Excerpts from System Design Document

0823-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Georgia Institute of Technology UNP Mission RECONSO


             Telecommunications System Design Document
                              Version D


              Excerpts from
         System Design Document
                            Team RECONSO


    Telecommunications System Design Document
                         Version D

                   TEAM CONTACT
Team Member               Role                 Contact

  Jacqui Green       Program Manager     jgreen6234@gatech.edu

 Michael Lucchi       Telecom Lead       mlucchi@gatech.edu

  Angel David      Telecom Team Member    aarciagil@gatech.edu

Robert Ainsworth   Telecom Team Member   rainsworth6@gatech.edu

 Kreston Barron    Telecom Team Member    kbarron@gatech.edu

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              Telecommunications System Design Document
                                          Version D

Astrodev – Astronautical Development, LLC

COM – Telecommunications subsystem

Eb/N0 – Ratio of received energy-per-bit to noise density

FCC – Federal Communications Commission

LEO – Low Earth orbit

NUG – Nanosat user guide

RF – Radio frequency

SNR – Signal to noise ratio

Tyvak – Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, LLC

UHF – Ultra high frequency

VHF – Very high frequency

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              Telecommunications System Design Document
                                            Version D

       1.1.    INTRODUCTION

       RECONnaissance of Space Objects (RECONSO) is a student-led cubesat participant in

the current University Nanosatellite Program (UNP-8) competition supported by the Air Force

Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). RECONSO will place an optical payload in Low Earth

Orbit (LEO) to enable low-cost unqueued space object detection and tracking. Inertial bearing

and apparent magnitude measurement will be processed on-board and downlinked to Georgia

Tech for further processing and distribution. This data will directly support efforts to mitigate the

threat of space debris to national and international space assets by supplementing existing Space

Surveillance Network (SSN) sensors.


       The primary goal of the telecommunications (COM) subsystem is to downlink the

information gathered by the spacecraft and uplink all necessary commands and other information

to the spacecraft from the ground station. The link must have a strong enough signal to noise ratio

and a high enough data rate to transmit the data recorded by the spacecraft. In its current

configuration, the COM subsystem consists of an Astronautical Development, LLC (Astrodev)

Beryllium 1 S-Band Transmitter, S-Band Patch Antenna, and S-Band Bi-Directional Amplifier

for the downlink and a Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, LLC (Tyvak) UHF Radio Flight Unit with

a to be determined deployable UHF antenna system for the uplink. This living document will be

continuously updated to reflect to reflect the current status of the COM subsystem.

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                Telecommunications System Design Document
                                          Version D


       The telecommunications subsystem requirements are described below in Table 1. This

document will be continuously updated throughout the design process to reflect the manner in

which these requirements are satisfied.

                             TABLE 1: TELECOM SUBSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
COM           Telecommunications Subsystem
              The telecom subsystem shall provide bi-directional communication between
              RECONSO and the Georgia Tech Ground Station, or other authorized ground
COM-1         stations.                                                                        MO-4
              The telecom subsystem shall downlink object bearings, engineering data,
COM-2         telemetry data, and health information to the Georgia Tech Ground Station        MO-4
              The telecom subsystem shall be capable of downlink speeds of at least 9600
COM-2.1       baud                                                                             COM-2
              The telecom subsystem shall use any extra bandwidth to downlink images
COM-2.2       from the visible imager payload to the Georgia Tech Ground Station               COM-2
COM-2.3       The telecom subsystem shall maintain a link margin of at least 6dB.              COM-2
              The telecom subsystem shall receive commands only from the Georgia Tech
COM-3         Ground Station                                                                   MO-4
              All communication shall abide by ITU and FCC regulations. The RECONSO
              team shall obtain the necessary spectrum licenses for operating its space        NUG-
COM-4         segment radio communication equipment prior to FCR                               6.7

       1.4.     SYSTEM DESIGN

       The COM system consists of two additional subsystems: the uplink and downlink. In its

current form, the uplink consists of a UHF transceiver and a yet to be determined deployable

antenna system on the spacecraft and the downlink consists of an S-band transmitter, power

amplifier, and patch antenna.

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               Telecommunications System Design Document
                                            Version D


       To accomplish the requirements outlined in Table 1, different combinations of

transmitters and transceivers have been considered. The current design was motivated by two

driving characteristics: 1. The Georgia Tech ground station solely receives on S-band and

transmits on UHF frequencies, and 2. An S-band transmitter is necessary to achieve a high

enough data rate to transfer large quantities of data, including pictures, from the spacecraft to the

Georgia Tech ground station. Moreover, due to commercial availability of

transmitters/transceivers, we have specified that the downlink will comprise an S-band transmitter

while the uplink will comprise a UHF transceiver operating in a receive-only mode.

       A patch antenna will be coupled to the S-band transmitter/amplifier in order to maximize

the signal strength and data rate between the spacecraft and the ground station. In its current

configuration, the aforementioned S-Band transmitter and power amplifier will be coupled to an

Astrodev S-Band Patch Antenna. This antenna was selected due to its high gain, low cost, and its

ease of integration with the chosen S-Band transmitter. Furthermore, certain aspects of this

antenna, including the polarization and mounting substrate, will be customized to meet our

mission’s needs. Moreover, this antenna was selected primarily due to its high antenna gain, low

cost, and more importantly, its ease of integration with the chosen S-band transmitter. The

current iteration of the RECONSO link budgets validates the usability of these selections to meet

the COM requirements.

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                Telecommunications System Design Document
                                           Version D

           1.4.1.     TRADE STUDY 1: RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) BAND

       The first trade study for the COM subsystem analyzes different commercially available

RF bands. The most common RF bands for small satellites are S-band and VHF/UHF, both of

which have an assortment of available commercial components. Table 4 is a brief comparison of

these two RF bands.

                                   TABLE 4: RF BAND TRADE STUDY
                                       VHF/UHF                                S-band
  Frequency Range
                                         0.3-300                            2000-4000
                          Low power for antennas and              Transmitters have high power
  Power Required
                          transceivers                            requirements
   Link Data
                          Up to 200 kbps                          Up to 2000 kbps
Transmission Rate
Modulation schemes
                          Transceiver dependent                   Transceiver dependent
                          Lower frequency results in              Very small losses due to
                          rain/weather losses                     weather
                                                                  Components more expensive
                                                                  than VHF/UHF equipment;
                          Transceivers generally less             transmitters and receivers are
                          expensive than S-band transmitters      usually separate so two
                                                                  components must be
                                                                  Requires mandatory FCC
      Licensing           Depends upon chosen frequency           license to test and operate

       The single most important parameter driving the selection of the RF band was

compatibility with the Georgia Tech ground station, which only transmits in UHF and receives in

S-Band frequencies. This has the added side effect of resulting in higher available link data

transmission rates. As a byproduct of selecting an S-Band frequency, the RECONSO mission

will need to acquire an experimental FCC license in order to operate our selected radio equipment

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              Telecommunications System Design Document
                                           Version D

for both testing and during the actual mission.

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Document Created: 2014-11-20 17:02:04
Document Modified: 2014-11-20 17:02:04

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