File number S-3130-EX-97

5930-EX-PL-1997 Post Grant Documents



g’z y                                               5— 31340EXA
180 Admiral Cochrane Dr.
Suite 310

Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
Phone: 410—571—9090
FAX: 410—571—0022


              To      Douglas Young, Staff Engineer
                      Federal Communications Commission
                           Radicocommunieations—Bivision                OFFiCFE CF Fa«GLiAEFRINCE + TEcpnwnourcoy
         —            International
     ‘                2000 M Street, NW, Reem800            SLiTE      236
                      Washington, DC , 2 ; 5 54
                        FEck Ricak 202— 4(85 —2440,             Faxy 2093 —"t1¥~/4%
              From: Steven W. Sweeney
                        Theodore L. Battle/ Richard Lilly

              Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authorization

                      GeoPhone Company L.L.C. hereby requests Special Temporary Authorization for two
              fixed C—Band Transmit / Receive VSAT Earth Stations for expenimental service operation in the
              Domestic Fixed Satellite Service at a prior coordinated location in Annapolis MD An application
              for Experimental Radio Service Authorization under CFR 47, Part 5 has been filed (dated
              November 5, 1997 for these same Earth Stations.
         _—           GeoPhone has completed much of the initial experimental program using our Ku Band
 |            terminals and has developed and built complete C—Band terminals and radios. GeoPhone urgently
              needs to undertake testing and validation of these terminals and components and demonstrate
              performance by the end of 1997. Several prospective international customers require
              demonstration of operation over satellites in the immediate future. The normal processing time
              for license application, combined with year end holidays, means that to compete for these
              contracts we must begin testing in November. Failure to perform these satellite tests on a timely
              basis would severely impact on trade and employment.
                      Another factor in the requirement for immediate transmission authorization is that in order
              to achieve objectives 2 and 3 of our experimental program we require acquisition of data and
              operation during wet Fall / Winter weather as well as Spring / Summer because of the effects of
              atmospheric propagation on our testing.

                                                                               JM goET7
Too                                         ‘D°1°1I ©‘0D> YHNOHJIOHD         €?200 TZLS OTFP T XV¥A $§:‘TT dAL   L6/Z0/ZT


180 Admiral Cochrane Dr.
Suite 310

Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
Phone: 410—571—9090

FAX: 410—571—0022           P         a       C      S      i     m         i      l     e

                            Far        202—418—1918                                    Pages:   26

                            Phone:     202—418—2440                                    Date:    December2, 1997

                            Re:        STA approval                                    CC:

    —                       Message:

                            To:      Douglas Young

                                  StaffEngineer FCC

                            Pleasefind attached a copy ofthe requestfor STA approval submitted to the FCC in Pittsburg, I have sent you

                                       the entire package again, although you already have the information.       Thank youforyour

                                       cooperation, and support, Anything that 1 can do in assisting yourprocessing ofthis request, please

                                       dont hesitate to contact me.

  _—~                                                                                           Sincerely Yours

                                                                                                Ted Battle

T00 &                                            nb ep D ie Sn e e n e
                                              a 971                                           s     e
                                                        ©05 ANoHdodp 2200 TLS OTP T KVA 60:8T INL L6/Z0o/ZT

180 Admiral Cochrane Dr.
Suite 310
Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
Phone: 410—571—9090
FAX: 410—571—0022



             To       Federal Communications Commussion
                      Experimental Radio Service
                      PO Box 35320
                      Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 1525—5320

             From: Steven W. Sweeney
                      Theodore L. Battle/ Richard Lilly

             Re:      Request for Special Temporary Authorization

                     GeoPhone Company L.L.C. hereby requests Special Temporary Authorization for two
             fixed C—Band Transmit / Receive VSAT Earth Stations for experimental service operation in the
             Domestic Fixed Satellite Service at a prior coordinated location in Annapolis MD An application
             for Experimental Radio Service Authorization under CFR 47, Part 5 has been filed (dated
             November 5, 1997) for these same Earth Stations.
                     GeoPhone has completed much ofthe initial experimental program using our Ku Band
             terminals and has developed and built complete C—Band terminals and radios. GeoPhone urgently
             needs to undertake testing and validation of these terminals and components and demonstrate
             performance by the end of 1997. Several prospective international customers require
             demonstration of operation over satellites in the immediate future. The normal processing time
             for license application, combined with year end holidays, means that to compete for these
             contracts we must begin testing in December. Failure to perform these satellite tests on a timely
             basis would severely impact on trade and employment.
                     Another factor in the requirement for immediate transmission authorization is that in order
             to achieve objectives 2 and 3 of our experimental program we require acquisition of data and
             operation during wet Fall / Winter weather as well as Spring / Summer because of the effects of
             atmospheric propagation on our testing.

