File number S-2779-EX-97

4684-EX-PL-1995 Post Grant Documents



 t   &

ATTN:; Nader Modanlo;     9701—E Philadelphia Way; Lanham, MD 20706

                                                 United States of America
                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                            SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORIZATION

                 EXPERIMENTAL                                                             K S   2   X D A
                (Nature of Service)                                                   (Call Sign)

                 XD_FX                                                                    $—2779—RBX—97
                (Class of station)                                                    (File number)

                NAME                                Final Analysis, Inc.

                                        Logan,UT — NL 41—38—15; WL 111—48—49
                                                (Location of station)

                Special     Temporary    Authority      is    hereby     granted     to     operate         the   radio
                transmitting apparatus described below:

                Frequency          Authorized                Emission           Class of
                  (MHz)            Power    (watts)          Designator         Station

                 148 .7              200    (ERP)            100KF1ID                FX

         Purpose of Operation:          Test uplink communications for command, telemetry and
                                        control between the fixed ground station and the FAISAT—2v

         Special Conditions:            Licensee must coordinate with Orbcomm prior to operation
                                        to avoid interference.

         This    special     temporary      authorization is granted upon the express condition
         that it may be terminated by the Commission at any time without advance
         notice or hearing if in its discretion the need for such action arises.
         Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a finding by  the  Commission
         that  the  authority  herein  granted  is  or will be in the public interest
         beyond the express terms hereof.

         This special temporary authorization shall not vest in the grantee any right
         to operate the       station      nor   any    right   in      the   use    of    the      frequencies
         designated in the authorization beyond the term hereof, nor in any other
         manner than authorized herein.  Neither the authorization nor the right
         granted hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation
         of the Communications Act of 1934.  This authorization is subject to the
         right of use of control by the Government of the United States conferred by
         Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934.

         This authorization effective               January 21, 1997           and
         will expire 3:00 A.M. EST.                  July 21, 1997

                                        KELLEY DRYE & WARREN iur

                                                1200 1978 STREET, N.W.

  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                         SsuITE 500                                 FACSIMILE
  os angeLEs,
      aAn  Es, Ca ca.                         wasHincton, D. c. 20036                            (202) ess—9792
     MIAM1, PL.
   CHICAGO, iL.                                         (202) ass—9600

                                                                                                WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                                  {(202) 955—9774


 NEW DELHI, INDIA                                               January 17,       1997


      Experimental Radio Division
      P.O. Box 358320
      Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

            Re:          Final Analysis, Inc., Application for Special Temporary
                         Authority for Modification to Fixed Ground Station in
                         Logan, Utah —— EXPEDITED ACTION REQUESTED

      Dear Sir or Madam:

                         Final Analysis, Inc., by its attorneys, hereby submits its application for special
      temporary authority ("STA") pursuant to Section 5.56 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.
      § 5.56. Final Analysis requires expedited grant of an STA to test uplink communications on
      the 148.7 MHz frequency for command, telemetry and control between its fixed ground
      station at Logan, Utabh, for which Final Analysis holds an experimental authorization,‘ and
      its satellite FAISAT—2v, for which Final Analysis already has been granted experimental
      authorization for non—voice, non—geostationary orbit mobile satellite service ("NVNG
      MSS")." Final Analysis also is simultaneously filing herewith on FCC Form 442 an
      application to modify its existing experimental authorization for the Logan, Utah ground
      station to add the 148.7 MHz uplink frequency to the frequencies in the 455—456 and 459—460
      MHz bands already contained in the current Logan authorization. A copy of the FCC Form
      442 for modification of the Logan, Utah Station is attached hereto as Attachment B.

            ‘ See Call Sign KSZXDA, File No. 4684—EX—PL—95.

         > Final Analysis received an experimental authorization for FAISAT—2v (Call Sign
      KS2XCY) on August 11, 1995.

