Form 442

0240-EX-PL-2000 Text Documents

Comsat Mobile Communications


— go/Re/@a B9:85:16                                   Comsat—>                           1012147059 Consot Mobile Core                            Page ©13

  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIOGNS COMMISSION                                                                                                          APPROVvED BY Oms
  Washington, BC 20554                                                                                                                           3080—0065
                                                                                                                                              Expires Q/30/38


   L     Applicant‘s Name end Post Office address                               1                         Do NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK
        {Street address, oity, state, and ZIP Code. See instrection                       Fila No.

         No. 4)

                            boto Bos Fove FPore
                        (}MS            ”7   +2       fl nuy i Crfrees

                            Bemespon     MP—         36297


   Ks). Application for (check only one box)                                             D. For Mod!{"isation indicate below:
       «g_ New station          C moaifieaion of exgting authorization                   Flle Ko:                                Cell Sign:
   £. Appllcation for Modification: Check the box beside all particulars to be modified. Check either additian or re—
        masement to indinate whether the change is an addition or & replacement of parameters in the current euthorization.

  [_] rreoueney —                        ] emission —                                   [ rower —                           C cocatmion —
       [] adgition o [D] replasement?        []] eddition er [D] replacement?             J agdition or [{] replacerment?        J asdition or [] repiassment?

  D      OTHER PARTICULARS — additien or replacement? (Describe below or in attached EXHISIT No.                                   )

   4. Perticulars of              n (see Instruction below)
         frequency {stale                         POWER                                                              MODVLAT ING              NECESSARY   BANDWICTH
       whether kNz or Mbz                                                                                              SIGNAL                        tz

       (A)   List eash frequency or frequency band separately. (If more space is required, aitack as EXHIBIT No.
       (2)    Ipsert maximum REFoutput; power at the transmitter terminals. Specify units.
       (C)   Insert maximum effective rediated power from the antenna (If pulsed emission, specify peak power). Specify
           vnits                                                                                                                          .
       (D) Insert "MEAN" or "PEAK" (See definitions in Part B).
       (E)   List cach type of emission separitely for each frequency. (See Section 2201 of FCC Rules)
       (F)   Insert as appropriate for the type of modulation:
             {D) the maximum speed of keying in beauds;
             (2) meximum audio modulating frequency;
             (8) frequency deviation of carrier;
             4) puise duration and repetition rate.
             For complex emissions. describe in detell in the space provided below.
       (C)   Desoribe how the nevessary bandwidth wes determined in space provided below.                                              FCC Form 4451 "hpfifggg
                                                                                                                             >                            are

BQ/BGIBB 89 :06 :18                                     Comsat—>                        3812147859      Comsat Nobile Corp                FPage A14

§(@). Proposed location of transmitter and transmitting antenna (check oniy one box to Indicate type of operation}:
      & FIXED/BASE                    D MOBILE                      D BASE AND MOBILE

5(D). If permenently loceted ate FIKXED location, give below:                                    &c). If mobile, describe the exact area of
State                   County                      City or Town                                       operation.
     D                  MaxréomeRy                         eruesry)
Mimber and a:reet (or other indloation of location)

            65(’0        /?00( 5/%1:06      PQIV(;’

BCSX1). Enter geographical coordiantes exact to the nesrest second (see instruction 19)          E(CKIEnter geographical coordinates of the approximate
                                                                                                 cemer of mobile operation (see insruction      10
Nerth Latitude: {DO—MM—S$)                     West Longitude LCO—MM—SS)                         North Latitude                  West Longliude
            0              1           6t                  o          ®            +6              C              +         LJ   c‘         ®           6e

 37                o1          32                     77        O¢€          04
KGi). Datum (see instruction 10k .......... ......2.                  0 nanz                     nabas                Pm
 ¢. Is a directional antenne (other than radar) used? [S] vyrpg                             1    xo
        If "YES", give the following informetion:                                                                 o
        (s) Width of beam in degrees at the heir—power point_25 °w                         Aaimez»t       b5 °u) Eeevation
        (b} Orlentaetion in horizontal plane                                       (c) Orientatior in vertical plane

 7         is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of m government contréect with an agency of the
           United States Governmeni?                           D ¥ESs        E NO
           if "YES* attach as EXEIBIT No. ____________.& narrative statement describing the government project,
           augency and centact number.
           Is this authorization to be used for the exciusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed
           by stations under the Jurisdiction of a foraign government?
                                                                          {Q vss            HX xc
           if "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. ______________.the following information: Provide the contract number and the
           name of the foreign govarnment cancerned.

