Digital Link Budget Analysis

0390-EX-ST-2005 Text Documents

General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, Inc.


Digital Link Budget
Produced using Satfinder
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Service Name                          Richardson Test Satcom-On-The-Move
Coverage                              CONUS
Uplink earth station                  Dallas
Downlink earth station                Dallas
Satellite name                        Horizons 1

Link Input Parameters                 Uplink       Downlink            Units

Site latitude                         32.78N       32.78N              degrees
Site longitude                        96.80W       96.80W              degrees
Magnetic variation                    5.0E         5.0E                degrees
Site altitude                         0.1          0.1                 km
Frequency                             14.2         11.9                GHz
Polarization                          Horizontal   Vertical
Rain climatic zone (model)            E (ITU)      E (ITU)
Availability (average year)           95           95                  %
Water vapour density                  3            3                   gm/m3
Surface temperature                   23           23                  °C
Antenna aperture                      0.6          2.4                 metres
Antenna efficiency / gain             +37.3        +47.4               % (+ prefix dBi)
Coupling loss                         1.2          0.1                 dB
Antenna tracking / mispoint error     0.1          0.1                 dB
LNB noise figure / temp                            +65                 dB (+ prefix K)
Antenna noise                                      43                  K
Adjacent carrier interference         60           60                  dB
Adjacent satellite interference       65           65                  dB
Cross polarization interference       30           30                  dB
Uplink station HPA output back-off    2                                dB
Number of carriers / HPA              1
HPA C/IM (up)                         22                               dB
Uplink power control                  0                                dB
Uplink filter truncation loss         0                                dB

Satellite Input Parameters            Value                            Units

Satellite longitude                   127.0W                           degrees
Transponder type                      TWTA
Receive G/T                           2.0                              dB/K
Saturation flux density               -91.1                            dBW/m2
Satellite attenuator pad              1                                dB
Transmit EIRP at saturation           49                               dBW
Transponder bandwidth                 36                               MHz
Input back off total                  7.6                              dB
Output back off total                 AUTO                             dB
Intermodulation interference          AUTO                             dB

Carrier/Link Input Parameters         Value                            Units

Modulation                            BPSK
Required bit error rate performance   10^-6
Required Eb/No without FEC coding     10.53                            dB

Required Eb/No with FEC coding       2.8                             dB
Information rate                     2.048                           Mbps
Overhead                             0                               %
FEC code rate                        0.477
Spreading gain                       0                               dB
Roll off factor + 1                  1.2
Carrier spacing factor               1.4
Bandwidth allocation step size       0.001                           MHz
System margin                        0                               dB

Calculations at Saturation           Value                           Units

Gain 1m^2                            44.50                           dB/m2
Uplink C/No                          96.00                           dB.Hz
Downlink C/No                        98.59                           dB.Hz
Total C/No                           94.09                           dB.Hz
Uplink EIRP for saturation           72.71                           dBW

General Calculations                 Uplink     Downlink             Units

Elevation                            39.95      39.95                degrees
True azimuth                         227.07     227.07               degrees
Compass bearing                      222.07     222.07               degrees
Path distance to satellite           37782.47   37782.47             km
Propagation time delay               0.13       0.13                 seconds
Antenna efficiency                   67.37      61.35                %
Antenna gain                         37.30      47.40                dBi
Availability (average year)          95         95                   %
Link downtime (average year)         438.300    438.300              hours
Availability (worst month)           88.439     88.439               %
Link downtime (worst month)          84.456     84.456               hours
Spectral power density               -22.22     -5.83                dBW/4kHz

Uplink Calculation                   Clear      Rain Up    Rain Dn   Units

Uplink transmit EIRP                 46.17      46.17      46.17     dBW
Transponder input back-off (total)   7.60       7.60       7.60      dB
Input back-off per carrier           26.53      26.82      26.53     dB
Mispoint loss                        0.10       0.10       0.10      dB
Free space loss                      207.04     207.04     207.04    dB
Atmospheric absorption               0.09       0.09       0.09      dB
Tropospheric scintillation fading    0.08       0.08       0.08      dB
Atmospheric losses total             0.17       0.17       0.17      dB
Total path loss (excluding rain)     207.31     207.31     207.31    dB
Rain attenuation                     0.00       0.29       0.00      dB
UPC (or manual power boost)          0.00       0.00       0.00      dB
Uncompensated Rain Fade              0.00       0.29       0.00      dB
C/No (thermal)                       69.47      69.18      69.47     dB.Hz
C/N (thermal)                        2.35       2.06       2.35      dB
C/ACI                                60.00      59.71      60.00     dB
C/ASI                                65.00      64.71      65.00     dB
C/XPI                                30.00      29.71      30.00     dB
C/IM                                 22.00      22.00      22.00     dB
Eb/(No+Io)                           6.30       6.01       6.30      dB

