Exhibit 1

0240-EX-PL-2000 Text Documents

Comsat Mobile Communications


  Mob:le Communications

                                                                                      6560 Rock Spring Drive
                                                                                        Bethesda, MD 20817
                                                                                     Telephone 301 214 3000

September 7, 2000

Exhibit 1:

To Whom It May Concern:

Comsat Mobile Communications (CMC) provides satellite communications services to ships and land
transportable units virtually anywhere in the world through earth stations in Connecticut, California,
Turkey, and Malaysia.

Comsat Mobile Communications has an operational testing facility located at our headquarters in
Bethesda, Maryland. CMC also provides training at customer locations. This Nera Worldphone
Marine Mini—M Inmarsat unit will be used for testing, demonstrations, and training at customer
locations throughout the U.S., but primarily will be used at the Bethesda, MD location.


 (e; i
Craig F. Stevens
Applications Engineer
Comsat Mobile Communications

P9/86/08 @9:12:33                     Comsat—>              3812147859    Comnsat Mobile Corp        Page B2B


             The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") requires COMSAT Corporation
        ("COMSAT") to obtain authority prior to providing service to Inmarsat terminals operated from
        land—based (i.e., nonmaritime locations) within the United States. The FCC will only grant
        domestic service authority to COMSAT under certain circumstances. The FCC‘s determination
        is made on a case—by—case basis with regard to the specific facts of each request. For instance,
        the FCC has authorized COMSAT to provide space segment capacity in the United States where:

        {1)    the capacity is required to test and demonstrate the communications capabilities of an
               Inmarsat terminal to prospective customers,

        (2)    the performance of an Inmarsat terminal is to be tested prior to sending/taking it abroad;

        (3)    personnel are to be trained in the use of Inmarsat terminal(s) prior to being deployed

        (4)    an Inmarsat terminal is needed for emergency communications (either as backup
               communications or disaster relief); or

        (5)     an Inmarsat terminal is required to provide services from a remote location where no
                alternative means of communications is available.

                Therefore, the following information is necessary for COMSAT to prepare its request for
        authority from the FCC to provide domestic Inmarsat space segment capacity to your terminal(s)
        in a timely manner. The more specific and detailed the information you provide us about
        the Intended use(s) of the terminal, the more likely it wili be that COMSAT will be able to
         obtain timely FCC authorization to provide the services you need! Please feel free to attach
         additional pages if needed to answer questions fully.

         1.     Company‘s Name:                é‘}fl'sfifl‘   Mosue dwnuweflnws

         2.     Company‘s Business:            Sersuire 4”’4 vuic@aTious

—— B9/B6/80 B9:13:37                      Comsat—>                  3012147059 Comsat Mobile Corp             Page 821

          3.    Who will operate the terminal?                (0/”5,47"   PResownet

          4.    By what date do you need to operate the terminal in the U.S.?              45 Seou [s res.GtE
                 For how long?           @4       __(Tevrug

                 Please indicate on page 3 your reasons for needing to use the terminal by the specified

          5.     Will the same terminal also be used in one or more foreign countries or globally?
                 Yes __ No X_.

                 IF YES, please state on page 3 the country or countries involved, and how frequently you
                 intend to use the terminal qutside of the U.S.

           6.    Will the terminal be used for test and/or demonstration purposes?
                 ¥es _X       No .

                 IF YES, please indicate on page 3 where the test(s) or demonstration(s) will take place,
                 their duration and whether (a) this is a test prior to sale, (b) this is a test after sale prior to
                 use, (c) this is a demonstration to potential customers, (d) the terminal will be a part of a
                 test or demo pool, or (¢) other (please describe).

           7.    Will the terminal be used to train your employees, customers, or other users?
                 Yes X_        No__.

                 IF YES, please explain on page 3 the nature, purpose, and duration of the training
                  (indicating in particular whether the terminal will be used outside the U.S. or if personnel
                 being trained will be deployed cutside the U.S.):

           8.     Will the terminal be used for emergency communications or in a remote location
                  where no alternative means of communications exist?   Yes ___ No _X.

