File number S-3181-EX-98

6028-EX-PL-1998 Post Grant Documents



                                                              5—31¢!£X— 98
                                 IRWIN, CAMPBELL & TANNENWALD, P.C.
                                                 ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                          1730 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, N.W.
                                                     SUITE 200
                                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

                                                   pomte.                                     UWA2ZXQL
(202) 728—0401 Ext. 115

                                              February 2, 1998                          OR,G,NAL

MESSENGER                                                                        Jg/mé/ WEXN—T&
Federal Communications Commission                                                       fi )
Equipment Approval Services
P.O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—55320                                                                 9// 3 %
         RE:       Systems,
                          uest   for    1        r      A         ization   to   Test   and    D    trate   Earth
                          i       ver   INM     AT—           i

Dear Sir or Madam:

         Globecomm Systems, Inc. ("GSI"), by its attorney, hereby requests Special Temporary
Authorization pursuant to Section 5.56 of the Commission‘s rules to test and demonstrate mobile
earth stations over the INMARSAT—B satellite system. GSI requests that authority be granted
immediately until appropriate action is taken on its application for permanent experimental authority
which is being filed simultaneously with this Request.

        GSI is an established company which designs, manufacturers and markets portable satellite
terminals for image, voice data and video services. GSI‘s entire portable terminal system may be
transported in one case (even as airline luggage) and its intended for use in the health and safety
field; for example, it may be utilized by public safety and crisis officials to establish effective
temporary communications service.

        GSI‘s temporary operation of the subject earth station will allow demonstration of its
sophisticated satellite transmissions technology alternatives. This Request would allow GSI to test
and demonstrate its products until permanent authorization is granted. Grant of this Request would
serve the public interest by facilitating the development and demonstration of satellite
communications network alternatives. GSI respectfully requests that its Request be granted as soon
as possible so that it can meet the customer demands and requests for this new and innovative
demonstration. GSI is preparing to do special application testing for several government and
commercial customers including INS, CBS News, and others that require on the air verification of
performance of the applications within the next 30 days. In order to meet these vital requests, GSI
is seeking this Request for temporary authority.

       In accordance with Section 5.56 of the Commission rules, GSI submits the following

       1)      Globecomm Systems, Inc.
               45 Oser Avenue
               Hauppauge, New York 11788—3816

       2)      See above regarding need for special action.

       (3&4) GSI wishes to conduct testing and demonstrations of its technology to further
             mobile satellite technology using its small portable earth stations.

       5)      GSI is seeking temporary authorization until permanent authorization is granted.

       6)      GSI seeks to test its mobile earth stations using an INMARSAT satellite.

       7)      Fixed.

       8)      GSI will be using its own transmitting equipment, Model Number GSI—3001.

       9)      GSI seeks to utilize the following frequencies: 1626.5—1646.5 MHz.

       10)     The emission will be 20KG1W.

       11)     The overall height of the antenna structure will be ground level.

       GSI simultaneously files its application for permanent authority and has enclosed a copy
hereto for the Commission‘s convenience. Until such application is granted, GSI submits this
Request and has attached an Anti—Drug Certification Statement. A check for Forty—Five Dollars
($45.00) is attached hereto with FCC Form 159 to serve as the appropriate filing fee and form. The
appropriate information has also been submitted to COMSAT to receive their waiver for use of the
INMARSAT—B satellite. A copy is attached hereto for your convenience.

       Please direct all questions and correspondence to the undersigned.

                                                    Very truly yours,

                                                    Jusi Ateth
                                                    Michelle A. McClure


                          IRWIN, CAMPBELL & TANNENWALD, P.C.
                                             ATTORNEYS AT LaWw
                                      1730 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, N.W.
                                                  SUITE 200
                                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036
                                                (202) 728—0400
                                              FAX (202) 728—0354

(202) 728—0401 Ext. 115

                                                February 2, 1998

Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Approval Services
P.O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

         Re:       Globecomm Systems, Inc.
                   Application for New Experimental Radio Station Authorization

Dear Sir or Madam:

       Globecomm Systems, Inc. ("GSI"), by its attorney, hereby submits in triplicate FCC Form
442 for an application for a new Experimental Radio Station Authorization. GSI, an equipment
manufacturer of small portable earth station terminals wishes to demonstrate and test these
terminals over the INMARSAT—B satellite. GSI has simultaneously filed a Request for Special
Temporary Authority to begin experimentation immediately.

