
4683-EX-PL-1995 Correspondence



                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

                                        August 10, 1995                        IN REPLY BEFER To:

Mr. Robert A. Mazer
Rosenman & Colin
1300 19th Street, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20005
Attorney for Leo One USA Corporation

Dear Mr. Mazer:

This is in reply to your Petition to Deny filed by Leo One USA Corporation regarding the
applications of Final Analysis, Inc. (FAlI), Reference File Nos. 4682 through 4684—EX—PL—95
for a nonvoice, nongeostationary orbit mobile satellite system (NVNG—MSS) experiment.

The FCC does not have any provision in its rules for the consideration of Petitions to Deny
concerning experimental applications filed under Part 5 of the rules. Therefore, your filing is
being considered as comments on the applications.

Since your filing, FAlI has made several amendments to its applications, the latest filed on
June 19, 1995. This letter deals only with issues that have not been made moot by the FAI

Leo One stated that even though it fully supports the use of experimental satellite programs to
determine the impact of terrestrial interference into the uplink receiver, it is unconvinced that
the purpose of the proposed FAI experimental satellite is to obtain technical analysis to be
used at WRC—95. FAI‘s experiments, though not timely with regard to providing information
for the support of U.S. proposals to WRC—95, should provide the FCC with important
technical information about the proposed bands that will be useful in future rulemakings and
for NVNG—MSS issues remainining at WRC—97.

The number of remote terminals proposed by FAI has been reduced by FAI in its
amendments from 9,240 to 1,848. FAI has indicated that this would provide one remote
terminal per 100,000 pops. The FCC believes that a reasonable number of remote terminals
are needed to fully test the uplink and to investigate sharing of spectrum with the terrestrial
land mobile service. We are authorizing FAl to operate up to 350 terminals. In addition, in
accordance with Section 5.206, all transmitting and receiving equipment must be owned by
FAI and may not be sold to the public participating in the experiment.

Mr. Robert A. Mazer                                                                    2.

It is our belief that with the amendments and additional justification provided by FAlI, the
proposed experiment is appropriate and we are granting FAl its requested authority with the
modifications indicated above.


                                           Richard M. Smith
                                           Office of Engineering and Technology

Document Created: 2001-07-31 21:32:24
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 21:32:24

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