                  IF YES, please describe on page 3 the nature of the emergency communication (if
                  applicable), state the location, describe the communications service desired, and explain
                  the reason(s) why existing means of communications, in particular those of the U.S.
                  domestic mobile satellite service licensee (AMSC), are not available or are inadequate to
                  meet your communications requirements:

#9/BG/Bd H9:14:37                         Comsat—>            3012147859    Consat Mobile Corp         Page A22

             If the terminal is to be used for high speed data applications, please indicate the
             speed at which transmissions will be conducted:

      10.    Does your use of the Inmarsat terminal relate to a U.S. Government contract?
             Yes____         No X

             IF YES, please briefly describe below how the terminal will be used in fulfilling the
             government contract:

      11.    If not otherwise provided above, state the purpose for which the terminal will be
             used in the United

       12.   You are required to obtain a separate FCC license before operating the terminal in
             the United States. Have you applied to the FCC for a license to operate the
             Yes     _X      No     «

              IF YES, give the date you filed the license application:                                ; or
             the grant date:                               . Please attach a copy of the terminal license

              IF NO, please complete the enclosed FCC application form and return it with the other
              commissioning materials, or explain on page 3 why no additional FCC license is

              Use the space below to provide any additional requested information:

               fa.        —/;5    Teramma       Wur Be h Ther or A            TSi/dime Feoe       Tarimg

                   Pimec       Ar_ovue      WMimpavseres     s     Lerneson, 4P       on     Vn

                     Oy Gom6            Bnsig
               7A.         Tas    Tesmmaur      vwuir BE uvsep To     Tram We Emmejeecs AS


A9/86/08 B8:S1:82                                         Comsat—>                     3812147859       Consat Nobile Corp                     Page 00Z


Registration for service activation
of Maritime Mobile Earth Station
                                                                                                                   PSA use only code               |    ]     ‘   : ]

Sectlons 1—4, 6 and 6 are to be completed by all customer.                                                         Applicaton number
Tick Boxes as appropriete.
Please write in block capitals                                                                                     Date        Day         Month       Year

                                                                                                                   Customer‘s reference number
q                     ie
Your name or the name of your organisation:          (70,,,5,,7- /peflftf     (zflmm/zeflr/am‘

mddress:          g5yp         __feeek Sraimg _DPerve
Townicity:              Beruesna                                               Stateiprovims       jyp
Post/ZIP code:            203171                                               Country:        SA
Telephone + Courntry code (         [     ) Area code ( 2p,           )        Telephone number ( .g):/ —$/64                          )
 Facsimile +Country Code (          /     ) Area code (    261        )         Facsimile number ( qry _ 99 59                        )

 Contact person: .(bay Srepews
 Tite:      ABppaegriems EveweeR                                                Department        Cogramag         Lvemczeme
 What is their telephone number and/or extension? + Country code ( /        ) Area code (2¢ 4 ) Telephone number ( @4 > 3160

 Note: Maritime MESs that MAY BE used for any dietress and sefety purposes MUST have an Accounting Authority.
 Other maritime MESs may use inmmreat Servioe Providers.
 Will the MES be used for distress and safety communications?                                  Yes                        No    §
 if YES, enter the Accounting Authority Code {(AAIC):                 ED:]:]

               If the Code is unknown, enter the name of the AA:

 If NO, have you arranged payment of calls for        this MES through (tck one)
           (a) Accounting Authority (AA)             (b) inmarsat Service Provider (ISP)   1

               Enter ISP or AA Code:        En

               If the Code is unknown enter the name of the ISP or AA:

    Enviroment usage                       The System                      What will be the primary use of the MES?

