BMAX Technical Specifications

0250-EX-PL-2009 Text Documents

DigitalBridge Spectrum Corp.


     BreezeMAX 2300/2500/3500 TDD
         Technical Specification

                               Technical Specifications for:
                                               BreezeMAX 2300

                                               BreezeMAX 2500

                                               BreezeMAX 3500

         Document Revision 1.6
         December 2006

 Alvarion Ltd. All rights reserved.
 The material contained herein is proprietary, privileged, and confidential. No disclosure thereof shall be made
 to third parties without the express written permission of Alvarion. Alvarion reserves the right to alter the
 specifications in this publication without prior notice.

Alvarion Ltd.                                                BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                         Document rev 1.6

                                    Table of Contents
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Architecture .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Radio & Modem ....................................................................................................................................... 5

      General Parameters (2.x & 3.5GHz) ................................................................................................... 5

Networking ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Data Communications ............................................................................................................................. 8

Indoor to Outdoor Communications ........................................................................................................ 9

      Subscriber unit...................................................................................................................................... 9

      Base station .......................................................................................................................................... 9

      Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Electrical................................................................................................................................................. 11

      Subscriber Unit ................................................................................................................................... 11

      Modular (Macro) Base Station Equipment ........................................................................................ 11

Mechanical............................................................................................................................................. 12

Environmental ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Standard Compliance ( RoHS comply ) ................................................................................................ 14

MTBF ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

Networking Gateway CPE..................................................................................................................... 16

Voice Gateway CPE .............................................................................................................................. 17

Alvarion Ltd.                                                                        BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                                                 Document rev 1.6

This document details the system specifications for the BreezeMAX 2300, BreezeMAX 2500 and the
BreezeMAX 3500 TDD products, under release 1.0 (software version 4.02) – beta version.
Please note that all specifications are subject to changes.

       Parameter                                               Value
 Base Station                Macro BST:
                                • Up to 7 AU-IDUs                        Antenna

                                • 4 I/F ports per AU-IDU
                             Outdoor radio (ODU):                        ODU

                                • 2nd or 4th order radio diversity
                                • 1, 2 or 4 ODUs per AU-IDU
                             Antenna Options:
                                • Dual polarization antenna
                                • Single polarization antenna

                                     •   Two Dual Polarization antenna are used by 4 radio units to
                                         provide 4th order diversity
                                     •   Two Single Polarization antenna are used by 2 radio units to
                                         provide 2nd order diversity
                             Opetaion mode:

                               • 2 branch STC (Space Time Coding)
                               • 2 branch polarization diversity
                               • 3dB power gain
                               • 12dB diversity gain in 4th order diversity (9dB in 2nd order)

                                 • 4 Channels MRC (Maximum Ratio Combining) diversity
                                 • 3dB power gain

Alvarion Ltd.                                           BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                    Document rev 1.6

       Parameter                                                 Value
 Other Base Station   Network Processing Unit:
 Shelf components     NPU: 1 per shelf *

                      PIU: 1 + 1, for redundency
                      PSU: 1 to 4, according to load, with n+1 redundency

                      * Shelf is designed to host 2 NPUs for future implementation of 1+ 1 redundency.
 GPS                  Global Positioning System:
                      1 per base station for intercell and intracell synchronization

 CPE                  Outdoor Unit:
                         • Compact ODU with integrated antenna.
                         • Optional external antenna
                      Indoor units:
                      (Operating in conjunction with an Indoor Unit)
                           •    Data
                           •    Residential GW
                           •    Networking GW
                      Self Install Unit
                          • Stand alone device with 6 integrated antennas
                          • Optional external window antenna

                      Operation mode:
                         • 6 Elements steering Antenna with Rapid Antenna Selection
                         • 4dB Fade Margin gain
                         • Uplink OFDMA sub channelization
                                o Up to 16 sub channels (12dB gain)

Alvarion Ltd.                                           BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                    Document rev 1.6