        Attached is a copy of form 442 including excerpts from Exhibits 1, 2, and 4 and a check
for the application fee. If you require any further technical information of have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact Theodore Battle or Richard Lilly at GeoPhone Ph: 410—571—
9090 or Fax: 410—571—0022. Thanking you in advance, we remain.


Stephen W. Sweeney                                   Theodore L. Battle
General Manager and                                  Operations Manager
Chief Operation Officer                              GeoPhone L.L.C.
GeoPhone Company L.L.C.

~:EDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                            APPROVED By oms
‘washington, DG 20554                                                                                                             3080—0085
                                                                                                                              Expires 9/30/98


 L    Applicent‘s Kame and Post Office address                                '                   DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOocK
                                                                              File No                         **x
      (Street address, city, state, and ZIP Code See instruction
       No 4)
               CGeoPhone Company, L.L.C.
               180 Admiral Cochrane Drive
               Suite 310
               Annapolis, MD 21401

 Zi1). Application for (cheok only one box)                                 Kbl. For Modification indicate below:
     _3y. New atation         [D] Modification of extating. authorisation    Pile
                                                                             He:.                                   \_oat sign:
—<. Application for Modification: Check the box beside allplfllflhu
                                                                tobonndln.d. Check either addition or re—
     placement to Indicate whother the change is an addition or areplacement of parameters in the current euthorization.

[]rreocueney —                          O emission —                        D rower —                     .         D rocation —
     Duaghnw[]mmn                           J addtion or (C] repmcement?          [[] addtien or (C] repimcemert?     {D) addrtion or [] repincement?

[l OMER PARTICLAARS — addiion er replhkcement? Weecribe below or in attached EXHIDIT No.                                )

       fraqsnsy lstdie
      hether kiz or Mid   *

     (A)   List eaoh frequenoy or frequency band separately. (If more space is required, aiteach as EXHIBIT No. __4
     (F)   Insert maximum RF. outpet power al the transmitter terminals Specdify units
     (C)   Insert meximum effective radiated power from the entenna (If pulsed emission, speoify pesk power) Specify
     {D) Insert "MEAX® or "PEAK® (See definitions in Part N.
     (E)   List each type of emission separately for each frequency. (See Section 2201 of FCC Rules)
     (F)   Insert as appropriate for the type of modulation:
           (1) the meximum epeed of keying in bauds
           (¥ maximum audio modulating frequency;
           (0) frequency deviation of carrier;
           (4) pulse duration and repetition rate
           For complex emissions, desoribe in detell in the space provided below.
     (3)   Dmm-mwmmmmdmmmmmmmwcw                                                                                            l-’l:(:me“Z“’flI‘2
           (See Exhibit 1 attached)                                                                                                     March 1996

6 u). Proposed location of transmitter and transmitting antenns (check only one box to indioate type of operation}
        [X HXED/BASE                          [] »mMosie                               [ BASB AND MOBILE
iiib). If permanently located at a FIXED location, give below:                                  Hc). If mobile, describe the exact area of
               County                 City or Town                                                   operation
 MD            Anne           del
Aumber and street (or other indication of location)
     905 Commerce
$‘!3)(1). Enter geographical coordiantes exact to the nesrest second (see instruction 10)       WOXiEnter g#agraphical coordinates of the approximate
                                                                                                center of _mobile operation tsee instruction 10)
No‘th Latkude©D—MM—SS)
                  »            se
                                           West Longitude ©D—MM—S%
                                                      o           »             se
                                                                                                North Lattude                   West Longitude
                                                                                                  o              s         se   o          ®         .   L

