Program of Research

0146-EX-PL-2002 Text Documents

Georgia Institute of Technology


                                       Exhibit 1
                                  FCC Form 442, line 7

Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) Indoor Wireless OFDM links
a. This proposal is in connection with a state-sponsored research project called the
Yamacraw Wireless Prototype, funded by the State of Georgia. The goal of this research
includes the design and development radio prototypes to demonstrate a high data-rate air
interface for indoor wireless communications. More specifically we hope to implement
appropriate technologies to achieve high spectral efficiencies, with a goal of developing
algorithms and architectures that can be extended to data rates approaching 1 Gb/s with
spectral occupancies near 100 MHz. For the experimental system associated with this
submission, however, the proposed spectral footprints will range between 6 MHz and 40
MHz due to equipment limitations. The waveforms to be employed by the radios will be
based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulations in a
TDMA/TDD system. Various antenna architectures are anticipated as the research
progresses, including single-input single-output (SISO), single input, multi-output
(SIMO), multi-input single-output (MISO), and multi-input multi-output (MIMO)
architectures. Attempts to maximize the spectral efficiencies and the data throughput
associated with the experimental system will be optimized through use of smart antennas,
space-time coding, low density parity check (LDPC) or similar coding, OFDM, and
associated processing algorithms.

The radios will be configured with the equipment indicated in Exhibit #2, with likely
upgrades as new boards become available. Anticipated upgrade boards for the next year
are included in the list. The radios are comprised of a number of VME-based subsystem
components that include single- or multi-channel RF receive front end configurations,
single- or multi-channel RF transmit front end configurations, wideband A/D and digital
downconversion boards, multiple quad DSP boards for IF and/or baseband processing,
and D/A and I/Q upconversion boards. The programmable nature of many of the
subsystems makes it very flexible in defining waveforms and processing algorithms for
leading edge research in communications.

The experimental set-up will be utilized for testing and demonstrations of the indoor
wireless air interface and associated prototcols between as many as four modems in an
indoor multiple access environment

b.      The specific objectives of the program are to integrate technologies associated
with smart antennas, space-time coding, LDPC codes, OFDM, MAC protocols, automatic
speech recognition, and system-on-a-chip design technologies to advance the state-of-the
art associated with the design of a fixed-wireless radio system having high spectral
efficiencies (e.g., 6 to 10 bits/s/Hz) that can potentially lead to data rates approaching 1
Gb/s (assuming an eventual 100 MHz footprint). While the prototype radios will only be
able to achieve a fraction of the desired rates, algorithms employed in the testbed will be

investigated in a system-on-a-chip architecture study to identify SOC architecture
yielding improved processing efficiency and performance.

c. OFDM-based waveforms have either been adopted or are under consideration for a
number of standards, including IEEE 802.11a, ASTM DSRC, IEEE 802.16a, etc. This
research, which will combine the collective efforts of approximately 20 faculty and 30
PhD students at Georgia Tech, has already resulted in contributions into the standards
development of 802.16a (submission of a preamble design proposal). The goal of high
spectral efficiencies (e.g., > 6 bits/s/Hz) is one that, if achieved, would help utilize scarce
spectrum resources in an efficient manner. Moreover, since the collective goal of
Yamacraw is to stimulate collaboration with industry, technologies developed from the
research would have a means for transfer to the commercial sector. Wireless testing and
demonstrations are key components in the development cycle and in soliciting
commercial interest in developed technologies.

                                                                      Exhibit 2
                                                                Equipment Description

The configuration of the Georgia Tech Software Radio Laboratory for the proposed
experimental set-up is illustrated in Figure 2.1. The relevant systems in the lab associated
with this application include software radio platforms, associated antenna subsystems,
software radio host/control PCs, and MAC application layer host PCs.

