Form 442

0003-EX-ST-2001 Text Documents

Comsat Mobile Communications


©9/86/0B AY:85:16—                   .                   Comsat—>                   38121470859 Comsat Mobile Corp                            Page 013

 FEEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                        APPROVED By OmMB
 Washington, DC 20554                                                                                                                         30§50—0065
                                                                                                                                           Expires 9/30/38


 1.     Aapplicant‘s Name end Post Office addrass                                                     DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK
       ({Street address, clty, state, and ZIP Code See instrecion.                   File No.
       No. 4
            *              (.Zm sar [Vegue                Comnoni@rarieus
                            655%0   Reee Shané Perye

                            Kemespa          MP          3497

 Ka). application for (check only one box)                                          XbD). For Modi"Msation Indicate below

      g. New station            D        Mogification of ex‘sling authorization
                                                                 File No:                        Call Sign:
  E. application for Modification: Check the tox beside all particulars to be modified. Check either additiarn or re—
      slacement to indicate whether tha change is an addition or s raplacement of paramaters in the current suthorization.

[] erecueney —                               C] ewission —                         ] rower —                            C cocarion —
      J aggition oc [C] reptasement?             [] sddition or [|] replacement?     [D] agaition or {7] repiacement?        [] asdition o [ repiassmert?

[D] OTMER PARTICULARS — addition or replacement? (Degeribe below or in attached EXHISIT No.                                     >

  4. Particulars of                 n (ses Instruction below}
        frequeney {state                                                                                         MOODULAT ING              NECESSARY   BANDWICTH
      whather kz or Mz                              POWER                                EMISSION                  SIGNAL                         (KHa)


      (A)       List each frequency or frequency band sgeparately. (If more space is required, aitachk ss EXHIBIT No.
      (®        Insert maximum RF, output power at the transmitter terminals Specify units       .                                                                 )
      (C)       Insert meximum effective radiated power from the antenna (If pulsed emission. specify psak power). Specify
                vunits.                                                                                                                >

      (G)       Ingert "MEAN® or "PEAK" (See definitions in Part 6).
      (E)       List cach type 0f emission separately for eaoh frequency. (See Section 220i of ECC Rules)
      (F)       Insert as appropriate fPor the type of modulation:
                {D) the maximum speed of keying in beuds;
                (2) maximum audio modulating frequency:
                (8) frequenoy Gdeviation of carrier;
                (4) pulse duration and repetition rate.
                For complex emissions. desoribe in detail in the space provided below.
      (G)       Desoribs how the necsessary bandwidth wes determined in space provided below.                                       FCC Form 44'31 ‘hpafggé
                                                                                                                         >                             are

 ©9/06/80 @9 :06:18.                            .          Comsat—>                       3612147059        Consat Mobile Corp                 Page 014

 §(8). Proposed location of transmitter and transmitting anienna (check onliy one box to Indicate type of operation}:
       X] FIXED/BASE                   [] MoBLE                      [] BASE AND MOBILE

  5(D). If permenently loceted ate FIXED location, give below:                                     Ec). If mobile, describe the exact area of
. State                   County            J          City or town                                         operation
      MD                  Mexréomzry                         eruesty3
  Number and atreet (or other indioation of location)

             6bS§b0 hiou Smune Vawe
  BCSX1). Entor geographical coordiantes exact to the nearest second (see instruction 10)          Blc}(IEnter geographical coordinates of the approximate
                                                                                                   center    of mobiie operation (ee ins‘ruction   10)
  Nath           Latitude IDD—MM—SS)                West Longitude CD—MM—S9                        Noth Latitude                      West Lorgitude
             0             1           at                    o          *            10               c            +             LJ   C‘

  397°               ol         22                      77        O¥          04
  K(d) Datum (see instruction 10J ..................                    C Napz                     xabDs               CP
  2. Is a directional antence (other than radar) used? [Z] ypg                                C]   xo
         If "YES", give the following information:                                                                 6     5
         is) Width of beam in degreesa at the half—power point & is                          Asimoz            45 us        beetation)
         (b} Orientation in horizontal plane                                         (c) Orilentation in vertical plane

  7         is this euthorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contrect with an ageney of the
            United States Government?                                   D     ¥BEs            E    NO
            If "YES" attach as EXHIBIT No __________. & narrative statement describing the government project,
            agency and contact number.
            Is this euthorization to be used for the exciusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed
            ty stations under the jurfsdiction of a foreign government?
                                                                            J ves             HA    xc
            if "YES®, attach as EXHIBIT No, ___________.ihe following information: Provide the contract number and the
            name of the foreign government concerned.

