
6001-EX-RR-1998 Text Documents



 Northpoint Technology

 Presentation to the Federal
Communications Commussion

                          Carmen Tawil
                            Bob Combs
                          May 12, 1998

e Northpoint Technology is Different than
  Microwave Point—to—point
* Sharing with DBS
          — Northpoint tests and technical filings
            demonstrate compatibility with DBS
e Sharing with NGSO FSS
      — Northpoint and NGSO—FSS are co—primary
      — Northpoint and NGSO FSS can co—exist
      — Each bear burden of co—existence
5112199                     Northpoint Technology

    Northpoint Technology is Low Power —— Different
       from Fixed Point—to—Point Microwave Relay

           Characteristic       Units          Microwave*        Northpoint*

           Transmit EIRP        dBW                   435           —17.5

 Transmit 3 dB Beamwidth       degrees                2.             110

           Required BER          BER           10° or higher         10°
          Transmit Distance       km        10 — 50 (per link)      <16

             Noise Floor       Kelvin           1000—5000           300

     Required Availability        To              99.999+           99.7

 *Typical Values
5/12/99                       Northpoint Technology

                Sharing with DBS — Outline
e FIXED and BROADCAST are Primary Services
  according to both domestic and international
          — Constrained by footnote $5.490 not to cause Harmful
            Interference to BSS
e Northpoint technical filings demonstrate
  compatibility with DBS
          — DIRECTV overestimates Northpoint interference by
            10—20 dB
      — Effect of natural shielding must be taken into account

5/12/99                      Northpoint Technology



    Edition of 1998

       1          Articles

    Geneva 1998

122                                            RRSS

                                           11.7—14.25 GHz

                                      Allocation to services

                Region 1                     Region 2                              Region 3
 11.7—12.5                     11.7—12.1                             11.7—12.2
FIXED                          FIXED $5.486                          FIXED
BROADCASTING                   FIXED—SATELLITE                       MOBILE except aeronautical
 BROADCASTING—SATELLITE          (space—to—Earth) $5.484A              mobile
 MOBILE except aeronautical    Mobile except aeronautical mobile     BROADCASTING                       4
  mobile                       §$5.485 $5.488                        BROADCASTING—SATELLITE
                               FIXED—SATELLITE                                                         4.
                                 (space—to—Earth) $5.484A
                               §$5.485 $5.488 $5.489                 §$5.487 $5.487A $5.492             :h

                               12.2—12.7                             12.2—12.5                         "xg!
                               FIXED                                 FIXED
                               MOBILE except aeronautical            MOBILE except aeronautical             :
                                mobile                                mobile
                               BROADCASTING                          BROADCASTING
 §$5.487 SS5.487A $5.492       BROADCASTING—SATELLITE                S5.484A¥ $5.487 $5.491
 12.5—12.75                    $5.487A $5.488 $5.490 $5.492          12,5—12.75
 FIXED—SATELLITE               12.7—12.75                            FIXED
   (space—to—Earth) $5.484A    FIXED                                 FIXED—SATELLITE
  (Earth—to—space)             FIXED—SATELLITE                        (space—to—Earth) $5.484A
                                 (Earth—to—space)                    MOBILE except aeronautical             L
                               MOBILE except aeronautical               mobile                         s
                                 mobile                              BROADCASTING—
 §$5.494 $5.495 $5.49%6                                               SATELLITE $5.493                   g}i
 12.75—13.258                 FIXED                                                                      .
                              FIXED—SATELLITE (Earth—to—space) $5.441                                        &
                              MOBILE                                                                     "L
                              Space research (deep space) (space—to—Earth)                                .
 13.25—13.4                   EARTH EXPLORATION—SATELLITE (active)                                        i,
                              AERONAUTICAL RADIONAVIGATION $5.497                                               P
                              SPACE RESEARCH (active)
                              $5.498A $5.499                                                                    é
 13.4—13.75                   EARTH EXPLORATION—SATELLITE (active)                                              J
                              RADIOLOCATION                                                                     i
                              SPACE RESEARCH $5.501A
                              Standard frequency and time signal—satellite (Earth—to—space)
                              $5.499 $5.500 $5.501 $5.501B                                                      ©
 13.75—14                     FIXED—SATELLITE (Earth—to—space) $5.484A                                          .
                              RADIOLOCATION                                                                     i
                              Standard frequency and time signal—satellite (Earth—to—space)
                              Space research
                              $5.499 $5.500 S$5.501 S$5.502 $5.503 $5.503A
 14—14.25                     FIXED—SATELLITE (Earth—to—space) $5.484A $5.506
                              RADIONAVIGATION $5.504
                              Mobile—satellite (Earth—to—space) except acronautical mobile—satellite                ,a
                              Space research