    Maritime             C                 Inmarsat A          [me]        Trading               C        Yachts               {G
    Maritime Fixed                         InmarsatB           A            PassengerCtuise      [        Other
                                            inmarsatC          OA           Offshore             O        please specifty           Je&— /pPpemoustrArio»s

                                            inmargat M         O            Government            C

                                            Inmarsatphone      &            Fighing               OA
                                            mint M

    What will be the country of registry of this MES?       US A

    Mobile Earth Staton (MES) manufacturer                                             Mobile Earth Station (MES}) model
                                                     48     Nern                                                               Womoppnone              Maciug

£9/06/08 BB:52:B8                    .                            Comsat—>                                           3012147859                 Comsat Mobile Corp             Page 0083

|4.:~       Whatieervices are you

Enter your mobile Earth Station (MES) Seriai number

Primary Inmarsat Mobile number (if known})                                     |                             1
Privacy         O         voce       O          Fax          0A                HSD                   G               DHSO           ant|        Telex   {]   Telexanswerback ‘ID]

Secondary Inmarsat Mobile number {if known! ‘                 ]        l       ]'      I     ]       ]       l
Privacy          J        voke       OA         Fax          Q                     HSD               O               DHSD           —
Preffered service activation region             Pacific           0A                Indian           O         Atlante     _        Atlantic     {0
                                                                                                               East                 West
 Prefiered service activation LES:                                                                       Preferred service activation date: (daymonth/year)

 Agent to conduct test                                                                                               Country:

 Telephone + Country code (                     ) Area code _                                ) Talephone number (                                             )

 Faceimile + Country code {                     ) Area code (                                ) Faceimile number (                                             }   Go to Section 5
 PSA use on!                                    Type of test:                       Reduces )                        (Full ) test only if the installation has changed)

 Enter your Inmarsat
                 r   Serial
                         ial number
                                 ber (ISN)
                                      {ISN ‘3‘ —{                  !       L LIt                 i       I       T     l    l   1

 Tick only 1 service per row and Privacy it requlred                                                                                                         PSA use only
 Number         Privacy      Voice        Fax         Data                                                                                                   Inmarsat Mobile number







  ‘              0A O O O                                                                                                                       8

                     _ O U
                            LCO CU


                                          Q O
 To enter more services          py and complete this page as required, then go to Section 5

  EnyourInmarmer Seral rumber 089 [gT—[—[—| [—|[ |[ [ |]
  Tick only 1 service per row and Privacy If requilred
                                                                                                                 PSA use only
  Number         Privacy     Voice        Fax                          Service code                              Inmarsat Mobile number

                            0O U


  To enter more services, copy and complete this page as required, then go to Section 6 >

   Enter your Mobile Earth Staton (MES) Serial number

                                                                       PSA use only
      Privacy               Telex answerback                           inmarsat Mobils number

           D                ll]                                        !:Illl]ll!l                                                               ‘           Go to Section 6

B9/0/8BB A§:53:12                                           Comsat—>                      3812147859       Conmsat Mobile Corp                 Page 084

[inmarsat—phone mini—M and SIM card services(SeenoteI
If you are registering a mini—M HYBRID please Input the four ISN numbers In the foilowing boxes:

                            GZlel I [ T [ T T [( T T                                         F?T]HHIHJ |_]
                            [Zlel [ 1   [ 1 1 [ [[                                           [@rlsl [ [ [ [ [ 1 [ [ [ |
Emer your inmarsat sertai number ((SN)                                            Enter your SIM card serial number (SSN)

[ZTelela Is |aislols ls is 14                        PSA use only
                                                                                  L1 11 J || [ }                               | }   PSA use only
Service           Privacy    Service code        Inmarsat Mobile number         Service             Prvacy Service code           Inmarsat Mobits number

voice       [       Q                                                           Voice        0       0

Fax                 O                                                           Fax          o       0
tar          ®@     0                                                            Data        Q       C
To enter more services copy and complete this page as required, then go to Section 5

If you are NOT applying for a Multi—channel or the Mobile Earth Station
(MES) is not part of a Multi—channel GC TO SECTION e
If the Mobile Earth Station (MES) applied for is part of a Multi—channel but is NOT the
primary channel enter the required Information below
             INMARSAT—A ONLY                                                      Em
             Enter the Primary Inmarsat Mobile number of the primary shannel

