Opposition to DCE's application to modify

6001-EX-RR-1998 Text Documents



Law Offices

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April 13, 1998                                                                     RANDALL W. SIFERS*

                                                                                   *Admitted Only in Maryland;
                                                                                   Supervision by Marvin Rosenberg,
                                                                                   a Member of the D.C. Bar


Steve Sharkey
Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch
Federal Communications Commussion
2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                        Re:     Opposition to Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.‘s
                                Application To Modify Experimental License, Call Sign

 Dear Mr. Sharkey:

        The Commission has before it an application from Diversified Communication
 Engineering, Inc. ("DCE") to modify its experimental radio service license (call sign WA2XMY)
 to add a second test location at Austin, Texas where additional tests of a terrestrial 12 GHz
 transmit facility will be conducted. United States Satellite Broadcasting Company, Inc.
 ("USSB"), by its attorneys, believes the test, as proposed, will not serve the public interest
 because it will cause harmful interference to existing DBS subscribers. Therefore, USSB hereby
 submits its opposition to DCE‘s application to.modify its experimental license, and urges the
 Commission to deny DCE‘s application.‘

    ‘ We understand that DirecTV is filing an opposition to DCE‘s application to modify experimental license, call
sign WA2XMY. USSB supports DirecTV‘s opposition.

Steve Sharkey
April 13, 1998
Page 2

       Part 5 of the Commission‘s Rules governs experimental radio service ("ERS")." The
primary purpose of the ERS is to provide for experimental uses of radio frequencies and for
development of techniques and systems that are not otherwise permitted under existing service
rules. In order to encourage innovation, the experimental radio service rules provide great
flexibility with regard to allowable frequency range, power, and emission. However, in order
to protect allocated services, ERS licenses are issued on the condition that experimental
operations not cause interference to authorized stations of such services. Specifically, Section
5.67(b) states, "[fJrequency assignments will be made only on the condition that harmful
interference will not be caused to any station operating [in the allocated service]."" Further,
Section 5.151(a)(2) states, in relevant part, "[i]f harmful interference to an established radio
service develops, the licensee shall cease transmissions and such transmission shall not be:
resumed until it is certain that harmful interference will not be caused.""‘ Consequently, the
Commission‘s Rules prohibit a service operating under an experimental radio service license
whenever that operation causes harmful interference to any authorized station in that service.

       In its engineering report to supplement the experimental license modification application,
DCE acknowledges that DBS subscribers of existing 101° and 119° services, residing within
2100 feet (slightly less than one—half mile) of DCE‘s proposed Austin transmitter, will receive
harmful interference. DCE Engineering Report, ©% 9, 10. USSB is one of the licensees at the
101° orbital location. USSB believes there are 500 — 1000 active DBS subscribers within the
test area.   Thus, according to DCE‘s report, the DBS subscribers residing within the
acknowledged interference area will receive harmful interference if DCE‘s modification
application is granted. Therefore, the grant of DCE‘s modification application, would, on its
face, cause significant harmful interference to USSB‘s authorized DBS service and contravene
the Commussion‘s rules.

          Finally, notwithstanding the harmful interference that DCE acknowledges will result if
its modification application is granted, USSB believes that other harmful interference, which is
not fully discussed in DCE‘s Engineering Report, will result. For example, DCE‘s interference
analysis does not adequately account for, and has made no provision for, occurences of signal
degradation due to rain fade attenuation and multipath effects.

       DCE‘s Engineering Report shows that harmful interference will result to existing DBS
subscribers if its modification application is granted. The grant of an application for an
experimental radio service that is known to cause harmful interference violates the Commussion‘s

   * 47 C.F.R. part 5.

   j 47 C.FR. § 5.67(b).
   * 47 C.F.R. § 5.151(a)(2).

Steve Sharkey
April 13, 1998
Page 3

rules. In light of this, USSB respectfully requests the Commission to deny DCE‘s application.
However, if DCE can show, through additional engineering studies, that it can operate the
experimental station in an environment which satisfies the interference criteria, and thereby cause
no interference to existing DBS service, USSB will withdraw its objection to DCE‘ apphcatlon
to modify its experimental license.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP

                                                     Randall W. Sifers*

ce:     Paul Marrangoni, Chief of Experimental Licensing Branch
        Kimberly M. Baum, Satellite Engineering Branch
        Eric W. DeSilva, Esq.

Document Created: 2003-11-12 10:11:35
Document Modified: 2003-11-12 10:11:35

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