Description of Research Project

0138-EX-PL-2002 Text Documents

Georgia Institute of Technology


Exhibits for the Experimental License Applications of Prof.
Mary Ann Ingram of Georgia Institute of Technology
This document provides the exhibits as part of an application to the FCC for an experimental license to enable
Dr. Mary Ann Ingram, an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Georgia Institute of Technology, to conduct experimental research in wireless communications. Her general
research goals are to investigate new combinations of multi-antenna architectures and signal processing
algorithms to mitigate or exploit multipath propagation for spectrally efficient wireless communications. Since
the modeling of wireless channels, especially for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) channels, is a
subject of current intense research, channel sounding and over-the-air communications trials are critically
important to her research program as well as to the development of future wireless communications
technologies and standards.

The proposed emissions are in the 5.8 and 2.45 GHz unlicensed bands and are either CW or 802.11b
waveforms. In the case of CW waveforms, the proposed power levels are within the FCC Part 15 regulations
for the “Field Disturbance Sensors” category of emitters. In the case of 802.11b waveforms, the proposed
power levels are within the the FCC Part 15 regulations for “Spread Spectrum Transmitters”. For each
experiment, the type of waveform and the field strength or power level is indicated in a bold face font. The
proposed power levels are high enough to capture the small-scale fading effects of multipath channels with the
receivers that Prof. Ingram has. Adhering to the regulations of the “Any” category of emitters in these bands
would require such low transmitted powers as to prohibit accurate measurements with her current equipment.

This document describes 5 experiments, one at 5.8GHz and four at 2.4 GHz. Of these, the one at 5.8 GHz, an
indoor experiment to be described first, is the one for which she respectfully requests the soonest possible

Exhibit 1. Adaptive MIMO Element Locations for the 5.8 GHz Band
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channels have been demonstrated recently to provide unprecedented
spectral efficiencies in indoor environments by transmitting data streams in parallel. In this experiment, we wish to
adapt the element locations at both ends of an indoor link to further enhance its spectral efficiency. Most studies
about wireless MIMO channels assume that the element locations for a given link are fixed, and the objective is to
determine the excitations on the transmit antennas and the methods of combining on the receive antennas to optimize
the performance of the link (or links). Studies based on computer simulation promise improvements in Shannon
capacity (bits/second/Hz) of as much as 20% relative to the capacity averaged over all possible MIMO channel
realizations and almost 100% relative to the worst case MIMO channel realization. Because our setup has computer-
controlled virtual arrays at both ends of the link, we have the ability to vary all of the element locations to maximize
the MIMO capacity of the link. We would like to demonstrate the maximum improvements available over real
channels and develop efficient algorithms for realizing these improvements.

Spatial diversity can be achieved by combining multiple antenna elements, as in maximal ratio combining. Generally,
there is a trade-off between diversity and the number of independent, parallel streams. Adaptive movement of
elements is another form of spatial diversity; it has the advantage over combining that it does not imply a reduction in
the number of parallel streams.

To perform this experiment, we propose to identify the MIMO channel matrix response at a single frequency (CW)
in the 5.8 GHz unlicensed band for a given set of antenna element positions. A computer program will calculate the
theoretical capacity for the channel matrix and then calculate the next set of antenna element positions. Next, the
MIMO channel matrix response for the new element locations will be measured. This process will be repeated until
further element location changes do not improve the capacity.

The virtual array method uses just one transmit antenna and one receive antenna. Each antenna is moved to a number
of discrete locations corresponding to the locations of elements in an array. The single real antenna can be thought of
as “sampling” space. The measurement technique works as long as the channel is static while the antennas are
marched through their programmed positions. For this reason, we propose to perform the measurements between the
hours of 12am and 6 am to minimize human traffic in the building.

The Measurement System

As illustrated in Figure 1, our MIMO-channel measurement system is composed of two parts: (1) the HP85301B
antenna pattern measurement system, used to measure the channel frequency response, and (2) the actuator
positioning system, which emulates an arrays at both ends of the link by moving the antennas to arbitrary pre-
programmed locations. The actuator controller moves the antennas to a pair of specified positions, and then the
channel is measured. This procedure is repeated until all the desired antenna positions have been sampled. The
measurements will be conducted in the Georgia Tech Residential Laboratory (GTRL) on 10th street and the GCATT
Building at 250 14th street, both in Atlanta, GA.

