Engineering Report (Mar 23, 1998)

6001-EX-RR-1998 Post Grant Documents



                               WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                            1 776 K STREET, N.W.

                                         WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006

                                              (202) 429—7000

 ERic w. DESILVA                                                                        FACSIMILE
  (202) seas—3 | 82                                                                  (202) s28s—4960                            March 23, 1998

                Q                                                                       BY HAND
 Mr. Carl Hyie
 Federal Communications
           m                  Commission
 Experiméntal Licensing
 Office of Engineering & Technology
 2000 M Street, NW; Suite 480
 Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:   Experimental Application of Diversified Communication Engineering,
                            Inc.; Call Sign WA2XMY

 Dear Carl:

        Please find enclosed an engineering report to supplement the experimental license
 modification application of Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc. ("DCE"). This
 information was requested by Mr. Steve Sharkey from the International Bureau during recent
 meetings with the FCC.

        If you require any further information for processing, please do not hesitate to call me at
 (202) 828—3182.


                                                 Eric W. DeSilva

 co:                    Mr. Steve Sharkey (w/encl.)
 Enclosures:            Delawder Communications, Inc. Engineering Report

                          DELAWDER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                           5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                                   Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                                         (703) 658—5390

                                   ENGINEERING REPORT

                        Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                         Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

                                           EXHIBIT EE


l. Introduction

        1.    Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc. (DCE) is the licensee of
experimental station WA2XMY, which is authorized to conduct tests of a terrestrial 12
GHz transmit facility near Kingsville, Texas. By pending modification, DCE proposes
to add a second test location to WA2ZXMY at Austin, Texas, where additional tests of
a low—powered terrestrial 12 GHz transmit facility will be conducted.

       2. The tests will be conducted in the 12.2 to 12.7 GHz frequency band, which
is authorized for use by the Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Service. In support of
the experimental test site at Austin, this engineering report demonstrates that the
proposed test facility will not cause significant interference to DBS receive sites which
are located within 50 miles of the experimental station‘s transmitter site.

II. Description of Terrestrial Interference In The DBS Downlink Band

        2. The interference studies included with this report were conducted using the
DBS specifications and protection criteria submitted to the FCC on April 11, 1994 by
DIRECTV‘* entitled Terrestrial Interference in the DBS Downlink Band (hereafter
referred to as the "TI—DBS Report"‘). From the TI—DBS Report the following pertinent

‘! DIRECTV‘* operates in the broadcast satellite configuration at 101° W longitude.   For the purpose
of this study, it is assumed that the DBS specifications and protection criteria of the TI—DBS Report
are also applicable for the other existing DBS Service which transmits at 61.5° W longitude and 119°
W longitude.

                             DELAWDER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                               5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                                       Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                                             (703) 658—5390

                                     ENGINEERING REPORT

                            Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                             Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

information is specified:

       (a) The satellite antenna shaped beam provides EIRP coverage of the
       contiguous United States ranging from 49 dBW in the West to 54 dBW in the
       Southeast.       A "worst—case" minimum value of 49 dBW is used for the DBS
       transmit EIRP for each carrier—to—interference (C/l) ratio study of this report.

       (b) The DBS subscriber antenna is typically an 18 inch aperture offset parabolic
       reflector with a feed horn, having a peak gain of 34 dB. A horizontal plane
       antenna pattern is provided as Figure 2.3—2 of the TI—DBS Report for the receive
       antenna pointed at a 40° elevation angle above the horizon, and demonstrating
       that at the horizon this receive antenna will have a gain which varies from —34
       dB to —50 dB (relative to the peak gain). Figure 1 is a tabulation of an envelope
       pattern of the Figure 2.3—2 pattern used for determining each C/I ratio value of
       this report*.

       (c) Interference to a DBS receive site is considered present from a terrestrial
       interfering source for C/I ratio values below 6.0 dB at the low noise block
       frequency downconverter (LNB).               The LNB input power (the carrier signal) is
       determined as follows:

                Satellite EIRP (using the stated minimum):               49.0 dBW
                Path Loss (Free Space):                                 —206.0 dB
                Subscriber Antenna Gain:                                  34.0 dBi
                LNB input power:                                        —123.0 dBW

_ The elevation angles from the Austin Area to the 61.5° W, 101° W and 119° W DBS satellites are
approximately     37°, 55° and 48°, respectively.    The absolute dB pattern values at the horizon for
antennas pointed at these higher elevation angles are likely to be lower than shown by Figure 1. The
results of this study can be considered conservative results when compared with the actual interference
which will likely result.

