E-Mail generated [May 9 2016]

0311-EX-PL-2016 Correspondence

Georgia Institute of Technology


Douglas Young

From:                              Douglas Young
Sent:                              Monday, May 09, 2016 3:14 PM
To:                                'brian.gunter@aerospace.gatech.edu'
Subject:                           Request for Info - File #0311-EX-PL-2016
Attachments:                       DA-01-2435A1.pdf; example cr letters-latest.pdf;

This application requires a cost recovery letter and an ITU cover letter to submit the API SpaceCap file. The cost recovery
Public Notice and an example cost recovery letter are attached. In addition, a draft ITU cover letter is attached. The
applicant should provide the points of contact information mentioned in the ITU cover letter.

The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced application.
Failure to provide the requested information within 30 days of May 9, 2016 may result in application dismissal pursuant
to Section 5.67 and forfeiture of the filing fee pursuant to Section 1.1108.


    Federal Communications Commission                                               News Media Information 202 / 418-0500
    445 12th St., S.W.                                                                    Fax-On-Demand 202 / 418-2830
    Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                            TTY 202 / 418-2555
                                                                                               Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
                                                                                                                 ftp fcc gov

                                                                                                DA 01-2435
                                                                                            October 19, 2001

                               INTERNATIONAL BUREAU INFORMATION


        This Public Notice establishes the information needed for the implementation of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) satellite cost recovery program, as modified by the recent meeting of
the ITU Council (see http://www.itu.int/itudoc/gs/council/c01/docs/100.html).

        Satellite filings subject to ITU cost recovery charges include certain advance publication
submissions, requests for coordination or agreement (Articles S9 and S11 of the Radio Regulations), and
requests for modification of the space service plans contained in Appendices S30, S30A, and S30B of the
Radio Regulations that were received by the ITU after November 7, 1998. Advance publication filings
not subject to coordination procedures (generally non-geosynchronous orbit (NGSO) systems) that were
received by the ITU after November 7, 1998 are also subject to cost recovery.

         The applicant, licensee, or other entity associated with any ITU satellite filing that the
International Bureau files on its behalf is unconditionally responsible for paying these fees in a timely
fashion directly to the ITU. The FCC itself will not be responsible for these fees, and will require any
entity associated with an ITU filing to certify that it unconditionally accepts all cost recovery
responsibilities. Payment of these fees by the applicant, licensee, or other entity to the ITU grants no
right to the orbit or spectrum identified in the ITU filing.

          In order for the International Bureau to assist the ITU in implementing its cost recovery system,
all satellite entities that have network filings subject to the ITU cost recovery charges described above
must provide to the Bureau, within 30 days of this Public Notice, contact information for the entity
responsible for payment of the ITU charges. This information must include: (1) name of contact, (2)
name of company and office, (3) address, (4) e-mail address, (5) telephone number, and (6) fax number.
The point of contact may be a party other than the applicant or licensee, acting pursuant to an agreement
between the applicant or licensee and the third party in which the third party assumes responsibility for
payment of these fees. Whether or not an applicant or licensee identifies another entity as the point of
contact for payment of the charges, the applicant or licensee may be held responsible for all fees and

         The International Bureau and the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau will use this contact
information to ensure that the invoice is sent to the appropriate satellite network operator or its agent. In
addition to providing this contact information for all filings described above, applicants should note that
contact information must also accompany all relevant future filings. The International Bureau will submit
to the ITU the filings based on technical parameters contained in an application before the Commission
only after the International Bureau receives certification of unconditional acceptance of all cost recovery


                                                                                                                             An SES GLOBAL Company

      Diane Garfield
      Satellite Engineering Branch
      International Bureau
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12thSt. sw
      Washington, DC 20554                                                                                                                           John A. Nelsen
                                                                                                                                  Vice   President, Satellite Market Development

                                                                                    January 7,2004

       Dear Ms. Garfield,

       On December 18,2003, SES Americom filed an application for a replacement satellite at
       172 E.L.’ The satellite’s commercial name is “AMC-23.” Associated with the space
       station application, SES Americom requests that the FCC submit advance publication,
       and subsequently coordination and notification information, for ITU frequency
       coordination and notification of the space station. From communication with FCC staff,
       SES Americom understands that this ITU filing will be called “USASAT-60A.”

       SES Americom unconditionally accepts all cost recovery responsibilities associated with
       ITU filings for USASAT-60A at 172 E.L. Please address all correspondence relating to
       this obligation to me as follows:

       Address:                SES Americom
                               4 Research Way
                               Princeton, NJ 08540

       Email:                 j ohn.nelsen@,ses-americom.com
       Phone:                 609-987-4088
       Fax:                   609-987-43 12

       Please do not hesitate to contact myself at the above number if you need additional
       information, or Kim Baum of my staff at 202-236-1542.

       Best regards,

       John A. Nelsen
       Vice President
       Satellite Market Development
       SES Americom

         See FCC application for launch and operating authority filed December 18,2003. File number SAT-
       LOA-2003 1213-00358

SES AMERICOM, Inc   Four Research Way   Princeton   I NJ 08540 1 USA 1 tel(1) 609-987-4088 I fax (1) 609-987-4312 I john nelsen@ses-americom corn        www ses-americom corn

                         INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554
                  fax: +1 202 418 1208; TWX: 710 822 0160
                           e-mail: IBMAIL@FCC.GOV

                                                               IN REPLY REFER TO:


Atila Matas, Head of SPR
Radiocommunication Bureau
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20

     Subject: Advance Publication Information for the BisonSat
     Satellite network.

Dear Sir:
In accordance with the provisions of Article 9.1 and Appendix 4 of
the Radio Regulations, the Administration of the United States is
submitting a request for the Advance Publication Information of the
BisonSat satellite network.

Enclosed is a diskette containing an electronic copy using Space
Capture V.7 of the information for the BisonSat satellite network.

In addition we would like to provide the cost recovery billing
information under Agency code 528 in the Preface to the
International Frequency List (IFL) for U.S.A. commercial operators.
Cost-recovery invoices associated with this filing should be sent to
the following point of contact:

                    POC name
                    Salish Kootenai College

Technical questions regarding this submission should be directed to:

                    POC name
                    Licensee/Applicant Organization


We request that a courtesy copy of all correspondence be sent to our
Administration also.

Please acknowledge receipt of this information.

Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.


                                    Chief, Strategic Analysis and
                                      Negotiations Division
                                    International Bureau


            If replying by fax, reply to 1 202 418 1208 (preferred) or 1 202 418 0398 (alternate)

Document Created: 2016-05-09 15:17:18
Document Modified: 2016-05-09 15:17:18

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