Radio & Modem
General Parameters (2.x & 3.5GHz)
         Parameter                                              Value
                               Base Station & CPE:
                               2.3GHz WCS: 2305-2317,2348-2360MHz ( A&B pairs ).
Frequency (2.x)                2.3GHz ROW: 2300-2360MHz
                               2.5 Band A: 2496-2602MHz
                               2.5 Band B: 2590-2690MHz
                               Base Station & CPE:
                               3.4A: 3399.5 - 3455MHz
Frequency (3.5)                3.4B: 3445 - 3500MHz
                               3.5A: 3500 - 3555MHz
                               3.5B: 3545 - 3600MHz
Radio Access Method            TDD
                               Radio – FCC Part 27
Standard Compliance
                               Safety – IEC 60 950 US/C
Channel bandwidth              3.5MHz; 5MHz – software selectable
Duplexing Technologies         TDD
Central frequency resolution   125KHz
                               BMAX PRO-S CPE: Integrated (2.3GHz ) – 13dbi , Integrated
                               (2.5GHz) – 14dbi.
Antenna (2.x)
                               Si CPE: integrated 7dbi , Window – 11.5dbi.
                               BST (V&DS) : 60-16.5 dbi, 90-15.5 dbi, 120-14dbi.
                               BMAX PRO-S CPE : Integrated (3.5GHz ) – 17dbi ,
Antenna (3.5)                  Si CPE: integrated 9dbi , Window – 11dbi.
                               BST (V &DS) : 60-16.5 dbi, 90-15.5 dbi, 120-14dbi.
CPE Antenna Port               N-type, 50 ohm
                               DL - 208 sub-carriers for 3.5MHz / 5Mhz channels
No. FFT points
                               UL - 200 sub-carriers for 3.5MHz / 5MHz channels

FEC                            Convolutional encoder, Viterbi decoder, coding rates: 3/4, 2/3, 1/2
                               AU: 36dBm
Maximum Output power –2x       SU: 19dBm
(At antenna port)              SU SI 2.3 : 23dBm
                               SU SI 2.5 : 24dBm
                               AU: 24- 34dBm
Maximum Output power –3.5
                               SU: 19dBm
(At antenna port)
                               SU SI 3.5 : 22dBm

Alvarion Ltd.                                            BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                     Document rev 1.6

                     DL: Manually SNMP based
ATPC Dynamic Range   UL: automatic
                     Power control range: SU: 45 dB; AU: 6dB
                     5MHz:                                     3.5MHz:
                     BFSK 1/2: 1.9152Mbps                      BFSK 1/2: 1.4016Mbps
                     QPSK 1/2: 3.8304Mbps                      QPSK 1/2: 2.8032Mbps
                     QPSK 3/4: 5.7456Mbps                      QPSK 3/4: 4.2048Mbps
Multi bit Rate
                     QAM16 1/2: 7.6608Mbps                     QAM16 1/2: 5.6064Mbps
                     QAM16 3/4: 11.4912Mbps                    QAM16 3/4: 8.4096Mbps
                     QAM64 2/3: 15.3216Mbps                    QAM64 2/3: 11.2128Mbps
                     QAM64 3/4: 17.2368 Mbps                   QAM64 3/4: 12.6144 Mbps

Alvarion Ltd.                                    BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                             Document rev 1.6


Services                                              Macro BST

Max number of service pipes per BST                   4095

Min number of data connections per Service Pipe       2 (1 uplink, 1 downlink)

Max number of data connections per Service Pipe       8 (4 uplink, 4 downlik)

Max number of data connections per SU                 126

Max number of data connections per AU                 3999

Max number of SUs per AU                              510

Max number of Sus per BST                             2000

Max number of Aus per BST                             7

Max number of MAC addresses in bridging table         NPU: 6000 (configurable aging time, default
                                                      10 minutes)
                                                      SU: 512 (aging time 3 minutes)

