Form 442

6234-EX-PL-1998 Text Documents



 vsrii, u5                14:15             iu2    (28 uso4                     LEOYLN, CAMPBELL&T                                              i]003/007
  "EDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                      APPROVED B¥ ome
 ‘wwashington, DC 20554                                                                                                                     soa0—0065
                                                                                                                                         Expirus 9/30/98


 L.      Applicant‘s Name and Post Office address                                                        DO NOT WRITE IN THis BLoek
        (Street address, cliy, state, and ZIP Code See Instruction                     File No.
        No. 4)
          Globecomm Systems, Inc.
           45 Oser Avenue                                                                  52 3 L}'— EX*/)LN /7?8
           Hauppauge, NY 11788~3816

 2:3Application for (check only one box)                                              Xb). For Modification Indicate below:
   XJ New station            w
                     [D] Modification       .
                                      of existing:    heri
                                                   autherization                      File No:                                 Call sign:
 é.- Appllcation for Modification: Check the box beside all particulars to be modified. Check elther addition or re—
       placement to Indicate whether the change is an additlon or a replncempnt of parameters in the current authorization.

Cl rrgoaueney —                                  [A emission —              .        O rower —       ...                   O rLocation ~
      {]] addition or [D} replacement?             ) adadition or [[] replacement?     {{] addition or (0] replcement?         [[] addtion or ((] reptacement?

[]      DTHER PARTICULARS ~ addition or reptacement? (Describe belcw cr in atiached EXHIBIT No.                                      )

 4.                       of           on (see            on _below)
       Frequency lslate             n >     &                                                                     MCOULAT I                         BaNQWIDTH
     x hether kHz: or Miz)     V\/'wv;‘:.   i2       POWER                                                          SIGI":I.\LI\"S       NECESSATZH!)   ' wo
             (A)                      ©               C                                                               ®)                          )

 (h)      List each freqiuency or frequency band separately. (If more space is required, altach as EXHIBIT No.
 (E)      insert maximum RF. output power al the transmitier terminal« Specify units.                                                                           )
          Inser maximum effeciive radlated power from the antenna (If pulsed emission, spec{fy peak power). Specify
 DN       Insert "MEAN" or "PEAK" (See definitions In Part 5)
(©)       List each type of emission separately Por each frequency. (See Section 220 of 7CC Rules}
(F)       Insert as appropriate for the type of modulation:
          (1) the maximum speed of keying In tauds
          (2) maximum audio modulating frequency;
          (3) frequency deviation of cartler;
          (4) pulse duration and repetition rate.
          For complex emissions describe in detail n the space provided below,
(?)       Describe how the mecessary bandwicth was determined in space provided below.                                           FCC Form 442 — PagagZ
                                                                                                                                                 Warca 1695

  us/ 11798               L4:16      202      728   0354                  IRWIN, CAMPBELL&T                                                @004/307

   i:: .z*.). Proposed location of transmilter and transmiliing anienna (check only one box to Indicate type of operation}
               []     FIxEpRasE                     U    MQBILE           >               @     BASE AND MOBILE
   l'; -D). If permanently located at e FIXED localion, give below:                             §(c). If mobile, describe the exact area of
         ite           { County                     City or Town                                      aperation
   _ w                    Suffolk                   Hauppauge
   bumber and street (or other indication of location)                              cae

        45 Oser Avenue
   331. Enter geographical cosrdiantes ewact to the naerest secand (Gee instruction 10)         B(cXUEnter geograchical coordinates af the approximals
                                                                                                center of mabils operation (see instruction         1G)
   \oth Lartude CO—MM—S9                       West Longitude ©O—MM—53)                         Nerth Latituce               West Longitude
        a         .      .                                a         .           w                 o            .          *I o          .                 »
        40           48        44        N          73       14       15             w         28       24                   97            45

   5 id).      Datum (see Instruction 1O). ...........0...>>       & nabne                C wapse
   2.     Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used? & es                          {Q    xo
          If "YES\, give the following information:
          (a) Width of beam in degrees at the half—power polnt                 0.7°
          (b) Orlentation in horizontal plane pointing. (c) Orlentation in vertical plane pointing

