Exhibit 1

0118-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

General Dynamics-OTS, Inc.


                                                                             Exhibit 1

        1.       Introduction

         By the instant application ("STA Request"), General Dynamics—OTS, Inc. (GD—OTS)
requests that the Commission grant Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to permit GD—OTS to
operate the facilities (the "Facilities") specified in the instant STA Request. A STA is requested
in this case because the work referenced below is anticipated to be completed within six months
of grant.

        2.       Purpose of the Operation

      The testing specified in this STA Request will be conducted by General Dynamics
Dynamics—OTS, Inc., a business unit of General Dynamics. GD—OTS, a major producer of
radomes for the Armed Forces of the United States, manufactures radomes for varied customers.

       In general, the testing performed at the Marion Test Range Facilities in Marion, VA
involves active, radiating testing related to GD—OTS* contracts with various defense contractors
and the United States Government for the development, manufacture, characterization, and
acceptance testing of military and commercial radomes. The testing at the Marion Test Facilities
is a critical part of the development and manufacture of military radomes supplied to the Armed
Forces of the United States.

       This specific STA Request applies to the manufacture of radomes for a commercial
customer as well as internal range development and characterization. Although the internal
range development and characterization activities are not associated with any particular contract,
such internal experimental use is essential to demonstrate and verify our ability to meet the needs
required of our customers. It is critical for GD—OTS that this range be granted a license to radiate
on this basis.

         GD—OTS is aware that the Commission and/or other stakeholders are likely to identify
carve out frequencies and bands within the requested bands; this license application does not
seek authorization to radiate in those restricted areas. GD—OTP wishes to obtain permission to
operate over as much of the requested frequency range as possible while minimizing difficulties
in obtaining authorization. Satellite Communication systems operate over wide bands and GD—
OTS needs the ability to evaluate and characterize our range through as much of the requested
frequency range as possible in order to be able to support our customers‘ testing. In this regard,
it is noted that GD—OTS has commenced the process of obtaining frequency coordination with
respect to Part 101 microwave operations in the area.

        3.       Other Issues

                 A.     Transmitting Equipment

                      Manufacturer             Model         Band     Experimental
                 Microwave Power, Inc.       L0O618—32         1            Yes
                        Agilent             MXQ Analog         1            No

               B.      Directionality/Orientation of Antenna

                        Transmitting            Elevation             Azimuth
                          Location              (Vertical)          (Horizontal)
                        Subtower TX                 0°                  207° SSW

                       3dB Beamwidth of Antenna (widest beam/worst case)**

                                  3dB BW E               30B BW H
                                   (Vertical)            (Horizontal)
                                        4°                   4°

               C.      Prevention of Interference

         GD—OTS hereby advises the Commission that the tests to be conducted under the
requested Commission authorization are to be conducted on GD—OTS* Marion, Virginia
facilities. The test range is designed such that the transmitting antenna is pointed directly at the
radome under test which is located 300 feet away on an elevated roofed porch with three walls.
The radiated 3 dB beamwidth of the subtower transmit antenna is primarily contained within the
porch area for most of the operating band. The range is located in a low area surrounded mostly
by hills and trees. Please refer to the attached diagram (Figure 1) for the range configuration.

        Although the ERP entered in our application gives the impression of higher power, the
actual power into the transmit antenna is only about 1 watt. The ERP is deceptive because we are
using an antenna with a very narrow beamwidth (approximately 31 dBi gain at 12 GHz).** By
using a narrow beam antenna, we are greatly reducing the emissions in all directions except
where we are measuring. The narrow beam of our antenna reduces our stray emissions greatly. It
should be noted also that the ERP entered in our submission is for the worst case of the highest
frequency/narrowest beamwidth.

               D.      Stop Buzzer

        The range shift supervisor, Gerald Hicks, will be personally supervising the testing and
will be available by telephone at (276) 783—9825. Mr. Hicks will act as a "stop buzzer" if any
issues regarding interference arise during testing.

       For the foregoing reasons, review and approval of this STA Request are in the public
interest, convenience, and necessity.

** Approximate calculated value

            Radar 3 Range                              13

                                                            R              I


                Top View

                                    o2         27
                                    ~                                 —i
     Receive at Radome Under Test
                                          t 13‘>

               Side View

                                         Drawing not to scale

                Figure 1

                                                                               NTIA TRANSMIT ANTENNA DATA

                                                                                          TX                                                                                                               TRANSMIT
                                                                                       ANTENNA        GROUND           GROUND             TRANSMIT                  TRANSMIT               TRANSMIT        ANTENNA
                                                                        RANGE            oPS          ALTETUDE         ALTITUDE           ANTENNA                   ANTENNA                ANTENNA         VERTICAL
                                          RANGE                        LENGTH          APPROX          AT TX            AT TX             LOCATION                  LOCATION                POINTING        POINTING
                                                                        (Feet)         ALTITUDE       ANTENNA          ANTENNA            LATITUDE                 LONGITUDE               DIRECTION       DIRECTION
                                                                                                         (feet)         (meters)      (NAD 83 Format)           (NAD 83 Format)         (GPS Degrees)       (Degrees
                                                                                          (feet)                                                                                                          Bubble Level)

                       RADAR 3 RANGE (Subtower TX)                          300           2175           2153             656           N36° 50‘ 3"             wW81° 30° 27"            207° SSW              0°

                                                                       NTIA TRANSMIT

                                              Amenka  avvenga
                                              NOMINAL NOMINAL
                                                                        P246dogreds                 NTIA XAD Fieta:        NTiAXAD Fiela:       «RNTHACNDSCK_
                                                                                                                                                                        NTIA XAD Fiei:
                                                                                                                                                                       Antenna Height in                  Complete NTIA XAD
                   RANGE                       HEIGHT    HEIGHT       S = Hori        gt Land      Nominal Gain in dB       Antenna Name           ters above MSL        meters above            Transmitter Antenna Dimensions
                                               ABOVE     ABOVE          _    °"z°," al an          (Characters 1 —3)      (Characters 4 — 13)   (gr?aer;cters 14—19)   Terrain (Characters             (24 Character Designation)
                                             GROUND (t,| GrRounp         _ Vertical                                                                                         20 — 24)
                                                  in)    (meters)   T = Right and Left Hand

RADAR 3 RANGE (Subtower TX)                    22‘ 5"       7                     S                      31G              OREFLECTOR                  0656H                 0007T

Document Created: 2019-04-27 16:37:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 16:37:09

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