Max number of VLANs per Service Pipe                  16

Max number of VLANs per BST                           1024

Max number of concurrent calls per voice service      10

Max number of MAC Addresses forwarded by SU           512

Alvarion Ltd.                                      BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                               Document rev 1.6

Data Communications

Data                               IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD
Maximum Packet Size (including 4   1550 Bytes
CRC bytes)
VLAN support                       IEEE 802.1Q
Traffic Classification             Layer 2 IEEE 802.1p, IP DiffServ Code Points DCSP
Traffic Prioritization             IEEE 802.16a QoS air interface

Alvarion Ltd.                                    BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                             Document rev 1.6

Indoor to Outdoor Communications
Subscriber unit

Cable Type                         Category 5E, Outdoor Data Cable, Double Jacket, 4x2x24#

Maximum Length                     100 meter

Base station
IF Frequency                       Tx- 240MHz, Rx - 140MHz
Ref Synchronization Frequency      64MHz
Bi-Directional Control Frequency   14MHz
IF cable Impedance                 50 ohm
Maximum IF cable Attenuation       10dB @ 240MHz
(Include MUX loss)                 7.5dB @ 140MHz
                                    8dB @ 64MHz
Maximum IF cable DC Resistance     1.5 ohm
Recommended IF cable               Double Shielded (Shielding effectiveness 90dB)

Alvarion Ltd.                                     BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                              Document rev 1.6

Interface              Indoor Unit                            Outdoor Unit
IF                     TNC jack, lightning protected          TNC jack, lightning protected
External ANT           SMA(F)                                 N-Type jack, lightning protected

Data, Voice,           NPU:                                   CPE:
Management             Data: 100/1000Base-T (RJ-45)           10/100Base-T (RJ-45)
                       Data: 10/100Base-T (RJ-45)
                       Voice: POTS (RJ11)

Management             NPU : 10/100Base-T (RJ-45)
(out of band)
GPS                    NPU: 15-pin mini DIN
Time Base              NPU: 15-pin mini DIN
External Alarm Input   NPU 9-pin mini DIN
Alarm Output           NPU : 9-pin mini DIN
Power                  BS-PS:                                 48 VDC from indoor unit:
                       D-Type 3 Power pin male                BST via the IF cable
                                                              CPE via CAT5 cable
                       CPE all types:
                       AC standard 3 pin cable

Alvarion Ltd.                                          BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                   Document rev 1.6

Subscriber Unit
             Unit                                         Details
Power Consumption –2.xGHz
                            BMAX PRO-S CPE: 25W , Self Install CPE: 12.5 W
Power Consumption –3.5GHz
                            BMAX PRO-S CPE: 22W , Self Install CPE: 12.5 W
CPE-IDU Power Input         100-240 VAC, 47-63 Hz
CPE-ODU Power Input         54 VDC from the IDU over the indoor-outdoor Ethernet cable

Modular (Macro) Base Station Equipment
            Unit                                          Details
Power Source                -40.5 to -60 VDC
PIU                         16W maximum
PSU                         200W maximum output power
                            Efficiency: 75% minimum, 80% typical
NPU                         65W maximum, 44W typical
GPS + GPS Adaption box      7.2W maximum ( 1.2w on Adaption box )
AU-IDU                      46W maximum, 29W typical
AU-ODU-2x                   82W maximum, 75W typical
AU-ODU-3.5                  50W maximum, 43W typical
AVU                         40W maximum, 23W typical
Outdoor CPE-2x              22W maximum
Outdoor CPE-3.5             22W maximum
Indoor CPE-2.x\3.5GHz       12.5W maximum

Alvarion Ltd.                                       BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                Document rev 1.6