                           DELAWDER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                             5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                                     Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                                          (703) 658—5390

                                   ENGINEERING REPORT

                          Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                           Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

A power level at the LNB from the interfering signal that is greater than —129.0 dBW
(or the equivalent value of —99 dBmW) will result in a C/I ratio below 6 dB dB, causing
predicted interference to the DBS receive site.

      3. Test results at the Kingsville facility indicate that a C/l ratio of 6 dB is a
conservative interference level, and that a more realistic C/l ratio for the purpose of
demonstrating protection to DBS receive locations is 4.8 dB. A study of both C/I ratio
levels is included herein; and the results demonstrate that an insignificant difference
in interference area is predicted to exist between these two C/l ratio levels. (For a C/l
ratio of 4.8 dB, the equivalent power level at the LNB from the interfering signal
is —97.8 dBmW.)

          4. All C/I ratio studies included in this report use the above specifications in
order to determine potential interference to DBS receive sites from the proposed
experimental facility.

III. Description of the Proposed Experimental Transmit Facility at Austin

          5. The following transmit facilities are proposed for the experimental facility at

          Latitude:                             N 30° 15‘ 48" (NAD 27);
          Longitude:                           W 97° 44‘ 36" (NAD 27);
          Transmitter Output Power:            —25.0 dBwW (3.2 mW);
          System Loss:                         2.5 dB;
          Antenna Type:                        custom horn (directional);
          Antenna Orientation:                  180° True;
          Maximum Antenna Gain:                 10.0 dBi;
          Maximum EIRP:                        —17.5 dBw;
          Polarization:                         H or V;

                        DELAWDER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                          5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                                  Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                                        (703) 658—5390

                                ENGINEERING REPORT

                       Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                        Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

       Ground Elevation:                      473‘ AMSL;
       Antenna Rad. Center Height:            261‘ AGL (max.).

(Note: The transmitter output power and EIRP have been reduced by 25 dB from the
values specified in the pending modification application. The tests at Austin will be
conducted at these reduced power levels.)

       6. Figure 2, attached, is the horizontal plane radiation pattern for the proposed
custom horn antenna. The pattern characteristics of Figure 2 are used for each C/l
ratio value included in this report.

IV. C/l Results

       7. The two existing DBS 12.2 to 12.7 GHz licensees have broadcast satellite
configurations at 61.5° West Longitude, 101° West Longitude and at 119° West
Longitude.    From any terrestrial point located within a 50 mile radius of the
experimental transmitter site, the DBS receive site antenna is approximately orientated
as follows:

                                       For 61.5°    For 101°       For 119°
                                       Satellite    Satellite      Satellite
  horizontal plane azimuth:            125° T       186° T         218° T
  vert. plane elev.:                   37°           55°               48°

       8. Using the transmit facilities of the experimental station and assuming free
space path loss, a study has been conducted to determine the receive power to all
points located within 50 miles of the experimental station transmitter site. The receive
power at any location has been adjusted due to the pertinent receive antenna
discrimination data of Figure 1. As explained in Section II, a receive power level

                       DELAWDER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                        5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                                Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                                      (703) 658—5390

                                  ENGINEERING REPORT

                     Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
                      Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

of —99 dBmW corresponds to a C/I ratio value of 6 dB; and a receive power level
of —97.8 dBmW corresponds to a C/l ratio value of 4.8 dB.

      9. Map 1, attached, is a map which shows the location of the predicted 4.8 and
6.0 dB C/I ratio contours for DBS receive antennas orientated to receive the existing
61.5° satellite service. Similarly, Maps 2 and 3, attached, show the same C/I ratio
contour levels as predicted to exist for the DBS receive antennas orientated to receive
the existing 101° and 119° satellite services, respectively. It is the area inside either
the 6 or 4.8 dB C/I ratio contour (whichever level one may deem appropriate) which
is predicted to receive interference from the experimental facility. As demonstrated
by Maps 1 through 3, interference is only predicted to exist within 2,100 feet of the
transmitter location at Austin.

V. Conclusion

       10. The C/l studies included in this report demonstrate that the two existing
12 GHz DBS services (and having a total of three different satellite positions) should
not experience significant interference from the proposed experimental test facility at
Austin. Using a satellite EIRP of 49 dBW, the interference will not extend more than
2,100 feet from the test facility transmitter site, as shown by Maps 1, 2 and 3.

