Request to Modify STA

0292-EX-ST-1999 Text Documents

Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.


               Diversified Communications Engineering, Inc.
                            111 Congress Avenue
                                  Suite 2530
                              Austin, TX 78701
                         Telephone: (§12) 478—3400

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
P. O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

To the Commission:

              Diversified Communications Engineering, Inc. ("DCE"), hereby
requests a modification of its Special Temporary Authorization ("STA") for.
WA2XMY, File No. 0094—EX—ST—1999. DCE seeks this modification to
comply with a request from Commission staff regarding the testing ofthe
Northpoint technology in the Washington, D.C. area. DCE is currently testing
the Northpoint technology in the Washington, D.C. area and is authorized to
operate at three different transmit sites. DCE would like to begin testing from
a fourth site identified below beginning September 21, 1999. FCC staff
requested that DCE add additional test sites in order to have an experimental
test that more closely replicates a fully deployed Northpoint system.

               In accordance with Section 5.56, 5.57 and 5.202 ofthe Commis—
sion‘s Rules, the following information is provided in support ofthis request:

1)             n             £             nt:

      Diversified Communications Engineering, Inc.
       111 Congress Avenue
      Suite 2530

     Austin, TX 78701
     Telephone: (512) 478—3400

     Saleem Tawil P.E.
     Diversified Communications Engineering, Inc.
     111 Congress Avenue
     Suite 2530
     Austin, TX 78701
     Telephone: (512) 478—3400

2)   Special

     The Commission currently has a pending Notice ofProposed Rule
     Making (ET Docket No. 98—206) concerning operations in the Ku band
     and these tests should provide raw data to supplement the record
     concerning the Northpoint Technology. Based upon meetings with
     various members of the Commission‘s staff, DCE was asked to add
     additional test sites to collect additional data. Without immediate
     authority, DCE would not be able to provide such technical data in a
     timely manner.


     The program ofresearch and experimentation proposed in this instant
     application seeks to build upon the experimental test results established
     in two separate test locations in Texas. These experimental operations
     were conducted under FCC call sign WA2XMY, File No. 6001—EX—
     MR—1998. The experiments in Texas have demonstrated the viability
     ofthe Northpoint Technology to transmit terrestrially in a southerly


direction on the same frequencies as used by the DBS service. The
proposed STA will enable continued testing and demonstration ofthe
Northpoint Technology to FCC staff, congressional staffers, DBS
service providers and any other interested party.

D                 tion:

The current STA is valid through November 26, 1999 and DCE would
operate the modified STA pursuant to the time specified in the original


The base stations will be located at the following sites:

1) Fort LincolnBuilding: N 38—55—27; W 76—57—46
      Ground Elev.:      110‘ AMSL
      Building Hgt:      120‘ AGL (Approximate)

2) USA Today Building: N 38—53—39; W 77—04—11
     Address:           1100 Wilson Boulevard, RossyIn, VA
     Ground Elev.:      62‘ AMSL
     Building Hgt:      391— AGL (Approximate)

3) 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NNW.; N 38—54—14; W 77—02—27
      Ground Elev.:      55° AMSL
         Building Hgt.:     150‘ AGL (Approximate)

4) Motten Elementary School Building: N 38—51—23; W 76—59—00
         Ground Elev.:      260‘ (792m) AMSL
         Building Het.:     60‘ (18.28m) AGL (Approximate)

8)    toUsed:
      The equipment utilized for this STA will consist of a LNR 1 watt
      transmitter with a digital encoder, QPSK modulation and power level
      control, a Seavey Engineering custom transmit antenna with a gain of
      10 dBi, and a MPEG2—DVB receiver/decoder. The transmit antenna
      used for this system is directional, with a horizontal beamwidth of 110

      DCE recognizes that the operation of any unapproved device under
      experimentation must not cause harmful interference to authorize
      facilities. Should interference occur, DCE will take reasonable steps to
      resolve the interference, including ifnecessary arranging for the discon—
      tinuance of operation.

