Cover Letter (May 20, 1997)

4683-EX-RR-1997 Text Documents



                                       KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

                                                1200 1978 STREET, N.W.

  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                         SUITE 500                                FaACcSIMILE
 LOSs AnNGELES, Ca.                           wasHincTon, D. c. 20036                        (202) oss—o7902
     MIAM1, FL.
   chicago, IL.                                         (202) ass—9600


                                                                                             WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
BRUSSELS,   ,     o
                                                                                                (202) 955—9774


                                                       May 20, 1997

       Federal Communications Commission
       Experimental Radio Services
       P.O. Box 358320
       Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320
       ATTN:              Mr. Douglas A. Young
                          Office of Engineering & Technology

                          Re:    Final Analysis, Inc. Applications for Renewal of Experimental Little
                                 LEO Authorizations for: FAISAT—2v Little LEO Satellite (Call Sign
                                 KS2ZXCY, File No. 4682—EX—PL—95); Remote Terminals (Call Sign
                                 KS2XCZ, File No. 4683—EX—PL—95); and Logan, (Cache) UT Ground
                                 Station (Call Sign KS2XDA, File No. 4684—EX—PL—95).

       Dear Mr. Young:

                     Final Analysis, Inc., by its attorneys, hereby submits its applications for
       renewal of the above—captioned authorizations for its experimental non—voice non—
       geostationary mobile satellite service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO") operations. Renewal
       is requested for the following components of the experimental program: (i) Little LEO
       satellite ("FAISAT—2v");* (ii) 350 remote user terminals;" and (iii) a ground station in

           _ See Final Analysis, Inc., Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and
       Authorization, Call Sign KS2XCY (File No. 4682—EX—PL—95) issued August 11, 1995,
       expires August 1, 1997 (hereinafter "FAISAT—2v Authorization").

                > See Final Analysis, Inc., Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and License,
       Call Sign KS2XCZ (File No. 4683—EX—PL—95) issued August 11, 1995, expires August 1,
       1997 (hereineafter "Remote Terminal Authorization").

      ## DCOL/BATAP/41869.41

4*                                     KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

     Federal Communications Commission
     May 20, 1997
     Page 2

     Logan, Utah.® The initial authorizations for these components will expire on August 1,
     1997. Accordingly, for the reasons stated below, Final Analysis respectfully urges the
     Commission expeditiously to grant the instant applications for renewal of the above—captioned
     authorizations for the basic two—year experimental operating period consistent with Sections
     5.55(d) and 5.63 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.55(d), 5.63.

                    Grant of these renewal applications is in the public interest. A central purpose
     of Final Analysis‘s experimental satellite program is to determine the ability of NVNG MSS
     operations to coexist in certain frequency bands with existing users of those bands. To that
     end, Final Analysis initially planned to ship FAISAT—2v to Russia for integration in Omsk,
     Russia and launch as a secondary payload aboard a Cosmos rocket from the Cosmodrome in
     Plesetsk, Russia by the end of the first quarter of 1997. However, unforeseen circumstances
     beyond Final Analysis‘s control prevented Final Analysis from meeting the Cosmos rocket
     launch on April 17, 1997. In particular, multi—agency coordination was required upon
     FAISAT—2v‘s shipment to Russia between the U.S. Department of State and several Russian
     government agencies including the Russian foreign ministry and the Russian space agency.*
     This lengthy coordination process delayed integration of FAISAT—2v‘s components in Omsk
     and prevented timely transport of the integrated satellite to Plesetsk on schedule for the April
     17, 1997 launch.         Nevertheless, a new launch date for FAISAT—2v aboard a Cosmos rocket
     is anticipated for the third quarter of 1997 and could occur as early as June, 1997.
     However, the initial authorizations for FAISAT—2v, as well as the remote user terminals and
     the Logan ground station, will expire on August 1, 1997. Accordingly, grant of renewed
     operating authority for an additional two—year experimental authorization period is necessary
     in order to allow Final Analysis to continue and complete the experimental program pursuant
     to its original goals.>

                  Moreover, grant of Final Analysis‘s renewal applications is consistent with the
     Commission‘s rules. Consistent with Section 5.55(d) of the Rules, Final Analysis‘s

         > See Final Analysis, Inc., Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and License,
     Call Sign KS2XCY (File No. 4684—EX—PL—95) issued August 11, 1995, expires August 1,
     1997 (hereineafter "Logan Ground Station Authorization").

          * See Final Analysis Quarterly Progress Report, filed on March 27, 1997.

          * In light of the unexpected delay in the launch date for FAISAT—2v, Final Analysis is
     unlikely to be able to complete the experiment within the limited term of continuing
     operating authority that is automatically extended to a licensee upon the timely filing of a
     renewal application pending Commission action on the application. Cf. 47 C.F.R. § 1.62(d).

     ## DCO1/BATAP/41869.41

                                                   KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LiP

    Federal Communications Commission
    May 20, 1997
    Page 3

    experimental operations are in exact accordance with the terms of the existing authorizations
    for FAISAT—2v, the remote user terminals and the Logan ground station.©       Furthermore,
    Final Analysis‘s experimental operations are in full compliance with the Commission‘s
    experimental technical standards and operating rules‘ and Final Analysis has timely
    submitted all required experimental progress reports.®

                          An original and two copies each of the renewal applications for the above—
    captioned authorizations are enclosed. Also included with this filing are three checks in the
    amount of $45.00 each made out to the Federal Communications Commission for the
    appropriate filing fees (FCC Fee Code EAE). Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by
    date—stamping the enclosed duplicate for return with the courier. Please do not hesitate to
    contact undersigned counsel at the above—referenced number if you have any questions
    regarding this matter.

                                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                                 Peter A. Batacan!‘
                                                                 Counsel for Final Analysis, Inc.

        ° We note that subsequent additions to Final Analysis‘s experimental program are not
    subject to the instant renewal requests. Final Analysis has added a ground station at its
    corporate headquarters in Lanham, Maryland (see Experimental Radio Station Construction
    Permit and License, Call Sign WA2ZXHE (File No. 5582—EX—PL—97) issued April 10, 1997
    expires April 1, 1999) and has applied for permanent experimental authority and currently
    holds special temporary operating authority with respect to an additional 148.7 MHz
    frequency for telemetry, tracking and control of FAISAT—2v at its Logan, Utah ground
    station (see Final Analysis, Inc. Application for Modification of Experimental Authorization
    for Fixed Ground Station at Logan, Utah, Call Sign KS2XDA, File No. 4684—EX—PL—95,
    filed on January 17, 1997 and Experimental Special Temporary Authorization Call Sign
    KS2XDA, File No. S—2779—EX—97 issued January 21, 1997, expires on July 21, 1997).

          7 See 47 C.F.R. § 5.101 et seq.

          8 See 47 C.F.R. § 5.204.
    t Admitted in New York and Connecticut only.

    ## DCO1/BATAP/41869.41

Document Created: 2001-08-20 20:16:33
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 20:16:33

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