Form 405

2004-EX-RR-1994 Text Documents



                                                                                      HLubid_ 1(U/2j 19                              ____2 2004 —py—2R 744
 FCC 405                        FEDERAL COMMUNICA                      IS COMMIESION              Approbed by OMB| FC                     SE ONLY
                      \         /           Washington, D.C. 20554                                     3060—0093
                      \a                                                                          Expies 03/31/94

           \\O\\S(/             \\                     £5s1, Avg. Burden Hours Per Response: 2.72‘5 Hrs.                                                                                      ~
                      APPLICATION FOR AENEWAL                      OF RADIO STaTION LICENSE
                                                  IN SPECIFIED SERVICES                                                     (File Number                                    Call Sign
                (Specifico Services — FCC Rules Parts 5, 21, 22, 23 and 25)
                          fead Instructions       and totice on Dack Before Compictiny                                           Survice                        Ciass o1 Station

 1. Name of Applicant (muysi be igentical with that shown on current authorization)                                                            Call Sign or Other FCC identifier
                                                                                                                                               {i1 appiicable)
                 Exxon Communications Company                                                                                                                        KI2XDU
 2. Mailing Street Aaddress or P.Q. Box, City, Stare ang ZiP Code of Applican:                                                                 3. laentify Rulepart under which
                 P.0. Box 4276 Rm 16B2 FB                                                                                                            this filing is made

                 Houston, TX 77210—4276:                                                                                     .                   5.202(c)
 4. Fee Dats. Refer io 47 CFR                      Section       1.1105 or to appropriate Fee Filing                Guide    for     information,           FCC Use Only

(a) Foe Type Code                             (b) Fee Multiple, if required                   (c) Fee Due for Fee Type Coge in 4(a)
                                                                                                    5 45. 00
 §. Application is for renewal of license                          in exac! contormily with the existing license as specified below:
(3) File Number                                                          (b) Date issued                     (c) Calt Sign                    (?hL_ocartiohn Tgmporar.y '?Ca tions
                                                                                                             . 2XDU                          within        the Continental 2Aty**
 _—              2004—EX—R—92
                     —EX—R—                                             February
                                                                         rbr     1, 1993                      °KI                            buerto Rico and U.S. Virgin

(e, Nature of Service                                                    (1} Class of Sianon                                                   (g) Expiration Date                       is lands

                 Experimental                                             Experimental Mobile                                                   February 1, 1995
6. NotG@ any changes such as disconinuance Oof use of a frequency, or of a lype ofemiszsion or of a iramsmilier which have been
made simce                the last application     covering       this staligm was        [Hed:


tems 7(a) and (b) apply 10 Part 21 licensees onky.
7(a) Has there been removal of equipment or alferation of facilities 50 as to render Ing slalion not npgrational?
       If "YES5," when:                                                                                                                                                   [A ves          [ no

     (0) If tmis is a Mullipoint Oistribution Service (MDS)} statmion, is there an ownership inerest in, control by,
            al filiation w:rh or leasing arrangemeni! with a cable television company?                                                                                    D YES           l:] NO
8. Applicant repleqenls thal there has been mo change in applicants Organization and that there has been mo Iransfer o1 control of
changes in the applicant‘s relation 10 the station, or financial resnonsibility; that applicant‘s most récent appliestion or report
ere=gdying this information, as identifiocd below, is to be considered as a part of this application, ang the truth of the staiemants
t    in contsineg is hereby reaffirmed. Note here any furtner excéplions, not alresdy covered in question 6 or 7.
File No.                                                                              Oate

9. wioulg         a Commizzion            grant   of     this applCatigr      come      winhin    4 7 CFR     1.1307,. Ssuth Inal 4 may have a
          signmficant       envirormenta! impact?                                                                                                                         OUves           uo
              if "YES," attach as [ xhibd No.                                       an Envirormental Agssessment requireo by 47 CFR                         1.1311.
              it "NO,"* oxslam brisfiy why not. Tranvportab1c carth station. No environmental impact as defined in
                                                         10. Certification       47 TFR T.1307.
a. Apphcani waives any clam i0 Tthe use Of any particuler frequency or of the elecirornagnelic specirum a$ agaimgt the regulstory
nowsr m           the linfod         Ststes   becuuse       of    ihe provwious       use of the some,       whethcr by          becnse    Of Otheiwise,       ang requesls a Slation
hcense         m sccoréance with this application.                     Applicant      acknowledges that all attached exhibil% are a malérial part hereo{.
b.        The ungersigned,          ingwidually    and    Tor    the   applicant,     hercby certities     that   the siitements made          in thq       application   are Irue.,
compicte 3ng mueu i0 the best of the lgner": knomedqe                                            .md belef, ang ase mad:- m good               faun.

Daie                                          Name     of   Am:hram        {must      cornres;mm    with    Hem T)                            Tle      of    Applicant    Gif   any)
Novembér &8, 1994 _| Exxon Communications Company                                                                                            David E. Newman, Vice Preside
Srignatur e                                                             Desiqnote      Apprt unnialy    Ci#ssifhic uon                                           ‘
     ;\                                                                 U mov.           mm of                omcs & mim. or mt                        K aum.  repr. DC orriciat
          au_\              2       ) Avy
                                        "\Gw‘-                               APP1 .          PART              APPLICANT‘S ASSGC.                        OF corr.
                                                                                                                                                                        GOvT. tNiliv
Willful ralse              siatements     made
                                             on inis              form    are
                                                                            pumshuble by "tine3nd,lor                    lmurlsonmen‘r       {U.S.    Code, Tltle18             Section    1001)
and/or revocation of any station                            license or construction permit (US, Code,                        Title    47, Section 312(@(1),               and/or       forfeiture
‘U.S, Code, Title 47, Section 5031.

                                                                                                                                                                                     FCC 405
                                                                                                                                                                                February 1991

                                                   9004                            1L£9§1882028 Ol                               Ko9i1T%l NOXXZ WOH4                       WYEC‘!l §6—11—80

Document Created: 2001-08-16 20:30:53
Document Modified: 2001-08-16 20:30:53

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