The details of the components are listed in Table 1. The last column of the table lists the maximum rated outputs of
the components; these are not the values we are proposing to use in the experiment. Rather, we propose to apply 20
dBm to the antenna. Because the antenna gain at 5.8GHz is 2.6dBi, the EIRP will be 22.6 dBm (0.779V/m @ 3m).
Because the virtual array approach requires that the channel be static during the course of the measurements, all the
experiments will be conducted after midnight (12:00 am – 8:00 am).

At this power level, a person would have to put their body within 17 mm of the source for at least 6 minutes to exceed
the ANSI threshold for harmful exposure.

Each trial of the experiment is expected to take about 30 minutes. We plan to perform trials in many different
locations on the 5th Floor of the GCATT building and the GTRL.

Actuator Positioning System
Driven by three brushless motors, the actuators can translate the antenna through a volume of approximately 50cm ×
50cm × 7cm. The 7cm in the Z-direction ensures that the angles of paths arriving at nearly all elevations can be
identified. For convenience, a mobile platform is also prepared to move both actuator systems to various locations.
The design of actuator and mobile platform systems are demonstrated in Figure 2 and 3, respectively. The antennas
are mounted on plastic telescoping masts such that the receive antenna can be positioned at heights ranging from 4 to
5 feet from the floor and the transmit antenna can be positioned at heights ranging from 4.5 to 5.5 feet from the floor.

                                        50 meters

           Cart 1                        Cart 2
                                               HP8530               Cart 3
               HP83020A             Computer                       HP85301B

                                     HPIB Interface

Figure 1. MIMO channel measurement system.

                    Table 1. HP85301B measurement system specifications
  Component                 Equipment                      Functions & Specs
                                                  Frequency range              : 0.045 – 26.5GHz
                                                  Max. output power            : < 20 GHz,     +13
Transmit source   HP83631B synthesized sweeper    Resolution                   : 20-26.5 GHz, +10
                                                                               : 1 Hz
                                                  Frequency range              : 2 –26.5 GHz
                  HP87422 power supply and
Amplifier                                         Gain                         : 30 dB
                  HP83020 power amplifier         Max. output power            : 30 dBm
                                                  Frequency range              : 0.045 – 20GHz
LO source         HP83621B synthesized sweeper    Max. output power            : +13 dBm
                                                  Resolution                   : 1 Hz
                                                  Downconvert RF signal to IF band
                  HP85320A/B Mixers               Sensitivity                  : -113 dBm
RF                                                Dynamic range                : 89 dB
downconverter     HP85309A LO/IF distribution     1. Receive LO source and provide it to the mixers
                                                  2. Receive IF signals and send it to the microwave
                  unit                            receiver
                  HP 8530A microwave receiver     1. Synchronize and control the RF transmitter and
Microwave                                         the RF receiver
                  (HP85101C Display/Processor +   2. Receive and display the IF signal
                  HP85102R IF/Detector)           3. Send the data to computer
                                                  Type                        : Biconical
                                                  Frequency range             : 2-18 GHz
                                                  Polarization                : Vertical
                                                  Gain                        : 2.6 dB at 5.5GHz
Antenna (for Tx   EM 6865 omni-directional                                      3.5 dB at 17.0 GHz
& Rx)             wideband antenna                Max. power                  : 5W
                                                  VSWR                        : <2:1
                                                  Output impedance:           : 50Ω
                                                  Interface                   : Type “N” female
                                                  Weight                      : 1 lbs

                          9.53”       28.5”



          31.5”                         Y-Axis             9.29”


Figure 2. Three-dimensional actuator positioning system.



                      35.1” 27.1”


Figure 3. Mobile platform.

2. Experiments in the 2.45 GHz Band
We wish to conduct three experiments in the 2.45 GHz unlicensed band. The first two have to do with RF modulated
backscatter and the third one has to do with multibeam beamformers.

Exhibit 2.1 Channel Sounding for RF Modulated Backscatter

RF modulated backscatter (RFMB) has traditionally been used only for very low cost and low data rate transmitters
with either no batteries or batteries that must have extremely long lifetimes. RFMB is used for so-called “long-range”
(<20m) RF tags. Applications include labels for large shipping containers, electronic shelf labels, and automated
vehicle tolling. The purpose of the proposed experiment is to develop models for the large- and small-scale multipath
fading in the RFMB channel. Such models will facilitate improved communication system design.