      ## DCOL/BATAP/34122.41

                                KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

January 17, 1997
Page 2

                  Use of the 148.7 MHz frequency, in particular, is critical to testing of uplink
communications between the Logan, Utah ground station and FAISAT—2v because the 148.7
MHz frequency is the default frequency for communications between the ground station and
the satellite and control of the satellite." Furthermore, testing must be completed prior to
shipment of the satellite to Russia. Final Analysis plans to ship FAISAT—2v to Russia by the
end of this month for launch as a secondary payload aboard a Cosmos rocket in the first
quarter of 1997. Accordingly, Final Analysis requests that it be granted on an expedited
basis a six—month STA beginning on January 21, 1997, and ending on July 21, 1997, to
allow for testing of uplink communications and command, telemetry and control between the
Logan, Utah ground station and its experimental satellite on the 148.7 MHz frequency.

                  Final Analysis also submits the following information as required under
Section 5.56 of the Rules in support of its expedited STA request:

                  Name and Address: Final Analysis, Inc., 9701—E Philadelphia Way,
                  Lanham, MD 20706.

                  Need for Special Action: See above.

                  Type of Operation: See above. A detailed discussion of Final Analysis‘s
                  experimental operation is contained in Exhibit 1 of Attachment B.

                  Purpose of Operation: See above. A detailed discussion of the purpose of
                  Final Analysis‘s experimental operation on the 148.7 MHz frequency at
                  Logan, Utah, which is the subject of this STA, is contained in Exhibit 1 of
                  Attachment B.

                  Time and Date of Operation: See above.

                  Class of Station: Fixed Experimental Ground Station

                  Location of Proposed Operation: Utah State University, 1795 N. Research
                  Parkway (north latitude: 41—38—15; west longitude: 111—48—49)

                  Equipment: Experimental Ground Station Transmitter (1 unit).

    > Under a previous experimental satellite program, Final Analysis was authorized to use
the 148.7 MHz frequency at the Logan, Utah ground station. See Call Sign KE2XGU, File
No. 4097—EX—PL—94.

## DCO/BATAP/34122.41

                                   KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

January 17, 1997
Page 3

                   Frequencies: 148.7 MHz.

                   Effective Radiated Power: 25 dBw (mean). See Item 4 of Attachment B.

                   Emission Type: 100KF1ID. See Item 4 of Attachment B.

                   Overall Height Above Ground of Antenna Structure (If Greater than Six
                   Meters): Antenna will not extend more than 6 meters.

               The original signature of an officer of Final Analysis, as required by Section
5.54 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.54, and the original executed anti—drug abuse certification
pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, are attached
hereto as Attachment A.

                   The $45 fee (Code EAE) as listed in the Office of Engineering and
Technology Fee Filing Guide is enclosed in the form of a check payable to the Federal
Communications Commission. Also enclosed is a completed FCC Form 159 (FCC
Remittance Advice Form). A duplicate of this filing and a self addressed, postage—paid
envelope also are included in this filing. Please date—stamp the duplicate upon receipt and
return it in the envelope provided. Please contact the undersigned directly if you have any

                                                   Respectfully submitted,           onlz zs

                                                   Peter A. Batacan
                                                   Counsel to Final Analysis, Inc.

encls:             FCC Form 159
                   Check for $45
                   Original signature and certification page
                   Final Analysis application for modification to Logan ground station

cc:                Mr. Douglas Young
                   Office of Engineering and Technology

## DCO1/BATAP/34122.41


             RIGIN           NAT         AND      CERTIFICATION       OF    APP

       On behalf of Final Analysis, Inc., and in accordance with Sections 5.54—5.56 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.54—5.56, I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing

application for special temporary authority are true, complete and correct to the best of my

knowledge. I also hereby certify, in accordance with Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, that no party to this application is subject to a

denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug

Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862(a).

                                                     FINAL ANALYSIS, INC.


                                     oues                  1/19/dE


                                      KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

                                               1200 1978 STREET, N.W.

  NEw YORK, N.Y.                                        SUITE 500                              FACSIMILE

                                             wasHINGTON, D. c. 20036                        c2o2, oss—97902

     MIAM1, FL.