                                                 PHY Layer
                                                       (2 CH)

                                                                                      Antenna Subsystem
                Network Layer
                Application                     SOFTWARE
                Layer                           RADIO #1
                                                VME Rack System

                  PC System
                                                       (2 CH)                                                                             PHY Layer
            Support Software:                                                                                                                                          Higher
                                                                                                                                             RECEIVE                   Layers
                                            Bit 3/FPDP                                                                                      FUNCTION
            Code Composer Studio
                                                                                                          Wireless                            (2 CH)                  Network

                                                                                                                     Antenna Subsystem
            SWIFTNET TOOLS
                                                   SR1 PC                                                  Indoor                                                     Layer
            C++                                                                                                                          SOFTWARE             FPDP    Application
            ISE FOUNDATION                                                                                Channel                        RADIO #4
                                            •                                                                                                                         Layer
                                                                                                                                         VME Rack System
                                            •                                                                                                                           PC System
                                                PHY Layer                                                                                   FUNCTION
                Higher                                                                                                                        (2 CH)
                                                                                                                                                               Support Software:
                                                   (2 CH)
                                                                  Antenna Subsystem

             Network Layer                                                                                                                       Bit 3/FPDP
             Application                    SOFTWARE                                                                                                           Code Composer Studio
             Layer                          RADIO #3                                                                                        SR4 PC             SWIFTNET TOOLS
                                            VME Rack System                                                                                                    C++
                                                                                                                                                               ISE FOUNDATION
                PC System
                                                   (2 CH)
          Support Software:
                                          Bit 3/FPDP
          Code Composer Studio
                                                 SR3 PC

                         Figure 2.1. Software Radio Laboratory Configuration

Table 2.1 provides a list of the key components comprising the wireless radios for which
the license application is being made.

                                                   Table 2.1
     Key Components (including anticipated future components) Comprising the Experimental Wireless Radios

  Sub System           Component           Manufacturer       Model Numbers                Comments
                    Two-channel RF to       APCOM              1610 RB28 and        Receive-only 28 MHz and
                    baseband converter                          1610 RBC40             40 MHz (upgrade)
     RF RX                                                       (upgrade)
                      Synthesizer for        APCOM            1610-SYN-140C        Provides tunable LO for RF
                     Receive Channels                                                   downconverters
                        Two-channel          APCOM                                 Transmit only; 40 MHz max
                      baseband to RF                            1610 BRC40                     BW
     RF Tx               converter
   (Option 1)         Synthesizer for        APCOM            1610 SYN-140C        Provides tunable LO for IF to
                     Transmit Channels                                                    RF upconversion
                     Signal Generators        Agilent       Model 4433B ESG-        IF to RF upconversion (<20
     RF Tx                                                          D                          MHz)
   (Option 2)                                                Model E4438C           IF to RF upconversion (>20
                                                               (upgrade)                       MHz)
    Antenna         Straight 3 dBi stub      unknown            unknown                   Handset antenna
(Configuration 1)         Antenna
    Antenna           Beam-switched         Custom GT               N/A              Provides beam selection
(Configuration 2)      antenna array       design (See                                     capability
                                             exhibit 4)
                     Wideband Digital         Pentek          Model 1616 (26       Provides A/D conversion and
     IF Rx              Receiver                            MHz max BW) and          digital downconversion to
                                                            Model 6235 (50MHz         complex baseband; The
                                                             max BW) upgrade       model 6235 has an embedded
                      Quad Processor          Pentek         Models 4291, and         Quad processing boards
                         boards                             4291-330, and 4294      based on the TI C6701 and
  IF/ Baseband                                                                      also Motorola’s Altivec G4
   Processing                                                                      Power PC processors; For IF
                                                                                     and Baseband processing
                       FPGA boards            Pentek            Model 6250
                      D/A Conversion          Pentek            Model 6229          Digital to analog conversion
     IF Tx                boards                                                     and I/Q upconversion to IF
                                                                                      frequency; Max BW per
                                                                                     DAC channel is 12 .5 MHz
                     VME-based FPDP           Pentek            Model 6226             FPDP I/O channel (via
                       I/O boards                                                   parallel cable) from software
                                                                                       radio to application PC
                    PC-based FPDP I/O       VMETRO                 DPIO              Provides FPDP I/O link to
      I/O                boards                                                    the PCI bus in the application
                     PCI-to-VME I/O           Pentek            Model 4229           VME-to-PCI interface data
                           boards                                                         link with host PC
                          Raceway             Pentek            Model 6219          Provides high-rate data path
                    Interconnect boards                                               across multiple quad DSP
Data Collection     1GB and 2 GB buffer   Communication          6VDL2A                 High data rate buffers
                      Host Computers      Dell Computers     Dell WorkStations     Host development tools and
   Computers                                                                        control/programming of
                                                                                         software radio

