conduct tests associated with a new ancillary terrestrial component
(“ATC”) of the Globalstar MSS system with mobile and base terrestrial stations.1
The tests will be conducted in Globalstar’s current service link bands. No other
operator will be affected by these tests.

      The transmitters to be tested under this program are Globalstar Terrestrial
Units (“GTU”) and Globalstar Base Stations (“GBS”). As described in the ATC
Application, the GTU will transmit in the band 1610-1621.35 MHz and receive at
2483.5-2500 MHz. The GBS will receive transmissions from GTUs in the band
1610-1621.35 MHz and will transmit to the GTUs in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz.

       GLP has requested authority to test the experimental GTUs in four U.S.
locations to validate their RF performance parameters in conjunction with those of
the GBS. The proposed program of tests will last approximately six months.

      The primary purpose of ATC is to improve the usability of MSS systems
within urban areas with large buildings and to indoor sites. Accordingly, locations
within and near four urban areas have been selected as test locations, including
New York City, Washington, D.C., and San Jose and San Diego, California. These
metropolitan areas will provide representative test locations to determine how the
GTU and GBS perform in the principal areas in which they are intended to be

   1 See Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by Mobile-Satellite Service
Providers in the 2 GHz Band, the L-Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Band, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 01-225 (Aug. 17, 2001).

Globalstar, L.P.
Exhibit A
Page 2 of 2

                                   Need for STA

        The mobile satellite industry, the terrestrial wireless industry, government
agencies, investors and consumers are all interested in the feasibility of ATC. GLP
is the first and only MSS operator willing to attempt a public test of the technology
on its own system. During the weeks of July 15 and July 22, 2002, GLP is prepared
to conduct a demonstration of its experimental ATC equipment in New York City,
Washington, DC, and San Jose. The technical parameters for the GTU and GBS for
these demonstrations are the same as those set forth in Application File No. 0104-

        The test locations will be the Tavern on the Green in New York City, Central
Park at West 67th Street, New York, NY 10023, the office of Crowell & Moring LLP,
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, in Washington, DC 20004, and GLP’s
headquarters, 3200 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134, which are all within the
geographic areas specified for the tests in the ATC Application. GLP plans to invite
officials of several government agencies as well as parties from the
telecommunications sector and financial community.

       We understand that the ATC Application is in the process of coordination
within the Commission and with other agencies. Completion of the coordination
process could extend beyond the desired dates for the demonstrations. The
Commission is currently considering the issues concerning ATC in IB Docket No.
01-185, and the timely presentation of additional technical information on ATC in
the record of the rulemaking proceeding could be important to those deliberations.

      Because the ATC Application may not be ready for grant by mid-July, GLP is
requesting this STA for the specified two-week period only. OET has completed
successful coordination of the same frequencies that will be used for the ATC
demonstrations, as indicated by the recent grant of GLP’s applications for
experimental airborne terminals (0028-EX-PL-2001) and experimental remote
telemetry units (0077-EX-PL-2002). No interference issues will be raised by the
ATC demonstrations in mid-July.

Document Created: 2019-02-14 13:35:17
Document Modified: 2019-02-14 13:35:17

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