Acknowledgment generated [Sep 15, 2000]

0205-EX-PL-2000 Correspondence

Ford Communications Inc.


                             Experimental Licensing Branch
                           445 12th Street, S.W., Room 7A—321
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554              To

                                     September 15, 2000

Attn: Mr. Jeff Forrester
Ford Communications Inc.
330 Town Center Drive, Suite 600
Derborn, MI 48126

Dear Mr. Jeff Forrester,

The Experimental Licensing Branch hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for
experimental authority filed on FCC Form 442 received September 07, 2000.

The file number assigned to your application is 0205—EX—PL—2000. Please allow approximately
90 days for processing of your filing.

Responses to this correspondence must contain the Reference number : 958

                                                          Sincerely,          .
                                                          /z/fi              //’

                                                          ‘//L   ALLCALS%/ /
                                                          Nancy Hey

Document Created: 2000-09-18 09:56:43
Document Modified: 2000-09-18 09:56:43

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