Exhibit 1

0894-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

DRS Sustainment Systems, Inc.


                                                                                   Exhibit 1

                       AT FT. BENNING, GA

1.      Introduction

         By the instant request (“Application”), DRS Sustainment Systems, Inc. (“DRS SSI”)
requests that the Commission grant a very limited 8 day Special Temporary (STA) to operate the
facilities specified in the Application at the 2013 McOE Robotics Limited Demonstration in Ft.
Benning, GA from October 04, 2013 through and including October 11, 2013. As explained in
this Application:

-    This STA is requested for a very limited 8 day period from 10/04-10/11/2013

-    The facilities will be operated at very low power levels

-    Operation is to support demos for potential military and demonstrate new and innovative
     unmanned ground systems to the U.S. Army user and research and development

-    Similar expedited operations have been authorized for temporary demos of this system in
     2012 at the AUSA annual meeting and at Ft. Leonard Wood.

2.      Purpose and Nature of the Operation

        DRS SSI has been selected to demonstrate their unmanned ground vehicle (UGV)
technologies at the McOE Robotics Limited Demonstration (http://tardec.info/roboticsrodeo/) to
the U.S. Army user and research and development communities. Applications of the UGV
include “lighting the load” operations where soldiers are able to offload heavy gear from their
backs onto the UGV thus reducing fatigue and injury from carrying excess equipment weight
during missions. At the core of the DRS UGV is the Adaptive Mission Payload (AMP). The
AMP is a system that provides an unparalleled level of field re-configurability and ease of new
technology insertion for both platforms and peripherals through an advanced “plug and play”
methodology. Thus, the AMP allows for the integration of navigation sensors, mission sensors,
and mobility platforms to create an intelligent UGV. The AMP hardware is a synthesis of
commercial off the shelf products including a communications module. This Application is filed
to obtain transmitting authority for the communications module portion of the system.

        While the demonstration is scheduled for October 7 through October 10, 2013, obtaining
a grant effective as of October 04 will permit DRS SSI to conduct preliminary tests of the
equipment prior to the start of the demonstration, and permitting operations through October 11
will provide some flexibility in the event of delay to weather or other factors.

Expedited grant is requested for this very limited 8 day period because DRS SSI was just
informed this week of the need to obtain FCC authority for this demonstration, and it was not
until just recently that DRS SSI and its vendor had come to agreement with respect to DRS SSI’s
ability to use the software associated with the radios. In addition to these reasons and the fact
that the requested period of authority is only 8 days, expedited processing is also requested

       -   The facilities will be operated at very low power levels. As specified in the
           Application, maximum ERP of the operations will be 242 mW (for 4942.5-4987.5
           MHz), 832 mW (for 4945-4985 MHz) and 1.82W for 4950-4980 MHz).

       -   Authority is requested for only limited operation of the facilities only during the times
           the demonstration. Specifically, operation of the facilities will occur only between
           8:30am-5pm (ET).

       -   The facilities have the ability to select a communication channel within the permitted
           frequency ranges (4942.5-4987.5 MHz, 4945-4985 MHz, and 4950-4980 MHz). A
           channel is selected based on the usage of the other available channels, and the
           selection is generally made to reduce interference with other active channels.

       -   Similar expedited operations have previously been authorized for temporary
           demonstrations of this technology, for example at the AUSA annual meeting (STA
           issued under call sign WG9XAU) and at Ft. Leonard Wood (STA issued under call
           sign WF9XXT), which should facilitate consideration and coordination of the instant

3.     Stop Buzzer

       DRS SSI advises that the following will be available by wireless telephone as the “stop
       buzzer” if any issues regarding interference arise during testing:

                      Michael Butchko

For the foregoing reasons, DRS SSI respectfully submits that expedited approval of this
Application is in the public interest, convenience and necessity.

Document Created: 2013-09-20 10:37:30
Document Modified: 2013-09-20 10:37:30

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