Withdrawal of All Pleadings (Sep 09, 2004)

0090-EX-PL-2004 Text Documents

Educational Broadcasting Corporation


                                        RJGLaAw LLC
                                             B401 Ramsey Avenue
                                          SiLver Srrinse, MD 20910
Evan D. Cars, Esq.                            TeEL.. (3O01) 589—2999                                        E—MmaiL
                                              Fax: (301) S8O—2644                                             .
     Ext. 106                                                                                          ecarb@riglawlic.com

                                                 September 9, 2004

          VIA COURIER

          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission
          The Portals
          445 12" Street, SW
          Washington, DC 20554

                 Re:     Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc.
                         FRN: 0006—6203—48
                         Experimental Application ofEducational Broadcasting Corporation
                         File No40I0§—EX—PL—2004 (Call Sign WD2XJG)
                         Joint      est for Wi             All Pleadings

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

          On behaif ofHispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("HITN")
          there is enclosed herewith an original and three copies of ajointrequest by HITN and
          Educational Broadcasting Corporation ("EBC") for the withdrawal ofall adversarial
          pleadings regarding the above—referenced EBC experimental application. Therein, the
          parties also urge the Commission to expeditiously grant the above referenced application.

          Please return a date stamped copy to the courier delivcring this filing. Please direct all
          questions regarding this matter to the undersigned counsel.

                                                            ?:S              /m-é
                                                                 Evan D. Carb


          cc:    Anthony Serafini (via Email)
                James Burtle (via Email)
                Barbara K. Gardner (via US Mail)

                                     Before the
                                Washington DC 20554

In the Matter of:                                     )
EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING                      )
CORPORATION                                   ) File No, 0090—EX—PL—2004
                                          .   ) Call Sign WD2XJG
Request for Part 5 Experimental Authority     )
Regarding the Operation ofITFS Station WHR828 )
on the C4 Channel at New York, NY                     )

To:    Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch, Office ofEngineering and Technology


       Educational Broadcasting Corporation ("EBC") and Hispanic Information and Telecommunications

Network, Inc. ("HITN"), by their attorneys, hereby inform the Commission that they havereached a private

contractual resolution to their dispute regarding the operation and coordination of their respective ITFS

facilities and therefore are jointly requesting the withdrawal of all adversarial pleadings filed regarding

EBC‘s above—referenced request for experimental authority in conjunction with its operation of its C4

Channel ITFS station WHR828 at New York, New York.

       EBC‘s request for experimental authority was filed on May 4, 2004. Thereafter, oh June 10, 2004,

HITN filed a Limited Objection and Request for Conditions On the Requested Experimental Authorization.

EBC filed an Opposition to HITN Limited Objection and Request for Conditions on June 16, 2004. In its

limited objection, HTN had voiced concern that certain of EBC‘s proposed experimentaloperations might

cause interference to its recently granted C—Group station WQABYIO2 at Cefitml Islip, New York (a grant

which had been opposed by EBC).

       The parties have been working cooperatively to address their concerns regarding coordination of

operations ofthe two neighboring stations on the C4 Channel. The parties have agreed, in light ofthe new

rule changes in the FCC‘s Report and Order in WT Docket 03—66 regarding a migration ofthis service to

low power mobile operations, to @ous operating parameters and coordinationprocedures contained in the

attached Settlement and Cooperation Agreement.

       Accordingly, the parties, having reached a satisfactory resolution oftheir differences, respectfully

withdraw their adversarial pleadings regarding EBC‘s request for experimental authority, andjointly urge

the Commission to expeditiously grant EBC its requested experimental authorization. The parties represent

that no consideration has been promised or provided in exchange for entering into the attached settlement

agreement or for the withdrawal ofpleadings in association with that settlement.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                              HISPANIC INFORMATION AND
                                              TELECOMMUNIC      NS NETWORK, INC.

