Progress Report (Sep 18, 1997)

4684-EX-RR-1997 Post Grant Documents



   .                                                       |                                       ORIGINAL RECEIVED
                                           KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Lup                                                 SEP 1 8 1997

                                                     1200 19TH STREET, N.W.                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                   OFPICE OF THE SECRETARY
  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                               SsUITE 500                                           FACSIMILE
 LOS anGELES. Ca.                                  wasHiNGToN, D. c. 20036                                       (a02) ass—9792
       MIAM1, FL.
   CHICAGO, iL.                                                t202) as8—9600
  sTamFORpD, CT.
                                                                                                                WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                                                  (202) 955—9774
    nong kong

 NEw DELHI, iNDIA                                        September 18, 1997
  TOoKYyo, Jaran


         Mr. Douglas A. Young
         Federal Communications Commission
         Office of Engineering & Technology
         Experimental Licensing Branch
         2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 230
       — Mail Stop 1300 — C1
         Washington, D.C. 20554

                           Re:    Final Analysis Inc., Progress Report for Experimental Little LEO
                                  Satellite Program —— FAISAT—2v Satellite (Call Sign KSZXCY, File
                                  No. 4682—EX—R—97); Lanham, Maryland Ground Station (Call Sign
                                  WAZXHE, File No. 5582—EX—PL—97); Logan, Utah Ground Station
                                  (Call Sign KSZXDA, File No. 4684—EX—RR—97); and Remote
                                  Terminals (Call Sign KS2XCZ, File No. 4683—EX—R—97)

        Dear Mr. Young:

                           Pursuant to its experimental non—voice, non—geostationary mobile satellite
        service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO®") authorizations for the above—referenced call signs,
        Final Analysis Inc. ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys, hereby submits this special progress
        report on its Experimental Satellite Program. Final Analysis hereby notifies the Commission
        of the imminent launch of its experimental Little LEO satellite FAISAT—2v.

                           Absent unforeseen circumstances beyond Final Analysis‘s control such as a
        precipitous change in weather conditions, the preparedness of the primary satellite payload or
        similar emergency, FAISAT—2v is scheduled to be launched as a secondary payload aboard a
        Cosmos rocket from the Cosmodrome in Plesetsk, Russia on Tuesday September 23rd at
        approximately 8:45 p.m. Moscow time (12:45 p.m. Washington, D.C. time).

                           The original and two copies of this progress report are being filed herewith.
        In addition, in accordance with the conditions of Final Analysis‘s experimental

        ## DCO1/BATAP/49649.41

                                        KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLr                                    OR'G,NAL
                                         A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AssociaTiOns

                                                 1200 19T"8 STREET, N.wW.

  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                          SUITE 500                                      FACSIMILE
                >   CA.
                                               wasH#iNGToOoN, D. C. 20036                             (2o2r, oss—9792

     MIAM}, FL.

   CHICAGO, IL.                                          (202) 955—9600
                                                                                                    WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                                      (202) 955—9774


 NEW DELHI, INDJA                                               March 27,       1997

     VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                                       ‘MAR 2:7,1997
     Office of Engineering and Technology                                                    OfFiceof&Tégg?Copmiisoton
     Federal Communications Commission
     2000 M Street, N.W.
     Suite 230              -
     Washington, D.C. 20554
     Attn: Mr. Douglas A. Young

                          Re:   Final Analysis, Inc., Status Report for Experimental Little LEO
                                Satellite Program —— FAISAT—2v Little LEO Satellite (Call Sign
                                KS2XCY, File No. 4682—EX—PL—95); Logan, Utah Ground Station
                                (Call Sign KSZ2ZXDA, File No. 4684—EX—PL—95); and Remote
                                Terminals (Call Sign KS2XCZ, File No. 4683—EX—PL—95)

     Dear Mr. Young:

                  Pursuant to its experimental non—voice, non—geostationary mobile satellite
     service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO") authorizations for the above—captioned call—signs,
     Final Analysis, Inc., by its attorneys, hereby submits its quarterly status report on the
     FAISAT—2v Experimental Satellite Program:

                          1.    Satellite. Final Analysis has completed integration of the satellite at its
    experimental ground station and corporate headquarters in Lanham, Maryland. Although
    Final Analysis had anticipated shipment of the satellite to Russia by the end of January
     1997,‘ circumstances beyond Final Analysis‘s control have delayed shipment. Despite Final

        ! See Letter from Final Analysis, Inc., to Mr. Douglas B. Young, Re: Quarterly Status
    Report on FAISAT—2v Experimental Satellite Program, dated December 13, 1996.

