Exhibit 1

0413-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Dynetics, Inc.


                                                                           Exhibit 1

I.     Introduction

         By the instant application (“Application”), Dynetics, Inc. (“Dynetics”) requests that the
Commission grant Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to permit Dynetics to operate the
facilities (the “Facilities”) specified in the instant Application from May 15-November 15, 2019.

II.    Purpose and Nature of the Operation

       Dynetics, headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, delivers high-quality, high-value
engineering, scientific, and information technology (IT) solutions to customers within the U.S.
government and a range of other market segments. Dynetics provides complete lifecycle
analysis, engineering, and hardware, to support customer missions.

        An experimental STA is requested to test the telemetry system for the Active Denial for
Targets Right of Line (ADTROL) project. This activity is necessary to support the “Enhanced
Lethality of Area Targets” contract for testing of the ADTROL Telemetry system. Operations are
required on a mobile airborne basis in and around Roswell, NM and fixed site at Huntsville, AL.
Primary operations will be located on the Mistic test ranges near Roswell, NM. The test ranges
are operated by the Matrix Operating Group. Operations will be limited to their property and will
be coordinated with their range control office and local authorities prior to test execution.

       Antenna #1:

               Mobile airborne transmissions centered at 33°28’11”N; 104°56’9”W, with the
               furthest waypoints lying on a radius of 25km about the center point. The
               maximum flight ceiling planned is 3,810m above ground level (AGL). Ground
               elevation above sea level at the center point coordinates is 1400m at this
               location. The nearest airport to the center point coordinates is the Roswell
               International Airport (ROW), 48 km from the center point coordinates.

       Antenna #2:

               Mobile airborne transmissions centered at 34°15’57”N; 104°57’7”W, with the
               furthest waypoints lying on a radius of 40km about the center point. The
               maximum flight ceiling planned is 3,810m above ground level (AGL). Ground
               elevation above sea level at the center point coordinates is 1600m at this
               location. The nearest airport to the center point coordinates is the Fort Sumner
               Municipal Airport (FSU), 100 km from the center point coordinates.

       Antenna #3:

               Ground Operations:    Temporary Fixed Operations
                                     within 100m of Huntsville, AL
                                     Centerpoint - 34°44’11” N; 086°41’06”W

This activity is necessary to test a telemetry system being developed for the W15QKN-14-9-
1001 DOTC-17-01-INIT0888 contract.

Contract Information is as follows:

       Agency:                Warheads & Lethal Mechanisms Technology Division U.S. Army,
                              CCDC, Armaments Center

       Contract No:           W15QKN-14-9-1001, DOTC Initiative DOTC-17-01-INIT0888

       Government POC:        Daniel A. Suarez; daniel.a.suarez4.civ@mail.mil;
                              Phone: (973) 724-8508

Waiver of the Station ID rules set forth at Section 5.115 is respectfully requested.

III.   Frequency Requirements and Other Technical Information

         The band of 2200-2395 MHz has been requested on the Application, in light of the fact
that this the tunable band for the transmitting system, which is an IRIG-106 Tier 0 PCM/FM
telemetry transmitter manufactured by Quasonix. To conduct the experiment, Dynetics requires
only 2 discrete frequencies (a primary and backup) in this band, with 5 MHz channel spacing.
The tunable band starts with the first channel at 2205.5 MHz. Therefore, for example, Dynetics
could accept a grant with 2250.5MHz (primary) 2205.5 MHz (backup), or alternates if those
were unavailable.

      Data rate for the emitter is 2 Mbps and is encoded as a RNRZ. The nominal occupied
bandwidths are:

               3dB BW:        2.1 MHz
               20dB BW:       2.35 MHz
               40dB BW:       5 MHz

       The nominal transmitter output power is 2W Peak / 2W Average.

         The telemetry transmitter will be mounted on an EPAV (Earth Penetrating Air Vehicle)
that is a controlled non-kinetic vehicle released from an aircraft. Operations will involve an
aircraft taking off from Roswell Industrial Air Center (ROW) and flying to the designated
location of Station 1 or Station 2.

IV.    Transmitting Equipment

       Manufacturer           Model No.                              # Units Experimental

       Quasonix               QSX-VSH1-1000-02-N4-01PE-WV              1           Yes

       Haigh-Farr             3106 Button antenna                      1           Yes

V.     Directionality/Orientation

       For each location, the directional transmit antenna is the Haigh-Farr PN 3106 Button
antenna, and the directionality/orientation information is as follows:

       Beamwidth at Half-Power      Orientation in       Orientation in Vertical
       Point                        Horizontal Plane     Plane
       Transmit azimuth: 360 deg,   360 deg -            +25 deg above horizon
       Transmit elevation: 50 deg   omnidirectional

VI.    Interference Mitigation

        Dynetics is well aware of its obligations under Part 5 of the Commission’s rules to avoid
interference to co-channel licensees in non-experimental services, and will take all steps to
ensure compliance with this obligation. As stated above, Dynetics will work with the
Commission and/or other stakeholders to identify a minimum of two specific frequencies within
the stated tuning frequency range to avoid interference to co-channel licensees in non-
experimental services. With respect to interference mitigation, Dynetics understands that FAA
(or other government stakeholders) may restrict radiation to certain azimuth and/or elevation
sectors in order to ensure that the proposed Facilities do not pose a threat of interference to
adjacent emitters. Accordingly, this is to confirm that Dynetics stands ready to work with the
FAA to identify any reasonably necessary restrictions for the system.

       -   Limited flight testing is requested for only 12 occasions using either Station 1 or
           backup Station 2 (both near Roswell, NM).

       -   Once within the specified operational radius of the station location (specified for
           Station 1 and Station 2 above), the aircraft will turn on the telemetry transmitter to
           check that it is operational (on time <30min). Once the telemetry check is passed, the
           EPAV will be released from the aircraft and will nose over as it descends toward the
           ground for up to 120 seconds. The EAPV will maintain a nose-down attitude for the
           entire flight, deviating +/-30 degrees maximum. Once the EAPV containing the
           telemetry transmitter lands, telemetry will terminate. The entire transmission on-time
           is not expected to exceed 1 hour per occasion. The telemetry transmission will be
           received by the aircraft – thus the transmitted telemetry signal during the EPAV
           vehicle flight is directed upward with the antenna beam boresight approximately 25
           degrees above the horizon with an approximate 50-degree beamwidth.

       -   Operation in Huntsville, AL (Station location 3) will be minimal and intermittent and
           limited to fixed ground operations. When operating at Station location 3 (Huntsville,
           AL), the transmit power will be reduced from to 10 mW (30 mW ERP) to minimize

       -   Dynetics will coordinate radio emissions with designated local authorities prior to test
           execution if required.

       -   Dynetics advises that the following will be available by wireless (cellular) telephone
           and will act as “stop buzzers” if any issues regarding interference arise during testing:

           Primary: 256-509-5187 – Drew Williams
           Secondary: 256-426-5395 - Kevin Wade

For the foregoing reasons, Dynetics respectfully submits that approval of this Application is in
the public interest, convenience and necessity.

Document Created: 2019-04-27 09:33:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 09:33:44

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