STA Request

0343-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

Final Analysis, Inc.


    .                                                                                343EX—ST—2(00
                                           KELLEY DRYE & WARREN iur
                                                   A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

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        stamFORp, CT                                    (202) ass—9600
    PARSIPPANY, NJ                                                                             WRITER‘S DIRECT LINES
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                                                                                                  WRITER‘S E—MAILS:
         HONG KONG                                                                   


  BANGKOK, THAILAND                                  August 1, 2000

        James Burtle, Chief
        Experimental Licensing Branch
        Office of Engineering and Technology
        Federal Communications Commission
        MS 1300E1
        445 12th Street, S.W.
        Washington, DC 20554

                        Re:        Final Analysis Inc. Request for Special Temporary Authority to Modify
                                   Experimental Authorization for Fixed Ground Station at Lanham,
                                   Maryland (Call Sign: WAZXHE; File No. 0224—EX—RR—1999)

        Dear Mr. Burtle:

            Pursuant to Section 5.61 of the Commission‘s Rules, Final Analysis Inc. ("FAI"), by its
    attorneys, hereby requests special temporary authority to modify for a limited six month period,
    effective July 15, 2000, its above—captioned experimental authorization for its Lanham, Maryland
    ground station to add the 150.0—150.05 MHz frequency band to the frequencies already contained
        in the current authorization, and to authorize feeder uplink operations, including tracking,
    telemetry and command (TT&C), on all authorized frequencies between the ground station and
    the FAISAT—3v satellite launched under authority of the Final Analysis Communication
        Services, Inc. license.‘

                Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red
                6618 (1998). On May 1, 1998, Final Analysis filed an Application for Clarification and
                Review of the Order and Authorization which is pending.

 James Burtle, Chief
~Experimental Licensing Branch
 August 1, 2000
 Page Two

        Special temporary authority is necessary to allow FAl to conduct feeder link operations,
including TT&C, with the FAISAT—3v satellite on all frequencies authorized under this
experimental authorization. Grant of this request is in the public interest because it will enable
FAI to demonstrate that it has brought into use the frequency band assignments that have been
notified to the International Telecommunication Union ("ITU") under LEOTELCOM—5.

      FAI also submits the following information as required under Section 5.61 of the
Commission‘s Rules in support of its request for special temporary authority:

1.     Name and Address:      Final Analysis Inc., 9701 —E Philadelphia Court, Lanham, Maryland

2.    Need for Special Temporary Authority: To enable feeder uplink operations to the
FAISAT—3v satellite launched pursuant to 13 FCC Red 6618.

3.    Type of Operation to be Conducted: Telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) of the
FAISAT—3v satellite from Lanham ground station.

4.     Time and Date of Proposed Operation: For a six—month period effective July 15, 2000.

5.     Class of Station, Call Sign, Nature of Service: Fixed; Call Sign WA2XHE; Experimental.

6.    Location of Proposed Operations: Final Analysis Inc., 9701—E Philadelphia Court,
Lanham, Maryland; North latitude 38—57—39, West longitude 76—50—19.

7.     Equipment: Experimental ground station transmitter (1 unit).

8.     Frequencies desired: 150.0—150.05 MHz

9.     Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power: 40.7 dBW EIRP.

10.    Emission Designator: 43KOFID

11.      Overall Height Above Ground of Antenna Structure: The antenna is mounted on an
existing building and will not extend more than 6 meters above the building. See Final Analysis
Inc., Initial Application for Lanham Experimental Ground Station, FCC Form 442, dated
November 13, 1996 at Item 15.

        The officer‘s certification required under Section 5.64 of the Commission‘s Rules is
included as Attachment A. Also enclosed is a completed FCC Form 159 with a check payable to
the Federal Communications Corporation in the amount of $45 to cover the filing fee. A
duplicate of this filing and a postage—paid, self—addressed envelope are included with this filing.
Please date—stamp the duplicate upon receipt and return it to me in the envelope.

  James Burtle, Chief
© Experimental Licensing Branch
August 1, 2000
Page Three

       If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Aileen A. Pisciotta
                                                Randall W. Sifers


CC.    Douglas A. Wright
       Frank Wright

Sent By: Final Analysis Inc.;                      3014590101 ;                Aug—1—00   7:00PM;            Page 2/3

                                                   AtTacament a                FOSOMELLON           AUG q2 2000
                                             Certification of Applicant

                On behaif of Final Analysis Inc., 1 hereby certify thal the statements in the foregoing
         Request for Temporary Authority to Modify Experimental Authorization are true, complete and
         comect to the best of my knowledge. T also hereby certify that no party to this application is
         subject to a denial of Federal bencfits, including FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the
         Anii—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862, because of a conviction for possession or
         distribution of a controlled substance.

                                                                          FINAL ANALYSIS I

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                                                                          Chairman and Presideni


Document Created: 2000-08-15 08:28:25
Document Modified: 2000-08-15 08:28:25

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