       Attached hereto is a check for Forty—Five Dollars ($45.00) and an FCC Form 159 to serve
as the appropriate fee and form. Please direct all questions and correspondence to the


                                                Michelle A. McClure


          . 01/30/98    11:06      202 728 0354                  IRWIN, CAMPBELL&T                                      @0"!‘8),;
6e ce 5

                                                Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

                       The applicant certifies that, in the case of an individual applicant, he or she is not subject
                to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
                U.S.C. Section 853a, or, in the case of a non—individual applicant (e.g. corporation, partnership
                or other unincorporated association), no party to the application is subject to a denial of federal
                benefits pursuant to that section.

                       ves X                .         No

                                                                 Tor C
                Name of Applicanté)/p bewm ()st?fl}.y Date                       F0     Jan [778S

                SIWM}M’ZW\'&"\                                       Title     Vbfib G‘)(      1 (dénf

                       If you answered no, indicating that the applicant is subject to a denial of federal benefits
                pursuant to the above mentioned Act, please provide an explanation below.

          a1—30—98      11 :05                        RECEIVED FROM:202 728 O8S4                                P .68

     °EDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                 v                                  APPROVEOD BY OMB
 \ivuashington, DC 20554                                                                                                                       soso—oces
                                                                                                                                          Expires 9/30/98


    1~.- Applicant‘s Name and Post Office address                                                             DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK
         (Street address, city, state, and ZIP Code. See instrustion                         File No.
            No. 4)
 Globecomm Systems, Inc.
 45 Oser Avenue
 Hauppauge, NY 11788—3816

  Ei i). Application for (check only one box)                                              2Xb). For Modification indicate below:

          ;]     [s\
                New        j
                       station            D        iflcati
                                               Modification       isti
                                                            of ex‘sting au ther ization    File No:                               Call Sign:

  E. Application for Modification: Check the kox beside all particulars to be modifiled. Check either addition or re—
     placement to indicate whether the change is an addition or a replacement of parameters in the current authorization.

[l]irrsaueney —                                    [A emission —                          [ power —                             M Location —
         [_] aggition er []} reptacement?              [J addition or [D] repilacement?     []J addition or [] reptacement?       J agdition or [D] replacement?

[[] OTHER PARTICULAARS — addition or replacement? (Describe below cr in attached EXHIBIT No.

 4, Particulars of                        tion (see Instruction below)
          frequency {state                                                                     EMISSION               MCOULATING         NECESSARY BANDWIOCT®
    x *kether kHz or MHZ                                 POWER                                                          SICNAL                   {KH2)
 [____         W                      3                    ic                                     E)                      (F)                      (G)
 1626.5 —
 1646.5 MHz                      _|_RHC               33_dbw

 (A)        List each frequensy or frequency baend separately. (f more space is required, atisck as EKHIBIT No.
 (E)        insert max‘imum RF. outpu! power at the transmitier terminals. Specify un‘lis.                                                                         ‘
 (2)        Insert maximum effect!ive radiated power from the anterna (If pulsed emission, specify pesk power) Specify
     "o     Insert "MEAN® or "PZAK" (See definitions in Part 5)
     )      List each type of emission separately for eash frequency, (See Section 220i of 7ZCC Rules)
(?)         Insert es appropriate for the type of modulatiox:
            () the maximum speed of keyving in bauds
            (2) maximum audio modulating frequency;
            (3) frequency deviation of carrler;
            (4) puise duration and repetition rate.
            For complex emissions, describe in detail in the space provided below.
                                                                                                                                   FCC Form 442 — Page
(T)         Describe how the recessary bandwidth was Getermined in space provided telow.
                                                                                                                                              Marca 18S
 * NOTE:                 Bandwidth established by Inmarsat for its global network.

         5 :). Proposed location of transmitter and transmitling
                                                              ng arienna (check only one box to indilcate type of operation):
                 E]   FIXED/BASE                        D     MOBILE              >              []J    BaSE aND MoBILE

         11 i3}. If permenently located at a FIXED location, give below:                               ] 5(cl. If mobile, describe the exact area of
         Glite           Counrty                        City or Town                                           operation
              NY               Suffolk                  Hauppauge
         Miuimber and street (or otker indication of location}

            45 Oser Avenue
         3.13)(1). Enter gecgraphical cocrdientes exact to the nearest second (sae instruction 10)      S(c)(lEnter geographical ccordinates of the approxfrats
                                                                                                        cenier of mobila operation (see instruction   10.)
         voth Latitude (CD—MM—SS)                   West Longitude ©D—MM—SS)                            Nerth Latitude                West Longitude
              o            &           s                        a           »             #r              c              »        a   0           r          6+

         5ui). Datum (see instruction 10)k ..................               QA        nap 27    C       xapss
         2. Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used? [¥                  yrg           []      xo
            If "YES", give the following information:
            (a) Width of beam in degrees at the half—power point___15°
            (b) Orientation in horizental plare pointfing. (©) Orientation in vertical plane manual pointing

            Is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a governmert contrect with an sgency of the
            United States Government?                                      1 yEs               k] xo
           If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. ___________a rarrative statement descriking the government project,
           agency and contact number.
  en a

           Is this authorization to be used for the exclusive purpose of developing radio equipment For export to be employed
           by stations under the Jurisdiction of a forelgn government?
                                                                           {] vss              l no
           If "YES"%, attach as EXHIBIT No. ____________ the following information: Provide the contract
                                                                                                         number and the
           name of the foreigrn government conrcerned.

