Supplemental Information

0289-EX-ST-2010 Text Documents

Garmin International


                                             Exhibit 2 – Supplemental Information

                                                           Table of Contents
1.    Purpose...............................................................................................................................................1
2.    Applicable HIRF Directives .................................................................................................................1
   2.1.    Applicable Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).........................................................................1
   2.2.    FAA Guidance ............................................................................................................................1
   2.3.    Industry Guidance ......................................................................................................................1
3.    Equipment Information........................................................................................................................2
4.    Transmitted Signal Information...........................................................................................................3
5.    “Stop Buzzer” Contacts.......................................................................................................................3

1. Purpose
This exhibit provides supplemental Information in support of the application for Special Temporary
Authorization (STA).

2. Applicable HIRF Directives

This special Temporary Authorization is required to conduct testing necessary to support aircraft
certification for High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF). The test data will be used to assure
compliance with HIRF requirements as specified by the following directives.

2.1.     Applicable Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
     14CFR 23.1308                              High-intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection

2.2.     FAA Guidance
       AC20-158                                 The Certification of Electrical and Electronic Systems for Operation In
                                                The High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Environment.
       FAA 8110.71                              Guidance for the Certification of Aircraft Operating in High Intensity
                                                Radiated Field (HIRF) Environments

2.3.     Industry Guidance

     RTCA DO-160E/F                       Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
     ED90A                                Radio Frequency Susceptibility Test Procedure
     ED107                                Guide to Certification of Aircraft in a High Intensity Field (HIRF) Environment
     SAE ARP5583                          Guide to Certification of Aircraft in a High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF)

     3. Equipment Information

     All primary field generation and monitoring equipment is listed in Table 1 below.
                                              Table 1: Equipment List
                       Item                  Manufacturer                    Model (See note)
          Generator                      Agilent                  E8257D
          Spectrum Analyzer              Agilent                  E4440A
          HF Amplifier                   ENI                      5100L
          Microwave Amplifier            Miteq                    100M-20G 30dB 20dBm Amplifier
          Coax Cables                    Miscellaneous            100MHz-18GHz Low Loss Coax
          Fiber Optic Reciever System    PPM                      Fiber optic processing system
          Fiber Optic Cable              Miscellaneous            Fiber optic cables
          Directional Coupler            Amplifier Research       DC2500
          Current Probe                  Eaton                    94111-1
          Horn Antenna                   ETS Lindgren             3115
          Dipole Antenna                 Custom                   10MHz Dipole Antenna
          Bi-Log Antenna                 ETS Lindgren             3142C
          D-dot Sensor                   EG & G                   ACD-10A
          Broadband Rx Antenna           Custom                   100M-18GHz Rx Antenna
          Note: Equivalent equipment may be substituted as necessary

                                Table 2: Antenna VSWR and 3dB Beamwidth
                               VSWR                                         3dB Beamwidth

3115 Horn

3142 Bi-
                      2:1 Average above 80MHz

4. Transmitted Signal Information
The HIRF directives referenced in Section 2 of this exhibit provide guidance as to how to perform Low
Level Coupling (LLC) testing. This guidance specifies the use of a signal generator and receiver system
setup in a tracking generator configuration such that the test frequency is swept continuously across a
specified frequency band. Testing using swept frequencies rather than widely spaced discrete
frequencies allows for more accurate measurement of aircraft and wiring resonant frequencies. This
method also simplifies the test setup and minimizes frequency dwell time. The effective dwell time at
each swept frequency is on the order of 1ms. We request permission to perform swept frequency
testing across all approved test frequency bands as listed in the application. Frequencies reserved for
emergency services or local aircraft control will be omitted from the test.

All testing is performed using a Continuous Wave (CW) signal (i.e. no modulation). Therefore, no actual
data is being transmitted during the test.

Transmitted power must be high enough to allow accurate monitoring using a sensitive receiver system.
All transmitted power levels will remain less than the specified band specific Effective Radiated Power
(ERP) as specified in the application.

The power levels requested are for maximum Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) at the
transmitter. Coordination with the local FCC and FAA can be accomplished as necessary.

5. “Stop Buzzer” Contacts

The following contacts can be contacted at any time to stop the test in case of a conflict.

Steve Haycock, Engineer
Desk: 913-440-2284

Aaron Jones, Engineer
Desk: 913-440-5065

David Kerr, Engineer
Desk: 913-440-5208

Praf Patel, Engineer
Desk: 913-440-5422

Brad Fischer, Flight Operations
Desk: 913-440-8421

Document Created: 2010-06-04 11:59:12
Document Modified: 2010-06-04 11:59:12

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