                           Product                     Dimensions (cm)              Weight (kg)
Macro base station shelf                                 8U x 43.19 x 24        6.9 (excluding AVU)
Air Ventilation Unit (fan tray)                          2U x 84HP x 16                  1.7
Power interface module                                   3U x 5HP x 16                  0.35
Power supply module                                      3U x 8HP x 16                   0.7
Network processing module                                6U x 7HP x 16                   0.7
Access Unit indoor module                                6U x 7HP x 16.                  0.6
AU ODU – All types                                      32.9 x 15.7 x 20.9               8.6
Broadband data bridge indoor module                        16 x 3.2 x 6                  0.3
Networking gateway CPE indoor module                     11.1 x 2.6 x 19                 0.6
Voice Gateway                                            17.6 x 11 x 2.8                0.23
Si CPE                                                      15x15x5                      1.0
CPE PRO outdoor radio unit with integrated antenna         21x21x5.4                     1.4
* 1U=44.45 mm (1.75”)
** 1HP=5.08 mm (0.2”)

Alvarion Ltd.                                        BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                 Document rev 1.6

                     Indoor Unit                    Outdoor Unit
                      0      0
Operating            0 C to 40 C                    -400C to 550C
Operating Humidity   5%-95% non condensing          5%-95% non condensing, weather

Alvarion Ltd.                                BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                         Document rev 1.6

Standard Compliance ( RoHS comply )

          Type                                               Standard
EMC                    ETSI EN 301 489-1
                       EN60950 (CE), CB
                       IEC 60950 US/C (TUV)
Lightning protection
(Antenna and IF        EN 61000-4-5, Class 3 (2kV)
                       ETS 300 019
                       Part 2-1 T 1.2 & part 2-2 T 2.3 for indoor & outdoor
                       Part 2-3 T 3.2 for indoor
                       Part 2-4 T 4.1E for outdoor
Radio                  FCC part 27
MTBF                   Bellcore SR332 Issue 1

Alvarion Ltd.                                              BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                       Document rev 1.6

        Product                                       Description                            MTBF
Base Station
                                   Base Station Shelf. Includes air ventilation unit         756,600
BMAX-BST-SH             735201
                                   (AVU)                                                    (MTBCF)
BMAX-BST-PSU            735203 Base Station Power Supply Unit                               704,733
BMAX-BST-NPU            735204 Network Processor Unit                                       212,213
BMAX-BST-PIU            735205 Base Station Power Interface Unit                           1,579,428
BMAX-BST-AVU            735202 Base Station Air Ventilation Unit
BMAX-BST-AU-ODU-HP-                  BreezeMAX Base Station High Power Outdoor
                        723200                                                              157133
        2.3                                 Radio Unit - for 2.3GHz band.
                                    BreezeMAX Base Station High Power Outdoor
                        723201     Radio Unit, for 2.3Ghz band - with a special (WCS)       157133
                                                       internal filter.
BMAX-BST-AU-ODU-       735510\11\
                                  Base Station Outdoor Radio Unit HP                        157,133
3.4\3.5-HP Band A/B      12\13
                                   Single Power Feeder. Includes one DC power cable
BMAX-BST-PWR-FEED       735216                                                             1,017,000
                                             and four IF cables length 0.5m
                                    Indoor GPS Adaptor unit. Interfaces between the
      BMAX-GPS-IGA      723203                                                              937,133
                                              outdoor GPS and an NPU
BMAX-BST-AU-IDU-2.X-               BreezeMAX 2.X Base Station Access Unit interface
                        723202                                                              117,755
4CH                                module for (4channels)
                                   BreezeMAX Si indoor CPE for use in the band:
BMAX-CPE-Si-E-2.3      723100-xx                                                            400,593
                                   2,300 - 2,360 MHz. With one 10/100 Base-T Port.
BMAX-CPE-SI             735150 Subscriber SI CPE Indoor Radio Unit                          400,593
BMAX-CPE-IDU-NG-                   Networking Gateway Indoor module with four
4D1W                               10/100 Base-T Ports + 802.11g wireless interface

                        735401/ Voice Gateway Indoor module with one 10/100
ALVR-VG-1D1V                    Base-T Data Port + one RJ11 POTS Port (H.323 or            > 300,000
                        735403 SIP P/N).