             INMARSAT—E/M/Inmarsat phone mini—M ONLY
             Enter the Inmarsat Serial number of the primary channe!               L [[(1 } f [ [ [ }
             If you are applying for more than one channel copy and complete Sections 4
             and 5 tor each MES that is part of this Multi—channel application.
[ 6. _         Distress and safety Emergancy Contact Details (See note J)
 Who should we contact?           (Lmsflr‘         fi/o&u;‘      dmmu,wapflous

 Address:            6560        Reep SPeoimmé              Dewe
 Townilclty:            &ry&‘spg                                                  Staterprovince:   77>
 PosVZIP code:              20817                                                 Country:          USA

 Telephone +Country code (         /        )     Areacode{(      Pp,       }     Telephons number ( 224 . %eo                        )

 Faceimile +Country Code (          i       ) Area code (   EZY     )             Facsimile number ( zi/ — josq                      )

 Alternative 24 hour emergency tesphone + Country code (                ) Area code (         ) Telephone number (                               }

 What is the name of the vesse!?

 *ln which country is the vessel registered ?                                      MMS!                                                                 2

 Type of vesse!                                                                    IMO No.

 Call sign                                                                         Gross Tonnage

 Capacity for persons on board (passengers and crew)
      if the vesse! is unregistered, enter the Country where the MES is to be licensed.

 ED:D 77?5 the abovy                               count.                           AA Signature:

  |                     L*
 (Enter AA CGode) —
                                                                                    the owner, have read andagres to comply with the ‘Terms and Conditions for the
      {signed,                                                                      use of the Inmarsat space segment‘, in particular with all applicable nationa: taws
                                                                                    and regulations reating to the use of Inmarsat Mobile Terminals
  Date: __gil,z______‘g
                co0     _

 ©9/86/08 ABIS4:25                           Consat—>      _          3012147859      Consat Hobile Corp            Page @45


                                                           Article 1
                                                Scope of Terms and Conditions

(A)    These Terms and Conditions shail apply to the authorization between inmarsat Limited ("the Company") and the Owner or
       Licenses of the Mobile Earth Station ("MES") ("the MES Owner") described in tha applicabie Service Activation Registration
       Form ("SARF"), with respect to the utitization of the Iinmarsat space segment by the MES.

(B)    For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions:

       (1} "SARF" means an application made by the MES Owner for utilization of tha inmarsat space segment,

       (2) "Point of Service Activation (PSA)" means the entity responsible for processing the SARF.

(C)    The MES Owner sheli ensure that any cperator or user of the MES ("the MES Operator") is informed of and complies with
       these Termns and Conditions, as far as applicable, at ali times.

                                                          Article 2
                                           MES Performance, Criteria and Operations

(A)    Authorization Subject to Compliance with T echnicai, Operating and Other Requirem ents

       (1} Throughout its utilizaton of the Inmarsat space segment, the MES shall comply with the criteria and performance
       standards to which it was type—approved, and the MES Owner and Cperator shall comply with the operating procedures
       notified by the Company to the MES Owner and MES Operator at any time or times.

       (2) The MES shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

       (3) The MES Owner shall notify the PSA prompitly of any change in the Accounting Authority or Inmarsat Servics Provider
       (ISP) or other billing entity, as specified in the SARF.

       {4) The authorization to utilize the inmarsat space segment shall be conditional upon compliance with this Article 2. The
       MES Owner and Opsrator shall not utilize the Inmarsat space segment in a manner contrary to the environmental usage
       and distress and safety conditions specified in the SARF or contrary to these Terms and Conditions, without the prior written
        consent of the Company.

 (B)    Sanctions in the Case of   Non—compliance

        {1) The Company shall be entitled, at any time or times. and with immediate effect, unilaterally to modify, restrict, suspend or
        lerminate, temporarily or permanently, the authorization by nofification to the MES Owner and the MES Operator, if the
        Company deems the MES or the MES Ownsr or the MES Operator to not so comply, or to practise a utilization not so
        authorized. no matter what the cause or causes of such non—compliance or practice.

        (2)The Company shall also send a copy of the notification to the PSA.

