Incoming generated [Feb 27, 2008]

0544-EX-ST-2007 Correspondence

DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC


From: William Wiltshire

To: Anthony Serafini
Date: February 27, 2008


DIRECTV has contacted NTIA, and has been informed by Ed Davison that NTIA has completed its review
of the proposed STA and has no objections.

In addition, DIRECTV provides the following update on its plans. At present, launch is scheduled for
mid-March. As set forth below, DIRECTV intends to conduct IOT of both the Ka-band and the
experimental payload at the nominal 99 WL orbital location (where DIRECTV 11 is licensed to operate)
before moving to the 101.6 WL orbital location for further operations with the experimental payload.

Launch                                                        T-0
Bi propellant orbit raising (2 wks)                    T=14 days
ZIPS orbit raising (approx 45 days)                T=60 days
D11 IOT at 99W (3 wks)                                  T=81 days
Orbit maneuvering from 99W to 101W (10 days) T=91 days

Accordingly, DIRECTV hereby requests that the 120 day authorization it has requested become effective
on or about May 1, 2008, and include operations at both 99 WL and 101.6 WL.

Document Created: 2008-02-27 17:25:50
Document Modified: 2008-02-27 17:25:50

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