Cover Letter (Apr 23, 1998)

6001-EX-RR-1998 Text Documents



                 WYEI>S.,        RIFKIND,         WHARTON        8 GARRISON                                 1285 AvENUE OF THE AMERICAS
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                                                                                       APR   2   3   1998   22 JIANGUOMENWA!L DAJIE
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JEFFREY H. OLSON                                                                                            PEOPLE‘S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
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                                                                      April 23, 1998

                      Via Hand Delivery

                      Mr. Paul Marrangoni, Chief
                      Experimental Licensing Branch
                      Office of Engineering and Technology
                      Federal Communications Commussion
                      2000 M Street, N.W., Room 480
                      Washington, DC 20554

                                           Re:     Experimental License WAZXMY,                         o l-—e»"’fi Y\ ‘alqg
                                                   File No. 5020—EX—PL—95                        [« 0
                      Dear Mr. Marrangonm:

                                           On January 8, 1998, Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                      ("DCE") submitted to your office a Progress Report on the above—referenced
                      experimental license for its Northpoint system. Shortly thereafter, DCE forwarded
                      copies of its Report to the International Bureau with reference to the satellite
                      application of SkyBridge L.L.C. ("SkyBridge"), File Nos. 48—SAT—P/LA—97, 89—SAT—
                      AMEND—97, and the Petition for Rulemaking filed by SkyBridge, RM No. 9147.
                      Copies of DCE‘s cover letters to the International Bureau are attached.

                                     In these letters, DCE stated that the SkyBridge system is mutually
                       exclusive with Northpoint, and asked the Commission to withhold action on the
                       SkyBridge Application. DCE‘s request was premised solely on its assertion that its
                       experiments have established the technical feasibility of the Northpoint system.

                                       SkyBridge has exhaustively reviewed DCE‘s Progress Report, and has
                       found it to be fatally flawed in a number of respects. SkyBridge has described in
                       detail the glaring errors and failures of the DCE tests in SkyBridge‘s Opposition to
                       the Petition for Rulemaking filed by Northpoint Technology on March 6, 1998 (RM

                       Doc#:DC1:71412.1   1321A

        Mr. Paul Marrangoni, Chief                                                                2

      No. 9245).‘ A copy of the SkyBridge Opposition is attached. In brief, the flaws in
      Northpoint‘s tests include the following:

       o        The performance of the DBS antenna used in the tests was not satisfactorily
                determined, thereby rendering the data meaningless. Northpoint inexplicably
                failed to replace defective equipment, confirm the integrity of the antenna used
                in its tests, or attempt to determine the cause of anomalous test results.

      &         Northpoint failed to explain significant inconsistencies in the link
                measurements. Despite a clear line of sight between the Northpoint
                transmitter and the DBS receivers, the received signal power measurements
                deviate from those expected. Northpoint‘s apparent inability to make simple
                on—axis measurements in clear line—of—sight conditions substantially undermines
                the validity of the other results presented.

       o        Northpoint failed to assess the implications of the difference in the results
                between the two DBS signals tested. Such sensitivity to the particular system
                being tested (if real, and not a result of testing flaws) means that the likelihood
                of interference to a DBS customer will depend not only on the location of the
                customer within the Northpoint beam, but on the particular DBS system used
                by the customer and the customer‘s location within the DBS service area.

       o        Northpoint appears to have ignored the worst—case interference to DBS
                systems. Northpoint did not attempt to determine the relative sensitivities of
                the transponders, channels, or the placement of the Northpoint signal within
                the channels, used in the tests. Nor did it test representative DBS azimuth or
                elevation angles.

       &        As Northpoint concedes, because multipath is absent, the King Ranch test site
                is not representative of actual DBS environments. This concession is an
                admission that no real—world conclusions can be drawn from the tests
                conducted to date.

       4        We assume Northpoint Technology and DCE are one and the same.

       Doc#:DC1:71412.1   1321A

       Mr. Paul Marrangoni, Chief                                                            3

                       Based on the defects pointed out by SkyBridge, no conclusions as to the
       feasibility of the Northpoint system can be drawn.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                 @iy       Ison
                                                 Afiomey for SkyBridge L.L.C.


       ce:      Richard E. Wiley, Esq.
                R. Michael Senkowski, Esq.
                Nancy J. Victory, Esq.
                Eric W. DeSilva, Esq.
                Wiley, Rein & Fielding

                James F. Ireland, Esq.
                Cole, Raywid & Braverman, L.L.P.

                Ms. Regina Keeney
                Chief, International Bureau
                Federal Communications Commiussion

       Doc#:DC1:71412.1   1321A

Document Created: 2003-11-12 10:51:31
Document Modified: 2003-11-12 10:51:31

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