                                           Application PCs               Dell                      Dell WorkStations                                                                                   Hosts the MAC and other
                                                                       Computers                                                                                                                       higher layers in the system

As shown in Figure 2.2, the GT software radio is configured for both receive and transmit
processing functions. Each software radio is implemented as a VME rack system
populated with COTS equipment to provide functions associated with RF down- and up-
conversion, analog-to-digital conversion, digital-to-analog conversion, IF processing,
baseband processing, and bitstream processing. A high data rate bus, called RACEWAY,
is shared between processing boards to facilitate data transfers at rates up to 160 Mb/s.
Each software radio is to be connected via an FPDP I/O link to a dedicated PC for the
MAC and/or application layers associated with the modem. A photo of a software radio
platform is shown in Figure 2.3.

                                                                                                                                                 Higher Layers

                                                                ILK-12 RACEWAY Interconnect
                                                                                                                                                                                          data link

                              RF Downconverter            A/D, WB DDC
                                                                                                                                                                          VME-to-PCI Interface Board

                                                                                                                                                                                                           PCI-to-VME Interface Board
                                    (2 channels)            and FPGA
      Antenna Subsystem

                                                          w/ Quad Power

                                                                                                   Altavec RISC Processors

                                                                                                                                                  Quad TI DSP Board and

 in                                                       PC or TI DSP                    FPDP
                              Programmable LO
                                                                                                                             Quad TI DSP Board

                                                             (2 channels)

                                RF Upconverter
                                   (2 Channel)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GB Memory

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Local CPU


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Local Bus
                                                                                                                                                  FPDP I/O

                                                          and Quad TI           FPDP
                              Programmable LO
                                                          DSP board

                              RF Segment                    IF Segment                            Baseband                                         Bitstream
                                                                                                  Segment                                          Segment

                                                            VME Subsystem                                                                                                                                                               Workstation

                          *Note: Design based partly on architecture proposed by Joe Mitola

                                          Figure 2.2. Software Radio Platform Configuration

Receive Chain

The receive RF front-end in each software radio platform includes a synthesizer board
and two downconversion channels. These RF boards, obtained from APCOM Inc.,
include capability to synchronously downconvert input RF frequencies up to 3 GHz.
The synthesizer board generates a programmable LO signal that is shared by the down-
conversion boards for synchronous operation. The down-conversion boards each
represent a separate physical receive channel with down-conversion circuitry, including
image rejection filters, low noise amplifiers (LNAs), filters, amplifiers, and mixers. RF
signals may be input to the receiver boards via cable connections from the outputs of the
RF channel emulators or other sources. The input signals are filtered in the receiver to a
spectral footprint of 28 MHz (40 MHz upgrade is pending), and are then down-converted
to a low IF frequency for analog to digital conversion. The selection of the IF is driven
by the A/D sampling rate associated with the A/D converters in the digital receiver
boards that follow the RF down-conversion boards. C-based programs were developed
to control the boards from the software radio (SR) host computers.

   Figure 2.3. Photo of the Software Radio Platform with a VME/PCI controller, a two-
   channel Wideband Receiver Module and a dual FPDP module mounted on a Quad TI

   C6701 DSP board, two phase-coherent RF downconversion channels with a shared
   synthesizer board, and a DAC/DUC board and dual FPDP board mounted on a Quad
   TI C6701 DSP board. The signal generator is used for IF to RF conversion.