        (3) Unless the authorization has been terminated, the Company shall lift such modification, restriction or suspension, if it is
        demonstrated to the Company‘s satistaction that compliance has been resumed and will be maintained, or that such
        unsuthorized practice has been and will be discontinued by the MES Owner or MES Operator,

 ©9/06/08 A8O:S§S:IS        _                  Comsat—>                 3812147859 Consat Mobile Corp                 Page 0BG

{C)     Suspension and Termination in Special Cireumstances

        {1) The authorization shall be deemed to be suspended during any period in which persistent malfunction of any operation of
        the MES that degrades the performance of the Inmarsat spase segment occurs.

         {2) The authorization shall be deemed to be terminated if any one of the following circumstances cccurs:

                 a) any change in tha information contained in the SARF which would require a change in MES identity:v

                 (b) significant modification or change to the MES;

                 fc) in the case of a ship earth station (SES), removal of the SES from the ship on which it has been authorized to

         (3) The MES Owner or MES Operator, as the case may be, shall notify the Company prompitly in writing via the PSA of the
         esvents specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) above.

 (D)     Cuspension tor Non—Payment of_Accountsand Other Causes

         {1) Without prejudise to any of the other remedies and provisions of these Terms and Conditions or at law, the Company
         and any or all of the land earth station (LES) Operators in the Inmarsat system may, individually or jointly, suspend the
         authsrization due to non—payment of accounts for the telescom munications services provided by the LESs, urauthorized use
         of the MES, loss or theft of the MES, frauduient use of or by the MES, other non—compliance with these Terms and
         Conditions, insolvency of the MES Owner or MES Operator or their designated entity responsible for payment of accounts.
         or any other reason established under the Company‘s Barring Procedures in forse at the relevant time.

         (2) Upon being satistied that the causes of the suspension have been remedied, the Company and the LES Operators may
         lft the suspension.

         (3) In the case of a ship earth station, the suspension shall not restrict an MES from transmitting a distress alert and distress
         priority message The Company and the LES Operator shall use reasonable efforts to restore access to the space segmert
         for subsequent safety communications associated with the distress situation.

         {4) In connection with the administration of the Company‘s Sarring Procedures, the Company and the LES Operators may
         share information about the status of the MES with each other, with Nominated Baming Authorities designated by LES
          Operators and . in the case of SESs, with Maritime Inspection Agencies.

          Compliance with Nationa! and International Regqulations

          in utilizing the inmarsat space segment, the MES Ownar and MES Operator shall comply with all applicable national laws
          and regulations goveming the use of radiscommunications in the terdtorial sea, the ports, or national territory of any State in
          which the MES is located at any time, and any other applicable national or international ‘aws and regulations and the MES
          Owner shall indemnity the Company and any LES Operator concemed against any loss incurred oy them as a result of any
          non—compliance with this paragraph. The Company shall hold the benefit of this indemnity as trustese for any such LES

                                                                 Article 3
                                                         Financial Obiligations

  The establishment of charges tor the telecom munications services provded by the land earth stations (LESs) is the prerogative of
  the awner and/or operator of the LES. All accounts for telecommunications services via the LESs must be paid by the MES Owner
  without delay. in the event of delayed payment the Company and thie LES Operators concermed may discontinue
. telecommunications services tor the MES in default, except for the exchange of distress traffic, in accordance with Article 2(D) (3)
  above. If an LES Operator is unable to collect charges from the Accounting Authority, ISP of other billing entity specitied in the
  SARF, personal and corporate details of the MES Owner or Operator may be disclosed to the LES Operator for the purposes of
  debt collection.

§9/86/06 BA:SG:S3I           _                   Comsat—>                  3912147859 LConsat Hobile Corp                   Page 887

                                                                  Article 4
                                                    Telecommunications Disclaimer

{A)      This Artisle applies to the Company for itself and as trustee for the benefit of the lessors, manutacturers, or other providers
         of the Inmarsat space segment; the owners or operators of LESs; and the direciors, officers, employees, agents or
         assignees. of any of them ("the other indemnitees"}.

