Opposition to comments of STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING INC,

4682-EX-PL-1995 Text Documents



                                  BEFORE THE

            feveral Communisations Commige.. ..
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In the Maiter of the Applications of

FINAL ANALYSIS , INC.                    )   — File Nos.   4680—EX—PL—95
                                         )                 4682—EX—PL—95
For Authorization in the                 )                 4683—EX—PL—95
Experimental Radio Service               )

To:    Chief, International Department

                     OPPOSITION TO COMMENTS OF

       Final Analysis Inc. ("FAI"), by its attorneys, hereby submits its
"Opposition" to "Comments" filed by STARSYS Global Positioning
("STARSYS") on April 5, 1995. In its comments, STARSYS seeks denial of the
pending application for experimental authorization filed by FAI on February
24, 1995.   As set forth in greater detail below, the STARSYS comments are
gratuitous, erroneous and irresponsible. Accordingly, they should be entirely
disregarded, and the experimental authorization of FAI granted on an
expedited basis.


I.    Background

      After several working meetings with Commission staff, and in keeping
with the goals of the Informal Working Group ("IWG—2") of the IAC (which

is concerned with obtaining additional spectrum for NVNG MSS applicants
in WRC—95), FAI filed its application for experimental authorization with the
Commission on February 24, 1995. The objective of this application was to
provide real—world data on sharing possibilities between NVNG MSS
technology and existing applications in potentially useful portions of the

        In its application, FAI proposed the launch, in summer, 1995, of an
experimental satellite, and the production of 9,240 Remote Ground Terminals
("RTs") so that the full range of functioning of a NVNG MSS system could be
tested in various regions of the country. As explained in the application, this
number of RTs was requested in order to have sufficient terminals to fully
test the operational system in the bands proposed. It was estimated that one

RT per 20,000 "pops" would be adequate to obtain reliable results that would
persuade existing users of the designated spectrum that coexistence was
possible with NVNG MSS technology without degrading the quality of their

       Based on its analysis, inquiries with Commission staff and information
gleaned from the IWG—2 meetings, FAlI proposed the use of 153.0000 to
157.5000 MHz (to be used for uplink); 157.5000 to 162.0000 (to be used as
downlink) and 400.595 to 400.645 MHz (to be used for downlink to the Master
Ground Station).!       These frequencies were of particular interest due to the

‘Final Analysis subsequently withdrew the following small segments of spectrum, shared with
Government users, which would have required the consent of NTIA to the experimental

                                                            (Footnote continued on next page)

possibility of sharing with existing terrestrial users, most of which were
considered to be technologies that were unlikely to suffer disruption from the
intermittent, short—burst messaging of the NVNG MSS technology.                  FAI
proposed the inclusion of FDMA channel—scanning techniques would ensure
that only unoccupied channels would be chosen for uplink activity.

        In proposing this experiment, FAI, which is familiar with the
Commission‘s rules and policies, was well aware that (i) the approval of its
experimental application did not create any equities that could later be used to
persuade the Commission to permit commercial operation; and (ii) FAI could
be required by the Commission to cease operations on the frequencies
requested in the experimental application at any time if it were determined

that the experimental operation caused harmful interference to any
established radio service.         See 47 C.FR. § 5.151(a)(2). In spite of these
substantial risks, FAlI undertook its experimental program in order to
contribute as much as possible to the investigation of available spectrum for

sharing by Little LEO systems. The data obtained from this experiment is
intended to be of use both in WRC—95 and, if necessary, in WRC—97.

(Footnote continued from previous page)
       Descripti                          p       a                  Designati

       Shared Maritime Mobile             156—2475 —— 157.0375 MHz   Uplink

       Exclusive Gov‘t Maritime           157.0375 —— 157.1875 MHz   Uplink

       Shared Maritime Mobile             157.1875 —— 157.4500 MHz   Uplink
       Shared Maritime Mobile             161.5750 —— 161.6250 MHz   Downlink

       Shared Maritime Mobile             161.7750 —— 162.0125 MHz   Downlink

        The reason for this effort should be self—evident: FAI and its subsidiary,
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. consider the NVNG MSS
project that they have undertaken to be a core business activity. The present
lack of sufficient suitable spectrum for use by second—round applicants in this
service is of grave concern.             FAI believes that immediate, and urgent
attention by the United States, the Commission, and all interested parties is
required to obtain the necessary frequencies for viable systems. Thus, FAl
considers that, if suitable spectrum is not obtained by the United States at least
by WRC—97, the viability of the entire NVNG MSS second round of
applications is in jeopardy.

