Progress Report (Jan 28, 1998)

4684-EX-RR-1997 Post Grant Documents



                                      KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                                                                                                                JAN 2 8 1998
                                                1200 19THh STREET, N.W.                                 Federal Communications GCominission
                                                                                                                  Office of Secretary
  NEW YORK, w.y.                                          SUITE 500                                               FACSIM WE

                                                                                                               (202) ©§5—9792
 LOS AnGELES, CA.                             wWASHINGTON, D. C. 20036
     MIAMI, FL.

   CHICAGO. (L..                                         (202) 9§5—9600


                                                                                                              WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
                                                                                                                 (202) 955—9774


 ArriLiatED orrices
                                                     January 28, 1998


      Mr. Douglas A. Young
      Federal Communications Commission
      Office of Engineering & Technology
      Experimental Licensing Branch
      2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 230
      Mail Stop 1300 — C1
      Washington, D.C. 20554

                       Re:    Final Analysis Inc., Progress Report for Experimental Little LEO
                              Satellite Program —— FAISAT—2v Satellite (Call Sign KS2XCY, File
                              No. 4682—EX—R—97); Lanham, Maryland Ground Station (Call Sign
                              WAZXHE, File No. 5582—EX—PL—97); Logan, Utah Ground Station
                              (Call Sign KSZXDA, File No. 4684—EX—RR—97); and Remote
                              Terminals (Call Sign KS2XCZ, File No. 4683—EX—R—97)

      Dear Mr. Young:

                       In accordance with its above—referenced authorizations, Final Analysis Inc.
      ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys, hereby submits this progress report on its experimental
      non—voice, non—geostationary mobile satellite service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO")

                     On September 23, 1997, Final Analysis‘s experimental Little LEO satellite,
      FAISAT—2v, was successfully launched from Russia. Since the launch of FAISAT—2v, Final
      Analysis‘s technical staff has been actively engaged in monitoring and telemetry, tracking &
      control ("TT&C") of the satellite to ensure that it enters into proper orbital operation. Final
      Analysis has maintained full contact with the satellite to address early orbit issues directly
      from its main ground station and control center at the company headquarters in Lanham,
      Maryland, and remotely through its ground stations in Logan, Utah and Andoya, Norway.

     ## DCOLBATAP/57683.41

                                 KELLEY DRYE & WARREN iur

 Mr. Douglas A. Young
 January 28, 1998                                                                               sn
 Page 2

                   After launch of the FAISAT—2v in September the initial early orbit operations
_ of the satellite were within normal parameters. Data was regularly downloaded during
 satellite passes, although the Final Analysis staff was primarily engaged in early orbit
operations, i.e., fine tuning of the satellite‘s orbital stability, components, and other
operational parameters. These stabilizing activities were not complete when, on October 24,
 1997, the satellite entered solar eclipse and began to expend more energy than could be
generated by its solar panels given the satellite‘s orientation to the sun during eclipse. In
anticipation of energy deficit situations which might occur during normal satellite operations,
the satellite command software was originally programmed to shut the satellite down during
defined energy deficit situations. The satellite performed as programmed and shut down,
preventing further ground communication, and consequent energy drain, during the eclipse
period. At the beginning of the year when the satellite re—entered full sun mode, the batteries
recharged. Final Analysis made communication contact with the satellite, and has been in
communication with it since.  Data has been again regularly downloaded from the satellite,
and all components, including radios, batteries, antennas, and the on—board processor, are
working within normal parameters.

                   Subsequent to resuming satellite—ground communication, Final Analysis staff
has been attempting to complete early orbit operations, including stabilizing the satellite‘s
orbit and fine tuning its other operational parameters. It is Final Analysis‘s intention to
upload new software to modify the spacecraft‘s energy use during routine operations and
hopefully prevent future energy deficits during eclipse mode. However, since early orbit
operations have not been completed, the software modification has not been uploaded and the
satellite is now re—entering its second eclipse season.

                With respect to the primary phase of the experiment, Final Analysis has been
conducting multiple scans of a variety of VHF and UHF bands, including the 455—456 MHz
band allocated to Little LEOs internationally at WRC—95, from FAISAT—2v. Final Analysis
anticipates that these multiple scanning operations will help collect data on the comparative
levels of noise from existing operations in the observed bands and accurately measure the
feasibility of conducting Little LEO operations in these bands on a time—shared basis with
existing operations.

## DCOL/BATAP/57683.41

                                 KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

Mr. Douglas A. Young
January 28, 1998                                                                               L
Page 3

               The original and two copies of this progress report are being filed herewith.
In addition, in accordance with the conditions of Final Analysis‘s experimental
authorizations, a copy of this progress report is being filed with the Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau.         Please do not hesitate to call the undersigned counsel at the
above—referenced number if you should have any questions regarding this matter.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                   Peter A. Batacan
                                                   Counsel to Final Analysis Inc.

ce:                 Mr. Dan Phythyon,
                    Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (via hand delivery)

#§# DCOL/BATAP/57683.41

Document Created: 2001-08-16 19:41:12
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 19:41:12

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