The resulting IF signals are applied to the inputs of the digital receiver boards, where the
signals are prefiltered with anti-aliasing filters and are sampled with A/D converters at a
rates up to 105 Msamples/s. Signal bandwidths in excess of the desired 40 MHz signal
bandwidth can be sampled without aliasing. Following the sampling operation, the
signals are converted to complex baseband with digital receiver chips. The wideband
down-converters support output bandwidths up to 40 MHz. The digital receiver chips
have numerically controlled oscillators (NCOs), filters, and decimators for the down-
conversion process. Synchronous demodulation across as many as eight channels is
possible. If intermediate frequency (IF) processing is desired, such as for despreading or
digital downconversion, the digital down-converters can be bypassed and the sampled
signals output directly to an FPGA (on –board) or to a Pentek quad processing board.

Following down-conversion to baseband, the sampled signals are buffered to a quad DSP
boards for baseband and bitstream processing, which could include baseband
demodulation, decoding, and other processing functions. A RACEWAY interconnect is
available to support high data-rate transfers between quad processor boards. The
anticipated configuration will include four quad DSP boards and two quad Power PC
boards all connected to a RACEWAY crossbar switch. An FPGA board will be acquired
to support FPGA-based baseband processing. Following signal processing, the
demodulated data is passed through an FPDP I/O link to a dedicated host platform for
higher layer functions, or alternatively to a large (i.e., 2 Gbyte) memory buffer via FPDP
for signal storage and post collection processing.

Transmit Chain
The transmit chain is projected to include data framing, data transfer from the application
PC to the software radio platform, interleaving, FEC coding, space-time coding, symbol
formation, OFDM modulation, guard insertion, digital to analog conversion, and IF-to-
RF frequency conversion. Data from the application PC is streamed to a quad processing
board in the software radio via an FPDP I/O link. Baseband modulation processing can
be accomplished with the processing board and optionally with support from an FPGA
board. The resulting baseband real and complex samples are buffered to a DAC/DUC,
which performs digital to analog conversion, I/Q modulation, and upconversion to IF.
The resulting analog IF signal is input to an IF to RF converter. A signal generator or
dedicated VME-based transmit boards will be utilized for this function for the frequency
conversion and transmit functions. The RF transmit front end is to provide 2-channel

The specific operating characteristics of the prototype radios for the proposed
experimental license are indicated in Exhibit 3. Note that the experimental set-up

includes single and multiple antenna configurations with straight 3 dBi antenna elements
and a multiple antenna configuration with higher-gain beams derived from the Georgia
Tech beamswitch antenna array.

                                        Exhibit 3
                               Wireless System Attributes

       Frequency Band: 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz

       Emission Type: (See Section 2.201)

       Modulation parameters
             Block FFT size: 16 to 256
             Max number of non-zero subcarriers: 208
             OFDM Symbol duration: 0.32 us to 32 us (without guard interval)
             Guard Interval: 0.08 us to 8 us.
             Symbol levels: BPSK, 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, and 256-QAM
             Signaling Bandwidth (i.e., 3 dB Spectral Occupancy): ranges from 6.5 to
             40.6 MHz

       Antenna configuration:
             SISO: single antenna at tx, single antenna at receiver
             SIMO: single antenna at tx, multiple antennas at receiver
             MISO: multiple antennas at tx, single antenna at receiver
             MIMO: multiple antennas at tx, multiple antennas at receiver
             Max number of antenna elements in array: 4
             Antenna element types:         1) Straight “Rubber Duck” antenna
                                            2) Beams from beamswitch matrix

2.4 GHz straight Rubber Duck antenna

       Max RF Output power at Tx terminals:
            10 dBm (single antenna configuration)
            10 dBm combined power (assuming an array of omnidirectional antennas)

       Max ERP from Antenna:
            Max Antenna Gain: 2.2 dBi
            Orientation: Vertically Polarized
            Width of beam at 3dB points: Omnidirectional
            Mean EIRP: 0.0166 W (0.235 V/m @ 3m)

              Peak EIRP: 3.4 W [Based on PAP Ratio: < 23.2 dB (with < 208 non-
              zero subcarriers]

2.4 GHz Beamswitched Antenna:
      Max RF Output power at Tx terminals: 7 dBm per beam

       Max ERP from Array:
            Max Array Gain: 5 dBi
            Orientation: Vertically Polarized
            Width of beam at 3dB points: 13 degrees
            Mean EIRP per beam: 0.0158 W (0.229 V/m @ 3m)
            Peak EIRP: 3.3W [Based on PAP Ratio: < 23.2 dB (with < 208 non-
            zero subcarriers]

       Note 1: The maximum bandwidth may be achieved either through utilization of
       upgrade equipment that can support a 40 MHz signaling bandwidth, or
       alternatively employing up to four contiguous DAC subbands (see Table 2.1),
       each with maximum signaling bandwidths of 10 MHz.