                                                        RRSS                                                     123

                                                                                                                         —SC ~
$5.485           In Region 2, in the band 11.7—12.2 GHz, transponders on space stations in the fixed—satellite service
may be used additionally for transmissions in the broadcasting—satellite service, provided that such transmissions do
not have a maximum e.i.r.p. greater than 53 dBW per television channel and do not cause greater interference or
require more protection from interference than the coordinated fixed—satellite service frequency assignments. With
respect to the space services, this band shall be used principally for the fixed—satellite service.

$5.486           Different category of service: in Mexico and the United States, the allocation of the band 11.7—
12.1 GHz to the fixed service is on a secondary basis (see No. $5.32).

$5.487           In the band 11.7—12.5 GHz in Regions 1 and 3, the fixed, fixed—satellite, mobile, except aeronautical
mobile, and broadcasting services, in accordance with their respective allocations, shall not cause harmful
interference to broadcasting—satellite stations operating in accordance with the provisions of Appendix S30.

$5.487A       Additional allocation: in Region 1, the band 11.7—12.5 GHz, in Region 2, the band 12.2—12.7 GHz
and, in Region 3, the band 11.7—12.2 GHz, are also allocated to the fixed—satellite service (space—to—Earth) on a
primary basis, limited to non—geostationary systems and subject to the provisions of Resolution 538 (WRC—97).
$5.488         The use of the bands 11.7—12.2 GHz by the fixed—satellite service in Region 2 and 12.2—12.7 GHz by
the broadcasting—satellite service in Region 2 is limited to national and subregional systems. The use of the band
11.7—12.2 GHz by the fixed—satellite service in Region 2 is subject to previous agreement between the
administrations concerned and those having services, operating or planned to operate in accordance with the Table,
which may be affected (see Articles $9 and S11). For the use of the band 12.2—12.7 GHz by the broadcasting—
satellite service in Region 2, see Appendix S$30.

$5.489           Additional allocation: in Peru, the band 12.1—12.2 GHz is also aillocated to the fixed service on a
primary basis.

$5.490           In Region 2, in the band 12.2—12.7 GHz, existing and future terrestrial radiocommunication services
shall not cause harmful interference to the space services operating in conformity with the broadcasting—satellite
Plan for Region 2 contained in Appendix $30.
$5.491        Additional allocation: in Region 3, the band 12.2—12.5 GHz is also allocated to the fixed—satellite
(space—to—Earth) service on a primary basis, limited to national and sub—regional systems. The power flux—density
limits in Article $21, Table S$21—4 shall apply to this frequency band. The introduction of the service in relation to
the broadcasting—satellite service in Region 1 shall follow the procedures specified in Article 7 of Appendix S30,
with the applicable frequency band extended to cover 12.2—12.5 GHz.
$5.492           Assignments to stations of the broadcasting—satellite service in conformity with the appropriate
regional Plan in Appendix $30 may also be used for transmissions in the fixed—satellite service (space—to—Earth),
provided that such transmissions do not cause more interference or require more protection from interference than
the broadcasting—satellite service transmissions operating in conformity with this Plan. With respect to the space
services, this band shall be used principally for the broadcasting—satellite service.   (WRC—97)

$5.493           The broadcasting—satellite service in the band 12.5—12.75 GHz in Region 3 is limited to a power flux—
density not exceeding —111 dB(W/m*}/27 MHz for all conditions and for all methods of modulation at the edge of
the service area.  (WRC—97)

            Standard of Harmful Interference
* "Accepted Interference" is not "Harmful
e Harmful Interference:
          — "Interference which ... seriously degrades,
            obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a
            radiocommunication service..."

e DirecTV 1994 report to the FCC suggests
  20% increase in unavailability would be
  serious degradation.
5/12/99                     Northpoint Technology

       Northpoint Does Not Cause Harmful
                   Interference     '
e Northpoint will not cause repeated
   — Northpoint will never cause a loss of signal in
           clear air —— This fact is not disputed by any party.
e Northpoint will not cause serious
       — Northpoint will not cause a 20% increase in