        FAI has discussed its position, and the need for experimental data, with
the Commission, and with both first— and second—round Little LEO applicants
in the context of the IWG—2 meetings and splinter groups. Until the filing of
the instant "Comments," FAl‘s efforts were ostensibly well—received by all.

FAI reiterates that obtaining actual operational data is of the essence of this
investigation, and that it welcomes participation, joint experimentation, and
cost sharing in this effort from any and all proponents of this service,
including first— and second—round applicants. So far, it should be noted, no
other party has stepped forward with ideas and assistance in funding, and so

*The only caveat is that, in view of the tight time frame, FAI requests that participation by
other interested parties not hold up the issuance of the basic authorization that will permit
FAI to enter into contracts to purchase "long lead" items that must be incorporated into the
spacecraft. If necessary, once the basic authorization is issued, it can be modified to include
updated frequencies or other changes thought by the proponents to be of greatest utility in this

FAI has had to "go it alone," despite the risk and high costs associated with
the project.*

IL        T      YS‘         ntion

        STARSYS begins its exercise by generally commending FAI for its
intention to examine the suitability of frequency bands between 100 and 500
MHz.     STARSYS Comments at 2.              However, things go downhill from this
point onward: first STARSYS complains that FAI has chosen only a single

band, and one that land mobile users are interested in. Then, STARSYS
claims that it can divine, based on the number of Remote Terminals ("RTs")

requested in FAl‘s application, that FAI has a "specific commercial use" in
mind that is not disclosed in FAl‘s application. Thus, STARSYS concludes,
FAI‘s application for experimental authorization must constitute an

impermissible attempt to commence commercial activities in violation of the
Policy Statement.4

3FAI is also a participant with other NVNG—MSS applicants in commissioning an engineering
study by the firm of Cohen, Dippell and Everist, P.C. to identify and help to characterize
portions of the spectrum below 1 GHz that might profitably be targeted for this service. There
are limits, however, to such paper inquiries, and in reality the only way it can be ascertained
whether a satellite system with ground terminals can coexist with existing users in a frequency
band is to test it from a satellite, and using multiple ground terminals. FAT also notes that
STARSYS refused to participate in this study, purportedly because it could not afford the
approximately $4,000 required to share costs with the other parties. It might profitably be
asked how STARSYS can afford to design, construct, launch and operate a multiple satellite
system when it cannot even participate in minimal cost sharing among several parties in a
crucial technical study to help the United States obtain necessary frequency allocations. Or
perhaps, contrary to its representations, STARSYS is really more interested in preventing
market entry by competitors than it is in obtaining additional frequencies.

4Policy Statement on Experimental Satellite Applications, 7 FCC Red 4586 (1992).

        STARSYS also has several other "concerns."                 First, it complains that

the proposed August launch of FAl‘s application is too late for data to be
digested in time for WRC—95. Next, STARSYS contends that, since it cannot

imagine how FAI can complete its work on the satellite in a mere 5 months,
FAI must be in violation of the Commission‘s Rules by engaging in
premature construction of its spacecraft.

        Next, STARSYS claims that FAl‘s proposed use of the 50 KHz segment
from 400.595—400.645 MHz for space—to—earth communications will conflict

with STARSYS‘ use of this frequency segment under license. STARSYS also
opine that FAl‘s proposal to employ a ground station transmitter at 22 dbW
and a low angle of incidence for its experimental satellite will "probably cause
substantial interference to fixed and mobile radio and television broadcasters,

state and local fire departments, national law enforcement agencies."

STARSYS Comments at 9. As if this were not enough, STARSYS then jumps

on the Motorola bandwagon, claiming that it, too fears a mid—space collision if
FAI‘s experimental satellite is launched into 1,000 km orbit."

        Finally, and reaching a new height of absurdity, STARSYS claims that
FAI is in violation of its ground station license.

"The possibility of a mid—space collision between FAl‘s proposed experimental and STARSYS‘
system (which has not been, and may never be, deployed) is so speculative and remote that it
does not warrant much discussion herein. As noted in the April 10, 1995 Reply Comments of
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. to the identical issues raised by Motorola, Inc.,
FAI will of course take every reasonable step to avoid conflicts that may precipitate disasters.
But that does not include abandoning a viable proposed experiment in light of possibilities that
are so remote and unlikely as to be meaningless. FAl‘s single satellite does not statistically
change Motorola‘s, or for that matter, STARSYS‘ collision picture in a space environment that
is replete with other existent hazards.