                        735402/ Voice Gateway (H.323) Indoor module with one
ALVR-VG-1D2V                    10/100 Base-T Data Port + two RJ11 POTS Port               > 300,000
                        735404 (H.323 or SIP P/N).

BMAX-CPE-ODU-PRO-                  BreezeMAX CPE Pro Outdoor Radio Unit - 2,300 -
                        723104                                                              282,611
SA-2.3                             2,360 MHz, with Integrated Antenna.
BMAX-CPE-ODU-PRO-S 735120/1 Subscriber PRO S CPE Outdoor Radio Unit                         299,454

Alvarion Ltd.                                           BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                    Document rev 1.6

Networking Gateway CPE

General Features
Routing                  Static Route, Dynamic Route (RIP1/2)
Firewall                 NAT Firewall with SPI mode
NAT Functionality        NAT, Virtual Server, Special Application
                         DMZ Host
VPN                      IPSec, PPTP & LT2P Pass-Through
DHCP                     DHCP server for LAN and WLAN clients.
                         DHCP client for WAN
Wireless Features
Standard                 IEEE 802.11b / 802.11g
Data Rates               6/12/18/24/36/48/54Mbps in 802.11g mode
                         1/2/5.5/11Mbps in 802.11b mode
Operating Frequency      2.4GHz
Range Coverage           Indoors - approx. 35-100 meters
Number of Channels       America/ FCC: 2.412~2.462GHz (11 Channels)
                         Japan/ TELEC: 2.412~2.484GHz (14 Channels)
                         Europe/ ETSI: 2.412~2.472GHz (13 Channels)
Security                 WEP encryption – 64 Bit, 128 Bit

Alvarion Ltd.                               BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                        Document rev 1.6

Voice Gateway CPE
Ethernet LAN                              1 10/100 Base-TX RJ45 connectors
Telephony                                 1 or 2 RJ11 connectors for analog telephones
Ethernet WAN (copper)                     10/100 Base-TX RJ45 connector
VLAN                                      Separates data, management and telephone traffic
Authentication per call                   H235
Telephony and fax services
VoIP Protocol                             H.323, SIP
Internal Class 5 services                 Call Waiting, 3-party call, call alteration, differentiated ringing tones
External Class 5 services                 Activation of class 5 services supported by the IP-telephony system
G3 Fax                                    T.38
Calling number identification             FSK, DTMF
3rd party initiated pause and rerouting   External rerouting of media stream during speech, e.g. for pre-paid
                                          calling card and record announcement
DTMF                                      In-band and out-band using H245 and H225 bi-directional
QoS for real-time services
Speech Codecs                             G711, G729ab
DiffServ                                  Level 3 (IP) mechanism for handling QoS
Class of Service                          Level 2 (Ethernet) mechanism for handling QoS
General                                   Adaptive Jitter buffer, echo cancellation, speech sampling 10-60
                                          ms, silence suppression with comfort noise.
Flexibility & Service differentiation
Daisy chaining                            Up to 3 DRG units can be connected in series by daisy chain
Number of telephones                      Up to 5 analog telephones can be connected in series to each
                                          telephone port
Regional Settings Properties              Telephony signals, tones and cadences
Protocols and Standards
Complies with the following standards     IPv4, TCP, UDP, RTP, DHCP, RTCP, SNMP, IEEE 802.1D, IEEE
                                          802.1Q, IEEE 802.1P,
                                          IEEE 802.2, IEEE 802.3, ICMP, HTTP, TFTP, NTP, H323v2/4, SIP
                                          G.711, G.729ab, G.723.1, G.165, G.167, G.168, G3, FSK, DTMF

Alvarion Ltd.                                                BreezeMAX 2300 /2500/3500 Technical Specification                                                                         Document rev 1.6

Document Created: 2006-12-31 15:21:12
Document Modified: 2006-12-31 15:21:12

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