                                           o Puo wb
                                               Evan D. Carb

                                               RJGLaw LLC
                                               8401 Ramsey Avenue
                                               Silver Spring, MD 20910
                                               (301) 589—2999
                                               Its Attorneys

                                             EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTING

                                             y i@/a(m% -(.,22&1//&
                                               Barbara K. Gardner

                                               Leventhal Senter & Lerman PLLC
                                               2000 K Street, NW
                                               Suite 600
                                               Washington, DC 20006
                                               (202) 429—8970
                                               Its Attorneys

September 9, 2004


This Settlement and Cooperation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the 9 day of
September, 2004, by and between Educational Broadcasting Corporation ("EBC") and the
Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc. ("HITN®‘) (EBC and HIFTN are
hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties," or individually as "Party").


EBC is the licensee of an Instructional Television Fixed Service ("TTFS®") Channel C4 station, call
sign WHRR828, at New York, New York, and is also the applicant for a new experimental license
on the same channel, call sign WD2XJG, at New York, New York HIFN has opposed EBC‘s
experimental application.

HITN has been granted an FCC authorization for a new ITFS station, call sign WQABIO2, on
Channels C1, C2, C3 and C4 at Central Islip, New York. BRBC has asked the FCC to rescind the

Each Party wishes to provide interference—free video and to implement facilities that will allow it
to provide two—way cellularized Internet, data, telephony and other communication services over
its facilities within its FCC authorized service area.

The Parties desire to resolve their differences and to set forth mutual interference and operating
parameters between them that will govern their future operations and FCC applications.

Now, therefore, HITN and EBC agree as follows:

1.       Withdrawal of Objections.                 |
         a.     HITN Consent to EBC Experimental Application. HITN shall, simultaneous
with the execution of this Agreement, file a letter with the FCC withdrawing its June 10, 2004
Limited Objection and Request for Conditions with respect to EBC‘s experimental application
(File No. 0090—EX—PL—2004, call sign WD2XJG), and affirmatively supporting immediate grant of
that application. HITN shall fully cooperate and comply with any further request by EBC or the
FCC in connection with the prosecution ofthis application.

       b.     EBC Consent to HITN‘s Central Islip Application. EBC shall, simultaneous
with the execution of this Agreement, file a letter with the FCC withdrawing its May 4, 2004
Informal Objection and its May 10, 2004 Motion to Rescind Grant regarding HITN‘s application
for a new ITFS station on the C—Group Channels at Central Islip, New York (File No. BPIF—
19951016BL), and affirmatively supporting the grant of that application.              EBC shall fully
cooperate and comply with any further request by HITN or the FCC in connection with the
prosecution ofthis applieation.

2.     EBC License Correction. HIFN acknowledges that EBC applied for, and operates
WHR&828 with, a dual—cardioid directional antenna system (Andrew Model HMD12VC, vertically
polarized and oriented at 116° True, and Andrew Model HMD12HC, horizontally polarized and
oriented at 296° True). However, EBC‘s license for WHRS828 reflects a single horizontally
polarized anterna. HITN will not oppose EBC‘s efforts to have the FCC correct the WHR828
license, and at RBC‘s request will affirmatively support such efforts.

3.     Mutual Consents to Future High Power Modifications.

       a.      In cases where modifications to the WHR828 high power facilities would result in
signal levels at the WQABOIO2 Geographic Service Area ("GSA‘") border or base station antenna
heights in excess of the limits allowed for LBS and UBS facilities by the Commission‘s rules
adopted in the Report and Order released July 29, 2004 in WT Docket No. 03-66etal (FCC 04—
135), as they may be modified from time to time in the future (the "Commisgic           4
HITN shall provide EBC with any requested consent or support for such modificationthat        d
not increase WHR828 signal levels at the WQABIO2 GSA boundary or at any points witht
WQABI02 GSA above their current levels (i.c., utilizing the dual cardioid anternas:
in Section 2 above).

