Cover Letter (Apr 08, 1999)

0125-EX-PL-1999 Text Documents

Globalstar, L.P.


                                     CroweiL & Moring LciPp
                                       1001   PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W.
                                        WASHINGTON,   D.C.   20004—a595

                                                (202) 624—2800

                                          FACSIMILE (202) Gas—s116
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 Wirciam D. Wariace                                                                   invine, cauronnia ezeia
. (202) 624—2807                                                                           (7ia) 2638400
 +                                                                FACSIMILE (714) 2e2.8414

                                                 Aprfl 8, 1999                             teo rieet stheet
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       Federal Communications Commission
       Equipment Radio Services
       P.O. Box 858320
       Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5820

               Re:       Globalstar, LP. Application for Experimental Radio Station

       Dear Sir or Madam:

            Transmitted herewith for filing on behalf of Globalstar, L.P., is an original of
       an FCC 442 for authority to operate an experimental radio station.

               Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $45.00, made payable to the Federal
       Communications Commission to cover the necessary filing fee.

             An additional "File Copy" and a self—addressed, stamped envelope are also
       enclosed. It is requested that this "File Copy" be date—stamped and returned to me
       immediately in the self—addressed, stamped envelope.

              Should there be any questions regarding this matter, please communicate
       with this office.

                                                      Very truly yours,

                                                    t William D. Wallace


Document Created: 2001-08-25 13:21:23
Document Modified: 2001-08-25 13:21:23

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