Q4 Directional Antenna Information

0038-EX-PL-2016 Text Documents

Georgia Institute of Technology


                                          M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
                                           Model No: 436CP42UG

Model ......................................... 436CP42UG              Input Connector ..........................“N” Female others opt.
Frequency Range ....................... 430 To 438 MHz                 Power Handling ..........................1Kw (.5kW w/POL SW1)
*Gain .......................................... 18.9 dBic             Boom Length / Dia ......................18’ 10” / 1-1/2” To 1”
Front to back .............................. 25 dB Typical             Maximum Element Length..........13-1/4”
Elipticity ...................................... 1.5 db Typical       Turning Radius: ..........................95”
Beamwidth ............................... 21° circular                 Stacking Distance .......................68” High & 68” Wide
Feed type ................................... Folded Dipole            Mast Size ....................................1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced             Wind area / Survival ...................2 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH
Maximum VSWR ........................ 1.5:1                            Weight / Ship Wt. ........................7.5 Lbs. / 10 Lbs.

                                                  *Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd
         The 436CP42UG (Ultra-Gain) sets a new performance standard for UHF circular polarized antennas. Gain and F/
B are excellent. The boom length is matched to the 2MCP22, and together they form an unbeatable satellite
communications package. The extremely clean pattern maximizes forward gain and F/B. The pattern is important in order
to match the antenna’s noise temperature with modern low-noise preamps. The CP42 is also excellent for ATV, repeater
operation, and long haul tropo DX and EME around 432 MHz.
         The driven element and 'T' blocks are CNC machined, with connectors O-ring sealed for low maintenance and
long-term peak performance. Internal connections are embedded in a space-age silicone gel that seals out moisture and
improves power handling. The 3/16” 6061-T6 rod elements are centered in the boom to minimize interaction and maintain
low ellipticity. Insulators are UV stabilized and locked in place with stainless retainers. The central boom section is 1-1/2"
dia., tapering, front and rear,through 1-1/4" sections to 1" ends.If you are looking for rugged construction and top-notch
performance, For EME use, M2 can supply an optional polarity switch and parts needed to convert these to dual polarity
Yagis. Contact us for more details.

                           M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
                            Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
                                                ©2015 M2 Antenna Systems Incorporated                                        7/9/15

             436CP42UG ASSEMBLY MANUAL
TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY: Screwdriver, 11/32 nut driver or wrench, 7/16” and 1/2” socket or
   end wrenches, measuring tape.
1. Assemble the boom using 8-32 screws and locknuts to join sections. Use screw lengths 1/4" longer than the
   larger of the two boom sections to be assembled (1-/34" hardware for 1-1/2" boom section, etc.)

2. Lay out the elements by “H” length and position as shown the DIMENSION SHEET. Start with the reflector
   (longest) element. Balance it on your finger to find rough center and push on a black button insulator to about
   1/2” off center. Push the element through the holes 1/2" from the rear of the boom and install the second
   button, snugging it up into boom. DO NOT BOTHER CENTERING the element at this time and DO NOT
   INSTALL the stainless steel shaft retainers.
3. Install the 3/16” rod DRIVEN ELEMENT as you did the reflector. Then continue with the installation of the
   DIRECTORS. Note that the Director Elements do not consistently diminish in length from rear to front, so pay
   close attention to length and position.
4. Now begin centering the elements. Use a tape measure to EQUALIZE the amount the element sticking out
   on each side of the boom. Once you have all the elements centered, sight down the element tips from the
   rear comparing each side. Look for any obvious discrepancies and correct if found.
5. Stainless steel SHAFT RETAINERS lock the elements in place. They should always be used for permanent
   and long term antenna installations. For portable or
   temporary use, the button insulators are adequate for holding
   the elements and the retainers may be left off.
   To install the stainless steel SHAFT RETAINERS, use thumb
   and forefinger to hold the retainer over the end of the PUSH
   TUBE ( 3/8" x 3" tube, supplied in the kit), internal fingers on
   retainer dished into tube. HOLD THE ELEMENT FIRMLY TO
   retainer onto the element end and continue until retainer
   butts on insulator button. Locking pliers, lightly clamped up
   against opposite button insulator will help maintain center reference (if you push the first retainer too far,
   remove element from boom, push retainer completely off the element, and start over). Install another retainer
   to the opposite side of the element. Continue installing retainers until all elements are secured.

6. Mount the HORIZONTAL DRIVEN ELEMENT BLOCK / ROD ASSEMBLY to the TOP of the boom using a
   single 8-32 X 1-1/4" screw. Orient the block with the two balun connectors facing to rear.

             436CP42UG ASSEMBLY MANUAL
7. Install the 8-32 x 1/4” set screws (internal Allen head - tool supplied) into the SHORTING BARS. Slide the
     bars onto the 1/8" Driven Element Block Rods and the 3/16" driven element rod. Position the Shorting Bars
     as specified on the Dimension Sheet: the given distance is between the outer face of the driven element
     block and the inner face of the shorting bar. Align the bars and rods to each other and tighten the set screws.

Note: The vertical element set is shifted forward on the boom by 1/4 wave length.This increases isolation
   between element planes, improving circularity and ease of phasing / matching the two element sets.

8. Repeat steps #2 through #5 for the Vertical elements, using the Dimension Sheet as your guide to lengths
   and spacing.


9. Viewed from the rear of the boom (the Horizontal Driven Element Block), is to be mounted on the top of the
   boom. The VERTICAL Driven Element Block mounts to the LEFT hand side of the boom with the two Balun
   connectors oriented to the FRONT. Secure with 8-32 x 1-1/4” screw. Install the Shorting Bars as in step #7.
   Mount the 'T' Junction Block on the same side of the boom, just to the rear of the horizontal driven element.