   CHicaso, IL.                                        (202) 955—9600

                                                                                           WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                             (202) 955—9774


 NEWw DELHI, INDIA             *                               January 17, 1997


      Experimental Radio Division
      P.O. Box 358320
      Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

           Re:           Final Analysis, Inc., Application for Modification of
                         Experimental Authorization for Fixed Ground Station at
                         Logan, Utah (Call Sign KS2XDA; File No. 4684—EX—PL—95)

      Dear Sir or Madam:

                   Final Analysis, Inc., by its attorneys, hereby submits its application on FCC
      Form 442 to modify its above—captioned experimental authorization for its Logan, Utah
      ground station to add the 148.7 MHz uplink frequency to the frequencies in the 455—456 and
      459—460 MHz band already contained in the current Logan authorization. The modification
      to add the 148.7 MHz uplink frequency is necessary for command, telemetry and control
      functions between Final Analysis‘s Logan ground station and its satellite FAISAT—2v, for
      which Final Analysis already has been granted experimental authorization for non—voice, non—
      geostationary orbit mobile satellite service ("NVNG MSS").‘ A central purpose of Final
      Analysis‘s overall experimental satellite program, as set forth in more detail in Exhibit 1 of
      the attached Form 442, is to determine the ability of NVNG MSS operations to coexist in
      certain frequency bands with existing users of those bands.

           _ Final Analysis received an experimental authorization for FAISAT—2v (Call Sign
      KS2XCY) on August 11, 1995.

      ## DCOL/BATAP/34139.41

                                    KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Lip

January 17, 1997
Page 2

                    In addition to the proposed operations between the Logan ground station as
modified in the instant application and FAISAT—2v, Final Analysis‘s plans for the
experimental satellite program also include the following components:

                    A proposed ground station to be located at Final Analysis‘s Lanham, Maryland
                    corporate headquarters. An application for experimental authorization (File
                    No. 5582—EX—PL—96) and request for special temporary authority filed on
                    January 8, 1997 are currently pending with respect to the Lanham, Maryland
                    ground station.*

                    350 remote mobile terminals authorized to Final Analysis on an experimental
                    basis (Call Sign KS2XCZ; File No. 4683—EX—PL—95).

                    The $45 fee (Code EAE) as listed in the Office of Engineering and
Technology Fee Filing Guide is enclosed in the form of a check payable to the Federal
Communications Commission. A duplicate of this filing and a self addressed, postage—paid
envelope also are included in this filing. Please date—stamp the duplicate upon receipt and
return it in the envelope provided. Please contact the undersigned directly if you have any

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                   Peter A. Batacan
                                                   Counsel to Final Analysis, Inc.

encls:              FCC Form 442
                    Check for $45

ce:                 Mr. Douglas Young
                    Office of Engineering and Technology

      > Final Analysis also plans to establish a ground station in Norway.

## DCOLU/BATAP/34139.41

ns           —                                                                               For
 Approved by OMB                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS coMMIsSION                     rce
   3060—0065                                                                                 use
 Expires 9/30/98                             FCC FORM 442                                   onLy


     SEC T 1 ON                    I
     APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)

                  Final Analysis, Inc.
     MAILING ADDRESS (Line 1) (Maximum 85 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form)

                  9701—R Philadelphia Way
     MAILING ADDRESS (Line 2) (If required) (Maximum 35 characters)

     STATE OR COUNTRY (If foreign address)                                Z2IP CODE                CALL SIGN OR FILE NUMBER
                 MD                                                           20706
     Ern~~       in Column (A) the correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
     Fel. .iling Guides. Enter in Colummn (B) the Fee Multiple, if applicable. Enter in Column (C) the result obtained from multiplying
     the value of the Fee Type Code in Column (A) by the number entered in Column (B), if any.
                      (A)                              (B)                                 (C)
                                                 FEE MULTIPLE                   FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
     D       FEE TYPE CODE                         (if required)                   CODE IN COLUMN (A)

             E          A     _E                                               $ as.00                                       nmmptaone

     S EC T 1 ON                   1    1   —    To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
                                                 requirement to list more than one Fee Type Code.