   8. is this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a researoh project? (The rad‘o communt—
      cation is not the objective of the research project).
                                                                              ¥ESs            K)) xo
            If "YES, attach as EXHIBIT No.                          .a narrative statement provding the faollowing information:
            (e) A description of the nature of the rasaaroh prolject being conducted.
            (b) A showing that the communications facllitles requested are fecessary for the research project mvolvec.
            (0) A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequate,

   10 If all the angwers to Items 7. & and G, are "NO®, atteoh as EXHIBIT No, ______2_____.s nerrative statement describing
            in detail the fallowing:
            (a) The complete program of résearch and experimerntation proposed including desoription of equipment
                   and thaory of operation.
            (b) The specific objectives sought to be eccomplished.
            tc) How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, exitension,
                expansion, or utilization of the radio ari, or is along line not already investigated.
   la}. Give an estimate of" the length of time that will be required to complete the program of
                                                                                               exporlmentauon proposed
                 is this applcation:                g4__Meurks
        (D) If less then & years, give the length of time in months that the authorization requested in this application
                 will be required:
   12.            Would a Commission grant of this application come within Seotion 11807 of the FCC Rules such that it may have e
                 significant environmental impact (see instruotion 11}?        C ves             K xo
                 If "YES", etteoh es EXHIBIT No, ____________an Environmental Assessment as required by Section LISIL

      13.        List below transmiiting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so statel:
                 MANLFACTURER                                           MODEL NUM@ER                                                             NO. of units

                    NERA                                                       Womopflous            /%QMJE                                             _A

                                                                                                                                      FCC Forn 442 — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                 March 1886

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14.         Is the equipment listed in [tem 13 capable of station ldentification pursuant to Section 61527                 KX    vss         D      NO

18.          Wil the artenna extiend more than 6 meters ebove the grounc, or if mounted on an existing Duliding, will it extenc
            more than 8 meters above the bullding, or will tlhe proposed entenre be mounted on an existing struoture other
            than a building?q                              D 1Es           E   NC
            If "YES", give iha following {(see insiruction $):
            (a) Overall height sbove ground to tip of antenna is ___________ meters
            (b) Elevation of grourd ai antenra site above meen sea level is ________.___ meters.
            (o) Dis:ance to nearest siroraft landing area is                                                                    kilomsters.

            (d) List any netural formatiors of exisling men—mede structures (hills trees, wa‘er tanks, towers, elc) which, in
                  the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alrcraft and thereby minimize the
                  aeronautloal hazard of the antenne.

            te) Submlit as EXHIBIT No. ____________..& vertical profile skeich of totel structure including supporting buillding,
                  if sny, giving heights in meters ebove ground for all significant featurosw Clearly indicare existing portion,
                  noting perticulars of aviation opstruction lighting elready available.

 186.       Applicant is     (Check only one boa?}

             [J     momvipuan       0       asssociaTION              O rpartNERSHIP              K corporation

             [] orkER (escribe in space provided below)

 17.         Is applicant a foreign government or a representative of a foreign government?                                 Q vzss            M xo
  18.         Hes applicant or any pgarty to this application had any FCC station license or permit revoked or had any
             application for permit, lHcense or renewal deniled by this Commission?                                         C     ves         @     xo
             If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No. ___________.@ Statement giving call sign of lcense or permit                              20
             revaked and ralate cilrcumstances.

  18.         Will applicant be owner and operator of the station?                                                                5Es         [ xo
  20.        Give neme, title, and telephone nurmber (include arsea code), and Internet e—mail address (if applicable) of person
             who can best handle inquirles pertaining to this application.

