Incoming generated [Apr 12 2017]

0212-EX-CN-2017 Correspondence

General Motors Research Corporation


From: Robert Reagan

To: Doug Young
Date: April 12, 2017

Subject: Request for Info - File #0212-EX-CN-2017

1.)   How an individual unit or multiple units can be shut off if there is a complaint of interference.

RESPONSE: In the event that an interference complaint is received, GM will take immediate steps to
resolve the interference. GM will have control of the units and of personnel who will have access to the
units and be able to disable them. Specifically, GM can disable the units by either disconnecting the units
from any source of power so they do not have the ability to radiate or through software deployed in all the
relevant vehicles that would turn off any ability of the units to radiate.

2.) How will GM maintain control of devices over the length of the experiment and retrieve devices upon
completion of the experiment or otherwise render them inoperative?

RESPONSE: GM will maintain control of the SRR units over the length of the experiment by tracking,
monitoring, and otherwise being responsible for each unit. Upon completion of the experiment, and
assuming continued SRR operations is not thereafter authorized, GM will render the SRR units
inoperative under one of the methods described in question (1), thereby preventing the units from

Document Created: 2017-04-12 09:29:21
Document Modified: 2017-04-12 09:29:21

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