           Is this authorization to be used for providing communications essentlal to a research project? (The radio communi—
           cation is not the objective of the research project).
                                                                                 .yES          K no
           If "YES"%, aitach as EXHIBIT No. ____________ a narrative statement provding the following information:
           (a) A description of the nature of the research project being conducted.
           (E) A showing that the communications facilities requested are necessary for the research project lnvolved.
           (c) A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate.

           IZ all the answers to Items 7, 8. and 9, are "NO%, atiach as EXEIBIT No. ___1l_ ___ _ a naerrative statement descr‘zsing
           in detail the following:
          (a) The complete program of research and experimentation proposed Including deseription of equipment
              and theory of operation.
          (b) The specific objectives sought to be accomplished.
          (c) KHow the program of experimentation has a reasonrable promise of contribution to the development, extension,
                 expension. or utllization of the radlo art, or is along line not already Invesiigated.
ita). Give an estimate of the length of time tha!t will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed
            in this application:           Iwo (2) years                   —
         (b} If less than 2 years, give the length of time in months that the authorization requested in this application
             wili be requlred: __L__L _ L L.22 ncc c clcc c—
is i i

            Would a Commission grant of this application come within Sectlonr 11807 of the FCC Rules, sush thei it may Lave a
                 nifi         iron
                          environmentalDoimpact : (see
                                                   (se instructi
                                                       instruction 11}?
                                                                     I1} D 725  —           @ No
            I? "YES", attach as EXHI3!T No. _ _ _ an Environmental Assessment as required zy
                                                                                                          Section LIGlL.

            List below transmliting ecuipment to be Installed (1f experimental, so state}:
            MANUFACTURER                                                              MQgEL NUMBER                                             No. oF UnNnITS
           Globecomm Systems, Inc.                                                     GSI—3001                                                  7

             is +t
                     e equipment listed in Item 18 capable of stalion identification pursuant to Section S1E2?                  [3   YZS            E]      NO

             W!ill the antenra exterd more than § meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extenc
             more than 6 meters above the building, or will the protosed antenra be mourted on an existing structure other
                      11  >
             than a building?9                                            D   yES           m    No

             I? "YES", give the following (see instruction S):
             (a) Overall height above ground to tip of anienna is ___________ meters
             (b) Elevatlion of ground at antenna site above mean sea level is ______________ meters.
             (c} Distance to nearest aircraft landing area is                                                                   _ kilometers.
             (d) List any natural formations of existing mean—made siructures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, eic.) which, in
                 the oplnion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alrcraft and thereby minimize the
                aeronzutical         hazard of the antenna

             {e) Submit as EXHIBIT No. __________. a vertical profile sketch of total structure Including supporting building,
                 1f any, giving heights In meters atkove ground for all significant features, Clearly indlcate existing portion,
                 noting particulars of aviation obstruction lighting already available.

             Applicant is:        (Check only ene box}

          {I momvipuar                     [ associatios                  {J] rartnErsHip             [x¥ corporation

         0       OoTHER @@escribe is space provided below)

         Is applicart a foreign government or a representatlve of a foreign governmen:?                                        J vEs              K xo
un a

         Eas applicant or any perty to this application had any FCC station license or permit revoked or had any
         application for permit, license or renewal deniled by this Commission?                       D y8s      E                                       xo
         If "YES"%, attach as EXHIBIT No. __________—_. a statement giving call sign of lceense or permit
         revoked and relate clroumstances.

 1s.     Will applicant be owner and operator of the station?                                                                  K] ves             ( xo
110.    Give name, title, and telephone number (Include area code), and Interne: e—maill address (If applicable}) of person
        who can best handle inquirles pertaining to this application.
Gerald A. Gutman, Vice President, 516—231—9800 ext. 231,

        By checking          "YES", the individual applicart certifies that he or she is eligible for this license. This requires that
        hse or she is not subject to a denial of Ffederal benefits, including PCC tenefits, as a result of a drug offense
        conviction pursuant to Section 5801 of the Anii— Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 US.C. 862. A ron— ind‘vidual applicant.
        eg.,. corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association, certifies that no party to the applleation is
       subject to a denlal of federal benefits, pursuant to that section. For definition of a "party" Tor these purposes,
       see 47 CFR 12002%b).
                                                                                                                               K] ves             D xo
       List below all exhibits in numerical sequence and the item number o?f form requiring the exhibit identified.