RFMB operation is illustrated in Figure 4 and explained as follows. An off-board source (the interrogator) transmits
an interrogation waveform, which can be a CW wave or a frequency-hopped waveform. The interrogation waveform
propagates to the RF tag that uses RFMB and reflects off of the tag antenna. A simple diode switch across the
terminals of the antenna modulates the impedance of the antenna, thereby changing the reflection coefficient of the
antenna with time. When the switch is in one state, the antenna reflects and when the switch is in another state, the
antenna absorbs. The reflection or backscattered signal from the RF tag is therefore pulsed, creating an on-off keyed
modulated signal. This is how an RF tag can transmit digital data without a power amplifier. Of course, the
unmodulated wave from the interrogator reflects off of other objects in the environment, but the reflection from the
tag is only the reflection that is pulsed. If the diode switching function is simply a periodic square wave, then the
backscattered signal is amplitude modulated by a periodic square wave. The interrogator receiver can detect the
presence of the backscattered signal by tuning a narrow filter to the frequency which is the carrier frequency plus the
pulse repetition frequency, i.e. the first sideband.

                       Transmitter   Receiver

         Unmodulated                              Amplitude
         (CW) Wave                                Modulated



Figure 4. Illustration of RF Modulated Backscatter (RFMB)

 We wish to transmit CW interrogation waveforms for the purpose of channel sounding, specifically, to measure the
fading characteristics of the RFMB signal. Because of the two-way nature of this link (the interrogation waveform
propagating to the tag and then reflecting back to the interrogator), we expect the two-way fading to be the product of

typical one-way fades. As the product of two faded channel gains the RFMB channel gain can have very deep fades,
and we want to capture those fades to get an accurate estimate of the fading distribution. This is the main reason why
we are requesting a transmit power that exceeds the “ANY” category in the Part 15 regulations.

The measurement setup is shown in Fig. 5. For our reflection antenna, we will use the nearly omnidirectional antenna
on the electronic shelf tag (EST) from NCR’s DecisioNetTM system. The EST is modified to allow the antenna to be
switched continuously by an HP33120A function generator at a rate of 25 KHz with a 50 % duty cycle. The EST will
be attached to the side of a T-shaped fixture made of plastic. The unmodulated (CW) RF carrier (i.e. the interrogator
signal) will be transmitted by a patch antenna (ANP-C-116) in the suspended ceiling, indicated by Antenna 1 in Fig. 7.
The patch antenna has right hand circular polarization and a peak gain of 4 dBi. Antenna patterns are omnidirectional
in azimuth and hemispherical in elevation as shown in Fig. 6, in which the contour scale is 5 dB per division. The
peak power delivered to the transmit antenna will be 16 dBm, giving an EIRP of 20 dBm (0.577 V/m @ 3m).

At this power level, a person would have to put their body within 13 mm of the source for at least 6 minutes to exceed
the ANSI threshold for harmful exposure.

An active patch antenna, indicated by Antenna 2 in the figure, with a pattern similar to that of Antenna 1, will be used
to receive the backscattered signal. The active antenna includes the low-noise amplifier (LNA) HP INA-10386. Its
output signal will go to a modification of the DecisioNet ceiling base station (CBS), which includes amplifiers, a
mixer, and an eighth-order filter and which produces I and Q outputs. The local oscillator (LO) for the mixer will be
detuned by 1 KHz, in order to avoid signal cancellation and to get IF conversion, and the I output at 26 KHz will be
monitored on an audio spectrum analyzer. A computer will controll all instruments through GPIB and RS-232C
interfaces and collect data for analysis.

In the Form 442, we describe two “modulations” associated with this experiment, one for the “downlink” or
interrogator transmitted signal and one for the “uplink” or backscattered signal. The downlink is the unmodulated
segment of RFMB and the uplink is the modulated segment. The uplink signal is only a reflected signal, which is why
it is described as having such a low EIRP and the “power applied to the terminals” is left as “not applicable” (N/A).

