Exibit 1

0080-EX-PL-2008 Text Documents

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies


Exhibit 1 – Narrative Statement

   a. The compete program of research and experimentation proposed including
      description of equipment and theory of operation.

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is seeking authority to operate an antenna
test range facility near its Newton, NC headquarters. General Dynamics SATCOM
Technologies designs, develops, and manufactures satellite communication antennas for
domestic and international applications. The Company specializes in providing high
quality, cost-effective antennas for both the two-way Very Small Aperture Terminal
(VSAT) marketplace and receive-only applications. Additional products include unique
special purpose antenna for such customers as NASA and defense contractors.

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is the leading supplier of satellite and
wireless communications products and services for video, voice and data worldwide.
SATCOM Technologies’ industry-leading brands, VertexRSI, Gabriel and Prodelin, offer
an exciting range of communications products.

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies will use the range to test and develop its line
of satellite communication antennas to a highly diverse and rapidly growing list of
customers worldwide. General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is committed to
continuous design improvements to meet the increasingly specialized requirements of
changing operating environments with cost-efficiency and innovation.

Additional information on General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies may be found at

Testing will be accomplished over a test path between a fixed transmit location and a
fixed receive location as illustrated in figure 1. The test range is located on a property
with is approximately 5 km East of Maiden, NC , and approximately 16km South-South
East of Newton, NC. Using suitable directional antennas, SATCOM will transmit
unmodulated carrier-wave (CW) test signals from the transmit tower location toward the
receive tower location. When transmitting, the antennas will always be oriented with the
main beam on azimuth 299-degree towards the receive tower location. Because this
application covers a wide range of frequency bands, General Dynamics SATCOM
Technologies cannot specify a single beamwidth for the transmitting antenna. The
maximum transmitting antenna beamwidth that will be used on the test range will be
24.6-degree at the lowest measurement frequency 300MHz. Much narrower beamwidths
may be used for testing at higher frequencies.

By monitoring the level of the CW signal received by the antenna under test at the
receive tower location, General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies will measure the
performance characteristics, including gain and radiation patterns, of prototype and
production sample antennas. Off main beam radiation pattern(s) will be measured by
rotating the antenna under test and recording the received signal level.

   b. The specific objectives sought to be accomplished

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies will perform measurements to establish the
gain and radiation pattern characteristics of prototype and production sample satellite,
microwave, and wireless antennas. As a major U.S. and world supplier of such antennas,
General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies must assemble extensive performance data
on its products and requires a test range facility to take the necessary measurements.

       c. How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of
       contribution to the development, extension, expansion, or utilization of the
       radio art, or is along a line not already investigated.

Sophisticated design techniques including the use of specialized computer software can
predict much about the performance characteristics of antennas prior to the construction
of prototype or the commencement of manufacturing new models. Nevertheless, far field
measurements on a test range are still a critical component of the antenna design and
manufacturing process. Design predictions must be verified, and specific radiation
patterns data must be gather to support customers’ needs. Test range measurements thus
represent a new line of investigation for any new or improved antenna product. Use of the
test range in the manner described will contribute to efficient spectrum utilization by
enabling the development of new antenna products with optimum gain and radiation
pattern characteristics.

Exhibit 2 – Environmental and MPE Certification

The antenna range does not fall under any of the categories of facilities that may have a
significant environmental impact under section 1.1307(a) of the FCC rules.
Because General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is applying to use effective radiated
power (ERP) greater that 100 W under Part 5 of the FCC rules, the test range
transmissions require environmental evaluation for human exposure to radio frequency
radiation under section 1.1307(b). General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies has
completed RF exposure calculation for the test range and certifies that the Maximum
Permissible Exposure limits of section 1.1310 will not be exceeded under the requested
terms of the experimental license. As required by section 1.1307(b), General Dynamics
SATCOM Technologies will provide its calculation to the Commission upon request.