                      (A)                              (B)                                 (C)
             FEE TYPE CODE                      FEE MULTIPLE                   FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
                                                 (if required)            .     CcODE IN COLUMN (A)

     (2)]                                                                      $

     (3)                                                                       $

     (4)                                        T00iL                          $

     (5)                                                 ||                    $

     THROUGH (5), AND ENTER THE TOTAL HERE.                                     TOTAL AMOQUNT REMITTED
     THIS AMOUNT SHOULD EQUAL YOUR ENcLOSED                                        with TWS AnCgICATION
     REMITTANCE.                                                     ’
                                                                               $ 45.00
This form has been authorized for reproduction.                                                                             FCC Form ds@24242242_
                                                                                                                                 March 1996

     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                                                              APPRQVED ay omB
     Washington, DC 20554                                                                                                                                                               3060 —00385
                                                                                                                                                                                    Expires 9/20/98


     1.         Applicant‘s Name and Post Office address                                                                                 CO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK
                (Street address, city, state, ane ZIP Code. See instruction                                          File No.
                No. 4)

                            Final Analysis, Inc.
                            9701—E Philadelphia Way
                            Lanham, MD                  20706

     Za‘). App                              Por icheck only one bow                                                 2(b). For Modification indisate below:

                                                                              exsting     autharlation    I
                                                                                                          iFile No:4684—EX—PL~—95                                  .__Cal: Sign‘ RS2XDA
          .      tl   on for Modi            Leck "‘H Lox besidie a U par ulars to be modifiled. Check either addition or re—
              plagement to indicate whe hu‘ the change is an addition   are')lacerreit of perameters in the current authorization.

[X racavency —                                                     CA emission —                            DPOWER —                                               D rocation —
              [¥ asmcon c [0] repiasement?                           {7, asatiesn ef [] replacement?                 {] aagities or (] repiasement?                  [ addition o [|] replacemert?

m               O bPIR PARTZULARS — addifion of rep‘stement? (Cestripe                       tbe‘ow or in altached ExniS.1 No.                         .      1202        3

                 Modification to add 148.7 MHz Frequency to Existing Authorized Frequencies

                                                                                                                                         ooczp—                                .
                           Istate       )                                                                                EMIiSS 2N                         MOCULATNS                NECESSARY      BANQWIDIH
         whetkar khz or Marl i                                                                                             199 —              j             SIGNAL              ;          tk42}
                                     1                                                              —=——                                      i
                                                                                              ins                          igs                               ic                (i           in
     .               (Al                                e                ©100__               (D)__     J                  (3]        Dolc                   (F)              ols           {CG)         _
_ _148.7 MHz                                   . . W_                                     MEAN                      10OKFID           ___..__L 38.4kbps ___!_100kHZ _________
                                              1                                                                                               i
      ooo e nnnnnnnoncmmn ondnc _._.J"r__“ onncanccnese
     ooonmmen nnnnns fonnnmenmnnnnr on n mmmn un n mnen ce enc cende o+                             _
                                    —f~                                 a~~                                     ~                                                                         ——             ——
 ie                                             —        Ll_            _         cus_l                                                      1.

                                                                                                                        xor zen e s}
     1202000002022            2222000                                                                                      L           __‘____1‘___.                                     L222 2          .__
     on c c                                                                                              apczzlzlclll clclz2c2l22n.       .__i_                       —

 {A)              List each fCrequency or frequency rand seperately. {If more space is required, attach as EXHIBIT No._ _________
 (B)                Insert maximum RF. output power at the transmitter terminals Spesify uns                                                                                                                   )
 {C)                insert maximum effective radiate? power from the antenna (If pulsed emission, specify pesk power) Speciry
 {D)              Insert "MEAN" or "PEAK" (See defin‘tiors in Part 5.
 (P)              List each type of emissiecn separateiy for each freqauency.                                          (See Section 220. of FCC Rules)
 [7)               insert as appropriate                for the type of modulatlon:
                  (? the maximum speed of keying in baads;
                  (2;) maximum audio modulating frequency;
                  (3) frequency deviation of carrler;
                  (4) puise duration and repetition rate.
                  For compiex emissions, descrite in detail in the space provided beiow.
 ;                                                                                                                                                                        FCC Form 442 ~ Page 2
(0}               Desoribe how the necessery bandwidth was determined in space provided below.
              47 C.F.R. § 2.202 Table III—A 1. Frequency Modulation, Signal with Quantized or                                                                                        March 1996
                            Digital            ITnfarmatian.