  38 °59                 37         _            76         32            47
5:3. Datum (#ee instruction 1Ok ............ ......                O wnana                      NAD 88
é. Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?                      YI           D        NO
       If "TES*, give the following information:                   Ed                                   (See exhibit 4)
       (e) Wkith of beam in degrees at the half—power point_1.4 deg (transmit)
       (b) Orientation in horizontal plane _176.0 to 219.5 de@g) Orlentation in vertical plane 36.6 to 44.8 deg

7. is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contract with an agency of the
   United States Government?                           D ES               xo
       If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No.                         & narrative statement desoribing the government project,
       agenocy and contact number.                                    —                                      >

£.     Is this authorization to be used for the exoclusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed
       by stations under the jurisdiction of a forsign government?
                                                                   O ves               K xo
       If "YES", attach as EXHIBT No ______________ the following information: Provide the contract number and the
       name of the foreign government concerned.

¢.     Is this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a rasearch project? (The radlo communi—
       cation is not the objective of the research
                                                                          vBs          K xo
       If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No.               a narrative statement provding the following information:
       (a) A desoription of the nature of the research project beirig conducted.
       (b) A showing that the communications faollities requested are fhecessary for the research project involved.
       (0) A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate.

 1). If
     44 all the c
                answers to Items 7, 8, and 9, are "NO", attach as EXHIBIT No. _2                                     a naerrative statement describing
       (a) The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including description of equipment
           and theory of operetion.
       (b) The spacific cbjectives sought to be accomplished.                               *
     (c) How the program of axperimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extension,
         expansion, or utilization orth-ndloafl.orhmncum not already investigated.
 lfa). Give an estimate of the length of time that will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed
         in this application: _________________
     (b) If lees than 2 years, give the length of time in months that the authorization requestedlnthlla,pplh.uon
         will be
 ii.     Would a Commission grant of this application come within Seotion L1807 of the FCC Rules, such that it may have a
         significant environmental impact (see instruction 11)?       D TEs                 NO (See      exhibit 3)
         If "YES", attaoh as EXHIBIT No. _________________an Environmental Asessment as required by Section LI8iL

 1E.     List below transmitting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so statek
         MANUFACTURER                                                       MODEL NUMBER                                                  NO. OF UNITS

          Terrasat, Inc                                                   MUC 5865—040                                                           2

                                                                                                                                              — Page 3
                                                                                                                                FCEForm 442March  1996

        s the equipment listed in Item 18 capable of station identification pursuant to Section 6Iba"                     CJ]    ves      D     NO

  .       Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing bullding, will it extem
          more than 6 meters above the bullding, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an eXisting structure other
         than a building?                                   .      C    es                     NO
         If "YES", give the following (wee instruction 9):
          (a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna is ______________ meters
          (b) EHlevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level is ______________ meters
          (c) Distance to nearest alroraft landing ares is                                                                      kilometers.
          (d) List any natural formations of existing man—made structures (hills, trees, vntor tanks, towers, eto) which, in
              theopinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alrcraft and thereby minimize the
              aeronauticel hezard of the entenna

          (a) Submit as EXHIMT No.                        awm-meMnlumumuumm;
               if any, giving heights in meters above ground for all significant features. Clearly indicate existing portion,
               noting pertioulars of aviation obestruction lighting already available.

i—13,      Applicant i     (Check enrly ene bexr}
          O moiviouar             (Q association                    Q rarthersiur                   [J corporariox
                 OTHER (desoribe in space provided below)
                         Limited Liability Company (Delaware)

           Is npplbqni a foreign government or a representative of a foreign government?                                   D      YES      E[    NO

           Has applicant or.any party to this application had any PCC station license or permit revoked or had any  >
           application for permit, loense or renewsl! denied by this Commisaion?                        O es       a                             xo
           If "YBES", atteoh as EXHIBIT No                         a statement giving call sign of lioense or permit
           revoked and relate clroumstances.                                                         -

           Will appiloant be owner and operator of the station?                                                            M ves           D xo
           Give name, title, and talephone number (include area code), and Internet        address     pplicable) of perso:
           who can best handle inquiries pertaining to this application.    "       e—mail         ar *            .        "
          Thkedore L. Battle, Manager Operations (410) 571—9090 Ext 130                                          (Or Richard Lilly)
           By cheoking "YES", the individual applicant certifiee that he or she is eligible for this looense. This requires that
           he or she is not subject to a denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense
           conviction parsuant to Section 660 of the Anti— Drug Abuse Act of 1088, 21 USC. 882. A non— individusl applicent,
           eg, corporetion, partnership or other unincorporeted asmociation, certifiese that no party to the epplication is
           bos 57 con
                   to a denial of federal benefits, porsanl to that seotion.. For definition of a "party" tntmthu;mmma uo

   ir2      List below all exhibits lnnnmpnlmmmihn number of form requiring the exhibit identified.

