Project Description v6

0017-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Globalstar, Inc


                                                                Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                                           2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                                       Boulder, CO 80301

September 26, 2017

FCC Office of Engineering and Technology
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

SUBJECT: TEMPEST-D cubesat mission (FCC application # 0573-EX-CN-2017)

Ms. Leann Nguyen,

Please find details on the TEMPEST-D cubesat mission included below.

Date license is required: December 1st, 2017
LV integration date: February 1st, 2018
Launch date: OA-9 March 2018
Date for initiation of on-orbit operations: NET 1 month post launch
Expected mission duration: 12 months

Principle Investigator for the mission.
       Point of Contact Name: Dr. Steve Reising
       Organization Name:        Colorado State University
       Address:                  B113 Engineering Bldg, Fort Collins, CO 80521
       Telephone Number:         970-491-2228

Technical point of contact for the mission.
       Point of Contact Name: Matt Pallas
       Organization Name:        Blue Canyon Technologies
       Address:                  2425 55th St. Suite A-200, Boulder, CO 80301
       Telephone Number:         720-458-0703
       *please also include Steve Reising on any relevant communications.

Point of contact who can terminate ALL satellite transmissions if interference is detected.
       Point of Contact Name: Scott Palo, PhD
       Organization Name:      Blue Canyon Technologies
       Address:                2425 55th St. Suite A-200, Boulder, CO 80301
       Telephone Number:       720-458-0703
       *please also include Matt Pallas and Steve Reising on any relevant communications.

Point of contact who can terminate ALL Boulder CO ground station transmissions if interference
is detected.
        Point of Contact Name: Scott Palo, PhD

                                                                 Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                                            2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                                        Boulder, CO 80301

       Organization Name:      Blue Canyon Technologies
       Address:                2425 55th St. Suite A-200, Boulder, CO 80301
       Telephone Number:       720-458-0703
       *please also include Matt Pallas and Steve Reising on any relevant communications.

Point of contact who can terminate ALL Wallops VA ground station transmissions if
interference is detected.
        Point of Contact Name: Thomas Johnson
        Organization Name:      NASA/GSFC Wallops Flight Facility
        Address:                Bldg U25, Wallops Is., VA, 23337
        Telephone Number:       757-824-2560
        *please also include Matt Pallas, Steve Reising and Scott Palo on any relevant

Point of contact who can terminate ALL Morehead KY ground station transmissions if
interference is detected.
        Point of Contact Name: Ben Malphrus
        Organization Name:      Morehead State University
        Address:                Space Science Center 235 Martindale Drive, Morehead, KY
        Telephone Number:       606-783-9596
        *please also include Matt Pallas, Steve Reising and Scott Palo on any relevant

Point of contact for conjunction alerts.
       Point of Contact Name: Matt Pallas
       Organization Name:        Blue Canyon Technologies
       Address:                  2425 55th St. Suite A-200, Boulder, CO 80301
       Telephone Number:         720-458-0703
       *please also include Steve Reising on any relevant communications.

Project Description
        The TEMPEST-D (Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems -
        Demonstrator) is a 6U CubeSat mission to provide risk mitigation for the six-satellite
        TEMPEST mission that will provide the first temporal observations of cloud and
        precipitation processes on a global scale.
        These observations are important to understand the linkages in and between Earth’s water
        and energy balance, as well as to improve our understanding of cloud model microphysical
        processes that are vital to climate change prediction.

                                                                 Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                                           2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                                       Boulder, CO 80301

       TEMPEST-D consists of one of the proposed TEMPEST 6U CubeSats, to raise the
       technology readiness level of the system to TRL 9 and to demonstrate its measurement
       The payload consists of a radiometer developed for the failed RACE mission and a High-
       frequency Airborne Microwave and Millimeter-wave Radiometer (HAMMR) IIP-10
       TEMPEST-D is a science mission lead by Dr. Steve Reising at the Colorado State
       University. The CubeSat bus is built and operated by Blue Canyon Technologies.

License Details
       The TEMPEST-D mission will utilize a Utah State University provided UHF Cadet radio
       that will operate at with a 15kHz uplink at 450MHz and a downlink at 467.5MHz with a
       bandwidth of 3MHz. We are requesting a 47 CFR Part 5 - EXPERIMENTAL RADIO
       SERVICE license for our uplink at 450MHz per footnote US87 in the NTIA MANUAL
       MANAGEMENT which states “US87 - The band 449.75-450.25 MHz may be used by
       Federal and non-Federal stations for space telecommand (Earth-to-space) at specific
       locations, subject to such conditions as may be applied on a case-by-case basis. Operators
       shall take all practical steps to keep the carrier frequency close to 450 MHz”. For the
       downlink, we are requesting operation between 465MHz and 470MHz which is a
       secondary allocation for the Meteorological-satellite service (space-to-EARTH) in the
       Federal Table and as such we expect coordination with NTIA is required. Additionally,
       per footnote 5.289 “Earth exploration-satellite service applications, other than the
       meteorological-satellite service, may also be used in the bands 460-470 MHz and 1690-
       1710 MHz for space-to-Earth transmissions subject to not causing harmful interference to
       stations operating in accordance with the Table”. BCT is aware of footnote US201 and will
       insure that the TEMPEST-D power flux-density produced at the Earth’s surface shall not
       exceed -152 dBW/m²/4 kHz.