       Note 2: The bandwidth determination is based on the OFDM symbol rate and the
       number of non-zero subcarriers. Zero padding of approximately 20 to 25% of the
       subcarriers will normally be applied.

Location of transmitter and receiver: The prototype radios will be used in the Georgia
Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technologies building, located on 14th street
near the campus of Georgia Tech. Testing will normally be conducted in room 543.
Demonstrations will also be conducted in the GCATT building but will not necessarily be
confined to room 543. Other more open spaces (e.g., auditorium, conference rooms, etc)
may be employed to accommodate crowds. In all cases, deployed antennas will be less
than 2 meters above the floor.

                                             Exhibit 4
                           Description of the Multibeam Antenna Setup
We consider an arrangement of four linear arrays in the horizontal plane, as shown in Fig. 4.1, where each
linear array is represented by a dashed line and serves a 90 degree sector. Each array will have 8 elements.
The beam mainlobes are shown in polar format for the array on the right.

The array weights are controlled by the Butler matrix, switch matrix and micro-controller boards, which are
under construction. Their diagrams are shown in Fig. 4.2.

The half-power beamwidth (HPBW) for a phased array is found by taking the difference in the half power
points. The equation for the half-power points is:

                                                 λ         2.782 
                                   θ h = cos −1      − β ±       
                                                 2πd         N 
Calculating the upper and lower half-power angles and finding the difference gives a HPBW of approx.

The antenna elements are patch antennas, vertically polarized, with directivity in the elevation plane of 4
dBi and directivity in the azimuth plane of 0 dBi. They have an efficiency factor of -4 dB, so the peak
element gain is 0 dBi.

The directivity of the array factor is 8, or 9 dB, because there are 8 elements. The beamformer and switch
matrix are expected to have an insertion loss of about 4 dB. Therefore the overall maximum gain of the
array in dB is the peak element gain plus the array factor minus the insertion loss, yielding about 5 dBi.

We would like to apply up to 7dBm of power to each of two selected beamports simultaneously to achieve
transmit diversity through space-time block coding. The EIRP for one beam, therefore, is 22dBm
(0.229V/m @ 3m).

                                                                                    shown only

Figure 4.1. Illustration of the mainlobes of the different beams formed by one of the four RF beamformers.

          AP 1        AP 2        AP 3          AP 4        AP 5          AP 6      AP 7       AP 8

                                            Butler Matrix
          RF 1        RF 2        RF 3          RF 4        RF            RF 6     RF 7        RF 8

                              17 dB         Λ         Switch                      17 dB
            8314                                                   8314
             Det             Coupler                  Board         Det          Coupler
                                         GND                                               GND

                             Switch                                              Switch
                                         +5 VDC                                            +5 VDC

                  +5 VDC                                             +5 VDC
          C1 C2 C3    -5 VDC                                 C1 C2 C3    -5 VDC
                                               Channel A (RF)                                     .
                                  Channel B (RF)                               .

          TTL (0-5 VDC)                           Λ            TTL (0-5 VDC)

      Μ    P-to-S        ADC

                                                                          Card Cage         ADC
                                         RS-232                                            Channel B

            DISPLAY                                                                         ADC
                                                                                           Channel A

Figure 4.2. Block diagram of a RF multibeam beamformer and its associated controller.
The beamformer comprises a Butler matrix board, a switch matrix board, and a
microcontroller. The microcontroller interfaces both the switch board and the DSPs in
the card cage.

Document Created: 2002-07-03 10:33:12
Document Modified: 2002-07-03 10:33:12

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