Because the antenna range does not fall under any of the categories of facilities that may
have a significant environmental impact under section 1.1307(a) and the test range
operations will not exceed the Maximum Permissible Exposure limits of section 1.1310,
General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is not required to file an Environmental
Assessment (EA) as part of this application.

Exhibit 3 – Antenna Structure Drawings

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies is requesting license to use it antenna test
range facility near Maiden, NC. An antenna mounted on a Transmit Tower structure will
be used to emit test signal toward the antenna(s) under test mounted on a Receive Tower
structure. Figure 1 shows a drawing of the Transmit Tower, lists the geographic
coordinates and elevation of the tower location, and indicates the maximum antenna tip
height of 19.0 meters. Figure 2 shows a drawing of the Receive Tower, lists the
geographic coordinates and ground elevation of the tower location, and indicates the
maximum antenna tip height of 19.0 meters. Figure 3 shows a side view of the Receive
Tower. Figure 4 and 5 are the results for the Transmit Tower and Receive Tower,
respectively, of the Towair program available on the FCC web site. The Towair results
indicate that the proposed Transmit and Receive Tower structures do not require FAA
notification nor FCC registration.

This antenna range facility was previously licensed under the callsign, WC2XPH.
Application for a new license is requested as renewal of the expired license has been over
the 90-day renewal period specified by the FCC.

 Maximum Antenns Tip Height
                             m             Handrail. on two side only.

                  s2           EL        sgug
                  48‘                    15‘—0"

                  40‘ is                 15—0"

190 m



                  20‘ d                  15‘—0"

  |                     i<

                        5               |__—Climbing ladder
                        J                    (with safety climb device)

 +                 o                     15—0"

      Site Elevation = 303.7 m AMSL
       Tower Coordinates (NADE3):
                3534.07.0 N
              81—09—16.1 W

      Figure : Traninit Tower Drawing

                      MaximumAnterns Tip Helght ——————3—

                                                  Site Elevation = 302.3 m AMSL
                                                   Tower Coordinates (NADB3):
                                                          3530249 N
          iart sne motns surunon (riewe com uon           €1—00.55.7 w
          ax veore
Figure2: Ressive Tower Draving» Front View

       Meximum Antenna Tip Height

        Adsoasste ind
        win ge. hestrd                      \

                                                19. 0m

Figure 3: Receve Tewer Drawing Side View

 A routine check ofthe coontinates, heights, and structure type you provided indicates
 whether this struetire does or does not require registeation. Any "fail slope" result means
 that your structure requires FAA notifieation and FCC repisration. Ifallvesults are "pass
 slope‘,this meansthat the stricture does not requireregistation, based on the
 information you provided
 WARNING: Because the airport database we useis updated periodically, it does not take
 into sccount the most recent aiport consuction, nor does it include proposed airports.
 You stll mustregister with the FCC if your strcture i located near one oftheseairports
 or if the FAA spesifically asks you to registe— even iFyou "pass lope"in all instances...|
 Note: Use your Browser‘s printfmction to print your TowAirresults
                     i              I     Fz   es

T. |ar             bysenmhir
                   besesmhivram                howeseamimahe         fice       ooammmsisoes
 Eigure 4: TransmitTower Towale Resls

  A routine check of the coordinates, heights, and structcetype you provided indicates
  whetser this sructure does or does not requie registation. Any ‘fall lope" resolt means
  that your structure requires FAA notifcation and FCC registation. Ifall esultsare "pass
  stope‘, this means thatthe structure does not requireregisteation, based on the
  information you provided.
  WARNING: Because the aiort database we use is updated periodically, it does not take
  into «ecount the most recent irport construction, nor daes t include proposed airports
  You l must register with the PCC ifyour structure is located near one of these aitports
  or ifthe FAA specifically asks you to register — even you "pass slape" in all instances.
  Note: Use your Browser‘sprint function to print your TowAir resuts
                       THE NTTIAL NFORMATION ENTERED:
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   Figure : Reedive Tower Tevale Renit

Document Created: 2008-02-11 11:32:00
Document Modified: 2008-02-11 11:32:00

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