Incoming generated [Nov 07, 2002]

0214-EX-PL-2002 Correspondence



From:          Forrester, Jeff (S.)
To:            John Kennedy
Date:          11/4/02 3:56PM
Subject:       RE: FCC File #: 0214-EX-PL-2002


Here's more information:

The device is used in a "pass by" noise tester. This is a bundle of
instruments - including microphones - that take readings of cars and trucks as
they pass. There are various noise requirements in different states and
countries and this collection of devices has been assembled to make such

The "volume" of the pass-by is recorded and radioed to a trailor, the engine
speed (from this device) is recorded and transmitted back, and there are
relevant additional characteristics recorded at the read - namely weather and
ground temperature. This information is used in calculations for the final
output readings.

Insofar as there is no forseeable end to government regulation of the noise a
particular automobile might make, the license is expected to be needed for the
next 5 to 10 years.

Thank you.

Jeff Forrester
(313) 322-7330

-----Original Message-----
From: John Kennedy []
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: RE: FCC File #: 0214-EX-PL-2002

Mr. Forrester,

Have you been able to obtain the requested information in the two attached
e-mails ?


>>> "Forrester, Jeff (S.)" <> 10/24/02 01:48PM >>>

I've located the operation that uses the telemetry device that we'll be
offering an explanation on. Hopefully it's not too late to petition for this
renewal? I was told by one of the operators that the device was used to
detect engine speed and that it would be in use for the next 5-10 years.

I'll forward a more comprehensive description asap.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Kennedy []
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: FCC File #: 0214-EX-PL-2002

Dear Mr. Jeffrey Forrester:

Please respond to the two attached e-mails as soon as possible by following
the instructions contained at the bottom of each. Thank you.

     John Kennedy


Document Created: 2002-11-07 11:15:39
Document Modified: 2002-11-07 11:15:39

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