5/112/99                   Northpoint Technology            —7—

                                  |                          {

                  Fair and Equitable Sharing Criteria
        e Northpoint will never degrade BSS availability
          below the BSS target of 99.7%.
        e Northpoint will not decrease the average
          availability more than 0.006% (0.5 hours per year)
        e Northpoint will not decrease the availability more
          than 0.06% in any case. (5 hours per year)
        e Accounts for near—far variation in C/I ratio

        5112199     |         Northpoint Technology        —8—
                                     |                         {

         Northpoint Technical Filings Demonstrate
                 Compatibility with DBS
    e DIRECTV overestimates Northpoint interference by 10 to
      20 dB
    e Most serious error: BSS receive gain towards Northpoint
              — DirecTV erroneously uses 0 dBi
              — Actual gain towards Northpoint averages minus 10 dBi
    e This erroneous antenna gain is used in all of DIRECTYV‘s
      analysis resulting in wholly erroneous conclusions
    e Other DIRECTV technical errors totaling 3—6 dB as
      described in Northpoint filings to the Commiussion

i   5112199             |           Northpoint Technology


     Northpoint Technical Filings Demonstrate
             Compatibility with DBS
e DIRECTV overestimates Northpoint interference by 10 to
  20 dB
e Most serious error: BSS receive gain towards Northpoint
          — DirecTV erroneously uses 0 dBi
          — Actual gain towards Northpoint averages minus 10 dBi‘
* This erroneous antenna gain is used in all of DIRECTV‘s
  analysis resulting in wholly erroneous conclusions
* Other DIRECTV technical errors totaling 3—6 dB as
  described in Northpoint filings to the Commussion

5/12/99                          Northpoint Technology

                  Table 2.2.2—1 DIRECTV calculation of BSS carth station receive antenna horizon gain

                                  i  1    onum-mm.mns,      .   |   |   .                                                                                                |   |  J                            ;                       Pm    epctpt o tt~ o pct—tyt~C                           ~o      >
                                             so ; as 4 m oi   m j_®   us_ao l .g                                                                                      a ioi {os   se                      is | m         as        m! s_i«o | is _so iss    so    |as
      GreatCrtle,radrans| 1 267 | 1153 1000 ! 1007_|0 28e omf’om ouflom     tom 0 soo o 7ee o7
                                                                                            ons]nms"ares os ome |oses oars| on: | anss o ons 1 out 1 ons 1 155 1 208| [es|_|___
___ __SatEiAngle, cogms}se |_nz1 sse|1ese [ :\_o_1  "as|arrr:r| s srs_| ms  ma_l w2 sr9_|2021 sez; se sr2| mai ms |sas ma; arr 2e e |mol see [ise 123
       ~SalAr Angle, degress «n:'nn nay| i7 1283) 191| tm3| uoe : ress mo se a . se o 1728 ies ms'mo seo| 1592 | 1120 1ees mo_|px.3'|:p.| 1253 mrltgg; 122| 10e3 _
                                                                                                                   ‘                               n                                                                                  1                                                            Marimum
 NPT to BSS ES Ar Angle deg: _              ‘            .         _            _              —        !                                 .                lulcfp.                    !          BSS Fcy Amtenna Gain Glarizen) | _ _
                                                                                                                                                                                                 _:19 ___—!o‘_-;!h-_:! ._..'.,.!_,- :’_‘
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               —8 _‘—‘.    fi2l      lhuekke.‘ zl== l —|Gan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a‘*~                  ir
                             _ .0‘—12                          L
                                                —12 -|2 "'‘! L:!‘ -lzl'__:‘):                                              ~14] __—14) _-1. -'. __—10 ._‘-101—_:[0[__.'0
             10| _ +412       16 u‘ ~12] ci2] e 4e re| Cag)4o rgf|ol 100 cre, ol            cel   cg;, 0 cf|   [ ce 60[                                                                                                                                03          7\:3!  2T
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            ~aoo! cra} crel C re| as[_
———————— o réf ciéf ief00 0| ol                                                                    ig; ere, ol rof T9                                  af Cl Te                eey         e        el     24      2|         af   aa, Carl 1 »aelce| 16                           C c( |                 2 0
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     _        weal Cref CLrae} D—re) ie_De| Dle] L D9 0 2f
=t—t~—~———— — esef ciel ral          e|O e;08|A            ie                                                               8|     4| y ) C ) 20 a2) u[ Core,) 8| arl Carl as; cref Cas|16
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     _            ~10.
                              crro| e           ~is]}        "\6         1            BE                               :    »        &         4   .                                  .      |                           ~Zse[     tal —10,_ <10 f“’              ~18) _
                                z00|18( .18( _ :12 * -\.2 ‘1.:    :r‘_:n’___:__ .4) ~8f O800
                                                                                          8 uff       SP| #p  § 8]_ 10 ol 0| T18 -w‘as! —18] csel 14
             ~—               Geo| _cii]| Cb2] ana|     a) _ a| ; «ul            ef  ~ep C    COr| D Caf _ao! o) cref Cro| io: ro] _ aol crel _ s crel cre| _a2]_ar|                                                                                                               _—
|°      _T                   ~~seaf   77—af 2| 2 oaf   1 d        (ef s t 2982 9 9p2 82 —ef stef_e)_101 9p . Agp 400 Daref cref aal kc pal raf Cong gef                                                                                                                            Cikl 1k           2. _ _