    ## DCOL/BATAP/37862.41

                                       KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

      Mr. Douglas A. Young
      March 27, 1997
      Page 2

     Analysis‘s timely initiation in November 1996 and diligent prosecution of the export licensing
     process before the U.S. Department of State and DoD, the export license for shipment of the
     satellite components to Russia was not received until March 12, 1997. Notwithstanding this
     issuance of the license, the State Department also has required that shipment and launch of
     the satellite be approved under the U.S.—Russia—Kazakhstan Inmarsat Satellite Safeguards
     Agreement (the "SSA")." The SSA‘s main purpose is to protect U.S. technology. Pursuant
     to that end, the SSA requires that the U.S. and Republic of Russia exchange diplomatic notes
     confirming that the launch of FAISAT—2v is covered under the agreement before the satellite
     can be shipped to Russia.

                        On March 13, 1997, the State Department sent a diplomatic note to the

     Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirming coverage of FAISAT—2v under the SSA.
     Since that time, Final Analysis‘s Moscow representatives have been fully engaged in efforts
     to expedite the issuance of the corresponding diplomatic note by the Russian government (a
     process which is said normally to take up to one month and to require the signature of
     several Russian government departments). However, this process could delay shipment of
     FAISAT—2v at least until March 31—to—mid—April, 1997 —— which was the initial timeframe for
     launch of FAISAT—2v as a secondary payload aboard a Cosmos rocket from the Cosmodrome
     in Plesetsk, Russia." Accordingly, shipment of FAISAT—2v to Russia according to the
     original launch schedule has been delayed by exogenous circumstances entirely outside of
     Final Analysis‘s control and subject to the exclusive control of the U.S. and Russian
     governments. As of this writing, an exact launch date cannot be predicted by the company
     with certainty.

          * This agreement was originally developed for the Inmarsat geostationary satellite.

         3 Because FAISAT—2v is a secondary payload, timing of the launch is dependent to a
     large extent on the needs of primary payload customers. After the Cosmos launch scheduled
     for March—to—mid—April timeframe, the next available launch date is not until November—
     December 1997.

     ## DCOL/BATAP/37862.41

                                  KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

 Mr. Douglas A. Young
 March 27, 1997
 Page 3

                       Stations. Ground stations are being established in three
 locations —— Logan, Utah,* Lanham, Maryland* and Andoya, Norway. Additional ground
 stations may be installed in foreign locations. All parts and components required for these
three ground stations have been received. These ground stations have the hardware and
software capability to perform TT&C and day—to—day operation not only for FAISAT—2v but
also for the full FAISAT commercial constellation.

              2.     Remote User Terminals. The prototype user terminals have been
designed, developed and manufactured. Testing of these prototypes together with the
assembled satellite, in anticipation of the shipment of the satellite to Russia, has been
completed. Additional user terminals are now being manufactured.

                   Please date—stamp the enclosed stamp—and—return copy of this report upon its
receipt. Please do not hesitate to call me at the above—referenced number, if you have any
questions regarding this matter.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                   Peter A. Batacan
                                                   Counsel for Final Analysis, Inc.

     * In addition to its existing experimental authority for the Logan ground station (see Call
Sign KSZ2XCZ, File No. 4683—EX—PL—95), Final Analysis received a special temporary
authorization to test uplink communications for command, telemetry and control between the
Logan ground station and FAISAT—2v on frequency 148.7 MHz (see Call Sign KS2XDA,
File No. S—2779—EX—97).

    * Final Analysis‘s application for experimental authority for the Lanham, Maryland
ground station is pending. See Final Analysis, Inc., Application for Experimental Authority
for Fixed Satellite Ground Station at Lanham, Maryland, FCC Form 442, File No. 5582—EX—
PL—96, filed on November 13, 1996. In addition, Final Analysis has received special
temporary authority for test operations at the Lanham ground station prior to launch of
FAISAT—2v, and to test communications between the ground station and the satellite after
launch. See Call Sign KS2XAF, File No. S—2765—EX—97.

## DCOL/BATAP/37862.41

Document Created: 2001-08-16 19:57:04
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 19:57:04

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