Dismissal Without Prejudice generated [Feb 29, 2008]

0035-EX-ST-2008 Correspondence

Ericsson Inc


                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                  Experimental L i s i n g Branch
                                445 12th Street. S.W.. Room 7A-321
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Attn: 1634 1 Strwt. NW
Ericsson Inc
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006

                                  DISMISSED-WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Dear 1634 1 Street. NW,

This refers to a p p l ' i , File No. 0035EXST-2008. for an experimental authorization.

Y w are advised that the Commission i s unable to grant y w r application for the fadlities requested. NTlA
objects to the instant STA on the grounds that the use of the band 1710 - 1720 MHz over the large areas
requested will muse interference to government operations. NTlA suggests that Ericsson coordinate
with the agencies concerned under the present STA 0379-EX-ST-2007 to limit operations or schedule

Responses to this correspondence must contain the R e f e m number : 6163

                                                                 Experimental Licensing Branch

Document Created: 2008-03-06 13:56:55
Document Modified: 2008-03-06 13:56:55

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