        sOURCE:               COMMENTS OF DIRECTV                                         2 MAR 1999

                                                                                                                                                                      10                                                                                                             1
                  (                                                                                                                                          I
                  . _ OCSUL95403.3

         Comparison of Accurately Calculated
          C/I Ratios to DIRECTV‘ s Assertion
              3       Seattle Washmgton                                                   i
          90% 7                                                                          1
              1                                                                         a
          80% 7                                                                                                                   L
    g        Cj        |oBs                  t\                                                                              /
   &      70%——        Assertion
                                 of                                                 h
   8          4        C/I ratio                                   \                                                        /
   y          7                                                       ¢                                                 s
   OE)    60% h                                                     t                                              /
   M             1                                                         a
   E      50%                                                          4
   8_            4                                                 a                                      //
   '-E    40% :                                               *#
   O             {                                        #
   p—4           |                                    r
   5      30% —                                   7                                                   /            Actual C/I from [
   30         1                              oA                                                                    Northpoint
   °O     20% 1                                                                                                                   —
                 2                   4   A                                                    /

          10% :               )R #                                                      /

           0% L—7———                 e
                                 omm C ll2                                                                .        v—        _
                 15        20                25                                     30               35       40        45        50
                                                                                          C/I (dB)
5/12/99                                           Northpoint Technology                                                            —12—


      High Interference Zone
  Within Northpoint Service Area                                                                                                                                              D IR EC T V.

                     High Interference Zone and Northpoint Service Area

                                                                                                                                    — «* «~C/<=28.6 dB, RSSi>=—154.2 dBW

                 4                                                                                                                  ex«———~Nosthnoint Service Ares, RSSi>=—
                                                                                                                                           158.7 dBW

                 o                                                jfi“.\                 :'-s\\

           E                                                 f                                            ~
           NC                                            ,                                                      \
           d          p                             &                                                             %
           Y    4                               1                                                                     a
           C                                   1                                                                       8
           8                                    1                                       o                           _                   Area of Unacceptably
           U                                     I                                                                  t                   High Interference
           5     1                                   ‘   *A                                                  IF   C
                          r                                           m                          4
                                                              %                                             #
                                                                  *                                     #

                          f                                                =            L#
                12                                            \
                                                                                                                                        Northpoint Service Area

                16            snwotr ts        6w2te nA                 Anes tssn       i scrmatrnrettcorebortcacn +
                     12                   —8                      —4                0                   4&                 8   12

                                                                       Distance, km

                                               Seattle, Required C/I = 28.6 dB (n=5)
SOURCE :    DIRECTV PRESENTATION TO THE FCC                                                                     2 *PR 99

                    High Interference Zone                                                                                                      . ]
      Within Northpoint Service Area                                                                                                            pIRECTV.

                         High Interference Zone and Northpoint Service Area
                     8              .