        EXIRBNT MLMBER    TBA MO. Of FOMA           baaptt wastr           tTH4 NA. Of FORMM            DanBtt HMAMGER              iTMA NO. Of FORM

           2              10(a)—(c

                                                                                                                         FCC Form 442 — Page 4.
                                                                                                                                        March 1996

      Attention. Read this certification carefully before signing this application.
      (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 are on hand; and
      (b) Adequate financlal appropriations have been made to carry on the program of experimentation which will
          be conducted by qualified personnel; and
      (o) All operations will be on an experimental besis in accordance with Part 6 and other applicable rules, and will
         be conducted in such a manner and at such a time as to preclude harmful interference to any authorized
          station: and                                                                               "
      (d) Grant of the authorization requested herein wili not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
         (1) that the frequencies and other technical perameters specified in the authorization are the best
             suited for the proposed program of experimentation, and                                     '
         (2) that the appiicant will be authorized to operate on any basis other than experimentai, and          —
         (8) that the Commission is obligated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in its rules
             inoluding its table of frequency allocations for applicant‘s type of operation on a regularly Hoenged basic
      (s) All the statements in the application and attacohed exhibits are true, complete and correct to t'ho best of the
          applicant‘s knowledge; and
      (f) The applicant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledgo and
          understending of the above limitations and                  .
      (g) The applicant wailves any claim to the use of any perticular frequency or of the electromagnetio spectrum as
          against the regulatory power of the USA

          Signed and dated this                                        day of                                          . 19

          Name of Applicant GeoPhone L.L.C                                       P
                                                         Cuost corrospend -W/figfiru en page 1} VP

          By W.                                                        a             PLML j    {X:\           UMD/H[A/
                                   Upriatt                                 ——*            *   tsignatiret_}
          Titie    CGeneral Manager and Chief                  ating   Officer
       Check appropriate classification:

       J inaiviguat appilicant         [] Member of appiicant pertnership

       ] Authorized empitoyee                Office of applicant corporation or association

  HBection 3 12te)(1), _AND/OR FORFEMURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                     NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OF 1974
                                           AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980
  Information requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Aoct of 1984, as lmwfbd
  by Section 808 therein. The information will be used by          Communications Commission staff to           no
  «jgibility for lssuing authorizations in the use of the frequency spectrum and to effect the provisions of regulatory
  rusponsibilities rendered by itihe Commission by the Act Information requested by this form will be available to the
   ribllic unless otherwiss requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0450 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Your response is required
  }nounlnthhmthorhuon.                                                                  —

  Imblic reporting burden for this collection of information is estmated to average four (4) hours per response, including the time
  "or reviewing instructions, searching existig dafa sources, gathering and malntaining the data needed, and completing and review—
  —1g the coliection of information, Send comments regarding this burden estimate or ary other aspect of this collection of
  information, including suggestions lor reducing the burden to the Federal Communications Commission, Records Manegement
  i—anch, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0065), Washington, DC 20654. DO NOT send completed applications to this
  wwidress.   Individuals are not required to respond to this collection uniess iR displays a currently valid OMB control number.

  .AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980, PL 0G—bil, DECEMBER 11 1980, 44 USC. 8607.

                                                                                                              FCC Form 442 — Page 5
                                                                                                                         March 1996

                                 Exhibit 1: " Particulars of Operation"

         GeoPhone‘s VSAT terminals use a new type of spread spectrum modulation which is not accommodated by
the normal emission and modulation designators listed in Section 2.201 of the FCC Rules. This attachment explains the
new emission and modulation types used for transmission of low rate digital data, compressed digital voice data, or
facsimile data between GeoPhone Terminals.

