EXHIBIT B Radiation Hazard 2

0640-EX-ST-2004 Text Documents

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, Inc.


RF Radiation Safety Calculations
Spreadsheet Copyright by Tim Shroyer, TriPoint Global 2004
RF Safety Calculations based on OET Bulletin 65 for Parabolic Reflectors.

Calculations are based on Bulletin 65 Equations 11 through 18.

Input Values
Frequency of Operation                                                      14200    MHz
Reflector Diameter                                                             2.4   Meters
Gain of Antenna                                                               49.2   dBi
Input Power to Antenna                                                        2.17   Watts

Power Density At Antenna Surface
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 11)

Maximum Power Density At Antenna Surface =                                    1.92 W/m
Maximum Power Density At Antenna Surface =                                    0.19 mW/cm
Maximum Power Density At Antenna Surface =                                   -7.17 dBW/cm

Is this Compliant With Limits?
For Occupational/Controlled Exposure (5 mW/cm2)=                              YES
For General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (1 mW/cm2)=                       NO

Power Density in the Near-Field Region

Extent of the Near-Field =                                                   21.70 Meters
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 12)

Aperture Efficiency =                                                        0.653 Units
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 14)

On-Axis Near-Field Power Density =                                            1.25 W/m
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 13)                                                0.13 mW/cm

Is this Compliant With Limits?
For Occupational/Controlled Exposure (5 mW/cm2)=                              YES
For General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (1 mW/cm2)=                      YES

Power Density in the Transition Region

Beginning of Far-Field Region =                                             163.58 Meters
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 16)

Transition Region Power Density
 (From Bulletin 65 Equation 17)
In the Transition Region, Power Density varies from

                  Power Density =              0.13 mW/cm at    21.70 Meters
                  Power Density =              0.02 mW/cm at   163.58 Meters

Is the Full Transition Region Compliant With Limits?
For Occupational/Controlled Exposure (5 mW/cm2)=                 YES
For General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (1 mW/cm2)=         YES

At What Range Is Power Density Compliant With Limits?
For Occupational/Controlled Exposure (5 mW/cm2)=                 0.54 Meters
For General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (1 mW/cm2)=         2.72 Meters

Power Density in the Far-Field Region

Far-Field Starts at =                                          163.58 Meters
Power Density at the start of Far-Field Region =                 0.05 mW/cm
(From Bulletin 65 Equation 18)

At What Range Is Power Density Compliant With Limits?
For Occupational/Controlled Exposure (5 mW/cm2)=                16.95 Meters
For General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (1 mW/cm2)=        37.90 Meters

Document Created: 2019-10-30 18:42:57
Document Modified: 2019-10-30 18:42:57

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