   7. Is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contract with an agency of the
      United Slates Government?                           D Es          m No
          If "VES, attach as EXHIBIT No. _____               __ a narrallve statement describlng the governmeni project,
          agency and contact number.

  f. Is this authorization to be used for the exclusive purfose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed
          by stations under the Jurlsdiction of a foreign government?
                                                                   C vss                       No                                      .
         If "YES", altach as EXHIBIT No. __________ the following information: Provwide the contract number and the
         name of the foreigr government concerned.
wn o

          is this authorization to be used for providing communications essentlal to a research projec{? (The redio communi—
         cation is not the objective of the research project).
                                                                   {] .vyes               5 xo
          If "VES®, attach as EXHIBIT No. ____________a@ narralive statement provding the following Information:
         (a) A description of the neture of the research project being conducted.
         (b) A showing that the communications facilities requested are necessary for the research project Involved.
         (c) A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate.

  12. If all the answers to Items 7. 8 and 9, are "NO%, atiach as EXKIBIT No. _1._.______ & narrative statement describing
         in detall the following:
         (a) The complete program of research and experimentation propesed Including descriplion of equipment
                  and theory of operation.
         (b) The specific objectives sought to be accomplished.
         (c) How the program of experimentailon has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extenslo,
                  expansion, or utllization of the radlo art, or is along line not already Investigated.
  lia). Give an estimate of the length of time that will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed
             in this application: Two(2)years_________
        (E) If less than 2 years, give the length of Ume in months that theauthorization requested in this application
             will be required: ___________________________
 12.         Would a Commission granl of this application come within Seetion 11807 of the PCC Rules, such thai lt mey have 2
              ignificant t environmental
                                 n      1 impact 1 (see lnstruclion
                                                         r    c.    10 ?  D ves            , y  wo
             If    "YES*, attach as EXHISIT No. ___________ an Environmental Assessment as required                           by Section LIS!.

 1.          List telow transmitiing equipment to be Installed (1f experimental, so state):
             MANUFACTURER                                                     MODEL NUMBER                                                 No. of UNITS

        Globecomm Systems, Inc.                                                CES#0001                                                         2

                                                                                                                           FCC form 442 — Page                3
                                                                                                                                                March 1693

var i1s so             i4 :10      wave      140 vour                 uxo CAMPEELLE L                                     i uvo/ uv c

          is the equipment listed In Item 1# capable of station identifieation pursuant to Section &isg? £0 ves                  L xo
          Will the antencae extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or If mounted on an existing building, will it extanc
          more than 6 meters above the bullding, or will the proposed antenra be mounted on an existing strusture other
          than a building?                                          O re             k no
          If "YES", give the following (see Instruction 9:
          (a) Overall helght above ground to tip of anienna is __________ melers
          (b) Elevatlon of ground at antenna site above mean sea level is ___________ malers.
          (c) Distance to nearest alrcraft landing area is                                                           kilometers.
          (d) List any natural formations of existing men—made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc) which, in
              the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shleld the antenna from alrcraft and thersby minimize the
               aeronautical hazard of the antenna

          (e) Submit as EXHIBIT No. _____________a verlical profile sketch of total structure Including supporting bullding,
               If eny, giving heights in meters above ground for all significant features, Clearly indicate existing portion,
               noting particulars of aviation obstruction lighting already available.
          Applicant is      (Check ealy ene bes!

          CJ mopivipuar             D associatio®                   C rartuersep            CORPORATION
          C]    orHER caescribe in space provided below)

         Is applicant a forelgn government or a represeniallve of a foreligh government?                       [:l    YES       El    NO

         Has epplicant or any party lo this applicalion had any FCC station license or permit revoked or had any
         application for permit, Icense or renewal denled by this Commission?                         D ves      E                    wo
         If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. _______ _ @ siatement giving call sign of lcense or permit
         revoked and relate ciroumslances.