 8. :s this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a researoh project? (The rad‘o communt—
    cation is not the objective of the research project).
                                                                             ¥ES             K xo
           If "YEBS", sttacoh as EXHIBIT No, _______             .4 narrative statement provding the fellowing inf‘or*na.uon:
           (@e) A description of the nature of the x-esearoh projeot being conducted.
           (b; A showing that the communications facllitles requested are fecessary for the research project involvec
           (0) A showing that existing communioations facilities are inadequate.

 10 If all the answers to Items 7. & and 8, are "NO%, attech as EXHIBIT No. _____2_____.a nerretive statement describing
           in detail the following:
           (a) The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including deseription of equipment
                 end thaory of operation.
           (b) The specific objectives sought to be eccomplished.
           to) How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extengion.
                 expansion, or utilization of the radio ard, or is along line not already in vestigated.
 llies). Give an estimate of" the length of time that will be required to oompleta the program of
                                                                                                expoflment&tion proposed
                is this application:           @4     MevTHS§
      (5) If less then & & give the length of time in months theat the authorization requsested in this applicationr
          will be required:
  12.           Would a Commission grant of this application come within Seotion 11607 of the FCC Rules, such that it may have a
                significant environmental impact (see instruction 117                        D    ¥Es                 K    xo
                If "YES\, ettech es EMHIBIT Noe, ________________an Environmental Assessment as required by Section LSiL

     13.        List below transmiliting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so state}:
                MANLFACTURER                                            MODEL NUM@ER                                                        NO. of UunittTs

                  /\}ERA                                                     WOkLDPr/aUE         /”/JR’MIE                                        ,L

                                                                                                                                 FCC Form 442 — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                  March 1896

‘   89/%)88 89 :07 :28                                 Comsat—>                   3012147859      Consat Mobile Corp                Page 015

    14      Is the equipment listed in [tem 13 capable of station identification pursuant to Section 61827                   {< Y=S       {1      xo

    16. — Will the artenna extend more than 6 meters gbhove the ground, 0r If mounted on an existing Dbuilding, will it extend
          more than 6 meters above the bullding, or will lhe proposed entenre be mounted on an existing strusture other
          than a building?                               D ves          K   xo
             If "YES", give tha following (see insiruction 9):
            (a) Overall height &bove ground to tip of antenna is _____________ meters

             (b) Hlevation of grourd ati antenna site above meen sea level is _____________ metera.
             (o©) Distance to negrest siroreft landing area is                                                                  kilameters.

             (8) List any neture]l formatliors of existirg men—made structures (hills, trees, waler tanks, towers, etc) which, in
                  the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alreraft and thereby minimize the
                  aeronautloal hazard of the antentia.

             te) Submit as EXHIBIT No. ____________.a vertical profile sketch of totel structure including supporting bullding.
                  If any, giving heights in meters above ground for all significant featuros Clearly indicoate existing portion,
                  noting perticulars of aviation opstruction lighting elready available.
              Applicant is    (Check enfy ere boa?

              J     momvinouamn       [(    association                 0   partNERSHIP                 CORPORATION

              [] oTHER (qescribe in space provided below)

     17.      is applicant a foreign government or a representalive of a foreign government?                                  Q   vEes        m   NO

              Hes epplicant or any party to this application had &ny PCC station license or permit revoked or had any
              application for permit, license or renewal denied by this Commission?                        O vss      O                           xo
              If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. __________.@ statement giving call sign of lHcense or permit
              revoked and relate clroumstances.