               5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                       Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                             (703) 658—5390

                        ENGINEERING REPORT

            Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
             Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

                              FIGURE 1




                                                (34 dBi max.)
Bearing break points      Relative              Absolute
from antenna max. (°)     (dB)                  Gain (dB)

 60                                             11
127                                              1
133                                              1
145                                              —8.7
150                                             16
174                                             16
178                                             12
182                                             12
186                                             16
210                                             16
215                                              —8.7
2217                                             1
233                                              1
300                                             11

                                      SITE (tm) :map\
                                     Propagation model: Custom model
                                     Time: 50.00% Loc: 50.00% Margin:                          .0 dB
                                     Climate: Continental Temperate
                                     Gndcvr: None
                                     Atm. factor: None
                                     K Factor:   1.333
                                     RX Antenna: DApat\mmds .pat
                                     Height:     30.0 feet AGL_ Gain                             dBd

                                     Received power             (at remote)

                                                 —97 .8 dBmW
                                                 —99.0 dBmW

                                     Minimum threshold                 level: —180.0 dBmW

                                                   Ant Elv
                                                    AMSL     ERPd4       Ant.   Type
                                      Site         {feet)      (dBW)     /Orient.      Coordinates
                                     AUSTGA x       734.0                DA—H          N 30 15 48.00
                                     grp:    i    12500.0000 MHz                       W 97 44 36.00

6.0   DB C/I            ‘
Ratio Contour         ‘                                          — EET
                                       500             0               500        1000         1500

                                 [ Austin and 61.5 SAT
                                        4.8 and 6.0 dB C—to—I Studies
                Ref. grid: 30"   r\\fi'FSL Only                                         MAP 1

                                                          MSITE (tm) :map\
                                                          Propagation model: Custom model
                                                          Time: 50.00% Loc: 50.00% Margin:                     .0 gB
                                                          Climate: Continental Temperate
                                                          Gndcvr: None
                                                          Atm. factor: None
                                                          K Factor:   1.333
                                                          RX Antenna: OA—pat\mmds .pat
                                                          Height:     30.0 feet AGL Gain:                        agBd

                                                          Received power          (at remote)

                                                                  —97.8 dBmW
                                                                  —99.0 dBmW

                                                          Minimum threshold            level: —180 .0 dBmW

                                                                   Ant Elv
                                 ~8_DB/   C/I                       AMSL      ERPd       Ant.   Type
                                Ratio           our        Site     (feet)     (@BW)     /Orient.      Coordinates
                                                          AUST104x 734.0                 DA—H          N 30 15 48.00
                                                          grp: 2 12500.0000 MHz                        w 97 44 36.00

           6.0 DB C/I
           Ratio Contour

97 45 00


                                                           500          0              500        1000         1500

                                                            Austin and                          110 SAT
                                                            4.8B and        6.0    dB    C—to—I        Studies
                                    Ref. grid: 30"    —__JFSL Only                                     MAP 2

                                                               SITE (tm):map\aust in .map
                                                              Propagation model: Custom model
                                                              Time: 50.00% Loc: 50.00% Margin:                    .0 0B
                                                              Climate: Continental Temperate
                                                              Gndcvr: None
                                                              Atm. factor: None
                                                              K Factor:   1.333
                                                              RX Antenna: OApat\mmds.pat
                                                              Height:       30.0 feet AGL           Gain:          dBd

                                                              Received power        (@at remote)

                                                                      —97 .8 dBmW

                                                                      —99.0 dBmW

                                                              Minimum threshold             level: —180.0 dBm#W

                                 4.B   DB [C/I
                                       io   GFoptour                    Ant Elv
                                                                         AMSL     ERPd        Ant. Type
                                                               Site     (feet)     {(@BW)     /Orient. Coordinates
                                                              AUST119¢ 734.0        DA—H               N 30 15 48.00
                                                              grp: 1 12500.0000 MHz                    W 97 44 36.00

97 45 00

           6.0 DB C/I
           Ratio Contour                                                              FEET
                                                               500    0 500 1000 1500
                                                               Austin and                         119 SAT
                                                                4.8B and     6.0      dB      C—to—I    Studies
                                       Ref. grid: 30"   .fest_only                                      MAP 3

                 5568 General Washington Drive, Suite A—218
                         Alexandria, Virginia 22312
                               (703) 658—5390

                       ENGINEERING REPORT

              Diversified Communication Engineering, Inc.
               Austin, TX (12 GHz Experimental Station)

1, Darryl K. DeLawder, declare and state as follows:

      That | have received a Bachelor of Science degree in
electrical engineering from Villanova University;

      That I have been retained by Diversified Communication
Engineering, Inc. to prepare this Engineering Exhibit;

      That I have either prepared or directly supervised the
preparation of all technical information contained in this
Engineering Exhibit;

      That the facts stated in this Engineering Statement are
true of my own knowledge, except as to such statements as
are herein stated to be on information and belief, and as to
such statements | believe them to be true.

o33—N 9Y                           c     z_                        n

       Date                                   Darry! K. DeLawder

Document Created: 2003-11-12 09:46:45
Document Modified: 2003-11-12 09:46:45

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