                                                                                                       — — — —C/A<=28.6 0B, RSSi>=—154.2 dBW
                                                                                                             Northpoint Service Area, RSSi>=—
                          }                                  j                                               158.7 dBW

                                                                     hed   Nus   _
                          +                        J/:-.-.-‘

               E                                  he "                               N\

              —A€                               4

              2     *                   t                                                 6
               O                                                                          i                Area of Unacceptably
              9                             i                        &                  7                  High Interference
              6                                 —                                     4‘

                    13                               a
                                                 \‘\ %’                                                    Northpoint Service Arca

                         12     8                    4           0               4            §   12

                                                         Distance, km

                                        Seattle, Required C/I = 28.6 dB (n=5)
{   sOURCE:    DIRECTV PRESENTATION TO THEB FCC                                       8 »°R 99
                                                                                       L                                                              {

                     C/I into DBS

          40—50 |—
                                                               m 50—60
                                                                va 40—50
                                                               m 30—40
                                                               m 20—30
          30—40 }\

                                                               uw 10—20
                                              13 [City:                 Seattle
                                                  DBS      Sat. Long:      101 W
                                                   DBS     Car. Pow,.   —124.9 dBW
                                                   NP EIRP:              —19.5 dBwW
                                                   Min C/I Ratio:        16.7 dB

5/12/99               Northpoint Technology                                    —14—

 Aggregate Effect of Multiple Northpoint
                     Transmitters              |

* Overlap of Northpoint service areas will not
  cause significant increase in interference
e Average C/I ratio into DBS is over 40 dB
e Aggregate effect is insignificant
e Example:
      — C/I of 40 dB overlap area with C/I of 20 dB
      — Aggregate C/I is 19.95 dB

5/12/99                Northpoint Technology          —15—

                                                                                                                    Northpoint Impact on DBS

                                                                                                                                                        — |Level of NGSO—FSS Degradation
                                                                                                                                                          Everywhere = 10%
% Increase in Unavailability

                                     _ s

                                                                   C dC"Eor ie ac Cmy "war

                                                                                                                                                                           0 % Naturally Shielded
                                             aan wan ope ams a——wy

                                                                                                                                                                     ——— 70 % Naturally Shielded
                               5%                                                                                                                                    ------ 90 % Naturally Shielded
                                     use ***

                                                                                             %                *
                                                                                                   &                w san
                                                                                                       * .                  Som au,
                                                                                                             =s L                     ~=

                                     0%                                                                                                    10%       20%             30%      >        40%            50%
                                                                                                                                                 % of Northpoint Service Area
5/12/99                                                                                                                                           Northpoint Technology                                 ~16—


                  Natural Shielding

                     Pns don         lesmmz

 Most Common Installations (A¥A, B, C) Naturally Shielded
5/12/99                  Northpoint Technology              —17—

                             Effect of Natural Shielding.
                  {3                                          — |Level of NGSO—FSS Degradation
                  :|                                             Everywhere = 10%
  &               1
  5..$   10% +—
  °C              ol
  a»              01

  ‘o               w                                                            0 % Naturally Shielded
  0                 \                              \                        ——— 70 % Naturally Shielded
  ®U      gop          1a   N_ N                                            222222fi 90 % Naturally Shielded
  £                                \\                  \
  o\o                                   \\\                  \
                                                  J                             R——__2

          Oo/o                                                                    ...................................

                 0%                               1%        2%               3%                 4%                 5%
                                                       % of Northpoint Service Area
5/12/99                                                 Northpoint Technology                                           —18—

             Summary of Sharing with DBS
e Far from causing harmful interference,
  Northpoint has very little effect on DBS
          — DIRECTV‘s claims to the contrary are based
            upon flawed assumptions
e Northpoint meets proposed sharing criteria
e Authorization of Northpoint will create at
  least 105 GHz of new spectrum capacity for
  services in the United States

5112/99                   Northpoint Technology          —19—

          Northpoint Sharing with NGSO FSS

e Northpoint and NGSO FSS are both primary
e Each service assumes burden of sharing
e There are no exclusion zones for NGSO FSS with
     use of alternate beam assignment
e Alternate Beam Assignment allows interference
     free operation of NGSO FSS
          — ABA is not a burden for NGSO FSS operations

5112799                     Northpoint Technology         —20—

                Alternate Beam Assignment

e    NGSO FSS Propose 11.7 — 12.7 GHz
     for service links using 6—10 beams
e    NGSO FSS select frequencies for each
     customer up to 100 times per day —— as a
     matter of course during satellite hand—
e    Location of Northpoint transmitter is                   Possible NGSO
     fixed, and may be surrounded by a                       FSS LEO
     small NGSO FSS mitigation zone.                         Mitigation Zone
+    Through ABA, NGSO FSS utilize 11.7
     — 12.2 GHz in mitigation zone
+    Note: NGSO FSS LEO systems have
     the largest mitigation zones. Zones for
     MEO and HEO systems are much