Ha). Proposed location of transmitter and transmitting antenna (check only one box to indicate type of operation):
     [x FIXED/BASE                   [] MoBILEe                    [] BASE AND MOBILE

5(b). If permanently located at a FIXED location, give below:                                 5c). If mobile, describe the exact area of
State         County                 City or Town                                                  operation
      UT                Cache                    Logan
Number and street (or other indication of location)
      Utah State University                                      i
      1795 N. Research Parkway
ELb)(1). Enter geographical coordiantes exact to the nearest second (see instruction 10)      BC(WEnter geographical coordinates of the approximate
                                                                                              center of mobile operation (see instruction        10.)
North Latitude (DD—MM—$S)                  West Longitude (DD—MM—SS)                          North Latitude                      West Longitude
           0            r         re                  o              ®             1            o              +            a»    o          »          s»

 41                38       15               111            48           49

{d). Datum (see instruction ld): ..................                  D       NAD 27      D    NAD 88

6.    Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used? E                    ¥ES         D    NO
      If "YES", give the following information:
      (a) Width of beam in degrees at the half—power poin
                                                                         ,    52 degrees
      (b) Orientation in horizontal plane  uniform                                 (c) Orientation in vertical plane                  uniform

:J’T is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contract with an agency of the
     United States Government?                           D ¥ES         @ NO

      If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. ________ _. a narrative statement describing the government project,
      agency and contact number.
8.    Is this authorization to be used for the exclusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed
      by stations under the Jurisdiction of a foreign government?
                                                                     ) ves               EK xo
      if "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. _________. the following information: Provide the contract number and the
      name of the foreign government concerned.

9.    Is this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a research project? (The radio communi—
      cation is not the objective of the research project).
                                                                             yES         [ xo
       If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. L______ _.a narrative statement provding the following information:
       (a) A description of the nature of the research project being conducted.
      _Lb) &A showing that the communications facilities requested are necessary for the research project involved.
           A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate.

10. If all the answers to Items 7, 8. and 9, are "NO", attach as EXHIBIT No. _________. a narrative statement describing
    in detail the following:
    (a) The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including description of equipment
               and theory of operation.
      (b) The specific objectives sought to be accomplished.
       c) How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extension,
          expansion, or utilization of the radio art, or is along line not already investigated.
llWle). Give an estimate ofthe length of time that will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed
           in this application:        2 years
     (b) If less than 2 years, give the length of time in months that the authorization requested in this application
         will be required:
12         Would a Commission grant of this application come within Section 11807 of the FCC Rules, such that it may have a
        significant environmental impact (see instruction 11)?9                          D    yE3                  E   No

        If "YES"%, attach as EXHIBIT No. _______________ an Environmental Assessment as required by Section LIi8!L

18.     List below transmitting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so state):
        MANUFACTURER                              L           MODEL NUMBER             L                                                   NO. OF UNiITS
                                           Experimental Ground Station Transmitter                                                            1

                                                                                                                                 FCC Form 442 — Page 3
                                                                                                                                            March 1996

14.       is the equipment listed in Item 18 capable of station ldentification pursuant to Section §152?                        E          YES       D     NO

i3     Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing bullding, will it extend
       more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other
       than a building?
       +         f     9
                                                      D yBEs         @ No
       If "YES", give the following (see instruction 9):
       (a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna is ____________ meters.
       (b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level is _____________ meters.
       (c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area is                                                                                  kilometers.
       (d) List any natural formations of existing man—made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc) which, in
           the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alrcraft and thereby minimize the
           aeronautical hazard of the antenna.

       (e) Submit as EXHIBIT No. _________. a vertical profile sketch of total structure including supporting bullding,
           if any, giving heights in meters above ground for all significant features Clearly indicate sxisting portion,
      —— noling particulars of aviation cbstruction lighting already avallable.

12.    Applicant is      ({heck only one bow?

      07        momvioua         J        association               J   rartnersHip                       CORFORATION

      D         CTHER (dessribe in spese provided telow)

7     Is applicant a foreign government or a representative of a foreign government?                                            D         YES       E      NO

16.   Has epplicant or any party fto this applcoa:                                          lcense   of             revoked or had any
      £      tio
      application     for permit, 1  ns
                                  Hoense      newal
                                         or renewsl             ig
                                                    deried by this   m   s   n°
                                                                   Commission!                                                  D         vz5       r}     vo

      If "YES"%, attzech as EXHIBIT No. ________._.____ a Statement giving call sign of licserse or permit
      revoued and relate ciroumsiances.