                  C)Rmé S%vrw,              /%Puam/ws        LnGNEER                (30)) at —3160           LCeait. Smvens @ OoASpr. tom
             By checking "YES"%, the individual applicant certifies that he or she is eligible for this license. This requires that
             he or she is not subject to s denial of federal benefits, Including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense
             conviction pursuant to Section 6601 of the Antl— Drug Abuse Aot of I788, 21 USC. 862 A ron— individusl epplicant
             eg. corporation, partnership or other unincorporated associetion, certifies that no party to the application is
             subject io a denisl! of federel benefiis, pursuantl to that section. For definition of a "party" for these purposes,
             sea 47 CFR 1200%(b).                                                                                           H es               Q] xo
      22.    List below al: exthibits in numerical sequence and the item number of form réequiring the exhibit identified.

        EKBIEUT    NUVBER   ITEM ND. Of FOrm         ExxiBit MuwBEA        ITEM ND. OF FCRM   .        EXHISHT   RUMBER              ITMM NO. CF FORMM


                                                                                                                          FCC Form 442 — Page 4
                                                                                                                                            March   1995

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       Attention: Read this certification carefully before signing this application.

      (a) Coples of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 are on hand; and
       (b) Adequate financlel appropriatiors have been made to carry on the program of experimentation which will
           be conducted by quslified personnel; end
       to) All operations will be on an experiztental basis in accordarnce with Part 6 and other applicable rules, and wili
          be conducted in such a manner end et such a time as to preclude hermful interference io any eulhorized
           atation: and
       (d) Crant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
           (i) that tne frequencies and olher technical perameters specified in the authorization are the best
               seuited faor the propesed progrem of experimentation, and
          {2) the:. the applicant will be authorized to operete on any basis cther than experimentel, and
          i8) that the Commission is obligated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in its rules
              including lis teble of frequency allocations for applicant‘s type of operation on a regularly licensed basis.
       (e) All the statements in the application and atreohed exhibits are irue, complete and correct to the best of the
           applisant‘s knowledge, and
       (f} The applioant is willing :o finance and conduci the experimental program with full knowledgo and
            understanding of the above limitations; and
       (ig) The applicant waives any claim to the use of any particrier frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as
            against the regulatory power of the USA.

                                             Td                          24.
            Signed and dated this             __/Av25DAy            07              dey of          Sepreméar                       . ateo
            Name o7 Applicant                   ams.w’            ”703145      dmmuu 1CRrr0S
                                                                    {uest   correspend   with namwy given on gage   1

            By               44/6 F1 g{;Z‘VEAS                                                                  4 _&fl‘}"_    5@_—
                                           {pring?                                                            L:{l";mtvni

            Title          j%fll/(’/lrw18             Zw6 imicer

        Check eppropriate slassifilsation:

        D      Individuel epplicent            D      Member of applicant pertnership

        K      authorized employee             [D]    Office of applicant corporation or assoclation

  {ection 212!aX¥1), AND/OR FORFEMURE (U.S. Code, Titie 47. Seetion 603).
                                             NOTIFICATION 7O INDIVIDUALS UNBER PRIVACY ACT OF 1974
                                                   AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1080
    information requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1984, as amended, and specified
  hy Section 908 therelin. The Information will be used by Fedoral Communications Commission staff io determine
  «ligibility for issuing authorizations in the use of the frequensy spectrum and lo effect the provisions of regulatory
  rusponsibilities rendered by the Commission by the Act Information requested by this form will be evalleble to the
    j:iblic unless otherwise requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0458 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, Your response is required
    io obtain this authorization.

    Public reporting burden for this collection of infomation is estmated to average four (4) hours per resporee, including the time
    ‘or reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and review—
    1g the collection of information, Send comments regarding this burden estmate or any Offéer aspect of this collection of
    iaformastion, including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Federsi Communications Commission, Recoerds Management
    {l—anch, Paperwoerk Reduction Project (30560—0065), Washington, CC 2CS64. DC NOT send completed spplications to this
    nddress.        Indiviguals   are not required o respOnd 10 this colléeciion unlass it Cisplays a currently valid OME conirol number,

     1ND TEE PAPERWORX REDUCTION ACT OF 1880, PL O0—Gil DECEMSER 11, 1980, 44 US.C. G6o7.

                                                                                                                            "CC Form 442 — Pags 5
                                                                                                                                       Marck 1996

Document Created: 2001-01-09 13:56:45
Document Modified: 2001-01-09 13:56:45

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