
0003-EX-ST-2001 Text Documents

Comsat Mobile Communications


s   Mobile Communications

                                                                                      6560 Rock Spring Drive
                                                                                        Bethesda, MD 20817
                                                                                     Telephone 301 214 3000

September 7, 2000

Exhibit 1:

To Whom It May Concern:

Comsat Mobile Communications (CMC) provides satellite communications services to ships and land
transportable units virtually anywhere in the world through earth stations in Connecticut, California,
Turkey, and Malaysia.

Comsat Mobile Communications has an operational testing facility located at our headquarters in
Bethesda, Maryland. CMC also provides training at customer locations. This Nera Worldphone
Marine Mini—M Inmarsat unit will be used for testing, demonstrations, and training at customer
locations throughout the U.S., but primarily will be used at the Bethesda, MD location.


Craig F. Stevens
Applications Engineer
Comsat Mobile Communications

09/86/88 A9:12:33        .            Comsat—>               3812147859   Conmsat MHobile Corp       Page 828


               The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") requires COMSAT Corporation
        ("COMSAT") to obtain authority prior to providing service to Inmarsat terminals operated from
        land—based (i.e., nonmaritime locations] within the United States,. The FCC will only grant
        domestic service authority to COMSAT under certain circumstances. The FCC‘s determination
        is made on a case—by—case basis with regard to the specific facts of each request. For instance,
        the FCC has authorized COMSAT to provide space segment capacity in the United States where:

        {1)    the capacity is required to test and demonstrate the communications capabilities of an
               Inmarsat terminal to prospective customers;

        (2)    the performance of an Inmarsat terminal is to be tested prior to sending/taking it abroad;

        (3)    personnel are to be trained in the use of Inmarsat terminal(s) prior to being deployed

        (4)     an Inmarsat terminal is needed for emergency communications (either as backup
                communications or disaster relief); or

        (5)     an Inmarsat terminal is required to provide services from a remote location where no
                alternative means of communications is available.

                Therefore, the following information is necessary for COMSAT to prepare its request for
        authority from the FCC to provide domestic Inmarsat space segment capacity to your terminal{(s)
        in a timely manner. The more specific and detailed the information you provide us about
         the Intended use(s) of the terminal, the more likely it will be that COMSAT will be able to
         obtain timely FCC authorization to provide the services you need! Please feel free to attach
         additional pages if needed to answer questions fully.

         1.     Company‘s Name:                  d”"""‘f   [egue 4’”’/Udllc'4mws

         2.     Company‘s Business:            Soreuire Cimavu: CA Tious

£9/06/00 A9:13:37.        .             Comsat—>               3012147059      Comnsat Mobile Corp          Page 6821

       3.     Who will operate the terminal?              (0)/»547"     PResownet

       4.     By what date do you need to operate the terminal in the U.S.?              /46 Seeu [ls Zessioee
              For how long?             @4      {avrus

              Please indicate on page 3 your reasons for needing to use the terminal by the specified

        5.    Will the same terminal also be used in one or more foreign countries or globally?
              Yes ___         No X_.

              IF YES, please state on page 3 the country or countries involved, and how frequently you
              intend to use the terminal outside of the U.S.

        6.     Will the terminal be used for test and/or demonstration purposes?
               Yes _X_        No _

               IF YES, please indicate on page 3 where the test(s) or demonstration(s) will take place,
               their duration and whether (a) this is a test prior to sale, (b) this is a test after sale prior to
               use, (c) this is a demonstration to potential customers, (d) the terminal will be a part of a
               test or demo pool, or (e) other {please describe).

        7.     Will the terminal be used to train your employees, customers, or other users?
               Yes X¥_         No__.

               IF YES, please explain on page 3 the nature, purpose, and duration of the training
               (indicating in particular whether the terminal will be used outside the U.S. or if personnel
               being trained will be deployed outside the U.S.):

         8.    Will the terminal be used for emergency communications or in a remote location
               where no alternative means of communications exist?                Yes ___     No X_.

               IF YES, please describe on page 3 the nature of the emergency communication (if
               applicable), state the location, describe the communications service desired, and explain
               the reason(s) why existing means of communications, in particular those of the U.S.
               domestic mobile satellite service licensee (AMSC), are not available or are inadequate to
               meet your communications requirements:

89/06/8A @9 :14:37                          Comsat—>            3812147859    Consat Mobile Corp          Page 822

       9.     If the terminal is to be used for high speed data applications, please indicate the
              speed at which transmissions will be conducted:

       10.    Does your use of the Inmarsat terminal relate to a U.S. Government contract?
              Yes____ No X_.
              IF YES, please briefly describe below how the terminal will be used in fulfilling the
              government contract:

       11.    If not otherwise provided above, state the purpose for which the terminal will be
              used in the United

        12.   You are required to obtain a separate FCC license before operating the terminal in
               the United States. Have you applied to the FCC for a license to operate the
               Yes X_    No           &

               IF YES, give the date you filed the license application:                                  ; or
               the grant date:                               . Please attach a copy of the terminal license

               IF NO, please complete the enclosed FCC application form and return it with the other
               commissioning materials, or explain on page 3 why no additional FCC license is

               Use the space below to provide any additional requested information:
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Document Created: 2001-01-09 14:04:12
Document Modified: 2001-01-09 14:04:12

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