12.       Z1ll applicart be owner and operator of the station?                                                                  E(___]    YES       D      NO

20.   Give name, title, and telephone number (include area code), and Internet e—mail address {if                             applicable} of person
      whe can best handle inquiries periaining to this application.

            Peter A. Batacan, Legal Counsel                       (202) 955—9774             qq §~7W.2 [“Pfl)

      By checking "YES"%, the individual applicant certifies that he or she is eligible for this license. This requires that
      hne or she is not subject to a denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense
      conviction pursuant to Section 5301 o" the Anti— Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 US.C. 862. A non— individual applicart,
      eg. corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association, certifies that no party to the application is
      subject to a denial of federal benefits, pursuant to that section. For definition of a "party" for these purposes,
      see 47 CFR 12002(b).                                                                               E v¥ES       D NO

22.   List b‘ow all exhibits in numerical sequence and the item number of form requiring the exhibit identified.

  EXHIBIT NUMEER       1TEM NO. OF FORM          EXHIB!T NUMBER          ITEM NO. DF FORM                 EXHIBLT   NLMBER                  iTEM NQ. OF FORM

            1          9—

                                                                                                                             FCC Form 442 — Page 4
                                                                                                                                                 March   19986

          Attaention: Read this certification carefully before signing this appileation,
          (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 6 are on hand; and
          (b) Adequate financial appropriations have been made lo carry on the program of experimentation which will
               be conducled by qualified personnel; and
          (0) All operations will be on an experimental basls in accordance with Part 5 and other applicable rules and will
              be conducted in such a manner and at suoh a Ume as to preciuda harmfuli interference to any authorized
              station; and
          (d) Grant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
              (1) that the frequencies and other technical paramoters speoified in the authorization are the best
                  sulted for the proposed program of experimentation, and
              (2) that the applicant will be authorized to operate on any basis ether than experimental, and
              (3) that the Commission is obligated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in its rules
                  iIncluding Its table of frequency allocatlions for applicant‘s type of operation on a regularly lcensad beasis.
          (0) All the statements In the application and altached exhibits are true, complete and correct to lhe best of the
             applicant‘s knowledg«e; and                                                                  .
         (f) The applicant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledge and
             understanding of the above limitations; and
         (g) The applicant wailves any olaim to the use of any particular frequency or of the elcctromagnetle spectrum as
               against the regulatory power of the USA.

               Signed and dated this                 Sixteenth                   day of           January                            ig 97
               Name of Applicant           Final Analysis, Inc.                                                      .                            P
                                                                   lavst cerrecpond with name given an page     11

               By            Nader Modanlo                                            2z —:—r/fi’r
                                                                                              P «l6
                                           (priat)                                                        (elgnaterst

               Title         President

         Check appropriate olaselfication:

         {]     tndividuat applicant          1       Mmember of applicant partnership

         [:]    Authorized employee           m       Office of applicant corporation or association

~~~‘A   Section     1081;. AND/OR REVOCATION           OF   ANY STATION LICENSE ON CONSTRUCTION               PERMIT (U.S.   Code, Title 47.
  Lection 312i@!1!        AND/OR FORFEITUARE (US. Code, Title 47, Section §03).
                                            NOTIFICATION TOINDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OP 1974
                                                      AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF i980

 informatior requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1984, as amended, and specified
 by Section 308 therein The information will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine
 eligibility for issting authorizations in the use of the frequency spectrum and to effect the provisions of regulatory
 responsibilities rendered by the Commisslon by the Aot. Information requested by this form will be available to the
 public unless otherwise requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0459 of the FCC Rules and Regulations Your response is required
 to obtain this authorization.

 Public reportng nurgen for this collection c‘ information is estmated to average fow (4) nours per response, including th« trme
 for ravigwiny instructions, searching axisting data sqources, qgathgring and maintsining t~9 data needed, and completmng and review—
 mgq ine covector c‘ infomnatior, Send comwnents regarding this burden esivnate or am; othfer assec! of this collectior c‘
 nilormation,       Ac.usmg suggestions    for reducing ine burgen to the Federal Communicauons        Commissicn, Racords Managemen:
 Brancn, Paperwork Redustion Project {3050—006895), Washingtor, DC 20554.                   DO NOT send complieted applicationg to thi:
 address.         movIua‘s   are nol required io respont to this collection unless i; dmplays 3 currenty vaig OMB controi numoer


                                                                                                                         FCC Form 442 — Page &
                                                                                                                                     Marsh     19946

                                                                                Final Analysis, Inc.
                                                                                     FCC Form 442
                                                                                   January 17, 1997

                                              EXHIBIT 1

                   Final Analysis, Inc.‘ (Final Analysis) hereby submits its application for

modification of its experimental authorization for its ground station at Logan, Utah (Call Sign

KS2XDA) to add the 148.7 MHz frequency to be used as uplink from the Logan ground

station to its satellite, FAISAT—2V (Call Sign KS2XCY). A central purpose of Final

Analysis‘s experimental satellite program is to determine the ability of non—voice non—

geostationary mobile satellite service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO®") operations to coexist

in certain frequency bands with existing users in those bands." To that end, Final Analysis

is planning to employ two ground stations in the United States, one in Logan and another at

its corporate headquarters in Lanham, Maryland.* A third ground station is being planned

in Norway. In addition, Final Analysis has an experimental authorization for up to 350

    ‘ Final Analysis, Inc. is the parent corporation of Final Analysis Communication
Services, Inc., which is an applicant for a commercial license in the non—voice, non—
geostationary mobile satellite service ("NVNG MSS").

    * A detailed description of the experimental program also has been presented in Final
Analysis‘ earlier filings, which are incorporated herein by reference. See Final Analysis,
Inc. Application for Experimental Satellite, Call Sign KS2XCY, File No. 4682—EX—PL—95, at
Exhibit 1 (received March 7, 1995).

     3 Final Analysis filed its application for a fixed ground station to be located in Lanham,
Maryland on November 13, 1996 (File No. 5582—EX—PL—96). Final Analysis subsequently
filed a request for special temporary authority on January 8, 1997 to test communications
between the proposed Lanham ground station and FAISAT—2v prior to shipment of the
satellite to Russia, which is expected to occur by the end of January, 1997, for launch as a
secondary payload aboard a Cosmos rocket in the first quarter of 1997.

## DCO1/BATAP/34129.41

Remote Mobile Terminals (Call Sign KS2XCX). As the ground stations must maintain

communications with the satellite for command, control and telemetry, use of the 148.7 MHz

frequency for uplink to FAISAT—2v is critical specifically to control the satellite and in order

generally to advance the overall objectives of the experiment.

                   Current analyses indicate that proposed Little LEO systems require

considerably more spectrum than is available to meet the substantial anticipated demand for

such services and that an additional 20 MHz of spectrum will be needed to meet this

anticipated demand in the year 2002." A primary objective of the experimental use of

FAISAT—2v, as originally conceived by Final Analysis, is to demonstrate that NVNG MSS

systems will not cause harmful interference to existing primary users in the proposed bands.

To this end, a variety of experiments are planned, using remote mobile terminals (RTs) in a

variety of circumstances, including urban, suburban, and mountainous conditions and over

bodies of water. Final Analysis also has actively participated domestically in proceedings

before the Commission and internationally at world radioconferences and ITU working

groups in order to identify potential frequency bands for Little LEO services and to study

potential spectrum sharing techniques to optimize use of spectrum available for NVNG MSS.

                   One of the bands to be studied for potential service uplinks includes the

frequencies around 455 MHz. During the first phase of the experimental program, a state—

of—the—art receiver on—board the satellite will scan this band and record the global activity as a

    * See ITU—R Document 8D/136 "Spectrum Demand for Non—GSO MSS Below 1GHz

## DCOL/BATAP/34129.41                            —2—

function of location and time of day." This data will be stored in the memory of the on—

board computer and downloaded when the satellite is over one of the ground stations. This

