Exhibit 2 Explanation of Amendment

0002-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

Dynetics, Inc.


                                                                     File No. 0002-EX-ST-2018
                                                                                     Exhibit 2

An Amendment is being filed to reflect completion of MAG coordination for this Application.

As indicated on the following page, the MAG Chairman has consented to Dynetics’ use of the
following 8 frequencies within the MAG channel allocations:

               301.3632 MHz, 301.5936 MHz, 301.8240 MHz, 302.0544 MHz
               321.4080 MHz, 321.6384 MHz, 321.8688 MHz, 322.0992 MHz

It is requested that the Commission proceed with final processing of this application in light of
this Amendment.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 12:27 PM
To: Rummel, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Rummel@arentfox.com>
Cc: GIANGROSSO, JOSEPH P CTR USAF AFMC 96 RANSS/RNR <joseph.giangrosso.ctr@us.af.mil>;
NEWMAN, JAMES P GS-13 USAF AFMC AFRL/DOO <james.newman.12@us.af.mil>;
Subject: RE: MAG Coordination - Dynetics, Inc. - Pending STA Request - FCC File No. 0002-EX-ST-2018

Jeff--please modify the application to reflect the specific frequencies noted below and annotate within the
application MAG Chair coordination and the appropriate Area Frequency Coordinators.

If there are any questions please let me know.


William R. Whittington, GS-15, DAF
Chair, Military Advisory Group
Ft Meade, MD 20755
(301) 225-3744 DSN (375)
Cell: 571-438-1282
NIPR: william.whittington.5@us.af.mil
SIPR: william.r.whittington4.civ@mail.smil.mil
JWICS: william.whittington@disa.ic.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: Rummel, Jeffrey [mailto:Jeffrey.Rummel@arentfox.com]
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 3:12 PM
To: WHITTINGTON, WILLIAM R GS-15 USAF AFSPC AFSMO/SQ <william.whittington.5@us.af.mil>;
Cc: GIANGROSSO, JOSEPH P CTR USAF AFMC 96 RANSS/RNR <joseph.giangrosso.ctr@us.af.mil>;
NEWMAN, JAMES P GS-13 USAF AFMC AFRL/DOO <james.newman.12@us.af.mil>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] MAG Coordination - Dynetics, Inc. - Pending STA Request - FCC File No.

Mr. Whittington:

Thank you very much for the materials relevant to this coordination.

Having reviewed the materials and confirmed its frequency requirements, Dynetics requests MAG
approval of 4 frequencies (2 pairs of frequencies) in each of two bands selected from Annex B, for a total
of 8 individual frequencies.

The specific preferred frequencies identified by Dynetics are as follows:

M301.025 thru M302.225: 301.3632, 301.5936, 301.8240, 302.0544
M321.025 thru M322.225: 321.4080, 321.6384, 321.8688, 322.0992

Please advise if these are acceptable to the MAG, or if additional discussion/review is warranted.

Best regards,

Jeff Rummel
Attorney for Dynetics, Inc.

Document Created: 2018-01-17 10:12:34
Document Modified: 2018-01-17 10:12:34

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