Exhibits 1 - 3

5320-EX-PL-1996 Text Documents



                                                                                 Exhibit 1 to Form 442
                                 Per Item 4 on the FCC document
                                 Particulars of Operation:
                                ro———==——==———===—                                                                                           ==

                                                                                                                                    f           N
                                   Frequency                              Power                           Emission         Moc}ulatllng        B::g::zi?l’l
                                                                                                                              signa               (kHz)

  B                                    (a*               (B)*             (C)*             (D)*              E* _|®*                                (G)*
                A $ ¥Base Antenna                    (Comtech)                                                   0_
   [ M}‘\
       b'.                       11,500—12,200            N/A             N/A        N/A                Receive          — Same signal as
                                                           '                                                                below
 '\(         v~.           :€      MHz t
            ts                            c cp fise
2967    A
                                 14,000—14500            20 w      MW mean/mean                         Gl or G7          |—500 keps         1000 kHz
                      y           MHz t                              ~                                                   — 2000 keps         2000 kHz ¢
            /[“l'                                                   QA‘)‘(M &
lqm W ¢ Mobile Ant.                                  ___(RSI)

[( m)t‘l"{‘                      11,500—12,200           N/A              N/A        mean/mean          Receive          — Same signal as
 '%.. $ :                         MHz t                                                                                     below
0401; o !             <

            v5h                  14,000—14500            20 w       62.8 dBW mean/mean                  G1 or G7          |—500 keps         1000 kHz
       \.                         MHz t                                     —|~                                          — 2000 keps         2000 kHz
"J                    y    r
                                                                  LA2 3

            e         y}
/11             ‘.v *            { Exact frequency block to be determinged       n transponder lease negotiated. It will be two 5 MHz intervals, one
                                within each of these bands.

                                 + Bandwidth represents main lobe of unfiltered BPSK of QPSK waveform at the maximum transmitted chip rate of
                                2.0 Mcps; the leased frequencies will be a block with bandwidth rounded up to the next multiple of 5 MHz, since
                                bandwidth on the transponder can only be leased in 5 MHz multiples. The waveform will be transmitted with a
                                center frequency to keep the main lobes within that 5 MHz block.

                                * . See explanations given in the FCC form 442: "Application for new or modified radio station authorization under
                                part 5 of FCC Rules—experimental radio service (other) than broadcast," section 4.

                                                                                                                                            Page 1 of 1

Antenna Layout

         «—— RSE 2.4 m VSAT                   Vehicle at ground level
   fi};’             Ku Band Antenna           29.9 m (98 ft.) Above Sea Level
                    P/N 240 MVO


                         g         «a—————— Comtech 2.4 Meter VSAT
         _                                  Ku Band Antenna
         9                                        P/N 84337/N
        &               &    &        |—          1.8 m VSAT Dishes
         9              ?                         (first two — Scientific Atlanta
         3                   9                                  MicroDAMAs
        4                                         last three — NEC NeXTAR IVs —
        o |                                                   late 96 installation)
        &                   A~
         £E                  E3
        9                    5
         c                   s §
        S%                   o<iu3     $3
        a3                             o$
                                       < 94
         e]                            —3
        CC    ,                        m &

              GTE Government Systems Corporation
              Electronic Defense Division
              Mountain View, CA

                                 Figure 1:     Antenna Layout

                                                                                      Page 2 of 2

                                   Exhibit 2 to Form 442

a) Description of the nature of the research project being conducted
Government Systems Corporation seeks operating authority for transmission and receiving
equipment with two 2.4 m VSAT Ku—band antennas, one fixed and one mobile (though operated
next to the building with the fixed antennas on the roof) and up to five 1.8 m VSAT fixed
antennas, located at Mountain View, California, with a Ku—band transponder on Spacenet 3. The
first two 1.8 m VSAT antennas will be operated as one network with the fixed 2.4 m VSAT as a
hub, with the later addition of three more 1.8 m VSAT antennas as a second network, sharing the
hub. The exact frequencies will be determined when the lease is negotiated and finalized. The
system will be used in support of research and development of modern communication systems,
signals (waveforms) and techniques. The waveforms will be direct sequence spread spectrum
transmission of voice, digitized voice or pseudorandom data sequences for link performance
measurements. The information data rate will be less than or equal to 19.2 kbps, which when
BPSK modulated and spread by pseudorandom data sequence(s) will result in either BPSK or
QPSK modulated channel symbols (chips) at chip rates between 500 Keps and 2 Mcps. The
testing will consist of a series of "loop—back" tests which will demonstrate and verify the
performance of the communication ability of the waveform(s). The testing is expected to occur in
short bursts of activity spread over six months starting as early as mid to late May 1996.

b) A showing that communications facilities requested are necessary for the project
The tests are designed to show the performance of the test waveforms over satellite channels
using 1.8 m as well as 2.4 m Ku—band VSAT antennas. Also, the use of a single 2.4 m antenna
as a hub for one or more 1.8 m VSAT networks will be tested.

c) A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate
New 2.4 m and 1.8 m VSAT antennas are required to provide the necessary networking facilities
at Ku—band. As GTE believes the research indicated here is in the interest of the developing
telecommunications art, particularly as an alternate for specialized Government satellite systems,
it is in the interest of the Government to allow GTE to perform this test .

                                                                                        Page 1 of 2

                                  EXHIBIT 3 to Form 442

®   The contract number is MDA904—96—C—P103. GTE is currently leasing from GE
    Americom and using 1MHz of bandwidth on SPACENET3, transponder 19. Transmit
    freq. is 14029.5 GHz and receive is 11729.5 GHz. On Nov.1 of this year we will add a
    second MHz of leased space bringing us up to 2MHz total centered on 14029.0 transmit   18 *°
    and 11729.0 receive. The customer is a member of DOD and the work being done is
    centered on testing commercial VSAT systems for possible future inclusion in larger
    GTE supplied DOD programs.

Document Created: 2001-08-18 19:39:24
Document Modified: 2001-08-18 19:39:24

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