         The VSAT terminals use GeoPhone‘s new multiple access technology called CAMA ( Patent # 5557637 ).
CAMA is a type of code assigned multiple access transmission system which maps a unique fixed spread spectrum code
for each terminal into a fast frequency hopped spread spectrum waveform that is transmitted in a nominal 1.3MHz
bandwidth sub—band of a standard commercial Geostationary Ku or C—Band Satellite transponder.

         Each terminal in the GeoPhone network has a unique 16 digit code which assigns a sequence of sixteen
frequencies (sixteen "chips") in a unique order of transmission within a selected transponder sub—band. This 16—chip
sequence is used on each transmitted symbol, therefore it is a "very fast" frequency—hopping signal. The signal as
transmitted is a spread spectrum signal having uniform power spectral density over the selected subband and
having very well behaved spectral characteristics. Digital techniques are used to generate the waveforms that are
transmitted by each terminal. The design provides that generation of the waveforms is done in such a way so to insure
that each frequency chip starts and stops at peak voltage so that hopping rate artifacts do not appear in the transmitted
spectrum. Partially orthogonal codes are used so that multiple users can operate in the same subband simultaneously.

Data Types Transferred:

         Compressed Digital Voice at 5.33 kbps
         Standard Commercial Facsimile at 4.8 kbps
         Digital Data at 4.8 kbps from/to customer equipment
         Standard Computer Modems at 4.8 kbps
         800 bps terminal to terminal overhead channel

Maximum Data Transfer Rate per channel;

         The 7.2 kbps data rate per channel is the same for all data typesbut is processed differently for Voice or for
         Data / Fax to provide additional Forward Error Correction gain and BER performance for both Data and Fax.
         (27, 21) Reed—Solomon Forward Error Correction is applied to the combined 4.8 Kbps data/fax and 800 bps
       ~ overhead channel (for packet framing, frequency/power control) for a total rate of 7.2 kbps per data/fax
         channel. (27, 23) Reed—Solomon Forward Error Correction is applied to the combined 5.33 Kbps voice and
         800 bps overhead channel (for packet framing, frequency/power control) for a total rate of 7.2 kbps per voice

Maximum Data Transfer Rate per Terminal:

         The data from each channel is buffered into the transmitter at 7.2 kbps to accommodate up to four time division
         multiplexed channels which can be provided simultaneously from each terminal. The maximum transmit rate
         for the terminal would be four times the maximum channel data transfer rate of 7.2 kbps, or 28,800 bits per

Modulation Characteristics (Complex):

         The system uses 8 — Bit modulation such that the symbol rate = 28,800/8 = 3,600 Symbols per second for all
         four channels or 900 Symbols per second per channel. Modulation is imparted onto the spread spectrum
         frequency hopped transmitted signal by adjusting the timing of the chips in the assigned sequence. By varying
         the leading chip in the transmitted sequence, a symbol having 8 bits is transmitted during each set of 16 chips
         transmitted between two terminals. In this way, no other modulation type, such as FSK or PSK is required
         to be added to the fast frequency hopped carrier.

                       Exhibit 2; Statement of Proposed Experiment


      GeoPhone Company, L.L.C. is developing a new type of low cost Very Small Aperture Terminal
(VSAT) for use with existing and planned Geo—Stationary Satellites to provide low data rate voice, fax and
data services for rural customers not currently served by public telephone infrastructure. Much of
GeoPhone‘s projected markets are in developing countries, but certain private low rate data network _
applications that are available in the U.S. domestic market can also be served by this product. GeoPhone is
developing this new VSAT terminal to provide services comparable to wired telephone infrastructure but at
a very low competitive cost of $1,500.00 to $ 2,000.00 per telephone line.


        GeoPhone Company, L.L.C. is requesting an experimental license to operate two (2) of its C—Band
prototype GeoPhone VSAT terminals at GeoPhone facilities at N 38:59:37 , W 076:32:47 in Annapolis,
Maryland. This site is fully coordinated (see attached Exhibit 4, Frequency Coordination Report). These
terminals will be production prototypes of the GeoPhone VSAT terminal at C Band, manufactured by
GeoPhone for use in communications of low data rate voice, facsimile and computer data at 5333 bps and
4,800 bits per second between the two GeoPhone terminals in a full mesh configuration. Each terminal will
have four (4) telephony RJ—11 input ports capable of interface to a standard telephone handset, standard
facsimile machines, selected two wire PABX or standard personal computer data modems.

