Revision A Description and NTIA Info

0089-EX-PL-2016 Text Documents

General Dynamics


This device will be used for test support on Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Manpack
Radio equipment. It will be used as an Experimental RNSS Test Equipment for the
purpose of testing integrated GPS receivers.

The following RF analysis is for a GLI-METRO GPS Re-Radiator system, manufactured
by GPS Source, being installed in the General Dynamics Mission Systems (GDMS)
Roosevelt building. This GPS Re-Radiator system includes a receive-only antenna on the
roof which feeds an amplifier and a re-radiating passive antenna (+3dBi Gain) installed in
the specific area where a GPS test signal is required. Due to the high sensitivity of GPS
receivers utilizing these signals, the radiated power levels from these systems are
extremely low and range anywhere between -72 dBm (63pW) down to -85 dBm (3.2pW)

The GLI-METRO employs an automatic control to maintain the set output signal level.
This is regardless of the uncertain loss or gain in the receive antenna cable network. It is
smart enough to automatically condition the signal and prevent changes in performance.

Installation Location:
This particular installation is internal to the GDMS Roosevelt Building, Area R3219J.
The antenna will be mounted a minimum of 20 feet from the external wall of the
building. A building layout indicating the location of R3219J is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 illustrates the layout of the entire GDMS campus in Scottsdale, AZ. The entire
campus is controlled by GDMS Security.

Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power Calculations:
The EIRP calculations at 100 feet (30 meters) from the building are illustrated in Figure
3. The calculations are based on free space propagation loss only.

“Stop Buzzer” Point of Contact
The “Stop Buzzer” Point of Contact for this test effort will be:

                                 Sylvia Gonzalez – P29079
                             General Dynamics Mission Systems
                                    8220 E Roosevelt St
                                   Scottsdale, AZ 85257
                                       United States
                                    Tele: 480-675-1957

Figure 1 – Roosevelt Building 2nd Floor Layout

Figure 2 – General Dynamics Mission Systems Campus

       Component               Signal Level                                 Manufacturer                    Part Number                        Notes

GPS Signal Input (Pr)                  -130   dBm        (typical)                                                              -110 to -149 dBm (-130dBm typ)
Antenna Gain (Gr)                         3    dBi                   GPS Puck Antenna              Antcom
Rx Antenna LNA (G lna)                   30    dB
Cable Loss            (Lc1)              -4    dB                                                  LMR400-LLPL (-6dB/100ft)
                      (Lc2)              -4    dB                                                  LMR240-LL-PL (-10dB/100ft)
Variable Attenuator (L attn)              0    dB        (nominal)                                                              Self-Adjusting (Auto control)
Amplifier (G amp)                        30    dB                    GPS Source, Inc.              GLI-METRO RK                 Self-Adjusting (Auto control)
Re-Radiating Antenna (Gt)                 3    dBi                   GPS Source, Inc.              2.5" Passive Patch

GPS Transmit Power                      -72   dBm          EIRP                                                                 Self-Adjusting (Auto control)

Path Loss @ 120ft                     -68.5    dB                    Path Loss = 20 Log F (MHz) + 20 Log D (feet) - 37

EIRP @ 100ft from Bldg               -140.5 dBm/24 MHz                         1575.42             MHz                          Frequency L1
                                                                                 100               ft                           Outside Bldg
                                                                                  20               ft                           Antenna to Bldg Walls
                                                                                 120               ft                           Total Distance

Psig (EIRP) = PR + GR + GLNA + LC1 + LC2 + Lattn + Gamp + GT + LFS = -130 + 3 + 30 - 8 + 27+ 3 – 66.9 = -140.5 dBm/24 MHz

                                                             Figure 3 – EIRP Calculations

Document Created: 2016-02-23 10:38:13
Document Modified: 2016-02-23 10:38:13

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