              Will applicant be owner and operator of the station?                                                            K iss           [(] xo
     20.      Cive neme, title, and telephone number (include arsea code), and Internet e—mail address (if applicable) of person
              who can best handle inquirles pertaining to this application.

                  fim;c Sreveas 7            t%puamms           LnGmeck                (36)) di! —3160          Ceat. Smusws @ Oomsar. com
              By checking "YES*, the individual applicant certifies that he or she is eligible for this lHicense. This requires trat
              he or she is not subjaot to a denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, as s result of a drug offense
              conviction pursuant to Section 6601 of the Antl— Drug Abuse Aot of INGB&, 21 USC. 862. A con— individuel applicant.
              eg. corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association, certifies that no party to the application is
              subject o a denial of federel benefits, pursuant to that section. For definition of a "party" "or these purposes,
              sea 47 CFR 12002(b).
                                                                                                                              A ves           ( xo
     22.       list below al: exhibits in numerical sequence and the item number of form requiring the exhibit identified.

           EXBIGNT NUVBER    iTFM NO. OF fORMM       EXHIB!T   MUWBER        fTEM ND. OF FORM            EXMISHT   RUMEER           ITM NO. Of FORA


                                                                                                                            FCC Form 442 — Page 4
                                                                                                                                       March 1998

poa/R6/8A AY :808 :35             .                     Comsat—>                3012147859        Consat Mobile Corp         Page 816

        Attention: Read this certification earefully before signing this application.

        (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 @nd 5 are on hand; and
        (b) Adequate financlal approprietiors have been made to carry on the program of experimeniation which will
            be conducted by qualified personnel: end
        (c) All operations will be on an experimental basis in accordance with Part 6 and other applicable rules, and wili
            te conducted in such a manner end et such a time as to presclude harmful interference io any eulhorized
            station:; and
        (d) Crant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
            (i) that the frequencies and olker technical perameters specified in the authorization ero the best
                 euited for the proposed program of experimentation, and
            (2) tha: the applicant will be authorized to operete on any besls other than experimental, and
            (8) that the Commission is obillgated by the resulis of the experimental program to make provision in its rules
                including its table of frequenoy aliocations for &pplicant‘s type of operation on a regularly lioensed basls.

         (e) A‘ll the statements in the application and atisohed exhiblits are true, complete and correct to the best of the
             applisant‘s knowledge, and
         (£} The applicant is willing io finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledgo and
             understanding of the above limitations; and
         (g) The applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromegnetic spectrim as
             against the regulatory power of the USA.

               Signed and dated this          __//v@sDay           67            day of         Scpreméer                       .z ateo

               Name 0°" Applicant                Camsar__Mhgue              Cimmywm:@areug
                                                                   {nest correspend   with newy givee on page   !

               By            K?fi/é L_Szevers                                                               L tog _ %2
                                           ({pringt                                                     Y:‘;nat:rc) C‘

               Title       %fll!{‘/}t@fy15             £N6 Neer

          Check appropriate classifiaation:

          D      Individuel eppliceant         D       Member of applicent pertnership

          [X     authorized employee           [D]     Office of applicant corporation or association

  {jsotion @12!e¥‘), AND/OR FORFEMUNE (U.S. Cade, Title 47, Section 609).
                                             NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OF 1974
                                                   AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1580
  Information requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1984, as amended, and specified
  hy Section 908 therein. The Information will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine
  wigibility for issuing euthorizations in the use of the frequency specirum and to effecl the provisions of regulatory
  irusponsibilities rendered by the Commission by the Act. Information requested by this form will be availleble to the
  iblic unless otherwige requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0.456 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Your response is required
  !o obtain this authorization.

     IMiplic reporting burden for this collection of informmation is estmated to average four (4) hours par resporse, including the time
     ‘urcreviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maint@ining the data needed, and completing and review—
     1g the callection of information. Send comments regarding this purden estmate or any other aspect of this collection of
     information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Federa) Communications Commission, Records Management
     li:amch, Paperwoerk Reductlion Project (3060—0085), Washington, CC 20§§64. DC NOT send completed applications to this
     iuldress.      Indiviguals   are no: required o respond T0 this colleéction unlass i# displays a currently valld DIME conirol rumber,

      1ND TEE PAPERWORX REDUCTION ACT OF 1880, PL 90—G5i1, DECEMSER ii, 1980, 44 US.C. s6o7.

                                                                                                                    "CC Form 442 — Page 5
                                                                                                                               March 1996

Document Created: 2000-10-20 12:38:16
Document Modified: 2000-10-20 12:38:16

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