Downlink Calculation                 Clear      Rain Up    Rain Dn   Units

Satellite EIRP total                  49.00    49.00     49.00     dBW
Transponder output back-off (total)   4.79     4.79      4.79      dB
Output back-off per carrier           23.73    24.01     23.73     dB
Satellite EIRP per carrier            25.27    24.99     25.27     dBW
Mispoint loss                         0.10     0.10      0.10      dB
Free space loss                       205.50   205.50    205.50    dB
Atmospheric absorption                0.08     0.08      0.08      dB
Tropospheric scintillation fading     0.06     0.06      0.06      dB
Atmospheric losses total              0.14     0.14      0.14      dB
Total path loss (excluding rain)      205.74   205.74    205.74    dB
Rain attenuation                      0.00     0.00      0.19      dB
Noise increase due to precipitation   0.00     0.00      0.42      dB
Downlink degradation (DND)            0.00     0.00      0.61      dB
Total system noise                    113.76   113.76    125.31    K
Figure of merit (G/T)                 26.74    26.74     26.32     dB/K
C/No (thermal)                        74.87    74.58     74.26     dB.Hz
C/N (thermal)                         7.75     7.46      7.14      dB
C/ACI                                 60.00    59.71     60.00     dB
C/ASI                                 65.00    64.71     65.00     dB
C/XPI                                 30.00    29.71     30.00     dB
C/IM                                  3.50     2.93      3.50      dB
Eb/(No+Io)                            6.11     5.62      5.94      dB

Totals per Carrier (End-to-End)       Clear    Rain Up   Rain Dn   Units

C/No (thermal)                        68.37    68.08     68.22     dB.Hz
C/N (thermal)                         1.25     0.96      1.10      dB
C/ACI                                 56.99    56.70     56.99     dB
C/ASI                                 61.99    61.70     61.99     dB
C/XPI                                 26.99    26.70     26.99     dB
C/IM                                  3.44     2.87      3.44      dB
C/(No+Io)                             66.31    65.91     66.22     dB.Hz
C/(N+I)                               -0.81    -1.21     -0.90     dB
Eb/(No+Io)                            3.19     2.80      3.11      dB
System margin                         0.00     0.00      0.00      dB
Net Eb/(No+Io)                        3.19     2.80      3.11      dB
Required Eb/(No+Io)                   2.80     2.80      2.80      dB
Excess margin                         0.39     0.00      0.31      dB

Earth Station Power Requirements      Value                        Units

EIRP per carrier                      46.17                        dBW
HPA power per carrier                 8.87                         dBW
Uplink power control                  0.00                         dB
HPA output back off                   2.00                         dB
Waveguide loss                        1.2                          dB
Filter truncation loss                0                            dB
Number of HPA carriers                1
Total HPA power required              12.07                        dBW
Required HPA power capability         16.12                        W
Spectral power density                -22.22                       dBW/4kHz

Space Segment Utilization             Value                        Units

Overall link availability             90.25                        %
Information rate (inc overhead)       2.0480                       Mbps

Transmit rate                           4.2935                              Mbps
Symbol rate                             4.2935                              MBaud
Occupied bandwidth                      5.1522                              MHz
Noise bandwidth                         67.12                               dB.Hz
Minimum allocated bandwidth required    6.0109                              MHz
Allocated transponder bandwidth         6.0110                              MHz
Percentage transponder bandwidth used   16.70                               %
Used transponder power                  25.27                               dBW
Percentage transponder power used       1.28                                %

Max carriers by transponder bandwidth   5.99
Max carriers by transponder power       78.20
Maximum carriers limited by:-           Transponder bandwidth [5.99 carriers]
Total transponder capacity              12.27                                 Mbps

Document Created: 2019-11-02 03:04:10
Document Modified: 2019-11-02 03:04:10

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