(B)      Subject to peragraph (D) below, neither the Company nor any of the other indemnitees shali be liable for any ciaims
         attributable to any unavailability, deiay, interruption. disruption or degradation in of of the Inmareat space segment capacity,
         modification, restrietion, suspension or termination of the authorization in accordance with Article 2(D)(1) above; failure to
         restore access in accordance with Article 2(D)(2) and (3) above: or sharing of information about the status of the MES in
         accordance with Article 2(D)(4) or Article 3 above regardless of the cause or causes thereof, Such waiver of claims shall
         also extend to any direct or consequsntial lbss, damage, lfability or expense, loss of revenue or business harm of any kind.

(C)      The MES Owner agrees to incdemnify the Company and the other indemnitiees and hold them harmless from any claims that
         might be made by the MES Operator or any other entity or person, attributable to any of the causes referred to in paragraph
         (B) above.

{D)      Nothing in this Article 4 shall exctude or !imit fiability for death or personal infjury in any junediction where. as a matisr of |law.
         such liabiiity cannot be excluded or limited.

                                                               Article 5
                                                     Language and Communications

(A)        These terms and conditions and all documentation and communications required thersunder snall be in the Engiis~

(B)        All communications pertinent to the authorization or to these Terms and Conditions shali be made or confirmed by telex.
           taceimile, data tranemission or other wiitten or electronic form. Communications by Inmarsat the Company to the MES
           Owner and the PSA shall be sert to its their last known address, and communications to the MES Operator shall be sent
           to via the MES.

                                                                   Article 6

 The terms and conditions as herein stated are subject to amendment by the Company such amendment to become effective upon
 the date specified by the Company but not lese than thirty (30) days after the date of notification of the amendment to the MES
 Owner. the MES Operator and the PSA

                                                                    Article 7
                                                         Certification and Agreement

 { the owner have read and agree to comply with the above Inmarsat "Terms and Conditions".

 Name (Print]                    Qfll&     L   revens
_Signed:                          / z5 £.
                                      /a_%g   . G{’;&f
 Date:                                5       .7,   2CR

  Relevant Inmarsat Mobile Numberis
                                                         {To be entered by the PSA)

29I/0R6/06 A8:S8:AR          _          .             Comsat—>                      3912147859          Consat Mobile Corp                   Page 996

     Notes ftor Completing the Maritime Mobile Earth Station(MES)
     Service Activation Registration Form (SARF)

     This registration Form applies to Maritime customers only. This should be completed and signed by the owner of the MES who ultimately
     be responsible for the payment of traffic incurred by the MES. If applying tor more than one MES the customer must prepare separate
     Registration Forms for each MES applied for. To obtain the authorisation to activate the MES, this Registration Form should be submitted
     sithsr directly to trie PSA or to the Inmareat Service Provider (ISP). For further information on PSAs and ISPs please contact the inmargat
     Customer Activation Group at the following address:
                                             Customer Activation Group
                                             Inmarsat Limited
                                             99 City Road
                                             London EC1Y 14X
                                             United Kingdom

                                                 Telephons +44 207 728 1020
                                                 Faceimile +44 207 728 1142/528 OfcE
                                                 internet address: commissioning @inmarsat.org

      Enter the compliete name and address of the Company, Organisation or Individual who will be ultimate‘ly responsible for the payment of
      traffic incured by this MES. Ensure that country and area codes are entered within the approptiate brackets for telephone and facsimile
      numbers. Details of the contact person who will be responsible tor dealing with queries concerning the MES, must also be entered.

      Enter the ontity, Inmarsat Service Provider (1SP) or Accounting Authority (AA) trat wiil be responsible for handling and managing your traffic
      account. This is the entity where Involess from the Land Earth Station (LSS) will be sent The customer must ensure that prior agreement
      with either the ISP or AA has been secured before completing this section. PSAs may not agree to process the application if no evidence is
      snown that such agreement exists.