        More extensive Ku band tests have been conducted since April 1997 using the first of twelve
planned terminals in GeoPhone‘s Experimental Ku Band network (WA2XBI). These tests have provided —
initial validation of the new signaling concept, modem performance, frequency and power control
validation, RF hardware and initial network operation. Testing with this Ku—Band experimental network is

         The current request for a C—Band license is required to complete development of GeoPhone‘s
companion C—Band product line. Experimentation will be less extensive than for the Ku band network and
will consist primarily of validating repeatability of system, software, and hardware performance results
obtained at Ku band. Various over the air experiments will test voice, fax, and personal computer data
transmission and the combination of all three types of transmissions simultaneously at C Band. Frequency
and power calibration and control performance will also be verified. All transmissions will originate from
and be received in the United States of America, all transmissions will be over existing, domestic,
commercial satellites ( Hughes Galaxy and GE Americom) and there will be no services provided to the
general public as part of these experiments.


       The specific objectives of these experiments will be to verify and validate through careful
measurement the following items:

         1. The technical parameters of individual components, terminals, network, and terminal to terminal
            setup protocol‘s under realistic operating conditions using a Domestic, Commercial C Band
            Geo—Stationary Satellite.

         2. The behavior of the network during extremes of weather and temperature.

       3. The operation of active uplink power control systems including both Hardware and Software

       4. Network behavior with typical video and/or communications traffic on adjacent cross—polarized
          transponders at the same frequency or on adjacent co—polarized transponders of different
          frequency.                                                           >

        5. The achievable bit error rates, voice quality and data transfer quality for practical applications
           of the terminals in their intended markets.

        6. The ability of the distributed network managemént software to detect and isolate remote
           terminal faults, and to reliably shut down terminals which are not within designated operational

        7. Behavior and operations of the distributed network management software system, the billing
           software system, the call handshake and terminal link management software system, and the
           administrative terminal automatic terminal diagnostic software management system.


                                            OF THE RADIO ART

        The GeoPhone terminals represent an entirely new type of radio communications system using
typical geostationary communications satellites. In order to meet the increasing needs of rural markets for
telephony, facsimile and low rate data services, particularly in developing countries or in economically
depressed regions, GeoPhone uses new technologies that optimize the number of simultaneous
conversations per transponder subband and allow for very low cost operations from multiple fixed locations.
The experiments proposed by GeoPhone will validate and optimize the design of this new VSAT
technology and will demonstrate the new and advanced features of system operations including:

e   Use of advanced CAMA ( Convolution Ambiguity Multiple Access) technology —— a type of CDMA
    technique that is asynchronous and has very high spectrum reuse capabilities.

*   Development of an affordable very well behaved fast frequency hopping spread spectrum transmitter
    and receiver that is low enough in cost for use in rural telephony applications, thereby providing unique
    transpomder frequency spectrum reuse capabilities.

e   Use of a "hub—less" distributed network management system

*   Use of advanced monolithic transmitter and receiver components

e   Use of a completely software programmable transmitter and receiver system that can be reconfigured
    over the air through network wide broadcasts

*   Deployment of a system that can have voice, data and facsimile transmissions in the same subband at
    the same time with high spectral reuse.

               Exhibit 3: " 1.1307 Statement and Radiation Hazard Study"

It has been determined that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required for the site at 905 Commerce
Rd. This is supported by the following data:

a) (1) 905 Commerce is not located in a designated Wilderness Area.
    (2) 905 Commerce is not located in a designated Wildlife Preserve.
    (3) No known endangered species are present and 905 Commerce is not in the designated Critical
        Areas. (Ref. 50 CFR, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AA Co. Critical Area Map)
    (4) 905 Commerce is not on, or under consideration for inclusion in the National Register of Historic
        Places (Ref. 36 CFR 60, 800 and Md. State).
    (5) 905 Commerce is not a known or claimed Indian Religious Site.
    (6) 905 Commerce is not located in a 100 Yr. Flood Plain (Ref. NEMA Flood Map 24008—0033C).
    (7) 905 Commerce is not located in a wetland or Critical Area (Ref. AA Co. PCE)
    (8) Anne Arundle Planning and Code Enforcement issued a approved Building Permit (#B02118402)

b) The operation of the transmitters on the roof of 905 Commerce will not expose workers or
     the general public to levels of radiofrequency radiation in excess of the "Radio Frequency
     Protection Guides" recommended in "American National Standard Safety Levels with respect
     to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 300 kHz to 100 GHz",
     ANSIIEEE C95.1—1992). See appended "Radiation Hazard Study" .