III.    FAl‘s Responses

        As an initial matter, it should be observed that STARSYS takes the
"technical" arguments in its Comments so seriously that it has decided to take
the extraordinary step of by—passing the engineers altogether and have its

lawyers directly opine on engineering matters.                  As a result, STARSYS‘
technical comments should be accepted at their full face value: zero. These

armchair observations of STARSYS‘ counsel are not competent, and cannot
be taken seriously.       As a consequence, STARSYS‘ contentions concerning

potential harmful interference, orbital collisions, design of FAI‘s
experimental proposal, number of RTs, etc. are for the most part gratuitous
and should be disregarded.

        For example, the attempt by legal counsel to claim that the purpose of
FAI‘s experiment is the "characterization" of the 153—162 MHz band,

STARSYS Comments at 7, is simply a misunderstanding of the proposed
experiment.     The actual research objective is "to demonstrate that NVNG

MSS systems (both uplinks and downlinks) can coexist peacefully with
existing users in the band." Experimental Application, Exhibit 1 at 6. This is a
far more ambitious goal, and, despite the unfounded assertions of STARSYS‘
lawyers, it cannot be accomplished with no RTs, or one RT, or 100 RTs.$

6in addition, STARSYS‘ complaint that this is a heavily—used band is nothing new. All of the
portions of the spectrum considered by the applicants to be targeted for potential sharing are
heavily used. Any portion of spectrum targeted would be subject to the same type of objection
from some user group. The question is whether the two services can be made to be compatible,
and that is the subject of Final Analysis‘ experiment in a nutshell.

       STARSYS‘ counsel also inexpertly opines that the proposed use of a 22
dbW ground station transmitter with a high gain antenna at low satellite

angles of incidence is too powerful, and would interfere with terrestrial uses.
This is simply irresponsible speculation; but again, if interference is caused,
the remedy is for FAl to cease the operations that interfere.              The
Commission‘s Rules provide ample protection: the process does not require
the addition of STARSYS as a self—appointed guardian angel.

      The larger problem is that these comments generally miss the entire
point of FAl‘s application. That is, it is an experimental application under
Part 5 of the Commission‘s Rules.          Consequently, STARSYS‘ alleged
"concerns" about interference with its assertedly soon—to—be—licensed
frequencies at 400.—595 to 400.645 MHz are entirely misplaced. As noted above,

the   Commission‘s     Rules    require   FAI   to   cease   and   desist from
communications that interfere with licensed users, including STARSYS (if
and when STARSYS ever actually secures a license and deploys its system).
The risk is entirely with FAl on this project.       It is therefore somewhat

puzzling that STARSYS would attempt to mount this level of offensive
campaign against an application which, by its very definition, can never be at
conflict with a licensed operator.

      The key to STARSYS‘ modus operandi             is found in a "concern"
addressed briefly on page 5 of its Comments: STARSYS is afraid that FAl
might "gain a head start" on other operators through its experimental

program.    This complaint, coming from a first—round applicant that is
supposedly poised to obtain commercial license, is downright pathetic.

       Later in its Comments, STARSYS voices its even—more—piteous claim
that, based on its reading of FAl‘s application, FAI must have a customer it is
intending to serve —— a customer with specific requirements. This is simply
not the case, and whatever phrenologist or Psychic Friend STARSYS is
consulting to reach this conclusion should refund STARSYS‘ retainer. FAI
does not have a customer for its proposed experimental services, and the
number of RTs requested is a simple numerical derivation from regional
populations set forth in a Rand McNally Atlas.

      In view of the phlegmatic performance of STARSYS‘ program in
virtually every respect, the fear of being passed by is not surprising: any
movement at all may seem speedy to one who is standing still. However,

although STARSYS‘ fears are understandable in light of its own shaky
position before the Commission, they are objectively absurd.         FAI cannot
possibly "gain a head start" on other applicants with a satellite program that is
entirely interruptible and subject to a short license term. STARSYS would be
better off devoting its efforts to proving to the Commission (if it can) that it

has the requisite qualifications to hold license, so that it can commence its

commercial operations.

      As to STARSYS‘ conjectures that FAI must have already commenced
work on its spacecraft in order to meet the deadline, because it cannot possibly

construct and launch such a satellite in the 5 month time frame proposed,
they are just conjectures —— and are not entitled to serious consideration.