  EXFIRETT    NUMBER       1TEM    NO.   Of FORM         ExHSHNT   K:EA       iTE NO   Of FORM           EXHI3!T   NUMOER            1TIM    NC   CS PIRM

                                                                                                                            FCC Form 442 —        Page &
                                                                                                                                            Marcr    1898

+t      01730798            ri1:12         @202 728 0354                         IRWIN, CAMPBELL&T                                                 @ois

       23    CERTIFICATION:
             Attention: Read this certification carefully before signing this application.
            (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 are on hand; and
            (b) Adequate financial appropriations hava been made to carry on the program of axpe"imentauon which will
                  be conducted by quelified personnel: and
            o) All operations will be on an experimental basis in accordance with Part 6 and other applicable rules, and will
                 be conducted in such a manner and at such a time as to preclude harmful interference to any authorized
                station; and
            (d) Grant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
                (1) that the frequencles and other technical perameters specified in the authorization are the best
                    suited for the proposed program of experimentation, and
                (2) that the applicant will be authorized to operate on any basis other than experimenial, and
                 (3) that the Commission is obligated by the rasults of the experimental program to reake provision in Its rules
                     including its table of frequency allocations for applicant‘s type of operation on a regularly licensed basls
            (e) All the statements in the application and alttached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of the
                applicant‘s knowledge; and
            (£) The applilcant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledge and
                 understanding of the above limitations and
            (g) The applicant walves any claim to the use of any partlcula.r frequercy or of the electromagnetlc spectrum as

                against the regulatory power of the USA.

                 Signed and dated this                           7o                    day of            ‘/)/4
                                                                                                        oles     V liacd V4
                                                                                                                         —J          .        .19 7¥
                 Name of Applicant                g/Ob'QCOMW‘                     57‘1 SFEepmS > Lpne,
                                                                         [nogt correspond with nexe given an page 1}

                          (Zetald                 4. Gutmaw                                   MJ//
                                                (print?                                                          Isignature}

                 Title             Z//ce        @/@{/Je’w L
            Check appropriate classification:

            D     Indijvidual applicant            L—_l   Member of applicant partnership

            C     authorized employee              M Office of applicant corporation or association

     iisction 312(al1), AND/OR FORFETURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503.
                                                 NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OFP i1974
                                                       AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF tG80
     Information requested through this form is authorized by the Communlcations Act of 1984, as amended, and specified
     1y Section 808 thereliz. The information will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine
     n igibility for issuing authorizations in the use of the frequency specirum and to effect the provisions of regulatory
     Isponsibilitles rendered by the Commisslion by the Act. Information requested by this form will be availlable to the
     prablic unless otherwise requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0459 of the FCC Rules and Regulations Your response is required
     to obtain this authorization.

     Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average four (4) hours per response, including                   the tme
      Ur reviewing       instructions,   searching existing   data sources, gathering and maintaining   the data meeded, and     completing   and review—
     ag the collection of information, Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
     1fomnation, including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Federal Communications Commission, Records Management
     li—anch, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0065), Washingion, DC 20554.                     DO NOT send completed applications to this
     inidress,      Individuals are not required To respond to this collection unless it displays a cuyrrently valio OMB8 conirol nirnter.

     ‘‘*HE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OFf 1974, PL. 93-579 DECEMBER Si, 1974, 5 US.C. 5523(9)(.5)
     AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1960, PL O6—511, DECEMBER it, 1980, 44 US.C. 8507.

                                                                                                                               FCC Fomn 442 — Pags §
                                                                                                                                          March 1996

81—30—98                 11;:1i1                                 RECEIVED FROM:202               728      0354                           P .13

                                        Exhibit I

                         Globecomm Systems Inc. Application
                           ( Supplement to Question #10 )

(a)   As a manufacturer of Inmarsat—B Land Mobile Earth Stations, Globecomm
      Systems Inc. is constantly developing and testing new applications for our
      customers. These include global wireless access using Inmarsat—B high speed
      data services to access corporate LANs, the internet, and other types of wide area
      networking applications from areas where alternative methods of access are not
      available. The equipment used includes the GSI—3001 Inmarsat—B MES, Cisco
      routers, ISDN terminal equipment, H.320 video conferencing systems and other
      types of network equipment. ~

(b)   The specific objectives sought to be accomplished include the verification of
      network optimization, configuration, and performance with specific emphasis on
      the impact of satellite delays on various protocols including TCP/IP and other IP
      based technology.

(c)   While a lot of work has been done using TCP/IP protocols over Ku and C—band
      systems, there has not been as much over mobile systems using high speed data
      rates of 64 Kbps and higher. IP protocols over satellite is a major area of interest
      for many corporate and government users and this will be a major focus of this
      development and test effort.

Document Created: 2000-08-24 09:35:49
Document Modified: 2000-08-24 09:35:49

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