9)    FrequenciesDesird:

      12.2 — 12.7 GHz for base station operations.

10)   MaximumPower:

      The base stations will operate at a transmitter power output not greater
      than 30 dBm and an EIRP not greater than 37.5 dBm.

11)   Emission:
      The primary emission designator will be GTW. Other emission modes
      may be utilized, but in no event with the missions extend beyond the
      frequencies set forth under Item 9.

12)   AntennasGround:

      DCE will comply with all FCC and FAA antenna requirements. The
      antennas will be mounted either: (1) not higher than 20 feet above
      ground or 20 feet above a building; (2) on an FAA—approved structure
      in a manner that will not exceed the approved height (e.g., side _


Frhna                                           171 1R

              mounted below the approved height; or (3) a marmer that does not
              require FAA approval.

        13)   1,2002
              Applicant hereby certifies that it, its officers and directors, and any
              party with five percent or preater interest in this request for special
              requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Ant] Drug Abuse Act
              of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 5 862.
                    ~ DCE submits that issuance ofan STA is in the public interest,
        convenience, and necestity as it will permit DCE to simulate real—world
                                   , provide needed technical data in support ofthe
        operation ofits services and
        commission rule making proceedings.

                     Finclosed is a chock for $45 to cover the filing fee (Fec Type
        Code "EAE"), along with a completed Form 159.

                     Should you have questions, please call our FCC counse!l Toni
        ‘Cook Bush or Bric Broyles at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom L.L.P.  at
        (202) 371—7700.
                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Carmen A. T‘éfl.            e
                                            Vice President
                                            Diversified Communication
                                            Eaginooring, Inc.

                                                                                LAAT Ad Aduded

                L2p                                       ORIGINAL

                    Skappen, Arps, Scate, Meaoner & Fuom LLP
                                              1440 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW.

                  s       :                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005—2111                                      Boston
                  oC                                        Inpmmomaed                                          CHICAGG
                                                    TEL: 1(202) 371—7000                                       HOUSTON
                                                    Fax: 1202) 393—8760                                         NEVWMARK

 (202) 37 1—7700                                                                                             SAN FRANCISCO

 (202) 37 1 —780809                                                                                             REIJING

                                                                         September 13, 1999            '        mosnow

                  Federal Communications Commission
                  Office of Engineering and Technology
                  Experimental Radio Services
                  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                            Re:     Modification of Special Temporary Authority for
                                                         1               Fil    .   0094—EX—ST—1999

                      To the Commission:

                                     Please associate the enclosed, original signature page with the above—
                      referenced filing submitted to the Commission on September 10, 1999, as reflected
                      on the included, date—stamped copy.


                                                                               ~Z a
                                                                               Eric C. Broyles, Esq.

                      Attachments (2)

                          SASM&F                                               30. 34

SEP. 10. 1899 10:11AM




                  mounted below the approved height; or (3) a manner that does not
                  require FAA approval.

           13)    1.2002Certifcaon:
                  Applicant hereby certifies that it, its officers and directors, and any
                  party with five percent or greater interest in this request for special
                  temporary authorization is not subject to a denial of the Federal benefits
                  requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti Drug Abuse Act
                  of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.
                        DCE submits that issuance of an STA is in the public interest,
           convenience, and necessity as it will permmit DCE to simulate real—world
           operation of its services and provide needed technical data in support of the _
           commission rule making proceedings.

                       Enclosed is a check for $45 to cover the filing fee (Fee Type
           Code "EAE"), along with a completed Form 159.

                         Should you have questions, please call our FCC counsel Toni
           Cook Bush or Eric Broyles at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Mcagher & Flom L.L.P. at
           (202) 371—7700.                                                       —

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Carmen A. Tawit*P.E.
                                              Vice President
                                              Diversified Communication °
                                              Engineering, Inc.

            Date: 9]‘°I99

Document Created: 2003-11-14 08:55:43
Document Modified: 2003-11-14 08:55:43

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