Incoming generated [Sep 4 2014]

0764-EX-ST-2014 Correspondence



From: Richard Hibbeler

To: Anthony Serafini
Date: September 04, 2014


The radio equipment being used for the demo is an Ericsson mini-link PT 2020

“To demonstrate how an existing microwave communications point to point
path can be used in supplemental meteorologic data, specifically rain
density. By utilizing unique algorithms the fade data from any microwave
path can be use to calculate how much rain is falling between the two
end-points of the path. We will demonstrate that this density is
calculable, and therefore in regions that are rich in microwave paths, but
poor in existing radar weather coverage, solid information can be obtained
using existing network and path solutions. We will use a 38GHz microwave
path and in a 1 meter space insert water in a rain-like dissipation. By
inserting the rain into the path, we can graphically show the results of
the rain injection and explain how this can be use to support services in
rural and other areas. This will be operational between 10:00 PDT and
18:00 PDT from September 7 until September 12.

Document Created: 2014-09-04 13:40:17
Document Modified: 2014-09-04 13:40:17

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