E-Mail generated [Feb 12 2016]

0038-EX-PL-2016 Correspondence

Georgia Institute of Technology


To: Spencer David
E-Mail: david.spencer@ae.gatech.edu
From: Doug Young
Date: February 12, 2016

Subject: Request for Info - File #0038-EX-PL-2016

Our Spectrum Coordination Branch is requesting additional information. Please review the information
below and submit an exhibit that contains the data. Reference to the specific data descriptions can be
found in the NTIA Manual at http://1.usa.gov/1y9s0P6 under Chapter 9.

Please resubmit these records containing the following information:

1.) The type of satellite, geostationary or nongeostationary, (XAL and/or RAL).

A.) If any satellites are geostationary, report its latitude as 000000N (XLA and/or RLA) and report its
longitude (XLG and/or RLG).

B.) If any satellites are nongeostationary, report its inclination angle, apogee In kilometers, perigee in
kilometers, orbital period in hours and fractions of hours in decimal, the number of satellites in the
system, then T01, example, REM04 *ORB,98.0IN00510AP00510PE001.58H01NRT01, and for
space-to-space communications with another nongeostationary satellite add an additional *ORB for it
ending in R01, example, REM05 *ORB,72.9IN03209AP00655PE013.46H01NRR01.

2.) The satellite transmitter antenna gain and beamwidth (XAD), example, XAD01 16G030B.

3.) The satellite transmitter antenna azimuth (XAZ), narrowbeam, NB, earth coverage, EC, example,
XAZ01 EC or leave blank for space-to-space operations.

4.) The earth station receiver antenna gain, beamwidth, azimuthal range, the site elevation above mean
sea level in meters and the antenna height above terrain in meters (RAD), example assuming
nongeostationary, RAD01 16G030B000-360A00357H006.

5.) The earth station receiver antenna azimuth (RAZ), the minimum angle of Elevation, V00 to V90,
example, RAZ01 V00.

6.) The S note (S945 - This assignment supports a Cubesat or Nanosat satellite whose name is recorded
in circuit remarks field, e.g., *AGN,Cubesat, Alice or *AGN,Nanosat, Falcon.).

7.) The transmitter antenna orientation (XAP), example XAP01 J, and the receiver antenna orientation
(RAP), example RAP01 J, where J represents linear polarization. Other polarizations include H for
horizontal, V for vertical, S for horizontal and vertical, L for left hand circular, R for right hand circular, T
for right and left hand circular, E for elliptical and O for oblique angled crossed.

Transmitter parameters are needed for the space station and receiver parameters are needed for any
earth stations. The parameters needed are in Section 9.8.2 and include XAL, XLA, XLG, XAP, XAZ, XAD,

The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced
application. Failure to provide the requested information within 30 days of February 12, 2016 may result
in application dismissal pursuant to Section 5.67 and forfeiture of the filing fee pursuant to Section

DO NOT Reply to this email by using the 'Reply' button. In order for your response to be processed
expeditiously, you must upload your response via the Internet at https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/els/index.cfm
by clicking on the "Reply to Correspondence" hyperlink.

Responses to this correspondence must contain the Reference number : 31073

Document Created: 2016-02-12 11:03:56
Document Modified: 2016-02-12 11:03:56

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