          Will applicant be owner and operator of the station?                                      '         fl       YEs       D     NO

         Give name, title, and telephurie number (Include area code), and Internet e—mail address (!f appilcable} of person
         who can best handle inquirles pertaining to this &pplication
     Gerald A. Gutman, Vice President, 516—231—9800 Ext. 231,
         By checking "YES%, the individual applicant certifies that he or she is ellgible Por this lcanse. This requires tha:
         he or she is not subject to a denial of federal benefits, Including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense
         convietion pursuant to Section §60( of the Anti— Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 USC. 862. A non— individual applicant
         eg. corporation, pertnership or other unincorporated association, certifles that no party to the application is
         subject to a denial of federal beneflts, pursuant to that section. For definition of a "party" for these purposes,
         see 47 CFR 12002%b).                                                                                 £]      ves       D xo
         List below all exhlbils in numerlcal sequence and the ltem number of form requiring the exhibit identified.

     Exbie)1 Musi@ER      iTiM NQ. of Fohm         Exm81) MumiSER      iTia   No. Of Form   Exwart. Muvt®               tTaw NG. GF FOMM

                                                                                                            FCC Form 442 — Page 4
                                                                                                                       Marsh 1996

   87 11000        .    L400                         0   0    —
                                                                                                                                            w2 uuo/ uy   (

          Attention: Read this certification earefully before signing this application,

          (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 ars on hand; and
          (E) Adequate financlal appropriations have been made to carry on the program of experimentation which wil
              be conducted by qualified personnel; and
          (c) All operetions will be on an experimental basis in sccordance with Part § and other applicable rules, and will
              be conducted in such a manner and a‘ such a time as to preciude harmful Interference to any authorized
              station; and
          (d) Grant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
              (I) that the frequencies and other technical perameters specified in the authorization are the best
                  sulted for the proposed program of experimentation, and
              (2) that the applicant will be authorized to operate on any basis other than experimental, and
              (8) that the Commission is obiigated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in Its rules
                  including its lable of frequency allocations for applicants type of operation on a regularly licensed basis
          {e) All the statements in the application and altached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of the
              applicant‘s knowledge; and
          (f) The applicant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledge and
              understanding of the above Hmitations; and
          (g) The applicant walves any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetlc spectrum as
              against the regulatory power of the USA.

              Signed and dated this                      lith                          day of      August                                   . 1098
              Name of Applicant              Globecomm Systems, Inc.
                                                                        lnost carrespend with name given an page 1}

              By                 David E. Hershberg                                    QJS_’A 9
                                             (print]                                                            fsignature?

              Title           Chief Executi              e Oificer

          Check appropriate classification:

          D    Individual applicant                D     Member of applicant partnership

          D     Authorized employee                m     Office of applicant corporation or assoclation

 13 Section 1001}, AND/OR REVOCATION                         OF ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (U.S. Code, Title 47,
Hisstion I12ial(1}, AND/OR FORFEMURE IU.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503),
                                               NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT oF iS74
                                                     AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF isso
Information requested through this form Is authorized by the Communications Act of 1994, as amended, and specified
y Section 808 therein. The informalion will be used by Federal Communlcations Commission staff to determine
«jgibllity for issulng authorizations in the use of the frequency specirum and to effect the provisions of reglulatory
responsibilities rendered by the Commission by the Act Information requested by this form will be avallable to the
piblic unless otherwise requested pursiant to 47 CFR 0.450 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Your response is required
to obtain this authorization.

IN,plic    reporting burden for this collection of information is esiznated to averaga four (4) hours per response, including                    the Ime
 uf raviewing          insfructions,   searching   ewisling   data sourcas, galhering and mainfaining   the data needed, and   complating    and review~

*g the collection of information, Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspact af this coliection 3f
«cformation, including suggestions for reducing tha burgen ts the Federal Communications Commission, Recards Management
ll—anch, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0065), Washington, 0C 20554.                          DQ NOT send completed applications to this
widress.           indiviguals    are mot required to respond to this collection unless It displays       a currently valid OMB control number.

 1ND THZ PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980, PL 96—5i, DECEMBER l 1980, 44 US.C. geo7,

                                                                                                                              FCC Form 442 — Page 5
                                                                                                                                             March 1996

Document Created: 2001-08-28 13:34:53
Document Modified: 2001-08-28 13:34:53

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