   Exhibit 4: " Frequency Coordination Report"

GeoPhone C—Band Earth Station at 905 Commerce Rd.

                                                                          GENERAL OFFICES
                                                                       266 WEST MAIN STREET
                                                                 DENVILLE * NEW JERSEY 07834 U.5.A.
                                                                         TEL. 201 — 627 — 7400




sINCE 1952



                            GEOPHONE COMPANY LLC

                                   ANNAPOLIS, MD

                                   October 27, 1997


 An Interference Study considering all existing, proposed and prior coordinated

 microwave facilities within the coordination contours of the proposed Earth Station

 demonstrates that this site will operate satisfactorily with the Common Carrier

 Microwave Environment as defined on the frequency coordination data sheet.


 There were no potential great circle interference cases at 4 GHz. All of the potential

 great circle interference cases at 6 GHz were found to be acceptable on the basis that

 harmful interference will not likely result from the proposed operation, wnsidefing

 the criteria, the potential interference receive levels, and the total propagation losses.

 There were no reported cases of rain scatter beam intersections.

                                        Page 1 of 3


      The Satellite Earth Station proposed in this Application was coordinated by

      Multicomm Sciences International, Inc., Frequency Coordinators Group, using

      computer techniques and in accordance with Parts 25 of the FCC Rules and



      Frequency Coordination Data which is attached, contains the following:

             Technical Characteristics of Proposed Earth Station
             Horizon Antenna Gain Plot
             Discrimination Angle Plot
             Local Horizon Plot
             Satellite Elevation Plot
             4 and 6 GHz Coordination Contour
             4 and 6 GHz Rain Scatter


      Holders of licenses, permittees, prior filed applicants or planners of 6 GHz

      transmitting stations were notified on September 17, 1997 of the proposed Earth

      Station technical details in accordance with Section 25.203 (c—2) of the FCC Rules

      and Regulations. Satisfactory coordination was achieved on the basis that harmful

      interference would not occur, or that sufficient terrestrial blocking exists.

      Ellis Thompson Corp
      Wilm Cell Tele Co (Amcell/Cell One)
      Intermedia Communications
      Bell Atlantic Mobile Communications
      Cellco Partnership _ CT.W—MA, W—NY
      Cellco Partnership — MD, NJ, PA Region
      Comcast Cable Communications (Mid—Atlan)

                                            Page 2 of 3

      C—SW Cellular Partnership
      Dobson Cellular of MD, Inc. dba Cell One
      Hardy Cellular Telephone Co
      Atlantic States MicrowaveTrans Co
      Bell Atlantic — Pennsylvania
      Bell Atlantic — Maryland
      GTE North Inc Pennsylvania Operations
       Harrisburg Cellular Telephone Co
      Local Area Telecommunications
      MCI Telecommunications
      Overseas Telecommunications
      Pennsylvania Cellular Telephone
      Reading Cellular Telephone
      Susquehana Cellular Comm LP
      Virginia Cellular LP
       PBS Satellite Operations Center
       Qwest Transmission
       PECO Energy Co
       Virginia Electric & Power Co
       Winstar Locate
       Wash/Balt Cellular LP
       Washington DC SMSA LP
       Micronet Communications
       Microwave Planning

6.      mgmmmmmmm
     Submitted in this Application

       I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

       preparation of the frequency coordination information contained in this application;

       that I am familiar with Parts 21 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules; that I have either

       prepared or reviewed the frequency coordination information submitted in this

       application; and, that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

 anine I Miliband, Manager
Interference Analysis Services
MSI Frequency Coordinators Group
Multicomm Sciences International, Inc.
October 27, 1997
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Document Created: 2001-07-30 18:31:45
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 18:31:45

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