      This section determines the environment where the MES will be used, the system applied for, and the primary use of the MES. This section
      also icentifies the model of the MES and the country where !t will be registered
      Environment usage:
      1} Maritime means any MESs that is installed on board a ship, or any other vessel.
      1) Maritime Fixed means any maritine MES that is installed on a fixed marnitime installation such as fixed oil drilling platforms. lignt houses,
       maritime colleges, eic. Maritime fixed MESs shali not be used on board a ship or any other vessel.
      The System:
      Enter whether the MES to be activated is an Inmarsat— A, 8, C, M,. Inmarsatphone mini—M.
      Primary use of the MES:
      Tick the box that fits the type of ship. For example, Container ships, Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers should be classified as ‘Trading‘.
      Country of Registry.
      The country of registry is the country where the vessel is registered, or where the fixed instaliation is located.
      MES Manutacturer and Model:
      Enter the name of the MES manufacturer and the complete MES Model name.
       Note D—H What services are you applying for? The Customer should complete the section pertaining to the type of the MES.

       Enter the MES serial number which should be lecated on the outside casing of the MES.
       if applying for a Primary inmarsat Mobife Number (IMN), teave blank and tick all the services that you want activated for the Primary IMN. If
       the MES has baen activated and you are applying either for an additional service (s) or for a second IMN, enter the Primary IMN and the
       services that you want to add. If activating a Telex enter a 4 — letter answerback. Enter ‘Y" or N‘ in the ‘Privacy‘ box if the IMN is ex—directory
       or not. {If Privazy «Y, any enqulries regarding the MES will not be permitted by Inmarsat and the enquirer will be referred to the PSA.
       If applying for a Second IMN, leave blank and tick ail the services that you want activated for the 2nd {MN. If applying for a 2nd IMN on an
       MES that has been activated, enter the Primary IMN of the MES. If applying for additional service(s) on an activated 2nd IMN, enter the 2nd
        IMN and the additional services to be added.
       The Customée: should identify the preferred ocean reglon, the LES, date and time when the activation tests will be conducted, and the Agent
       who wil conduct the tests. It is important to Include the International dialling codes when enterlng the telapnone and facsimile numbers to
       faciiitate the conftact with the Agent.

_ B9/06/@0 @8:59:41                                   Consat—>                      3012147859 Comsat Mobile Corp                           Page BA9

      [NotéE_ Inmarsat—B sery
      Enter the Inmarsat Serial Number (ISN) which should be found on the outside casing of the MES. The first digit has been entered for you. Enter
      the services required by ticking the boxes corresponding to such services. Also enter ‘Yor ‘N in tha Privacy box, against each service that
      has been selected ({when Privacy =Y, any enquiries regarding the MES will not ba permitted by Inmarsat, and the enquires wil! be referred to
      the PSA. :t more than 5 services are required, copy this page, re—number the row accordingly and complete as required. Example: If requesting
      tor 3 Voice, 3 Fax and 2 HSD, tlek the box under Voice in rtows 1. 2 and 3; tick the tox under Fax for rows 4, 5 and 6 ({additional page
      renumberad to stant with number 8) and tick the box under HSC for rows 7 and 8 on the additional paga, For Telex, the customer must enter
      the 4—letier answerback Enter the service coce it known. The list of service codes are attached for your convenience. Otherwise ask the PSA o
      1SP to provide the service codes. Leave the inmarsat Mobile Number {IMN) blank. The PSA will assign the IMN for each service requested.
      Note: The same procedures         id be followed if applyingtor additionel services on an Inmarsat—B MES that has been previcuslyactivated.
             E:. inmars:
      Ente: the Inmarsat Serial Number (ISN) which should be found on the outside casing of the MES. The first digit has been entered for you. Enter
      the services required by ticking the boxes corresponding to such services. Also enter "Y" or ‘N‘ on the Privacy box, against each service that
      has been selected (when Privacy «Y, any enquiries regarding the MES will not be permitted by inmarsat and the enquirer wiil be referred to the
      PSA. If more than 4 services are required, copy this page, re—number the row accordingly and complete as required. Exampie: If requesting for
      3 Voice, 3 Faxerc 2 Data, tick the box under Vaoice for rows 1. 2 and 3; tick the box under Fax for rows 4, 5 and 6 (additional page renumbered
      to start witn number 5) and tick the box under Data ftor rows 7 and 8 on the additional page. Enter the service code if known. The list of service
      codes are attached for your conveniance. Otherwise ask the PSA or ISP to provide the service code. Leave the inmargat Mobile Number {IMN})
      blank The PSA will aesign the IMN for each service requested. Note: The same proceduras ehould be followed if applying for additional
      services on an Inmarsat—M MES that has been previsusly activated.