STARSYS should remember that FAI and its subsidiary, Final Analysis
Communication Services, Inc. are in the business of designing, constructing
and launching satellites, and providing engineering services and consultation


to other companies in this field. If STARSYS wishes to know how these
matters can be handled on an expedited basis, it should consider hiring Final
Analysis to design and implement its project. Otherwise, it should simply

stand aside.

        Finally, in response to the three pages of verbiage in which STARSYS
self—righteously claims that FAI violates the terms of its Master Ground
Station experimental license (and that FAl‘s license has expired), there is only
one appropriate response.           STARSYS should be ashamed of itself for this
irresponsible, half—hearted and unprofessional effort.                     The fact is that

STARSYS has failed to retrieve the correct license from the Commission, and
has wasted everyone‘s time in lambasting FAl based on entirely erroneous
presumptions. STARSYS is apparently dealing from a draft which was never
issued and never went into effect: STARSYS did not even attempt to verify
that it had the correct information before it sought to scold FAI for this
fantasy misconduct."


        FAI‘s proposed experiment is intended to assist in the ongoing process
of obtaining "hard data" for use by the United States Government and all of
the second round NVNG MSS applicants in securing new frequencies for use
in implementing this new technology. As noted in FAl‘s application, time is

"Final Analysis‘ actual license for the Logan facility went into effect on November 11, 1994, and
is still in effect. Final Analysis has not sought to modify its existing ground station license
impermissibly: it is seeking additional operational authority for the ground station in its new


of the essence in this project, since the WRC—95 process is well underway, and
in order to obtain usable data for WRC—95, the launch can be no later than this
summer.      Although this is an ambitious timetable, FAlI is committed to
commencing its efforts immediately, as soon as approval is given by the

      The attempt to put the brakes on this process by STARSYS, based as it is
on "hunches," irresponsible and incompetent speculation, and erroneous
information, is at base just another anti—competitive attempt by a first—round
applicant to stall the process for the entire second round. After all, STARSYS
(if it is ever licensed) already has frequencies to use for its proposed system. It
should not be allowed to interfere in an experimental proposal meant to
obtain information beneficial to the interests of the United States

Government and to other applicants in this service.

      In view of the foregoing, FAI respectfully requests that the
Commission reject the "Comments" filed by STARSYS, and expeditiously
grant FAl‘s experimental application.

                                         Respectfully submitted,
                                         FINAL ANALYSIS , INC.

                                                Ronald J. Jarvis
                                                Albert Catalano

                                         Its Attorneys
                                         CATALANO & JARVIS, P.C.
                                         1101 30th Street, N.W., Ste 300
                                         Washington, D.C.     20007
                                         Telephone: (202) 338—3500
Dated: April 14, 1995                    Facsimile: (202) 333—3585


                        Decl   ion                i

       I, Burton J. Levin, Ph.D., hereby declare under penalty of perjury as

      1.     I am the technically qualified person responsible for the
             preparation of the technical information contained in the
             foregoing "Opposition to Comments of STARSYS Global
             Positioning, Inc." (the "Opposition") of Final Analysis, Inc.

      2.     The technical information contained in the Opposition is true
             and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated: April 14, 1995

                                              > Q__—>——
                                                 Bufton J. Levin, Ph.D.

                                  Certificate   of Servi

        I, Ronald J. Jarvis, an attorney in the law firm of Catalano & Jarvis, P.C.,
hereby certify that on this 14th day of April, 1995, I caused a true and complete
photocopy of the foregoing "Opposition to Comments of STARSYS Global
Positioning, Inc." to be sent, via U.S. first class mail, postage prepaid, to the

                       Scott Harris, Chief
                       International Bureau
                       Federal Communications Commission
                       2000 M Street, NW., Room 830
                       Washington, D.C. 20554

                       H. Franklin Wright
                       Office of Engineering and Technology
                       Federal Communications Commission
                       2000 M Street, Room 230
                       Washington, D.C. 20554

                       Raul Rodriguez, Esquire"*
                       Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                      2000 K Street, NW., Suite 600
                       Washington, D.C. 20006—1809
                       Counsel for STARSYS

                                                                     4   ,

                                                               Ronald J. Jarvis

* Hand—Delivered on April 14, 1995.

Document Created: 2001-07-31 17:26:32
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 17:26:32

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