Exhibits 1 & 2

5909-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



                                                Exhibit 1

In reference to Item 4 on the FCC Document
Particulars of Operation:

Frequency                       Power                      Emission       Modulating          Bandwidth
                                                                              Signal             (kHz)

    (A)*          (B)*          (C)*           _(D)*          (E)*             (F)*               (G)*
 $24 — 849      0 dBm       0 dBm            mean/mean        See            19.2 kbs           30 kHz
   MHz                     RUOFg}                          Exhibit 2         Gl\/(IiSI‘( .
                           see eb                                            BT=0.5
 869 — 894      0 dBm        O dBm           mean/mean        See            19.2 kbs           30 kHz
   MHz                    -W&?filk                          Exhibit 2         GMSK                    |
                          4eg          o2.                                   modulation

* — See explanations given in the FCC for 442: "Application for new or modified radio station
authorization under part 5 of FCC Rules—experimental radio service (other) than broadcast," section 4.

                                         Exhibit 2

i.   Scope of the research project.

GTE Wireless Products & Services (GTE Wireless) has designed a series of tests intended
to assess and demonstrate the capability of the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)
system to run data applications on radio communication links. CDPD is a wireless packet
data network service that has been offered to the public for use across the US. CDPD
operates over temporarily unused radio channels within the radio spectrum occupied by
the Advanced Mobile System (AMPS), commonly known as the cellular telephone service.
The planned tests and demonstrations are to be conducted in a laboratory and will employ
radio transmissions as part of the CDPD system test—bed.

The testing and demonstration procedure for CDPD will involve full—duplex transmissions
between the CDPD mobile data base station (MDBS) and CDPD mobile end stations (M—
ES). Stations at both sides will use one channel pair, within the allocated AMPS spectrum
(which currently occupies the 824—849 MHz and 869—894 MHz bands). To eliminate any
intrusion into the AMPS service outside of the test—building, the CDPD system will
transmit a significantly reduced power level in all instances. For numerical details on the
extent of interference, refer to the "Interference to the AMPS system" section.

ii   Justification for the requested communications facilities.

The tests and demonstrations will be held indoors, and will involve full—duplex
transmissions between a CDPD MDBS and its mobile end stations. The communication
will be carried over an extremely short distance within building confines (typically 25 ft.),
and therefore only very low power levels will be used (0 dB or less). These tests are to
be conducted in a laboratory and will measure the effects of the radio medium,
impairments on packet delay, packet loss and other critical parameters affecting data
applications that run over the radio interface provided by the CDPD system. Because the
CDPD actual service mode maintains its link connection over the radio medium, it is
necessary to include transmissions as part of the CDPD testing plan in order to do
meaningful testing and demonstration of the service.

iii. Justification that existing communications facilities are inadequate.

The CDPD wireless packet data network service is commercially available to the public
today, however a lab environment is necessary to facilitate the ongoing tests, analyses,
experimentation and enhancements of the CDPD service offering. In many cases it is
necessary to simulate configuration and operation of the various types of equipment used
by our customers, as well as test new products to establish support procedures prior to
deployment. The GTE National Customer Support Center (NCSC) will house this test
facility that will drive service enhancement initiatives and customer support service

GTE is committed to provide excellent service to our customers, as well as to other
carriers‘ customers who happen to roam into GTE‘s CDPD systems. In the interest of
continuing to provide superior service to all customers GTE intends to construct an in—
house testing and demonstration facility capable of testing this packet data system.

GTE Wireless Products and Services, a developer and provider of CDPD services
nationwide headquarters in Atlanta, GA. GTE NCSC, the national customer help and
support center is located in Long Beach, CA. CDPD service is not commercially available
in either location.

iv. Interference to AMPS System.

1.) Methods used to reduce co—channel interference.

Each of the tests will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will use a fixed channel
for the full—duplex link operation necessary for the test. While it is conceivable that when
operating in this fixed channel mode, an indoor AMPS voice user might suffer service
disruption, this worst—case scenario can happen only if the following two conditions are

+    The voice user will call from near the test site.
+«   The voice user will be directed by AMPS to use a channel already selected by GTE
     Wireless for testing.

Because conflict between CDPD tests and AMPS can occur only when the two conditions
are met, the probability of interrupted AMPS service is negligible. To further eliminate
that possibility, a spectrum analyzer will be placed at the testing site to monitor the voice
activity on the AMPS channels throughout testing. Statistics of AMPS channel use
derived by the spectrum analyzer will be used in selecting channel frequencies to avoid the
above mentioned conflict.

The second phase of testing will reduce the risk of service disruption much further by
activating a device known as an RF Sniffer, already mounted on the MDBS station. The
RF Sniffer is a scanning device that can be programmed to continuously monitor the
spectrum used by AMPS. Upon detection of radio energy emitted by an external source,
the sniffer is programmed to command the MDBS to hop to another AMPS channel,
which is temporarily idle. Channel hopping is specified to complete within 40 msec which
virtually eliminates the risk of service disruption to AMPS users even within the building.
If voice traffic is high and no idle channel can be found, the MDBS shuts off its
transmission until CDPD service can be resumed. This describes the normal operation of
commercial CDPD services.

2.) Expected signal levels outside and inside the testing site—link budgets.

 Tables 1 and 2 in this section detail the link budgets of the AMPS system covering the
 region of the test site, and the test site transmissions. Note that Table 2 refers to both
 directions of the full—duplex channel. Table 3 below quantifies the interference caused by
 the proposed testing to AMPS users outside the testing site. Note that the only in—
 building AMPS user experiencing greater interference that the outside—building user would
 need to be in a room adjoining the test lab. The probability of that occurrence is

 1    AMPS EIRP                         +40.0          dBm   10 W ({see EIA/TIA—553)
      Propagation loss from               —             dB   Used [1, eq.(1); 2, eq.(3.54b); 2,
      AMPS base station to the         122.70B               fig. 13.14] to compute the
      Lab—site.                         fogy 6               propagation loss using the
                                                             following parameters:
                                                             £=850 MH           D=1.77 km
                                                             h, =20m            8 story bldg.
                                                             h] = 1.5m

3     Building penetration loss         —20.0          dB    Used [2, p. 390] to estimate the
      from the building exterior to                          loss.
      the Lab site.

                                  Table 2.     Lab Link Budget

1     EIRP                                     —10     dBm   0.1mW
2     Propagation loss from                  —78.1      dB   Used [2, eq. 4.3—3]
      C]?Pp base station to             — 57451,!-’5         A=.35m      d=25m
      building walls.
3     Building penetration loss              —20.0     dB    Used [2, p. 390] to estimate the
      from the building interior to                          loss.

The extent of interference caused by the Lab to AMPS service outside the building is
summarized as follows:

1     AMPS                               —82.7       dBm     see lines 1 & 2 of Table 1.
2     CDPD Lab                          —108.1       dBm     see lines 1 through 3 of Table 2.
3_|   C/Iames                                —25.4 dB        Outside building

Document Created: 2001-08-16 09:40:12
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 09:40:12

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