5112/99                              Northpoint Technology            —21—

     Summary of Sharing with NGSO FSS
 * With alternate beam assignment, the Commussion
      can have flexibility to:
          — Authorize both Northpoint and NGSO FSS applicants
          — Regardless of system design
 e Northpoint will support ITU studies on sharmg
   between Northpoint type systems and the NGSO
   FSS (All studies to date focus on point—to—point
      microwave relay type systems.)
 e Conclusion: Northpoint and NGSO FSS are not
   mutually exclusive
5112799                     Northpoint Technology           —22—

                Composite Sharing
           BSS / Northpoint / NGSO FSS

e BSS has accepted a 10% increase in unavailability
  from NGSO FSS
e Northpoint average increase in DBS unavailability
  is much less than 0.5%
e Northpoint contribution to increased unavailability
  is insignificant compared with other sources of

5/12/199            Northpoint Technology          —23—

           Composite Availability — Northpoint/BSS/NGSO FSS

                              Average Northpoint
                             contribution negligible

           mE                                                                             }
                             —t— Baseline
           99.80             ——100%


           99.70                —               :                t        t           r
                    Austin          Bangor             Chicago       LA       Miami       Seattle

   * Data and source calculations from Northpoint comments in the NPRM
5112/99                                       Northpoint Technology


e Northpoint is a new, low—power terrestrial
e Compatible with BSS
          — Does not cause harmful interference
          — Interference highly overestimated by
+« Compatible with NGSO FSS
5/12/99                    Northpoint Technology   25.


Back—Up Material

          Global View of Sharing



                           NGSO Arc

                                                       arC   459

                                            NGSO Arc

5/12/99                 Northpoint Technology                      —31.

      Coordination Area for various NGSO
                         FSS Systems                               |

           System        Area (km*) % of Northpoint Service Area
           Skybridge       19.46                    8.3 %
           Hughes NET      10.87                    4.6 %
           Hughes LINK      3.72                    1.6 %
           Teledesic        1.34                    0.6 %
           Denali           0.16                    0.07 %
           Boeing IDS      0.13                     0.06 %
           Boeing BDS      0.13                     0.06 %
           Virgo           0.12                     0.05 %

          Northpoint Service Area = 230 km*
5112199                     Northpoint Technology

                  Northpoint Availability in fading
           100.0% —



   F3                  —O—Po= 15, Co = 0                                       \\ \\
   4       99.4% —     —m—Po = 15, Co = 8
              ~    A   —4&—Po= 10, Co = 0
                       —#&—Po = 10, Co = 8
                       —O—Po = 5, Co = 0
           99.2%       —C@—Po = 5, Co = 8                            \   \           \\        \

           99.0%                                                                 r———tr{———r   tb
                                      5                    10                   15                  20
                                              Distance from Transmitter (km)

5112/99                                      Northpoint Technology                                  —35—

                                   Northpoint Rain Margin Requirements
                           6                                                                                                  a

                               |         —O—Rain Region N (99.7%)
                               —         —&»—Rain Region M (99.7%)
                           5             —#—Rain Region K (99.8%)
                               {         —&—Rain Region E (99.8%)
                                         —O—Rain Region D (99.9%)
                                         —»—Rain Region B(99.9% )

  Rain Margin Required


                          2                                               //             7


                               0         2           4           6          8           10          12          14          16
                                                              Distance from Transmitter (km)

                         The rain margin required to meet specified availability accounts for both the lower rain attenuation and
                     change in path loss over 16 km distance.
5/12/99                                                       Northpoint Technology                                         —36—

                       Worst—Case C/I Ratios:
Variation DBS Gain Towards Northpoint




          30           .           pr                  **                       ———Gain = —16 dBi
                   .           &            ..                                  ——— Gain = —12 dBi
          25                       C                                            ——JOJ..2... Gain = —8 dBi
                               —                                                —*——Gain = —4 dBi
          20                                                                    —*~—Gain = —0 dBi




               o       9                4          6           8           10              12               14
                           Distance from Transmitter (Zero Deg Azimuth to Northpoint Transmitter, km)

5/12/99                                          Northpoint Technology                                           —37.

Document Created: 2003-11-12 11:37:45
Document Modified: 2003-11-12 11:37:45

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