Answer to Q10 Amended Equipment List

0073-EX-ML-2006 Text Documents

Georgia Institute of Technology


                                                 Table 2.1
      Key Components (including anticipated future components) Comprising the Experimental Wireless

     Sub System        Component          Manufacturer       Model Numbers              Comments
                      Two-channel            APCOM              1610 RB28           Receive-only 28 MHz
                    RF to baseband              or                  and                     and
       RF RX          converter             Advanced          1610 RBC40 or          40 MHz (upgrade)
                                        Radio Concepts       ADV-3000T
                      Synthesizer for      APCOM or          1610-SYN-140C            Provides tunable LO
                   Receive Channels         Advanced              or              for RF downconverters
                                        Radio Concepts          ADV-3000S
                         Signal              Agilent           Model 4433B          IF to RF upconversion
       RF Tx          Generators                                ESG-D                   (<20 MHz)
                                                              Model E4438C          IF to RF upconversion
                                                               (upgrade)                (>20 MHz)
                           Power             OPHIR           Model 5802054             5 Watt Amplifier
Antenna                Straight 3 dBi       unknown             unknown                Handset antenna
Configuration 1      stub Antenna
                           Beam-           Custom GT              N/A                   Provides beam
Antenna            switched antenna     design (See                                 selection capability
Configuration 2          array            exhibit 4)
                           Sector           Superpass            SPLG12               Sector antennas with
Antenna                Antennas                               Or SPDG11T2        60 degree and 120 degree
Configuration 3                                                                          beamwidths
                                                                                      360 degree horizontal
Antenna                 5 dBi Omni                                                coverage, hemispherical
Configuration 4        Antennas             Wifi-Plus         WFP0200507              vertical coverage
                            3 dBi                                                     360 degree horizontal
Antenna             Magnetic Mount         HyperLink                              coverage hemispherical
Configuration 5        Antennas         Technologies        HG2403MGURW               vertical coverage
                      Dual Polarized                                                  360 degree horizontal
Antenna            Omni-Directional                                              coverage, 24 to 30 degree
Configuration 6        Antennas            SuperPass         SPDPG-40-H20             vertical coverage
                         Integrated                                                  Contains four internal
                   WLAN Switch and                                              180 degree sector antennas,
Antenna              Multi-Sector                              XS-3500 of        and one 360 degree omni
Configuration 7        Antennas              Xirrus         Similar Model                  antenna
                         Wideband            Pentek          Model 1616 (26               Provides A/D
        IF Rx       Digital Receiver                      MHz max BW) and          conversion and digital
                                                               Model 6235            downconversion to
                                                          (50MHz max BW)          complex baseband; The
                                                               upgrade               model 6235 has an
                                                                                      embedded FPGA
                           Quad              Pentek         Models 4291, and             Quad processing
                    Processor boards                      4291-330, and 4294       boards based on the TI
    IF/ Baseband                                                                C6701 and also Motorola’s
     Processing                                                                     Altivec G4 Power PC
                                                                                   processors; For IF and
                                                                                    Baseband processing
                      FPGA boards            Pentek            Model 6250
                           D/A               Pentek          Model 6229 or             Digital to analog
      IF Tx        Conversion boards                     Model 6228 (upgrade)       conversion and I/Q
                                                                                    upconversion to IF
                                                                                 frequency; Max BW per
                                                                                DAC channel is 12 .5 MHz
                                                                                   or 80 MHz (upgrade)

                  VME-based          Pentek         Model 6226      FPDP I/O channel (via
               FPDP I/O boards                                      parallel cable) from
                                                                     software radio to
                                                                       application PC
     I/O           PC-based        VMETRO              DPIO           Provides FPDP I/O
               FPDP I/O boards                                   link to the PCI bus in the
                                                                       application PC
                   PCI-to-VME        Pentek         Model 4229       VME-to-PCI interface
                  I/O boards                                       data link with host PC
                     Raceway         Pentek         Model 6219      Provides high-rate data
                 Interconnect                                    path across multiple quad
                    boards                                               DSP boards
System Clock        Rubidium      Symmetricon       Model 8040          Frequency stable
                    Clock                                               system clock
     Data         1GB and 2 GB   Communication       6VDL2A          High data rate buffers
Collection          buffer       Automation
                    Host         Dell Computers        Dell         Host development tools
 Computers       Computers                        WorkStations   and control/programming
                                                                     of software radio
                   Application      Dell               Dell           Hosts the MAC and
                    PCs          Computers        WorkStations   other higher layers in the

Document Created: 2006-06-27 13:30:27
Document Modified: 2006-06-27 13:30:27

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