SES AMC 9 Coordination Letter

0390-EX-ST-2005 Text Documents

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, Inc.


                                                          SESAAMERICOM                 An SES GLOBAL Company

 May 18, 2005

 Federal Communications Commission ~ International Bureau
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Subject: Engineering Certification of SES Americom

To whom it may concern:

This letter certifies that SES Americom Inc. ("SES") is aware of the application filed
by General Dynamics C4 Systems, Inc (°GD"), to access SES satellites AMC—9 at 83
degrees W.L. licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (°FCC"), using
Ku—band transmit/receive antennas that are not strictly compliant with the FCC 2—
degree spacing requirements for off—axis sidelobe gain. The SES AMC—9 satellite
provides coverage of the Continental United States (CONUS) from its orbital location
at 83 degrees W.L. Within the +/— 6 degrees orbital are from AMC—9‘, SES Americom
owns and operates the following satellites:

     e AMC—5 at 79 degrees W.L.
         AMC—16 at 85 degrees W.L. (operations to begin in the near—term)
         AMC—3 at 87 degreesW.L.

SES Americom understands that GD will be deploying an antenna manufactured by
GD/NertexRSI, Model $825—1100 in a transmit/receive transportable remote
terminals with a 60cm circular aperture. The proposed antennas are not compliant
with the FCC part 25 rules. These antennas exhibit their non—compliance in the
region from 1.0 to 3.0 degrees off axis from maximum gain in the transmit band, due
to the width of their main gain lobe. The amount of non—compliance is 8 dB in this
range of off—axis angle. The terminals are compliant with the side lobe pattern
requirements specified in Section 25.209 of the Commission‘s Rules for off—axis
angles starting at 3.0 degrees in thetransmit band. The off—axis EIRP values
generated by the terminal in thetransmit band are reduced to that of a compliant
antenna by decreasing the antenna flange power spectral density" from —14
dBW/AKHz to —29.3 dBW/4KHz.

These antennas are equipped with tracking systems which results in a pointing
accuracy of less than or equal to +/— 0.20 degrees. The maximum input power density

‘ There are no operational satellites at this time at 77 degrees W.L., and 81 degrees W.L There is no
operational satellite at 89 degrees W.L. also, but IA—8 is expected to be operational at this orbital
location on or after August 1, 2005.
2 47 CFR § 25.134


 at the antenna waveguide flange of —29.3 dBW/4 kHz stated above includes margin
 for a pointing error of +/— 0.20 degrees. Additionally, the terminal has a built—in feature
 of stopping uplink transmission if the pointing error accidentally exceeds +/— 0.2

 Furthermore, in order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites,
 SES and GD acknowledge that these antennas will be operated in compliance with
 the technical, operational, and performance requirements of Part 25 of the FCC rules
 and any requirements set forth in the licenses granted by the FCC for the above
 GDNertexRSI antenna. SES and GD acknowledge that the use of the GD/VertexRSI
 non—conforming antennas will not cause unacceptable interference into adjacent
 satellites in accordance with the FCC‘s 2—degree spacing policy and will accept
 interference from adjacent satellites at the same levels as that of an earth station
 employing an antenna conforming to the reference patterns defined in § 25.209 of
 the FCC rules.

SES Americom will do any inter—system coordination required within the satellites
operated by SES Americom. In the event that new satellites become operational at
orbital locations 77 degrees W.L. and 81 degrees W.L., SES Americom will do the
necessary inter—system coordination with the new satellites.

Slnce ely,                                           )

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Krish Jonnalagadda
Satellite Market Development, Manager
SES Americom

Acceptance by GD:

GD testifies that the information provided to SES Americom and reflected in this

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Affidavit is true and accurate to the best of GD‘s knowledge.

     Dynamic C4 Systems
By:         hmofisr P1. DKe0ree
Its:         Veew. Pssroun$

SES Americom, Inf. Four Research   (Way Prifecton   NJ O8sdl)   USA tel (1) 609—987—4062   fax (1] 609—987—4260   wwwses—

Document Created: 2005-06-27 14:58:44
Document Modified: 2005-06-27 14:58:44

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