                             Transmitter                          Receiver
                                          Direct path

                                 Downlink           Uplink



                                                                                   Modified CBS board

                                               RF signal

                   RF signal            Ref.

                        PC                     Spectrum                 Filter

Figure 5. The setup for measuring the fading characteristics of the modulated backscatter link at 2.45 GHz

Figure 6. Representative azimuth and elevation patterns for the patch antennas that will be used as the transmit
and receive antennas (at the top of the diagram) in the previous figure. The EST is the reflection antenna on
the RF tag, and is not used for active transmission.

Exhibit 2.2 RF Modulated Backscatter For An Agricultural Application

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the feasibility of using RFMB for interrogation of moisture sensors
deployed on the ground in fields. An illustration of the intended application is shown in Figure 7. Studies have
shown that significant amounts of water, as well as other substances such as fertilizer and pesticide, are applied only
where they are needed and in the amounts that are needed.

We want to test the strength of the RFMB backscattered signal when the tag antenna is on or very near the ground. To
this end, we propose to make a RFMB signal strength measurement on a grassy knoll on the Georgia Tech campus.
The interrogator transmit and receive antennas will be mounted on masts similar to those in Figure 4 at a height of 15
feet, which is the height of a typical pivot-type of farm sprinkler. The tag will be on the ground, with a horizontal
distance from the interrogator antenna up to about 10 m. The tag on the ground will emulate the transceiver on a
ground sensor. The tag antenna will be a patch with a gain of 4 dBi. The interrogator antennas will also be patches
with 4 dBi of gain. We propose to transmit a CW signal from the interrogator transmitter, with 20 dBm of power
delivered to the antenna, giving an EIRP of 24 dBm (0.915 V/m @ 3m).

At this power level, a person would have to put their body within 2 cm of the source for at least 6 minutes to exceed
the ANSI threshold for harmful exposure.

The experiment will be conducted for a variety of sensor locations on the ground. For each sensor location, the
measurement is expected to take 20 minutes (to allow for numerous small shifts in the locations of the interrogator
antennas to determine small-scale fading statistics). One outing in the field could take a few hours, and we expect that
we might have to make a couple of outings to refine our measurements.

                   Direction       Interrogator
                   of pivot        Antenna #1
                                                            Antenna #2

  Beamprints on the
  ground of the two Interrogator                  Sensor
  Antennas                                        (RFMB)

Figure 7. Illustration of the agricultural application of RFMB

Exhibit 2.3. Beam Pattern Measurement

We are building a multibeam beamformer to enhance the performance of indoor wireless local area networks.
Simulations of such a beamformer used on a receiver in an indoor environment show an 11dB improvement in signal-
to-interference ratio compared to an omnidirectional antenna, because the sidelobes attenuate the interference. .After
our beamformer is built, we would like to measure the beam patterns. We have determined that we can achieve
sufficient precision in the measurement if we use a highly directive antenna (a 20 dB horn) and mount both the horn
and the unit under test (the multibeam beamformer), respectively, on two masts approximately 4 meters high, on the
roof of the GCATT Bldg ( the building is 5 stories high). We wish to transmit an unmodulated wave at 2.45 GHz
through a 20 dB horn, as shown in Figure 8. The purpose of the horn is to minimize the degradation in pattern
measurement from multipath. We will place absorber on the roof where we expect the largest multipath to reflect
from the roof surface. The transmitted signal will be generated from an RF signal generator. The power received
through the beamformer will be measured on an audio spectrum analyzer. The power applied to the horn antenna will
be no more than 0dBm. The horn has 20dBi of gain, so the EIRP is 20dBm (0.577 V/m @ 3m).

At this power level, a person would have to put their body within 13 mm of the source for at least 6 minutes to exceed
the ANSI threshold for harmful exposure.

The beamformer will be on the receiver, which will be rotated using an automated turntable. We propose to do the
measurement during regular business hours. The estimated time required to measure all six beams of the beamformer
is 30 minutes. We wish to repeat this measurement several times, not all on the same day, for a number of different

                                            4.5 meters,
                       Tx                   minimum
            20dB                                             Rx          mounted on a
            Horn                                                         rotating


                                                 GCATT Roof

Figure 8. Beam pattern measurement setup.

Document Created: 2002-06-25 10:41:26
Document Modified: 2002-06-25 10:41:26

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