       BCT is requesting temporary FCC authorization to use the FCC‐approved GSP‐1720 (FCC
       ID: J9CGSSDVM) to transmit from a space‐based location. The GSP‐1720 will be
       operating exactly as was approved during the FCC equipment approval process; it will be
       using exactly the same antenna, protocols, dynamic power control mechanisms,
       authentication, have exactly the same emissions characteristics, etc. as if it were
       transmitting from the earth’s surface.

Additional data required for applications requesting use of federal or shared government

       Spacecraft: TEMPEST-D
              Inclination: 52o [ISS]

                                            Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                      2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                  Boulder, CO 80301

Apogee: 400km
Perigee: 400km
Orbital period: 1.62h
Number of satellites in the system: 1
Number of transmitting satellites: 1
Number of transmitting satellites: 1

Transmitter #1 Cadet U/U
      Center Frequency: 468MHz
      Bandwidth: 3MHz
      3dB beamwidth: 100o
      Maximum Antenna Gain: 5dBi
      Polarization: RCP
      Maximum transmit power: 2W
      Modulation: OQPSK
      ITU emission designator: 3M00G2DAX

Receiver #1 Cadet U/U
       Center Frequency: 450MHz
       Bandwidth: 15kHz
       3dB beamwidth: 100o
       Maximum Antenna Gain: 5dBi
       Polarization: RCP
       Receiver Sensitivity: -97dBm
       Modulation: FSK
       ITU emission designator: 15K0G2DAX

Transmitter #2 Globalstar GSP-1720 [updated 2/8/18]
      Center Frequency: 1615.65 MHz and 1616.88MHz
      Bandwidth: 1.23MHz
      3dB beamwidth: 100o
      Maximum Antenna Gain: 0.5dBi
      Polarization: LCP
      Maximum transmit power: 2W
      Modulation: OQPSK
      ITU emission designator: 1M23G7DAF

                                                    Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                            2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                        Boulder, CO 80301

      Receiver #2 Globalstar GSP-1720 [updated 2/8/18]
             Center Frequency: 2483.5MHz to 2495MHz
             Bandwidth: 1.23MHz
             3dB beamwidth: 100o
             Maximum Antenna Gain: 0.2dBi
             Polarization: LCP
             Receiver Sensitivity: -100dBm
             Modulation: unknown
             ITU emission designator: 1M23G7DAF

Ground Station #1:
      Wallops Island, VA 23337
      37 51’ 21’’ N 75 30’ 43” W
      Altitude above MSL [m]: 4
      Antenna height above ground [m] : 18
      Elevation: 5-90o
      Azimuth: 0-360o
              Center Frequency: 450MHz
              Bandwidth: 15kHz
              3dB beamwidth: 2.9o
              Maximum Antenna Gain: 35dBi
              Polarization: RCP
              Maximum transmit power: 20W
              Modulation: FSK
              ITU emission designator: 15K0G2DAX
              Center Frequency: 468MHz
              Bandwidth: 3MHz
              3dB beamwidth: 2.9o
              Maximum Antenna Gain: 35dBi
              Polarization: RCP
              Receiver Sensitivity: -114dBm @ 1MHz BW
              Modulation: OQPSK
              ITU emission designator: 3M00G2DAX

                                                           Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                                   2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                               Boulder, CO 80301

Ground Station #2:
              100 Satellite Drive Morehead, KY 40351
              38° 11' 30.8" N 83° 26' 19.9" W
              Altitude above MSL [m]: 350
              Antenna height above ground [m] : 25.6
              Elevation: 5-90o
              Azimuth: 0-360o
                      Center Frequency: 450MHz
                      Bandwidth: 15kHz
                      3dB beamwidth: 2.6o
                      Maximum Antenna Gain: 32dBi
                      Polarization: RCP
                      Maximum transmit power: 50W
                      Modulation: FSK
                      ITU emission designator: 15K0G2DAX
                      Center Frequency: 468MHz
                      Bandwidth: 3MHz
                      3dB beamwidth: 2.6o
                      Maximum Antenna Gain: 32dBi
                      Polarization: RCP
                      Receiver Sensitivity: -100dBm
                      Modulation: OQPSK
                      ITU emission designator: 3M00G2DAX

Ground Station #3:
              2425 55th St, Boulder, CO 80301
              40°01'23.8"N 105°13'34.7"W
              Altitude above MSL [m]: 1600
              Antenna height above ground [m] : 4
              Elevation: 5-90o
              Azimuth: 0-360o
                     Center Frequency: 450MHz

                                            Blue Canyon Technologies
                                                    2425 55th St, STE 200 BLDG A
                                                                Boulder, CO 80301

       Bandwidth: 15kHz
       3dB beamwidth: 17o
       Maximum Antenna Gain: 21dBi
       Polarization: RCP
       Maximum transmit power: 500W
       Modulation: FSK
       ITU emission designator: 15K0G2DAX

Document Created: 2018-02-08 17:28:40
Document Modified: 2018-02-08 17:28:40

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