       b.      In cases where modifications to the WQABI02 Channel C4 high power fll:lhh&i
would result in signal levels at the WHR828 GSA border or base station antermgah      R
excess of the limits allowed for LBS and UBS facilities by the Commission‘s Ry|
provide HITN with any requested consent or support for suchmodification that does      niot   figrease
WQABIO2 signal levels at the WHR828 GSA boundary or at any points withinthe WHES28
GSA above the levels predicted to occur from the currently authorized WQABIO02 facilities.

       c.    The Parties acknowledge that the design and operation of systems using their
channels must be done in a coordinated manner and may require mutually sharing system
operating configurations along with the provision of mutual consents. The Parties hereby agree
to share system data for the mutually efficient coordination ofthe stations and to comply with the
requirements of the Commission‘s Rules in the preparation for any modifications to their
stations.                                                                          »

4.     Mutual Consents to Future Low Power Operations. The Parties desire to implement
facilities that will allow them to provide Internet, data, telephony and other one— and two—way
low—power cellularized digital communications services in their respective markets using their
channels. As a result, either Party may propose deployment of boosters, repeaters, response
station hubs, cellularization and sectorization of transmission sites, activation of response
stations, and/or any other modifications necessary to provide such services using their channels.
The Parties acknowledge that the design and operation of such systems using their channels must
be done in a coordinated manner and may require mutually sharing system operating
configurations along with the provision of mutual consents. The Parties hereby agree to share
system data for the mutually efficient coordination of the stations as described in Section 3
above. Each Party agrees to provide the other with any requested consent to, or support for, a
proposed application for low power operations that conforms to the Commission‘s rules for LBS
and UBS facilities in effect at the time. In addition, in cases where signal levels or antenna
heights in excess of those allowed for LBS and UBS by the Commission‘s rules in effect at the

time may result from either Party‘s proposed low power operations, the other Party‘s consent or
gupport shall be provided if the proposal does not create predicted signal levels at any location
within the consenting Party‘s GSA that exceed current levels at that particular locatlon. The
term "curmrent levels" means, in the case of EBC, actual levels resulting from WHER
transmissions using its current dual cardioid antennas, and in the case of HITN, levels predicted
to result from the currently authorized WQABIO02 facilities.

5.      Authority; Absence of Conflicting Agreements. Each Party is duly organized in the
jurisdiction of its organization or incorporation, has full power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and to carry out all of the transactions contemplated hereby, and has taken all action
necessary on its part to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.
Bach Party represents that its execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement do not and
will not require the consent of any third party (including any lessee of that Party‘s excess
spectrum capacity), and do not and will not conflict with any agreement to which that:P
subject, including any excess capacity lease. Each Party further represents that
signing on behalf of the Party has been authorized to do so, and that upon       ex c
dehva'y, this Agreement will constitute a valid and binding agreement of that Party, enformble
in accordance with its terms.

6.      Remedies. Each Party acknowledges that the other would be irreparably harmed by a
breach hereof and that it would be difficult to estimate damages resulting from such a breach.
Consequently, the non—breaching Party shall provide notice of breach in writing and afford the
breaching party a period ofthirty days in which to cure such breach. If the breaching Party fails to
cure the breach within the thirty—day period, the non—breaching party shall be entitled to seek
injunctive or other equitable relief to prevent a breach or continued breach ofthis Agreement and
to secure the enforcement of this Agreement, without foregoing any legal relief which the non—
breaching Party may be entitled to pursue. Furthermore, if either Party breaches its obligations
under this Agreement, then the non—breaching Party‘s consent to any application filed by the other
Party shall be rendered null and void. The non—breaching Party (or its designee) also shall be able
to object to the applications of the breaching Party that interfere with the non—breaching Party‘s
ITFS channel[s]. If a Party experiences interference to its GSA that is not in accordance with this
Agreement, or that is inconsistent with this Agreement, from the other Party‘s station, then the
interfering Party shall reduce the interference to levels that are consistent with this Agreement.