information will be used to determine on a statistical basis the number and location of unused

channels. Apart from this data collection, which should demonstrate the theoretical

possibility of sharing with existing users, an essential component of the experiment is the

deployment and use of the RT‘s, so that actual data transmission can be attempted on the

frequencies identified during the scanning process. Thus, actual attempts at communications

under the experimental conditions envisioned by Final Analysis will facilitate the collection

of real—world data on the feasibility of Little LEO systems on the frequencies identified and

under the actual conditions in which Little LEO users would likely be situated.

     * Final Analysis has an ongoing partnership with the NASA Center for Space Power to
develop and promote space—based science and technology.

## DCO1/BATAP/34129.41                        —3—

                                                              O              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       O.B‘,LGJlbb‘l\h!-
                                                                        FCC REMITMNCE ADVICE                                            Exi?f;%z“sé’m
                                                                                                       PAGE NO.     1      OF                      / 7[ 7g
                         (RESERVED)                                                      SPECIAL USE

                                                                                 ECC /M ELLOn

                                                                                         FCC USE ONLY

        (Read instructions carefully BEFORE proceeding.)

(1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                          Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.         (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

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                                                                                                                                            e 00
           Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
           1200 1l9th Street, N.W.,                  Suite 500

(6) CITY                                                                                   (7) STATE        (8) ZIP CODE
    Washington                                                                                   DC_             20036
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                           (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A.)
                                                           ITEM #1 INFORMATION

      Final Analysis, Inc.                                                                                       ce e  ts
(12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID (13A) ZIP CODE                                (14A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE         (15A) QUANTITY       EGA) FEE DUE FOR
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     01—E Philadelphia
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(12B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                 (13B) ZIP CODE                (14B) PAYMENT TYPECODE         |(15B)QUANTITY        |(16B)FrFERDUEFOR
                                                                                                                                PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                IN BLOCK 14
(i7B) FCC CopE i                                                           (i8SB) FCC CODE 2

(19B) ADDRESS LINE NO1                       (20B) ADDEESS Lin® No:2                              (2iB) CiTwBTATE o% coUunTRYy CopE

C Mastercard                                                                    EXPIRATION DATE:
                                                                                                         Month      Year
C vis                                                                             AUTHORIZED SICGNATORE                              DATE
(23) Ihereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard             io
     for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

                                                       See public burden estimate on reverse.                                           FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                        April 1994

From:          Kimberly Baum
To:            JA.J4(DYOUNG)
Date:          1/14/97 5:50pm
subject:       Final Analysis, Inc. — 5582—EX—PL—96 —Forwarded —Reply

Hi Doug. | got your voice mail message this afternoon. Basically, 1| want to clarify what
Final Analysis wants this STA understanding is to test the satellite prior to
shipping it to Russia. Does that mean that they want to test it at Lanham, MD on the
frequencies indicated on 5582—EX—PL—96, which are for the uplink, earth—to—space
direction? What about the satellite transmitting——do they already have an experimental
license for that?

Sso far, I have received comments that they must coordinate with Orbcomm which has
two satellites in orbit and is licensed to use 148.7 Mhz assignment.


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                ;w,l/.7 Mitz                                   G2QDA T14
             %JWW                                            KEQWUM


                                FAX COVER SHEET

                                         Page 1 of 3 pages

  DATE:          January 21, 1997

  FROM:          Douglas A. Young 1300 — C1
                 Experimental Licensing Branch
                 2000 M Street, Suite 230
                 Washington, DC 20554

                 PHONE:     (202) 418—2440

                 FAX:       (202) 418—1918

  TO:             Mr. Peter A. Batacan

                  Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP

                 (202) 955 — 9774              (202) 955 — 9792
                 PHONE                         FAX

Mr.   Batacan:
Here are copies of Final Analysis,   Inc.‘s STAs for stations
KS2XAF and KS2XDA, File Numbers S$—2765—EX—97 and S—2779—EX—97,
respectively.  The original license for station KS2XAF will be
mailed to the licensee today and the original license for
station KSZ2XDA will be mailed to the licensee upon receipt of
the original application.

Doug Young

Document Created: 2001-07-31 20:52:19
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 20:52:19

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