10. Attach Baluns and Phasing lines to the Driven Element Blocks and Junction Block as shown on the drawing.
    Tighten the connectors gently using a 7/16" end wrench. A lot of torque is unnecessary. Depending on
    model and polarity, the Vertical balun may loop around another element. This is normal. Form balun coax
    until it is close to the boom and secure with a nylon cable tie. Also secure the other balun and the matching /
    phasing harness coax with cable ties. Ties should be snug but not crushing or kinking the coax.

11. Use good quality coax and “N” connector for your feed line (see Installation Tips). Secure feed coax near
    connector on Junction Block, to provide stress relief. Allow about 60” of coax to hang in a loop between the
    rear end of the boom and the reattachment point (at least 12” beyond element tips) on the mast or cross
    boom. Do not route feed line to boom to mast plate as exiting antenna here will adversely affect
    circular field.

12. A conventional flat plate was not used for this ultra gain CP antenna, because it severely affected the
    circularity and gain of this antenna. We found that a smaller angle plate bolted to the boom allowed the
    antenna to work up to its potential. We have drilled two sets of holes in the boom to attach the plate.
    If neither of these positions work for your particular application, feel free to drill your own two holes. Mount
    the plate with two 8-32 x 2” screws and tighten securely, 1/2” and 2” u-bolts are provided to match your
    mast/boom diameter. Be sure not to over tighten the U-bolts as this may damage your mast.

                                 THIS COMPLETES THE ANTENNA ASSEMBLY.

13. A circular polarized antenna creates a field in all planes or polarities. Performance DETERIORATES
    SIGNIFICANTLY if it is mounted on a metal (conductive) mast or cross boom. A mast or cross boom of any
    NON-CONDUCTIVE material must be used. Fiberglass is the prime choice for its strength and weather
    resistance. Mount so that element tips are at least 12” from any conductive material (mast, tower, feed line,

14. Recommended feed lines, in order of preference:
       Andrews or Celwave 1/2” hardline
       Times FM-8, LMR400, or Belden 9913 (We can highly recommend LMR400 because of its improved
       resistance to moisture and reduced weight.)
   Try to keep the cable run to under 100 ft. to prevent excessive signal loss.

15. If stacking two or more antennas, contact M2 specific stacking information

               ELEMENT SPACING                           ELEMENT LENGTH
                V         H                                H      V
                        REF 50                            1325                Shown FosrtionesFon
                                                         4.375 2PL            RIGHT   HAND CIRCULARITY

                        DE 625
             REF 7125                                    :zggo       1325
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             011750      aagis                B          mosr        1225
             24.937      27.437               5. mees                997
             34.062      3775        o            h      neas        11688
             44.375      as ts       Lt _                f1437       11625

             55.375        —         6                               11437
                         60.25       l
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                                         41375                       11.375
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             139.625                          »                      10813                ‘
                         145.937                         10.750
             152.562                          »                      10.750
                         158.562                         10.750
             165.188                          e                      10.750
                                              J _ 170
                         171125                          10.625
             177.75                           e                      10.625
                         183.588                         10.562
             190.313                          *                      10.562
                         195.813              e
                                                         10.688      10.688

                         207.813                         10.813
             214437                           *                      10.813
                         218.875                         11125
             225.50                           [+] _ me               11125
                                          NOT To SCALE

   DESCRIPTION                                                                 QTY.
   Boom section, 1-1/2 x .058 x 59" SBE ......................... 1
   Boom section, 1-1/4 x .058 x 42-1/2" SOE .................. 1
   Boom section, 1-1/4 x .058 x 46-1/2" SOE .................. 1
   Boom section, 1 x .058 x 31" STR ............................... 1
   Boom section, 1 x .058 x 59" STR ............................... 1
   Boom to mast plate, 4 x .125" angle (M2APT0063) ..... 1
   Elements, 3/16" alum. rod x (see dim. sheet) .............. 42
   Driven element block assembly ................................... 2
   `T' Block assembly (SADE0060) .................................. 1
   Balun, RG-6U halfwave length ..................................... 2
   Phasing line, RG6-U, 1/4 ............................................. 1
   Phasing line, RG6-U 3/4 .............................................. 1
   U-bolt and cradle, 2” ..................................................... 2
   U-bolt and cradle, 1-1/2" .............................................. 2
   Assembly instructions .................................................. 1

   Shorting bars, .75 x 1.532 x .250" mach. alum. ........... 4
   Button insulators, 3/16" black ...................................... 84
   Shaft Retainers, 3/16" ss .............................................. 84
   Nut, 5/16-18 ss ............................................................. 8
   Lockwasher, 5/16" ss ................................................... 8
   Screw, 8-32 x 2” ........................................................... 2
   Screw, 8-32 x 1-1/4" panhead ..................................... 3
   Screw, 8-32 x 1-3/4" panhead ..................................... 4
   Screw, 8-32 x 1-1/2" panhead ..................................... 4
   Set screw, 8-32 x 1/4" ss ............................................. 8
   Locknut, 8-32 ss ........................................................... 10
   Allen wrench, 5/64" ..................................................... 1
   Push tube, 3/8 x 3" (for keeper installation) .................. 1
   Cable ties, 8" ................................................................ 5

               M2 ANTENNA SYSTEMS, INC.
                      4402 N. Selland Ave.
                       Fresno, CA 93722
                 (559) 432-8873 Fax: 432-3059
             www.m2inc.com Email: sales@m2inc.com

Document Created: 2015-07-27 13:48:47
Document Modified: 2015-07-27 13:48:47

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