7.      ComplHtance with Laws. Each Party shall observe and comply with all present and future
laws, ordinances, orders, rules, and regulations of all governmental or other agencies, departments,
authorities, boards, or commissions having jurisdiction over or related to this Agreement.

8.     Notices. Any notice required to be given by any Party to the other Party shall be in
writing and shall be considered to have been duly given when personally delivered, sent by
facsimile with a confirmation of receipt, or sent by certified mail or a reputable overnight
delivery firm and actually delivered or delivery is refused, and addressed as follows:

If to EBC:

Joshua C. Nathan, Esq.
Thirteen/WNET New York
450 West 33 Street
New York, NY 10001—2605
with a copy to:

Barbara K. Garduner, Esq.
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLLC
2000 K Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006

Ifto HIIN:

Jose Luis Rodriguez, President
Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc.
449 Broadway, 3 Floor
New York, NY 10013

with a copy to:

Rudolph J. Geist, Esq.
8401 Ramsey Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910


A.     Further Action. From time to time after the date of execution hereof, the Parties
       shall take such further action and execute such further documents, assurances and
       certificates as either Party may reasonably request of the other in order to
       effectuate the purposes hereof. In addition, each Party agrees that it will not take
       any action that would adversely affect the rights granted by it to the other Party

       Benefit and Assignment. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall
       be binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective legal representatives,
       successors and permitted assigns. If a Party sells, assigns, transfers, conveys or
       relinquishes cantrol of a station that is subject to this Agreement, such Party shall
       obligate the successor to assume the rights and obligations of the Party and the
       successor shall be deemed a Party hereto, in which event notice of such
       assignment or transfer shall be provided to the other Party. This Agreement shall
       not (1) confer on any person other than the Parties hereto or their respective legal
       representatives, successors or assigns, any rights, remedies, obligations or

                 liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement; or (2) constitute the Parties
                 hereto as partners or participants in ajoint venture.

                 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
                 with the laws of the State ofNew York, without regard to the pnnclples of conflict

                 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the
                 Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all previous oral or
                 written communications, representations or agreements. This Agreement may be
                 modified only by a duly authorized and executed writing signed by both Parties.

                 Payment of Expenses. Each Party shall pay its own expenses incident to the
                 preparation and carrying out of this Agreement, including all counsel fees and

                 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each
                 of which shall be deemed an original, but which together shall constitute one and
                 the same Agreement.

                 Invalid Provisions. Ifany provision ofthis Agreement shall be held illegal, invalid,
                 or unenforceable under any present or future laws, such provision shall be fully
                 intent, be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or           tfaoite
                 provision had never comprised a part hereof, andthemmmmngpmmomhereof
                 shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid
                 or unenforceable provision.

 In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as ofSeptember 9, 2004.






               liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement; or (2) constitute the Parties
               bereto as partners or participants in a joint venture.

               Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
               with the laws of the State ofNew York, without regard to the principles ofconflict
               of laws.

               Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the
               Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all previous oral or
               written communications, representations or agreements. This Agreement may be
               modified ounly by a duly authorized and executed writing signed by both Parties.

               Payment of Expenses. Each Party shall pay its own expenses incident to the
               preparation and carrying out of this Agreement, including all counsel fees and

         F.    Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each
               of which shall be deemed an original, but which together shall constitute one and
               the same Agreement.

               Invalid Provislons. Ifany provision ofthis Agreement shall be beld iilegal, invalid,
               or unesforceable under any present or future laws, such provisions# ‘be fually
               severable and this Agreement shall, to the extent possible and withoutéwmyingits
               intent, be construcd and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforcésble
               provision bad never comprised a part hereof, and the remaining provisionsher
               shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid
               or unenforceable provision.

In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement effective as of September 9, 2004.





Document Created: 2004-09-10 14:07:05
Document Modified: 2004-09-10 14:07:05

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