      Enter the MES Serial Number which should be found on the outside casing of the MES. The manufacturer or his agent will provide this serial
      numbenrif it is not placed on the casing Enter ‘Y" or ‘N‘ on the Privacy box. . { when Privacy =Y, any enquiries regarding the MES will not be
      permitted by Inmarsat and the anquirer will be referred to the PSA. Enter the 4—letter telax answerback. (Numbers and spacial characters are
      not allowed.] Leave the inmargat Mobile Number (IMN) blank. The PSA will asgsign the IMN for each service requested.

         ‘is section willalow Gustomers to apply for the service activation of MiniM on its own, MinV plus SIM Card, or SIM Card on its own.
       When applying tor a Mini—M Hybrid, enter the four inmersat Seriat Numbers (ISNs) in the four boxes provided, whether all the ISNs are to e
       activated or not. Next, enter the ISN to be registerediactivated in the box below, and proceed as foliows:— If applying for activation of a
       Mini—M MES, enter the Inmarsat Serial Number ({SN) which should be found on the cutside casing of the MES.
       The first two digits have been entered for you. !f applying for a SIM Card enter the SIM Card Serial Number (SSN).
       Enter the services required by ticking the boxes corresponding to such services . Also enter °Yor ‘N‘ on the Privacy box. ( when Privacy =Y,
       any enquiriss regarding the MES will not be permitied by Inmarsat and the enquirer will be referred to the PSA.
       Enter the service code If known. The list of service codes are attached for your convenlence. Ctherwiss ask the PSA or ISP to pravide the
       service code. Leave the inmarsat Mobile Number (IMN) blank. The PSA will assign the IMN for each service requested. If applying for both
       Inmarsat—prone mini—M MES and SIM Card, the MES and the SIM card will be allocated separate IMNs.

       A Muft—Channel MES is composed of several MESs that are connected to only one antenna. It allows the customer to send cails on one. MES
       and receive ca‘ls on another MES simultaneously. This is in contrast to a single—channel MES where a customeris not able to receive a
       facsimile whilst the teleghonse is being used. If the MES applied for is the Primary Channe! do not complete this section. However. if the MES is
       a ‘secondary shannel‘ complete the relevant area in Section 4 and enter the primary IMN {for Inm—A) or primary (SN (for Inm—M/B‘mini—M) in this
       section. Nete: Ifapplying for the Primary and secondary channels at the same time, complete separate forms for each Channel. For inmarsat— A,
       the IMN of the primary channel at this point is not known. Custormer must ensure that all the inmarsatA registration forms for the secondary
       channels are attached firmly to the registration forms for the Primary channel.

       Enter the complete name and address of the Individual who will be responsible for acting on behalf of the owners of the vessel on
       shore in case of a distress and safety situation when the MES is used for this purpose. Ensure that country and area codes are entered within
       the appropriate brackets for telephone and faceimile numbers. Do not omit any details, as immediate contact must be established with such a
       person when the distress and safety situation arises.

       Enter the ship‘s cetails as required. Applicants using this form must alwaye enter the correct details and in particular the Call Sign, the MMS!
       and the IMO Number. PSAs may not agree to process the epplication if the details in this section is incomplete.

        1. To.asvsist"flfie PSA, this is an antry for the AA 1o verify they accept the account. by placing their code and signature in the required sections.
        2. This section mustbe signed by the pereon who owns the MES and has the ustimate respensibliity tor ensuring payment ef treffic Incumred
        by the MES

Document Created: 2000-10-20 12:43:36
Document Modified: 2000-10-20 12:43:36

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